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Mile and 7O Yards Oyearolds and upward Claiming Feb 1 1920 14 15 O 122 Index Course DIst Time Tck Oddj Wt St Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish CIGALE blk m 5 108 By Von Tromp Cricket by Chesterfield ChesterfieldG Trainer J G Givens Owner J JIm70y G Givena Breeder E Cebrian 57576 Tijuana Im70y l47fast 10 110 2 4 2 2l W Miller 11 Lariat Obstinate BessteTounc 67471 Tijuana 1 18 l56fast 43 103 2 7 9 9 J W Miller 10 Argento Al Wick Deckhand 67453 Tijuana 1 l42fast 7S 7SIm70y 110 1 4 4s 4S3 W Miller 11 WiscJudge TomCravcn Flame 67393 Tijuana Im70y 14S fast 79f 110 1 8 Si 9 W D Millerl2 LniiraCocinon lariat Rhymer 67318 Tijuana 1 116 l43fast 13C 110 347 7IS W Miller S WalterDant Dkhand Caamano 67097 Tijuana 1 11G 153 hvy 129 129Im70y 108 3 7 7 7 W Miller 8 Frank Fogarty Dolpli Siles II G7038 Tijuana Im70y 151 hvy 117 1173J 105 2 6 6 6 W Miller 7 Barriskane Ycrniak JohnArbos 66915 Tijuana 3J llCviiriiid 4 110 3 10 91 9 W D Mllrll Kimono Chkltarkley LOrphan 65282 Hastings 1 11S l50fast 10 10Im0y 105 2J W Sillier 9 Deckhand LorMoss BerniccE 65221 Hastings Im0y l Cislow 3310 3310Im70y 1C9 1 W Miller 7 SDonlan Olympiad GMuehleh Im70y 152 sloo 95 104 5 1 W Miller 7 McnUclle NebkaLad DcsRos GEOBGE MUEHLEBACBT b e 7 110 110Trainer By McGee Stolen Moments by Kingston Kingstonstnnale Trainer J Mannale Owner J Mannale stnnale Breeder C W Moore 57576 Tijuana Im70y l47fast 9f 112 4 3 61 7 i F Stevens 11 Lariat Cigale Obstinate 67356 7H7185 Tijuana Im70y l47V fast 21f 110 7 7 10ill H Molters 11 EUarrigan LCochron Drifting H7185 Tijuana 51 f l12hvy 33 301 9 966 5si C Rails U HRudder VcraKita M Dunbar 67118 Tijuana 34 118 mud S2 ICG 5 5G5221 7 7 7IX F Stevens 7 CountUoris DoubleEye IILerch G5221 Hastings Im70y l52slow 10 11 11J J 43i R Lowe 7 Cigale SenDonlan Olympiad 65153 Hastings Im70y 152 slop 7 109 109C5080 II Molters 7 MonBclle NebkaLad DesRos C5080 Hastings Im70y l30 mud 16 111 Sts Ksllum S Cobrita Lorena Moss Cork 64313 Hastings Im70y l islop 8 113 7SS S Smith S Lariat Clover Jtmia Cigale 64268 Hstcs Ab 1 1S 153 faat 7 112 7 B McEwen 9 MUrinan ClovJunia Dkhand SHENANBOAH ch g G 110 110Trainer By Sea King Blue Grass by Hambuir Trainer J Crofton Owner H D Gates Breeder J E Madden Madden9f 67576 Tijuana Im70y l47fast 9f 112 9 7 7s G G Rose 11 Lariat Cigale Obstinate ObstinateSf 07453 Tijuana 1 l42fast Sf 112 11 9 6 6 1 G Rose 11 WiscJudge TomCraven Flam Flam9f 10G72G3 G7395 Tijuana Im70y 148 fast 79f 9f 110 13 10 9 7Ji G Rose 12 IxniraCochron Lariat Rhymer G72G3 Tijuana 1 116 l43fast 93 307 7 7 7 7 W Martin 7 Eugenia K Leta Walter Dant Dant7f 67 167 Tijuana Im70y l56Khvy 37f 7f 105 6 7 51 6 W Martin 8 Poacher Drifting Argento C7115 Tijuana Im70y l52mud 144 44 105 9 8 7 7 W Martin 9 Leta Deckhand Little Orphaa 6 08l Tijuana lrr7Cy 152 hvy 121 21 103 5 5 5 5 W Martin G SumrSigh Lavaga Count lloria 67022 Tijuana Im70y l30i mud 30 103 7 9 S1 S W Martin 9 Lavaga Coniclion Double Kye 00915 11Ga89o Tijuana 34 llGmud 57 110 11 11 11 11 E Petzoldtll Kimono CBarkley LitOrphan Ga89o MHghta lm0y l46fast 59 108 Pull Pulled up T Wayt 10 By Right Old Pop Mab TEO BRECKENBIBGE ch m 7 108 108Trainer By Suffragist Teo Beach by Bobby Beach Beachiesel Trainer C Beed Owner H Kiesel iesel Breeder 0 G Parke ParkeH 67598 Tijuana Im70y 14S fast H 110 5 6 6J 6 H Molters S TomCven Fireworth Cafeteria 67356 Tijuana Im70y l47fast 6 10S 8 4 G 8 E Petzoldtll KUarrigan LCochron Drifting 67300 Tijuana Im70y l46fast 17 105 4 2 5s 53 E Petzoldt 7 Toombeola C Bnrkley W Dant DantG 6 244 Tijuana Im70y 143 fast G 103 4 3 9 9SJ E PetzcldtlO LittleOrphan Reydo Deckhand 04590 Devshire 34112 fast 45 101 101U3900 10111 11 11s 10 J Chlmersl2 SAway BAllen Hof theNorth U3900 MHghts 1 11G l4Gfast 28 105 7 3 5i 7 J Allen 9 Puzzle Bill Head Red 63844 MHghts Im70y l44fast 13 105 646 STJ J Allen 11 Primitive MajorDomo MadgeP 63718 MHghta 1 116 l467ifaat 15 104 2 3 31 6J E Roehm 8 Bees Wins Dancer Baby Cal G3362 Reno 1 l42fast 6 110 110G3225 SJ E Petzgld 7 Madrono ElynHargan Zamlch G3225 Iteno Im70y l43fast 910 10 110 SJ H Long 7 Weinland Madrono Argento 62982 Reno 1 l42fast 65 5 103 103G2899 1 E Petzgld 7 ColMatt Alazon LeDincsauru G2899 Iteno Im70y 148 fast 1110 10 103 1s H Long 7 Caamano Prophecy Our Hazel 61389 Tijuana 1 11G l4Sfast 23 110 1 1OLD 1 f 6 B Petzgold 9 OrleansGirl DaintyLady Zetelia OLD McKENNA b g 6 110 110Trainer By Transvaal Kuhla by Gold Heels or Trentola Trainer G Buskay Owner G TrentolaG Buskay Breeder S K Nichols 07547 Tijuana 1 1S l35fast 15 110 6 6 6J 6i F Stevens 8 IWHarper AlWlck Meteor 67453 Tijuana 1 l42VsfastG7337 l42fast 6Sf 112 4 4G7337 S 7i 7i W Wiley 11 WiseJudge TomCraven Flame G7337 Tijuana 1 113 fast fastGG948 41 103 7 7GG948 10 S 7 3 F Stevens 11 Baisy Ollic Wood Argento GG948 Tijuana 34 117 slop 33 110 I Left at post J Thomas 7 John Jr Whippet Slioreacraa 66899 Tijuana 1 116 l51slop 17 113 6 66 6S1 M Andson G Bill Head Leta Dolph 66530 Toledo 1 140 fast fastGG328 fastGG328 23 111 G 5 S 5ts T Burns 6 Dancer Handfull Plum Blossom GG328 Toledo 1 11G l47fast 16 113 344 41 T Wayt G Hope Whippet Old Chap GG18G MHghts Im70y 200 hvy 75 109 1 N Burger 7 JohnArbor Pierrot OlliePalmer OlliePalmer2i G6088 MHghts Im70y 135 mud 2i 112 2k T Wayt 9 Blazonry Little Dear Ferrurn GG020 MHghta 34 l17hvy l17hvyLEWIS 9 113 2 T Wayt 10 Blue Wrack Miss Dixie Cuba LEWIS B ch g 8 8Trainer 115 By Prospero Lady Marchmont by Marciunont XL XLraer Trainer G W Crippen Ov raer J A Blackwell Breeder S A Beckham 66086 MHghts 5 f l12mud 19 106 3 P Gross 8 CantnGirl Punctual BackBay 65889 MHghts 34 l15fast 1710 109 6 M Fator 7 Melba Polly Thrills Miss Diii 63796 MHghta 5i f lOSfast 7 106 6 i P Gross S Ola Lee Cuba Seven Seas M485 KingEd Gi f l24sfast 19 HO S1 V Fulton 9 Wise Lady Ckarfield BlackPat C4200 Delmier Im70y l47 = jfast 23 107 STi V Fulton 9 Com Colin El Coronel Gratian 64102 Delmier Ab 7S 139 hvy 9 HO 4i V Fulton S Hocnir Xoenah Just Fancy 63902 Kcmpton 51 f 113 mud 4310 114 H V Fulton 7 St Just Uranium Starkadcr StarkadcrBy 2INK TENNY ch m 7 7Lyon 103 103Lyon By Bavid Tenny Eriam by Pacemaker PacemakerBreeder Trainer G Lyon Owner G GIm70y Lyon Breeder Mrs E J Schvrartr 07598 Tijuana Im70y 14S fast S9f 110 2 3 7s 714 E Kesger S TomCven Fireworth Cafeleri G7453 Tijuana 1 l42fast 5 91 10IS J Kcnsgerll WiseJtidge TomCravcn Flame G7207 Tijuana 34 117 slow 40 107 3 2 5s 55 E Petzoldt 7 Jerrr Chick Barkley Theresa G358S Reno 1 l41fast 16 104 3 1 Scremba 9 Kimberly Weinland Lola 63450 Reno 1 1 43fast 43fast5J 12 10S 1s H Molters 7 Argento Lariat Illckorynnt 63428 Reno 5J f l07fast 72 106 7 W Miller 9 BBIkwell Ringlder ColMatt G3362 Reno 42 107 7 i W Miller 7 Madrono Klynllargan Zamlch 63235 Reno 1 lM3fast 17 103 1 W Miller 9 Bobolink Sippara Striker 63210 Reno 51 f 109 fast 6 113 3J G Leeds 9 Hicknut Irish Relna Tambiaa 61317 Tijuana 34 l15fast 23 113 9 10 9l 91S H Jones 12 Poacher Mary Jay Olympiad OlympiadBy OUB HAZEL br no 6 113 113Hodge By Brummel Alice Mantell by Ornns OrnnsBreeder Trainer F Brown Owner T Hodge Breeder J F Bolan 07490 Tijuana 5S l02 fast 392 110 10 10 10 10 E Fator 10 Vera Rita Tiliotson NorflcM C72G2 Tijuana 34 llfast 1G2 109 5 10 10 10s F SerembalO XebrI id TCraven Shclbyvilla 07115 Tijuana Im70y l52smTd 110 10G 3 9 9 9 J Thomas 9 Leta Deckhand Little Orphan G5223 Hstings Ab 53 l0dilor 6 Hi 3i T Wilson C JFountain KlmcrW Operator 14B75 Bghouse lm7Cy l41fast 13 104 S F Seremball BerniceE MonBelle CIorJunLa G3980 Brhousc 51 f lOSfast 12 109 4U S Smith G ColBoylc Vodka MissFrauland 03586 Reno 34 l14 fast fastC3393 11 109 41 S Smith S Little Abe Klla Wood Jay Mae C3393 Reno Im70y l4Gfast 7 103 7 J M Fator 10 Lariat Bobolink Pierrot 6289 Reno Im70y 143 fast fastG2770 8 105 4 1 31 Fator 7 THrkeuridge Cmaao Pphccy G2770 Reno 1 11S l13 islow islowG1272 CI lOt 13 M Fator S Bill Sparks Go Oa Baby Sister G1272 Tijuana 53 l01fast 426 111 10 Fell W Davis 12 Shelbyville Angela Candorosa GO ON ch g 8 115 115Trainer By Setback Green dOr by Bowling Greoa Trainer B F Hibbard Owner E V Winters Breeder C B Campbell G757G Tijuana Im70y l47fast 9t 117 890 9 J H S Jonesn Lariat Cigale Obstinate G7453 Tijuana 1 l42fast CSf 117 9 7 8s Sl H S Jonell WlseJiidgc TomCraven Flame 03733 Reno Im70y IMTrsfast H 113 113G3624 Gsl D Hum 9 Al Wick TomUrooks KinkavoM G3624 Reno Im70y l47fast 13 10S 7 1 Seremba S ISesVoung HotFoot Tomlirooki 03526 Reno Vifast 175 113 7 i S Smith 8 Diencro Dorotliy Miss Kriig G3430 Reno 1 l43 fast G 113 1J S Smith S Cancion Joe Underwood Meteor 03212 Iteno Im70y l47iifast 14 lit 2s S Smith 9 lcs Young MrsPat PeerlsOuo G2894 Ucno UcnoGLENZAR 1 I4l fa3t 1310 113 4 2 J Majestic 11 Firo Miss Krug Medford Boy GLENZAR b f 4 M MJohn 103 103G Brier by St Anflrew Trainer B John Owner W G Jenkins Jenkins1G Breeder W G Jenkins 07573 Tijuana 51 f 109 fast 1G 103 11 10 6 4 1 L Barber BarberS 12 Gen Czar Midian Review 07450 Tijuana 53 102 fast 79 10t 10 9 9Si S G l L Barber 10 Hazel Dale View Dclancey 07336 Tijuana TijuanaG7203 34 l16fast Si 111 3 9 8 3SJ L Barber Barber4i 12 Nizam Norfield Three X G7203 Tijuana TijuanaG7070 23 105 6 7 4i 23 L Barber 12 Trinket Make Haste Three X G7070 Tijuana TijuanaG6971 31 121 hvy 13 W3 6 9 71 7J L Barber BarberG 12 XTilsLast ArgFort CaveMan G6971 Tijuana TijuanaGC914 51 f l10Vshvy 64 9S 6 G GJ L Uarber 7 LFlorce DrTuhbs McGsPink GC914 Tijuana 58 l03jmud 5 105 3 5 4 = 3 L Darber 11 MarnZorn ArneFort CaveMan 03729 Reno 58 102 fast 9 10G 21 II Molters MoltersC S CCannell Stanleyll TomCaro 63586 Reno RenoG3447 34 lllfaat 23 92 C l P Hum Hum3sl 8 Little Abe Uiia Vood Jay Mac G3447 Reno RenoG3359 El f l Sfnst 31 ICO 3sl M Garrett S Gahvay Perch Miss Dunbar G3359 Reno RenoLAVA Ci f 103 fast fastB 6 90 6 W Miller 9 Bkvform Sacramto Pltagenet LAVA ch g 7 110 110B By Textile Ashes by Tremont TremontB Trainer B B Bend Owner B B Bond Breeder T Monahan Monahan42f 67532 Tijuana 51 f 1C9 fast 42f 113 12 12 12 12P E Taplin 12 MyrtleA Delaneey FrcliNuri GG084 Mirghts 34 l19mud 23 107 107It 7 W Bogski 7 HorUrch Pretender Efficient 05454 Kcmpton Ci f l07fast I It EfficientI 112 1121U 5 E T Moore 8 MisJIggs I adylonc SmThrgh 05408 Kempton 51 f l09fast 1U SmThrghlu 117 4i E T Mooro 7 St Just Satinmore Lady Betty G4481 KingEd 34 113 faat 19 111 31 B Atkinsn 9 Slieka CleanSwccp PIxiwrencn 04390 KingEd Im70y l54t slov 28 103 103H 4 M Garrett 8 Old Red Edith K Ramona II 04198 Delmier Ab 73 l31fast 1 H 103 75 J Simmons 9 Propaganda Cavalier Crest 03704 MtRoyal 1 12 23T5ifast 22 103 9 V Fulton 9 OldFaithtul Plntarcde PaulaV C3G98 iItRoyal 1 142 fast 25f PaulaV25f 102 42 T Bonhamll GeorgeW LkyPearl CouimcMt SEVEN SEAS ch g 5 5Trainer 110 By Olambala Yellow Sea py Martagom Trainer S Folk Owner S Pott MartagomPott Breeder B T Wilson Jr 67597 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 245 110 11 11 11 10i K Ericksnl2 Lobelia Delaneey View 67532 Tijuana 5S f 1C9 fast G ViewG 103 2 G 71 7 i G Rails 12 MyrtleA Delaneey FrchNnna 07394 Tijuana 34 l15ifast l15ifastGG530 71 110 5 6 S C M Fator 11 Poorluss TomOwens Celebrata GG530 Toledo 1 140 fust fustCG328 5 101 5 6 6 6 M Fator G Dancer Handful Plutn Blossom CG328 Toledo 1 11G l47fast 13 103 1 3 5 5 M Fator G Hope Whippet Old Chap GG233 Toledo 1 116 149 fast 19 103 3 6 l 6i T Wayt 8 SpeclatGirl Buckbrd Ckroack 66182 MHghts 51 f 117 hvy 13W Ckroack13W 104 3l M Fator 9 Efficient Briarcliff Mary Erb G5895 MHghta Im70y l46Vifaat 4 103 41 M Fator 10 By Right Old Pop Mab 65796 MHghta 51 f lOSfast 133 101 3 M Fator 8 Ola Lee Cuba Thrills 63905 Kcmpton 1 116 206mud i 108 Il W Taylor 8 Plantarede Galaway Hercules 63852 Keaipton 1 11S 202Jialoy 6 116 3fi E Atklnan 9 SemStalwart Counsel Ilocnir