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I i I Havana Form Chart HAVAJTA CUBA THURSDAY JANUARY 11 1923 Oriental Park 1 mile Thirtyeighth day Cihn Ameriesn Jockey and Auto Club Winter Meeting of 100 or more days Weather clear temperature 76 Presiding Steward J Uaehmeistcr Associate Stewards C U Lan lalc and E Burke Presiding Judge C Cornchlscn Associate Judge J S Wallace Starter J F Milton Racing Secretary Martin Natbanfon Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time lr 7 p m W indicates whip S spurs II blinkers Fig ¬ ures in pnrpnthesps following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance 67 J4hO FIRST HACE 5 12 Furlongs Jaa 24 1917 1051A 5 102 Purse 500 3ycar 4 UVt olds and upward Claiming Ket valua t winner 375 second 100 third 25 AWtPPSt U i StrFia Jockeys C74S5 TITANIA WSR G 113 S 8 8J 61 Ci 1 W PmroseJ Scrio 13 07352 BAB w 4 107 4 1 1 1 Il 2 = A PIckena E T Carroll 3 I 07484 GRIT w 4 110 7 4 41 2l 2 3 A Yerrat T E Mueller 6 J S 3 75 DOCTOR D w 11 115 1 3 gak 3 3 = k 4l W Smith O Rice 12 15 15 6 3 07538SOVERE1GN II ws 13 110 IS 7 51 51 5 5 F Horn Jesaop Bros 10 10 30 4 2 C723S LADY FREEMX v 6 108 5 10 101 8 8 6 H Stutts S E Smith 3 1 10 4 2 G7r05 JOSEPHINE 1C WB 5 110 3 2 2 4 fl 7 F MerimeeM J Simmons 55531 75C7192 G7505yMcMURPHY s 12 113 25 31 7 Tl S G VIiamsll H M orrlson 6 3 S 3 75 C7192 BOB PRATER w3 9310 3 y 101 9l 9 W Milner E T Kessineer 55521 07309 HAROLD K w 5 113 6 S 12 12 lt 10 I Prible Williams Bros 5 6 S 21 1 07503tNAVISCO w 4 107 11 11 7 91 1C3 11 G Fields P G Julian 66521 66521C7330TOM C7330TOM CARO WB 10 113 9 12 11 lll 12 12 C CTMahyP A Sandidse SO 34 3J 13 6 fMutuel field Time 245 49 1025J l03 i Track fast J2 fastJ2 mutuels paM Titania 1900 straight 1090 place 710 show Bab 530 place 420 show Grit 310 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Tilania S50 to 100 straight 445 to 100 place 253 to 100 show Bab 1G5 to 100 place 110 to 100 show Grit 155 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch m by Bard of Hope Lady Fern by Hippodrome trained by J Williams bred by Mr C Williams WilliamsWent Went fo post at 230 At post 2 minutes Start gocd and slow Won driving reccnd and third the same TITANIA worked her way up on the outside from a slow beginning and finishing with a rush got np to win in the fiiwl strides BAB tired after setting a good pace and racing JOSEPHINE K nnd GRIT into do feat GRIT ran well and finished gamely DOCTOR D finished close up JOSEPHINE K quit on the inside 6yG U f SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs Jan 24 1917 105 5 1C2 Purse 503 3year 4 Oj JL7 olds and upward Claiming Wet value to winner 375 second S100 third 25 Index Horses AWtPPSt U = i StrFin Jockeys Owners 07539 s LADY HEART w 4 10S 10 S SC74S7 31 3 1 24 11 G Walls J F Hynes 4 6 S 21 65 C74S7 BALLYNEW w 5 IIS 4 2 43 s 31 2ij TV Taylor E E Major 85 35 S5 33 13 07540 CAPERS WB S 110 8 5 2 2 l k 3 A McLhlinl Cullen 21 21 21 1 13 06589 HAZEL V w 5 105 9 9 9C7435 9 71 61 41 H Stutts S T Baxter 6 6 C 21 65 C7435 TENDERFOOT w 3 3S 15 la 1 41 51 J CallahanW R Coe 5 6 S 2 65 0388 GRATIA w 5 110 2 1 7 71 Gl W Obert W C Worsland 10 12 12 5 21 075 10 W OF CHANCE wn 5 111 3 4 405811ED 4 5 7 G VVliacisC I Mackey 12 15 15 fi 3 05811ED GARRISON v 3 110 7 77 7 61 S1 8 H Click W Feuchter S 8 3 3 85 07539 CHEVALIER vn 5 108 5 8 8C73C9FOY 83910 9 C Grace G I Foster 32 15 15 6 3 3C73C9FOY C73C9FOY w 4 103 G 10 10 10 3 10 A SdstromK I Stephens 8 10 10 4 2 2Time Time 235 3 101 107 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Lady Heart 1390 stniight 540 plsce 360 show Ballynew 3SO place 290 show Capers 3SO show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Lady Heart 595 to ICO straight 170 to ICO place 80 to ICO show Bally new CO to 100 place 45 to ICO show Capers 90 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch f by Hearts of Oak My Honey by Yo El Hey trained by R D Carter bred by Mr Harry Giddings GiddingsWent Went to post at 301 At post 1 minnte Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same LADY HEART responded with a rush when called on in the last eighth and cutfinished BALLY NEW after passing CAPERS at the eighth post BALLYNEW rau cut slightly on the stretch turn but finished fast and gamely CAPEHS ran well but tired after taking the lead HAZEL W closed a big gap and was running fast at the end TENDERFOOT set a fast early pace but tired tiredScratched Scratched 57541 Rosie II 93 G7542 Assumption 115 115Overweights Overweights Lady Heart 1 pound Winds of Cluinee 3 2frrrll t THIRD RACE 1 Mile Dec C 1922 138 4 101 Ecrsa 00 4yearoda and O 4 OJL JL upward Clahnicr Net value to winner S375 second 100 third 25 Index Horses AWtPPSt H H X Sir Fin Jockeys O II C P 07310 LEGACY WB 7 11 7 4 2s Ill1 1 1s C Taylor I G Pierce 344 8543 8543C7487HRRY C7487HRRY GLOVER w 6 109 2 3 4 4 4 3 2 = H Kaiser W F Knebelkamp2 2 2 45 25 7404 M TILGHMAN wn 14 111 3 2 I1 2 2 21 3 G WliamsM Morrisoa 8 10 10 4 2 07449 MEDUSA WB S 1075 1 1 3 3l 3 4 41 S Kirke T Trovato 33365 35 35G7271 G7271 ADELANTE WB 9 103 91010 10 9l 71 5 = t H Stutts J V Pons G 8 S 3 83 83G7274BAT G7274BAT MOUNTAIN wit 6 103 5 S 9 1 9 S1 G Gi W Milner F C Travis 638385 07428 YAICIMENE w 9 114 6 9 8l 7 = 51 o3 7s F HunsUcrR Basley 8 10 10 4 2 2i 07592 AFTER NIGHT wsa 10 112 4 G 7i 61 1 S SJ T WliamsA D Bellew 15 20 29 S 4 C7391FASHION GIRL vs910110 7 61 SJ 10 9J 9 F Horn Jcssop Bros 38842 38842C74S4 C74S4 SUEZ w 5 114 8 5 5s 5l G IO 10 R Ball I Smith 10 12 12 s 3 3Tiiro Tiiro 24 48 115 142 Track fast fastI 2 mutuels paid Legacy 940 straight 100 place 330 show Harry Glover 309 place 270 show Marshal Tilghman 439 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Legacy 370 to ICO straight 100 to ICO place 05 to 100 show Harry Glover 50 to 100 place 35 to 100 show Marshal Tilsjhinan 115 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Hilarious Halesia by Martinet trained by L G Pierce bred by Messrs Wil ¬ liams Bros BrosWent Went to post at 325 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third Mriv ing LEGACY raced into a clear lesd at the halfmile post and kopt on increasing hi advantage to win in a canter HARRY GLOVER ran well and outgaraed MARSHAL TILGHMAN The latter raced well and finished gamely MEDUSA tired ADELANTE finished fast on tlie inside after besinnin very slowly from the outside outsideOverweights Overweights Medusa t pounds After Night 1 Gjy j jj T FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Dec G 1522 133 4 101 Parso 500 4yearolds and jO 4 OJLM upward Claiming Net valua to winner 375 sooond 100 third 25 Index Horses AWtPPSt U StrFin Jockeys O II C P S 07538 BOUNCE w 4 104 4 4 4l 3 41 31 1 F WdsfcklCmero Fm Stb 4 6714GPRETTY BABY wu S 103 3 3 I1 I1 21 S Banks J Hoskins w 6 104 2 2 7 7l 7 4 41 3 C Grace S Burnsida 10 12 12 5 2i 00790 LE BLEUET w G 114 7 7 5 4 3 21 4 T WliamsHecd Barton 3 3 21 1 12 12C74G4MOLLY C74G4MOLLY PUFF wa 4 1C1 1 1 9 9 81 7s 5 W Lancet J Da Eatrampes 4 6 6 2J G5 07542 BALLY w 3 103 6 6 Gl 5 5 5 S C OMnhyR Dolz 44485 45 07527 JACK HEALEY vr 7 103 S 3 2 2 2 Ck 71 H Stutts J Everest 6 6 6 21 G5 07528 888385G7538 JOB THAYER wa 3 1CS 10 10 S S 9 S S A SdstromAV Stock 888385 G7538 HATRACK w S 114 95 Ct 6 6 93 9J J Brunncr II A Cotton 10 12 12 5 21 G69G5 BUCK NAIL w 11 109 5 9 10 10 10 10 10 N J Brnesl F OLeary 15 20 20 8 4 Time 25 49 115 142 Track fast 2 mntuels paid Bounce 12CO straight 570 place 430 show Pretty Baby 880 place ISO show Edith K 1300 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Bounce 545 to 100 straight 1S5 to 100 place 115 to 100 show Pretty Baby 340 to ICO place 110 to 100 show Edith K 800 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Bard of Hope Elasticity by Aeronaut trained by H J Kennedy bred by Mr K N Gilpiu GilpiuWent Went to post at 350 At post 3 minatcs Start good nntl slow Won driving second and third the same BOUNCE close up from the start finished fast on the inside and wearing PRETTY 1IAIIY down got u to win in the last few strides PRETTY 15ABY was much nvod in setting the pace and tired but finished gamely EDITH K closed a gap snd finished fast LE ILEUET was forced wide on the first turn and tired after racing into second place MOLLY PUFF was pulled up when going to the first turn and closed a gap ISALLY puled up lame JACK HEALEY ran well to the stretch stretchScratched Scratched C5207 Johnny OConnell 109 109Overweights Overweights Pretty Baby 4 pounds Molly Puff 2 67 QT FirTH RACE 1 Mile Dec C 1922 138 4 101 Purso 500 4yearoldj and 4 v5 JLO upward Claiming Net value to winnsr 375 second S100 third 25 Index Horses AWtPPSt l Str Fin Jockeys Owners O C7527SSUN TURRET v 5 103 2 3 11 U I1 H 1 G Fields Caimito Stable 852 2 3313 3313f f SH LADY RACHEL WD 7 13 4 G G 51 41 21 2 J CallahanO A Eianchi 73 S5 S5 23 15 07 189 MISERICORDE wn 7 110 S S 8 7J 7 5l 5 R McDottC J Harrali G 7 7 2 1 07489 JWHIPPRWtLL wn S 109 1 1 2 Si 2t 3l 41 W Lancet Brickyard Stable 10 12 12 5 21 07334 BIERMAN wit 9 lit 5 5 5l G1 5l 41 5 F WdstckM V Daly 12 13 07427 ARTICLE X ws 4 103 32 4i 4t 6 6 F Hunt O L Foster 4 4 07539 WEST MEATH ws 11 109 8 4 3J 2t an A McLhlinW M Jeffords G 7 67103 PRUNES w S ICG 7 7 71 8 3 S S H Stutts Ashland Stable 10 12 12 5 21 21Timo Timo 24 49 115 141 Track fast 2 mutiiels paid Sun Turret UCO straight S310 place S270 show Lady Rachel S2SO place 230 show Misericordc 300 show showEquivalent Equivalent hocking odds Sun Turret 230 to ICO straight 53 to 100 place 35 to 100 show Lady Rachel 40 to ICO place 25 to 100 show Misericorde 50 to 100 show showWinnor Winnor Ch h by Sunstar Marian Hood by Martagou trained by W A Carter bred by Short Grass Stud Farm FarmWent Went to post at 416 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same HUN TURRET set a good pace from soon after the start saved ground on all tlie turns and fought it oat gamely with LADY RACHEL all through the lust eighth The latter tired after getting to the leaders head but finished resolutely MISERICORDE closed a big gap m the last luartcr WHIP POORVILL ran a good race and finished close up upScratched Scratched 07528 Miss Rankin 101 07400sWin or Quit 111 C3C50 Meadowerth 109 109Overweights Overweights Misericorde 1 porjnd SIXTH RACE 1 liilo and 50 Yards Harch G 1918 111 5 117 Purse S500 JL 4 4ycarolds and upward Claiming Set value to wisaer S375 second 5100 third 25 Horses AWtPPSt U Vs i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 07543FAYELLE w 4 ICO 1 1 G d 4 31 Il H Stutts A Bertram BertramC7513 C7513 W TURNBOW wa S 103 3 S 3 8 61 4 2 J Madden S McNeil Continued ua tenth page HAVANA FORM CHART CHARTContinued Continued from third page 07511PROSPECTOR WB 9 113 2 2 5 C1 2s 1 ° 3 G Walls H Dougherty Doughertyvu 333125 07544 = AWNING vu 4 10S E 3 I1 1 J 1 2 = 4 B Scheffel Caimito Stabl Stablw 3 31 31 6512 f7448 MAYROSE w 6 105 4 4 3 31 3k 5 5 A Yerrat T E Mueller MuellerWB 20 20 30 6 3 07539 DAIRYMAN WB S 1CS 7 6 4l 4 B 6 6 S Banks F W Rltsch RltschWSB B 7 7 2 1 07544 SHORT STOP WSB S HI 6 7 7 7 S 7 7 G WllamsJ A Parson Parsonw 6 S 8 21 65 AN w 4 101 3 5 2 2s 71 S S H Click L S Madison 10 10 6 2 1 1Time Time 23 434 114 IiOtf 144 Track fait 2 mutticls paid Fayelle 570 straight 440 place 310 show Walter Turnbow 3100 place 1000 show Prospector 270 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Fayelle IS5 to 100 straight 120 to 100 place 55 to 100 show Walter Turn bowr 1495 to 100 place 145 to 100 show Prospector 33 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ill f by Fayette Gatieu Belle by St Cation trained by T R Modelano bred by Mr Henry T Osnard OsnardWent Went to post at 443 At pest 1 minute Start good and fast Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing PAYKIIK was outrun to the stretch turn where she slipped through on the inside and finishing fast took the lead in the last sixteenth and won going away WALTER TURNBOW closed a big gap anil finished with a rush PROSPECTOR ran a good race but tired alter taking the lead AWNING Cropped back after setting a Rood pace to the stretch stretchScratched Scratched 07514 El Corouel 113 G7344 Keltoi 00 07372 Grandson 103 G7543 MonlHIo 103 103Overweights Overweights Fayelle 2 pounds