Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1923-01-05


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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesFAIR FAIR GROUNDS FRIDAY JANUARY 5 5WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK HEAVY Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 215 0 Superior mod runner X Good mad runner Fair Bud runner CM Maidens Apprentice allowance b Blinkers BlinkersFirst First Bace 34 Kfle KflePurse Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Feb 9 191S 111 6 116 116Todays Todays TodaysInd Ind Horse Wt Bee AWtHan 66967 High Tea 3 87X725 67148 Carnarvon 112 112 6 1127 0 067128s 67128s bUeraId 112112 8107X715 67366 Macobina 105113 5102X715 67174 bPromising Tom 10S 113 r 112X715 67364 bWar Pennant 108 113 7 112X710 112X7106C6S8 6C6S8 bCanncncita 10S 114HS 4103X710 67438 Stamp 100 114 4 110X710 67199 Sam McBride 109118 3 97X705 66955 Locarno 100113 510370r 67344 blinard 107113 7107X705 66856 William of Coroto Corotoman man 116115 5112X705 67324 Consolation M 108118 3 93 700 67343 Vlan M 110116 7 103 700 700Second Second Race 34 Kile KilePurse Purse 1000 3yearolds and upwaid Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record Feb 9 1913 111 6 116 11667381s 67381s Ormont 112 115 3 97X725 67344 bHindoostan 118113 7112X720 67092 Charles J CraigmilcllS 114 G107X715 67362 bSandy II 100112 6 108 715 715673S2 673S2 bStock Pin 110114 4100X715 4100X71567149s 67149s bUekab 108113 4110X710 67128 Sandnlwood 104 114 5 112X710 66779 Babylonian 112114 6107X710 66407 Tuanorea 104114 5108X705 67325 Wireless 115114 5107X705 67220 Wred Kinncy 110 113 4 105 705 7284 Wrangler 10211166 3 07X705 67237 Dr Little M 4 101 700 7381 Mildred Ruth 102 115 3 98 700 700Third Third Bace 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Feb 9 1918 111 6 11C 67438 Spring Vale 103113 6102X725 67439 Elmer K 108112 6107X720 66995 Neddam 103111 6112X715 67241 Sewell Oombs 110111 8111X715 67240 Orlova 105112 6 100 715 66929 bLEclair 118113 5 110 715 67219 May Bodinc 109 113 Vs B 103 715 67439 bKnight of tbc Uca Ucather ther 113 112 5 112X710 67439 James F OUara 104 113 B 112 710 66856 bThe lumb 10G 112 6 107X710 107X710668C6 668C6 bAlcx II 113 113 4 101X710 66988 bLouis A 110111 6106X705 66821 bShaffer 103 113 4 105X700 67347 Paul Micou 107114 4102X700 Fourth Bac 1 116 Miles Parse 1000 4yearolds and upward upwardMarcs Marcs Allowances Track record Feb 13 1915 144 3 104 67S091 DIMPLES 105145 5 108X725 67420 Natural IOC 148 14867385bBclgian 5 103X715 67385bBclgian Queen 100 144 6 111X715 67368 Gem 103145 5 108 715 67462 Little Ammie 101 148 4 97X710 67415 bChateaugay 105 147 4 102X710 67347 bKirah 115 149 6 110X705 67286 Encrinite 10G 14R 6 104700 67462 Anna Gallup 100 149 149Fifth 6 104X700 Fifth Bace 1 116 Miles Parse 1000 4yearolds and upward Track record Feb 13 1915 144 67288 Coaler 112 145 7 112X725 67461 bAttorney 100147 5 107X720 67286 bMiles S 103 148 4 105X715 67463 = bWaukeag 107 147 9 106X715 67252 H Tan Son 107 146 5 110X715 67347 Walnut Hall 100 145 9 103X715 67288 King John 104 145 8 113710 67347 Lampus 108 147 5 111X705 674191 Slippery Klin 107 144 10 1130705 67383 The Moor 5 101X700 67089 Blue Brush 4 10G700 67441 bZone dArmce 110147 110147Sixth 6 113X700 Sixth Bace 1 116 Miles Purse 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Feb 13 1915 144 1446736G 3 104 6736G = bMay Roberts 103 14S 6 101X725 67326 Mabel Curtis 19 200h 4 95X720 67386 Magician 9914G 8 10HX715 674211 bilatinee Idol 114 145 14567415s 8 106X715 67415s Honolulu Boy 110 145 8 111X735 66780 Grace Dangherty 95 146 5 90X710 67462 Plielan 102 148 5 111X710 67421 bTuIsa 106 147 6 106710 67463 Serbian 112 147 7 111X705 67111 bMerchant Ill 146 9 111X705 67442 Tingling 114 147 5 107X700 67307 Handfull 110 146 14666776bPlantarede 10 107X700 66776bPlantarede 103147 7 100X700 67443 bAilliro 1051149 1051149Seventh 5 100X700 1 Seventh Bace 1 116 Miles MilesPurse 100X700Claiming Purse 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Feb 13 1915 144 3 104 67386 Winncconne 105 1 146s 46s 46s67222s 6 106X725 67222s bTroopcr 107 145 8 111X720 67442 = Ballybell 103 147 6 95X715 67478 Gen Cadorna 105 148 6 107X715 67415 = bMountain Rose II115 145 10 111715 67242 bAttoo 4 105 710 67348 Johnny Overton 99 J47 6 100X710 67347 Exhortcr 110 145 9 106X710 67463 King Trojan 97 147 G 111X705 67463 bThornhedgc 110 1 485 5 111X700 67309 Scottish Chief 115 147 5 111 700 67307 Cockroach 107 147 7 107700 67443 Tanlac 110 147 7 100X700 100X700i 1 67442 Leochares II 101 l55h i 4 96X700

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923010501/drf1923010501_4_4
Local Identifier: drf1923010501_4_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800