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DAILY RACING FORM HANDICAPS JEFFERSON PARK The horses which seem best in Thursdays races are : Jefferson Park 2few Orleans, La., December 13, 1922. 1 First Blush, Yorick, Fernandcs. 2 Kirah, Royal Dick, Carnarvon. 3 Ormont Marjorie Wood, Admirer. 1 Marvin May, Auntie May, Tippity Witch- et. a MERCHANT, Attorney, Belgian Queen. G Ballotcar, American Soldier, Secretary. J. L. Dempsey. New Yorlc Handicap. 1 Gold Mount, Yorick, Majority, First Blush. 2 Kirah, Royal Dick, Winneconne, Paul Micou. 3 Admirer, Ormont, The Muleskinner, Fly ing Devil. 4 TIPPITY WITCHET, Marvin May, Auntie May, James F. OHara. 5 Merchant, King John, Dark Horse, On High. G Ballotcar, Pit, Secretary, American Soldier. Chicago and Buffalo Handicap. 1 Reel Foot, First Blush, Yorick, Fernan- dos. 2 Carnarvon, Winneconne, Royal Dick, Kirah. 3 Belle of Blue Ridge, Marjorie Wood, Ad mirer, Ormont. 1 TIPPITY WITCHET, Marvin May, Auntie May, James F. OHara. 5 Merchant, Attorney, Dark Horse, Belgian Queen. G Secretary. Dr. Rae, Satana, Ballotcar. Observers Handicap. 1 Yorick, First Blush, Gold Mount, Fernan- dos. 2 Royal Dick, Carnarvon, Kirah, Winne conne. 3 Marjorie Wood, Admirer, Ormont, The Muleskinner. 4 Tippity Witchet, Marvin May, Auntie May, Sir Thomas Kean. 5 MERCHANT, Belgian Queen, Attorney, On High. 6 Pit, Secretary, American Soldier, Dr. Rae, Consensus ot Handicap. 1 First Blush, Gold Mount, Reel Foot, Yorick. 2 Kirah, Carnarvon, Royal Dick, Winne conne. 3 Ormont, Admirer, Belle of Blue Ridge, Marjorie Wood. 4 Tippity Witchet, Marvin May, Auntie May, James F. OHara. 5 MERCHANT, Attorney, Belgian Queen, Dark Horse. G Ballotcar, Secretary, Pit, American Soldier. HAVANA The horses which seem best in Thursdays races are: Oriental Park Havana, Cuba, December 13, 1922. 1 Pittsburg, Lui-Meme, Machine Gunner. 2 End Man, Carrie Moore, Valentine dOr. 3 Wawona, Margaret Ware, Illusionist. 4 Berreta, Jap Muma, Miss Dixie. 5 GOLDEN CHANCE, Mallowmot, Dairy man. G Ciceronian, Huen, Bond. T. K. Lynch. Xew Yorlv Handicap. 1 Machine Gunner, Bobbed Hair, Big Son, , Lui-Meme. 2 END MAN, Cavalier, Carrie Moore, Black Top. 3 Wawona, Mai-garet Ware, Illusionist, Ar- medee. 4 Jap Muma, Keltoi, Berretta, Miss Dixie. 5 Golden Chance, Mallowmot, Brynlimah, , Dairyman. G Tamper, Ciceronian, Bond, Huen. Chicago ami Buffalo Handicap. 1 Miss Caltha, Big. Son, Machine Gunner, , Pittsburg. , , , 2 End Man, Carrie Moore, Valentine dOr, Black Top. 3 WAWONA, Margaret Ware, Armedee, Illusionist. 4 Keltoi, Jap Muma, Berretta, Miss Dixie. 5 The Enquirer, Kathleen K., Mallowmot, Dairyman. 6 Ciceronian, Huen, Bond, Rog. Observers Handicap. 1 Pittsburg, Lui-Meme, Miss Caltha, Big Son. 2 END MAN, Black Top, Carrie Moore, Valentine dOr. 3 Wawona, Illusionist, Margaret Ware, Armedee. 4 Jap Muma, Keltoi, Berretta, Sporting Chance. 5 Golden Chance, Mallowmot, Harry M. Stevens, The Enquirer. G Huen, Ciceronian, Bond, Rog. Consciixns of Handicaps. 1 Pittsburg, Machine Gunner, Miss Caltha, Lui-Meme. 2 END MAN, Carrie Moore, Valentine dOr, Black Top. 3 Wawona, Margaret Ware, Illusionist, Armedee. 4 Jap Muma, Berretta, Keltoi, Miss Dixie. 5 Golden Chance, The Enquirer, Mallowmot, Dairyman. 6 Ciceronian, Tamper, Huen, Bond. TIJUANA The horses which seem best in Thursdays races are : Tijuana, Mcx., December 13, 1922. 1 Virge, Baisy, Phyllis K. 2 Hazel Dale, Ternette, American Maid. 3 Leta, Deckhand, Circulate. 4 Emma Williams, Jerry, Eugenia K. 5 RAJAH, Cavalcadour II., Kenward. 6 Eye Bright, Horace Lerch, Count Boris. 7 Whippet, Toombeola, Romulus. G. W. Schilling. Xcw Yorlc Handicap. 1 Helen Major, Baisy, Chrome, Velvet 2 HAZEL DALE, Ternette, Treadwell, Plantagenet. 3 Circulate, Our Hazel, Drifting, Leta. 4 F. G. Corley, Emma Williams, Evalyn Harrigan, Jerry. 5 Cavalcadour II., Rajah, Kenward, Bill Head. 6 North Shore, Count Boris, Neg, Eye Bright. 7 She Devil, Romulus, Whippet, Cabin Creek. Chicago and Buffalo Handicap. 1 Fond Hope, Squash, Velvet, Virge. 2 Hazel Dale, Ternette, Plantagenet, Cuba. 3 Little Orphan, Shenandoah, Circulate, Leta. 4 Evalyn Harrigan, F. G. Corley, W. G. McClintock, Emma Williams. G CAVALCADOUR II., Prince Direct, Kenward, Rajah. G Neg, Count Boris, North Shore, Eye Bright. 7 Toombeola, Plow Steel, North Tower, Whippet. Observers Handicap. 1 Chrome, Virge, Baisy, Squash. 2 Ternette, Thrills, Hazel Dale, Cicely Kay. 3 Circulate, Deckhand, Little Orphan, Leta. 4 Evalyn Harrigan, Emma Williams, Jerry, F. G. Corley. 5 Cavalcadour II., Rajah, Prince Direct, Kenward. G Count Boris, Neg, Eye Bright, Horace Lerch. 7 TOOMBEOLA, Whippet, Romulus, North Tower. Consensus ot Handicaps. 1 Virge, Helen Major, Fond Hope, Chrome. 2 Hazel Dale, Ternette, Thrills, Plantagenet. 3 Circulate, Leta, Little Orphan, Deckhand. 4 Evalyn Harrigan, Emma Williams, F. G. Corley, Jerry. 5 CALVACADOUR H., Rajah, Kenward, Prince Direct. 6 Eye Bright, North Shore, Neg, Count Boris. 7 Toombeola, Whippet, She Devil, Romulus.