Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-01-12


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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesTIJUANA TIJUANA FRIDAY JANUARY 12 12VEATHER 1 VEATHER CLEAR J TRACK PAST Racing starts at 153 p m Chicago time 355 Superior mud runner X Good mud runnel Jc Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance b Blinkers BlinkersFirst First Bace 1 Mile and 70 Yards Purse 500 3vearolds and upward Claiming Track record Feb 1 1920 143 C 122 122Todays Todays Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan AWtHan67576s 67576s Cicalis 101146 5103X725 5103X725G7616bGeorgc G7616bGeorgc MuchlebachlOS 140 7 110X720 110X7206757G 6757G bSheuandoah 103 14G G 110X715 110X715G7598 G7598 Tc ltreckenridgellO 145 7 103 715 67547 ld McKcnna G 110X715 110X715CG0363 llOXiiaCG0363 CG0363 bLewis B 112 145 8 115X715 115X715G7598 115X715G7598 G7598 blink Tcnny Ill 14G 7 108X710 67490 Our Hazel lOtf 149 G 113 710 710G7576 G7576 Go On 110 147 8 115 710 710G7573 G7573 Glenzar M 4 103 703 703C7532 C7532 Lava 11G l57 h 7 110 700 67597 Seven Seas 93 143 5 110 700 700Second Second Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Purse 003 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Feb 1 1920 143 C 122 122G49Q9 G49Q9 uFraiiklln 113 144 10 110X723 110X723G757G G757G l Olwtinate 103 140 5 103 720 720G7512 G7512 Theresa 111147 5103X715 5103X715G7471 G7471 bl eckband 108 148 9 110713 67617 Miss Dunbar 87 147 5 103 715 67473 bllackamore 115 145 G 115i715 67190 ItAa 103 14S 10 10S710 10S710G754S G754S Liltlo Gink 108 108145 145 J 10 10115X710 115X710 67595 Ilacchus M 3 93 710 67341 Fixer 112 144 9 113X700 G7600 Reydo Ill 144 l44Ji lli 1K5700 7OO 67515 bStarliko 9 115 700 700Third Third Race 58 Mile MilePurse Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record May 20 1920 59 4 107 10767374Jl 67374Jl Uarry Rudder 112100 7110 711067375s 67375s Neg 112100 8110X720 67545 Ollle Wood 112 lOlJs 6 110 715 71567580bHarriskane 67580bHarriskane 10S l03h 4107X715 67492 Count IScris 117 101 8 115X715 67510 Thirty Seven 112 101 10 110X710 67297 Helen Major 102 101 Jt 4 110X705 67597 View Ill 102 9 110 700 67595 Net Star M 103 1O1 4 110 700 700Fourth Fourth Bace 58 Mile MilePurse Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record May 20 1920 59 4 107 10767546bKull 67546bKull Moon 101 100 5 108X725 67561 Alajah 105 101 5 108X720 7306 Hilda 109101 0103X715 67414 tor G Corley 012101 7115X710 67451 7103X71067595s Elga 103101 7103X710 67595s Viva 10G 101 11 113 710 67597 Operator 103 102 G 110 700 67622 Shelbyvillc 100 101 4 112 705 67573 bFourleaf 108103 5 113 700 1 FurlongsPurse Fifth Race 5 12 Furlongs Purse 000 3yearolds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June 28 1910 103 3 US C7533 Reap 115 107 104X723 67622 El Roble M 112103 10t 720 67513 Lady Leonid 09 103 93X715 67580 Faber 113 103 103G7533 103X710 103X710G7533 G7533 Tule 101 103 103G7513 97 710 710G7513 G7513 Pretty Doll 107 107110 llo 91 705 C5223S 705C5223S Elmer W M 102 705 G6820 705G6820 St Angelina lOt 103 100X703 100X703Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 700 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Dec 20 191C 111 3 110 110C7C0151 C7C0151 SAM RE1I 110112 7104X723 7104X723C7601 C7601 uMay Maulsby 101 113 S 105 715 G7579 715G7378 715G7579 Settle 97J113 4 111 715 G7378 Little Beach 103 113 G 105 710 67545s 71067545s Joe Campbell 4 105X705 67472 Scraps M 3 91700 91700Seventh FurlongsPurse Seventh Bace 5 12 Furlongs Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Fillies and andMares Mares Claiming Track record June 28 191C l03s 3 118 118C7512 C7512 Icon 105 107 5 10G723 675791 Sister Susie 105 1OG 10 111x720 111x72067579bl 67579bl hrone Ward 103 1OG 7 111 713 713G7552 G7552 Tabloid 112107 4103X713 4103X713G760D G760D bTawascntha 112103 5103710 510371067380s 67380s She Devil 109 1OS 7 103X710 67552 Pay Off 100 107 S 100X710 67534 bMadge F llo 103 7 100X710 67516 Do Admit 100 108 S 103 703 67476 Dark Ages 112 107 4 105X703 105X703G7511 G7511 bDancing Girl 112 107 7 108x705 67516 Florence Deen S3 109 4 100 703 67516 Caunzul M 112 110 4 100X700 Eighth Race 58 Mile Purse ClaimingTrack 300 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record r May 20 1920 59 t 107 67407 Hamilton A 117 39 8 113X723 G7545lbMayflower 113X723G7545lbMayflower 112 101 5 108 720 67597 Lobelia 113 102 9 103X713 67575 bDuc de Guise 11G 101 7 115 715 67511 Stanley II 107 l00 j 13 113X710 67374 Little Pointer 103 101 5 108X710 67403 Bess Welch 111102 C 103 710 67596 Yukon 100101 6113X705 67617 Norflehl U 93 10216 3 99 700

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923011201/drf1923011201_8_2
Local Identifier: drf1923011201_8_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800