Trainers Licensed by Jockey Club, Daily Racing Form, 1922-11-03

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TRAINERS LICENSED BY JOCKEY CLUB In the most recent issue of the Racing Calendar of the Jockey Club it is shown that the following trainers enjoy licenses: Akcrs, O. B. Lcary, D. J. Alexander, Frank Leihert, Edward Allen, G. R. Littleficld, B. T. Anderson, AV. T. Loftus, John P. Applegatc, C. A. Loney, William W. Baird, Wm. Lonie, Charles Baker, .George J. Luster, AVilliam Barnes, G. V. MacManus, James Bauer, L. T. Maguire, A. B. Bellevuc, Adrien Maher, Harry Bennett, Edward J. Marshall, Port Bernard, Maurice Martin, William Blakely, Andrew G. Martini, Louis Blank, Henry May, J. W. Block, Wm. Mayberry, George Bloom, Lew McAvoy, J. H. Blume, A. O. McCauley, J. F. Boden, James McCormack, John Boland, James McDanlel, D. R. Booker, Hal McDaniel, H. Booth, AAilliam McDameJ, William Boots, Chas. T. McDonald, Frank J. Boyle, George McDonald, James S. Boyle, R. V. McDonald, J. H. Brady, Matthew McGuinness, James Bray, Frank M. McKecs, Sargent Brent, Arthur McKeever, Robert Brewster, H. McKiiight, AV. J. Bringloc, W. H. McXamara, AV. J. Broad, John McNaughton, Sandy Brodus, Frank Midgley, AV. B. Brooks, Joseph Miller, F. T. Brooks, W. H. Miller, R. O. Brown, Frank H. Miller, Robert Brown, William Miller, Robert I. Buchanan, Dan Millin, John D. Burch, Preston M. Minor, G. Burch, Selby L. Moore, C. K. Burg, I. M. Moran, Thomas BurleW. Fred Morrissey, AVilliam Burttschell, Wm. A. Morton, George H. Baxton, Clarence Mott, Thomas T. Burke, E. A. Mulienan, John J. Bnrke, Geo. P. Murphy, Jaracs J. Bycr, F. Murphy, Jerry Byer, J. Murphy, Mortimer J. Byer, Nat L. Musante, Fred Cahn, Louis Xash. J. K. Carman, R. P., Jr. Nicholas, John Carroll, C. L. Notter, Joseph Can-oil, C. W. OBrien; T. Carroll, J. OByrne, John Carter, Arthur Odom, George M. Carter, W. M." Odom, J. D. Casey, C. J. Oest, C. Casey, W. V. Oliver, AVilliam L. Chipchase, George H. ONeill, Daniel Clancy, W. C; Patterson, Kimball Clark, Cyrus F. Patterson, Rody Clawson, George Pendry, AVilliam H. Coburn, Geo. W. Peters, Edward Coffey. James Peterson, George Coles, Theodore Phclan, Edward Colford. Matt Pita, John N. Congdon, R. C. Tost, AV. H. Congdon, W. H. Poweis, Vincent Couse, Harry O. Praul, AVilliam Crawford, E. J. Pryce, John Crist, n. E. Purcell, E. D. Crist, T. E. Randolph, Phillip S. P. Daly, James A. . . Rasch, O. C. Daly, AV. J. Regan,- Frank Darke, C. N. Reynolds, Charles A. Davey, AVm. Richardson, J. P. Davis, AVilbur Riddle, n. C. Denny, A. L. Rites, Harry Donohuo, T. J. . Roseacher, Henry Donovan, J. L. Rosen, AV. Douglas, C. H. Rowe, James Dowdell, J. F. Rowe, James, Jr. Edwards, Joe Ryan, AV. M. Egah, William IP. Sampson, R. D. Evans, James Sanford, C. Feustcl, Louis Schorr, John F. Fitzsimmons, J. Segier, Francis Fizer, AV. H. Shaffer, E. G. Fleisehman, John W. Shannon, Thomas J. Fouhy. P. J. Sheedy, W. M. For, P. J. Sheridan, James J. Francis, Eugene Shields, William Frayling, J. K. Shilling, C. H. Fred, E. Sictas, Ernest Freeman, L. W. Simons, Albert Freeman, AVilliam Skinner, Sanford French, Wm. B. Smart, M. Frisbie, F. C. Smith, Charles R. Gailor, F. A. Smith, John I. Garson, Iko Smith, Joseph P. Garth, Hugh Smith, Milton Garth, Lewis Smith, Robert A. Garth, Wm. Snyder, Charles L. Garth, Woods Spiers, AVm. James Gasser, Charles W. Spence, Kay Gibson, W. S. Springer. B. D. Goldsborough, A. J. Slainlinugh, George F. Goose, Roscoe Stfrn, Joe Gordon Alex B. Stevens, Frank J. Gorham, Isidore Stonebridge, II. Govans, Clarence R. Strube, L. Graham, John Suggs, AV. E. Grandl, Joseph Sweeney, John B. Griffin, H. T. Swinke, A. Groh, John Taft, Letoy Gunthcr, Alfred Talbert, Edward Hall, G. Ernest Taney, . Albert Hammond, Dee Taral, Fred Harlan, S. P. Tauber, Louis Harrington, Frank Tault, Thomas J. Hastings, J.. Taylor, Frank M. Haughton, Charles Taylor, Geo. Healy, J. Taylor, George Healy, James Taylor, H. S. Healy, J. I. Taylor, Seabron Healy, J. Simon Tellott, Louis J. Healey, Thomas J. Tempest, Al Heider, Ernest G. Tcvis, Joe II. Henderson, S. M. Thompson, II. J. . . Herold, F. A. Thornby, J. R. Higginbotham, W. Tompkins, Gwyn Hildreth, S. C. Travers. AV. II. Hirsch, M. Tryon, L. II. Hoag, H. W. Unna, Harry Hodgson. E. 3. Veiteh, Silas Hogan, Wm. Vititoe. David Holland, E. Vestal, Richard N. Hopkins, Fred Vivell, A. H. House, AV. S. Walden, Robert J. Hughes, Charlec AValdron, Roy J. Hughes, Hollie AValker, W. S. Hurley, Wm. Wallace, AV. M. Irvine, AVilliam AValters, Ben James, John C. Watkins, Richard X. Jennings, W. B. AVayland, E. Johnson, John AVebbcr. T. O. Johnson, R. A. AVeir, Frank 0. Joyner, A. J. AVeisso, Gus Judge, S. Welsh, Thomas Karrick, Kenneth AAestou, A. G. Karrick, AV. H. AVhalen, John Kearney, Daniel H. White, Charles Kelley, M. C. AVilliams, Lew Kelly, James F. Wilson, John Kennedy, Edwin AVilson, Thomas H. Kennedy, II. J. Wilsou, A". F. Kermath, J. T. AVinfrey, G. C. Kirschbaum. Chris. AVoodcliffe, A. S. Knapp, AVilliam Yorkc, II. E. Kraft, Fred E. Zeigler, George Lawler, S. J. dimmer, A.

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