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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesFAIR FAIR GROUNDS FRIDAY JANUARY 12 12TVEATHER TVEATHER CLEAR TRACK PAST Racine starts at 215 p m Chicago time 215 Sui eror mutl runner X Good mud runner 4 Fair mud nmncr M Maidens Apprentice allowance b Blinkers BlinkersPirst Pirst Bacc 38 JCDe Purse 1000 2yearolds Maidens Colts and andGeldings Geldings Special Weights Track rccjrd Jan ID 1022 34 2 114 Todays TodaysAWtlIan Ind Horse Wt Roe AWtlIan 67553 Will Land 116 36 11 G 725 67553 Businesslike UG 37 11G720 67553 Patsy Howe 11C 715 67553 A J Buja UG 39 39Ma 11G715 Ma son To wl e UG 11G715UG Bonnie Jack UG Joe Gatti 11G Stoncarubia UG Second Race 34 Hile Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Feb 9 1918 111 G 116 67517 bFlibbcrlygibbct 115 113 6 118X723 67131 Hysteria 105 113 4 90X720 65822 The Nephew 110 112 G 114X715 66570 bBursoyue 110 112 = 3 G 130X715 67554 bFleer 101 14 6 109X715 67305 Bright Trash 10G 14 4 101 71 5 67497 bllerald 112 12 8 110X710 67517 UochaniDcau M110 1G 4 10G710 675E5 bCIappcrbill M112 14 30 10S705 67126 bMagglc Murphy M 110 11G 4 101 703 67497 bWar Pennant 108 113 7 11SX700 67364 Grey Eagle 115 113 8 114X700 50202 Fayetto C 118 11G 8 10S700 57555 bFiring Line Ill 118 118Third 9 10SX700 10SX700Claiming Third Race 34 Milo Purse 1COO 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Feb 9 1918 111 111663S8 6 UG 663S8 Canyon 100112 1001126732i 4 115 725 6732i Whalebone 109 112 7 107X720 67517 Green Gold 107 112 8 11GX720 65966 bSagamore 110 112 G 100X720 67562 Orcus 105 113 5 1150715 66611 Ijigs 1011112 4 110X715 67419 bValor 110 112 9 112 711 67562 blicnic 112112 4 112X71j 112X71jB 67497 William of Coroto Corotomnn mnn 112114 B 113X710 67562 = bRapid Day 105 111 7 1071 = 710 67562 bLouis A 110 111 6 107X710 67251 bUoughnilt 103 113 4 112X703 67366 Devmite 104 113 4 U 1 705 67251 Trantula 113 113 113Fourth 5 101X705 Fourth Race 1 Mile MileMadonna Madonna Purse Furse 1000 3yearolds and upward upwardMares Mares Allowances Track record Jan 11 1910 137 5 IOC 7519 bMY REVERIE 107140 4116X750 Ttodays TtodaysInd Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtUan 67563 Avispa 100 137 4 104 743 67586 bDiana 105141 G 1061740 67520 Sweep Hawk 103 147 h 3 82 735 735674C01 674C01 Anntie May 07 141 1 112X735 112X735675S6 675S6 bCitalion 85140 4 104 735 67523 Wuno M 03 130 4 104X725 67459 Beach Beauty 92 l47h 3 90 725 725Fifth Fifth Bace 1 Hile and 70 Yards YardsEverglades Everglades Purse Purse 1000 5ycnrolds and upward Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record Feb 12 101G 142 4 113 I 67521 bServitor 103 144 0 108 750 C74591 Tody 102144 102144674GO 5101X745 674GO bSt Allan 95 145 6 110X740 66603 Brotherly Lore 102143 6 10GX740 67521 Fantoohe 103 14G 5 110X735 675861 Slippery Elm 118144 10 11073 G7S05 Jack Hare Jr 8 1000730 67562 LEcIair 100 145 6 110 725 725669S8 669S8 bCopyright 10S 14G 6 106X725 Sixth Race 1 18 Miles MilesPnrse Pnrse 1000 3yearolds and upward Track record March 14 1908 151 151G75SC G75SC bThe Wit 112 152 6 104X725 67537 = Exhorter 104 153 153G75G4 9 10GX720 G75G4 bAttorney 105 154 B 109X715 67500 Little Ammic 101 158 4 97X715 67501 Lnmpns 110 155 5 100X715 07557 bSt Donard 5 103 715 G7462 Anna Gallup 98 152 6 100X710 67607 Walnut Hnll 107 151 151675C4 9 98X710 675C4 King John Ill 153 8 113703 1 67461 Escarpolette 99153 6 107X700 67557 Gentleman Jouctt JoucttM M 95 155 4 103 700 67557 Miracle Man 4 102X700 Seventh Race 1 116 Hiles Purse 1000 4ycarolds and upward Claiming Track record Feb 13 1915 144 104 67566 Charles J Craig mile 100 148 6 98X725 57565 Bermont 10G 146 146G7559 6 96 720 G7559 Itallybell 105 147 6 98X715 61303 bBolstcr 109 145 14567558s 8 96X715 67558s Tinglins 114 147 147671EO C 10GX715 671EO bAustral 100 146 8 101X710 67533 bTroopcr 107 145 8 113X710 67383 Stanley 102 14S 5 101X710 67463 Setbian 112 147 7 10GX703 67583 Viva Cuba 100 l46 i G 103X703 64604 Brown Check 132 148 5 101 703 67554 Carnarvon 115 146 6 1110700 67558 War Victor 109 150 7 10G700 66526 Commander 113 148 7 10GX700