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34 Mile Advance Parse nyearolds Allowances Feb 9 BOSH br f 3 101 By Helmet Screlia by Magellan MagellanTrainer Trainer B C Bunbury Owner B C Bunbury Breeder E R Bradley 65813 Latonia 51 f l07fast 2 106 4 4 3 1 A Wileon 10 Chiva Away Roldgold RoldgoldC4854 C4854 Churchill 51 f l07fast 85 109 3 2 11 1J A Wilson 7 Mammon Bsndeau Chcckerette 63183 Latonia El f l07fast 5f 112 8 2 2J 2h A Johnsonl2 Bendita Away Needy 63033 Latonia 51 f l08Vifast 93 112 2 2 4 Si T Murray 10 Gadfly Jupiter Kennmare 62831 Latonia 51 f lOSXfast 44 11210 9 9 9 N Barrett 10 RegQueen LuckyUun MMiizle MMiizleSHAMROCK SHAMROCK blk c 3 117 By Rock View Tuscan Red by William Rufus RufusTrainer Trainer E Brewster Owner T W OBrien Breeder C T Grayson 07645 FGrnds 51 f l07fast 32 113 4 1 2 W Kelsay 9 Miss Meise Rock Salt Contour Contourf6650 f6650 Pimlico 1 l39fast S3 119 199 S ° M Fator 11 SallysAlley Martingale MyOwn 66594 Pimlico 34 112 fast 245 112 4 4 4 ° t 4el A JohnsonlO Jloys Believe Me Crocliet Rigel 66512 Empire 51 f l06tast 1 112 2 2 2 21 II Thomas 4 HowFair Peddler DandDrakea 66444 Empire Ab 34 l09fast 65 115 2 2 2 2t E Sande 3 Cyclops Avalanche 66211 Empire Ab 34 l09Vifast 5 112 4 4 3 2 L Ensor 5 Cyclops Best Love Miss Star 65660 Aqueduct 58 58fast 3 120 4 3 3J 2i C Ponce 7 Best Love Curtis Paula Shay 65516 Aqueduct 58 59 fast 7 117 6 4 42 4 C Robson 8 GrtMan TallTber AmorPataa AmorPataaCHIVA CHIVA b g 3 106 By Broomstick Baksheesh by Hamburg HamburgTrainer Trainer J C Cahn Owmsr J C Cahn Breeder H P Whitney 10 FGrnds 34 l13fast 4 113 6 6 51 Zl E Pool 13 Leslie ElizabcthBean StiimpJr StiimpJr6C588 6C588 Latonia 1 l39Hfast 5 101 4 2 2 = 2 J Owens 9 The Clown Kindred Superbum 66484 Latonia 34 laSTiTost 13 106 2 3 21 21 F Smith 12 Superbum Leslie FightingCook 66133 Latonia 34 117 hvy 75 107 1 2 3s 3 F Smith 7 Mr Lee Peijuot Polite 60067 Latonia 34 l17ihvy 15 105 5 4 5 5 i F Smith 6 Certain BillOFIynn II Graham 65860 Latonia 34 l13fast 7 111 5 31 2 F Smith 12 Tlorllay AilsicVnor M0llarm 65813 Latonia 51 f l07fast IS 107 1 2 1 li 21 C Rails 10 Kosh Away Uoldgold 65726 Latonia 51 f l07faat 28 106 12 10 10 10THESSALY SI J Heupel 12 HGraham OldTop Gt ofllonor THESSALY br f 3 101 101Trainer By Plaudit Fair Atalanta by Knight of the Thistle Trainer M J Murphy Owner S Louis Breeder Xalapa Farm 67090 Jefferson 34 l16rshvy 6 105 3 2 21 2166R51 5J II Thomas 8 Stump Jr Superbum Vennie 66R51 Bowie 7S l2Slfast 23 103 2 266 6 61 710 G Mein 9 KingSolsSeal Felside LMyra 66815 Bowie 34 114 fast 57 162 10 11 10 = 10 II Thomasll Best Love Fly by Day Felside 66072 Laurel 34 llGVshvy 10 105 440 440S6005 5 E Smwod 7 NHpshire CtEmptor Wdland S6005 Laurel 51 f 108 fast 14 115 4 6 6 6 J J Rowan 0 Heeltaps Valador Crochet 65576 HdeGce 51 f l03fast 14 100 3 2 31 541 G Mein 8 Vigil Daniel Dunlin 65396 HdeGco 51 f 107 fast 10 102 345 6il II Thomas 7 SedThghts McKna Welirdet 65392 Belmt 34 MC l12fast 6 106 1 1 11 2 L Fator 8 BlaneSeing Sdayllest SIIawk RORK b g 3 110 By Assagai Affinity by Star Shoot Trainer C A Applegato Owner C A Applegate Breeder W S Kilmer 67772 FGrnds 34 113 fast 15 I09i 8 9 9 91 G Babin 9 BlueNose JohnQKelly Jupiter 67685 FGrnds 1 116 143 fast 7 105 S 2 6 713 II Thomas 7 Superbum BchBeauty Glabella 67555 FGrnds 34 l13good 41 101 766 51 J Wallace 13 MaT Bodlne Alex II Spugs 67458 FGrnda 34 18nvy 8 114 C 3 3 2 G Babin 7 Macbeth Flying Devil Leslie 67381 Jefferson 34 13 fast 7 113 6 G 31 31 J Owens 11 Bedazzle Ormont MjorieWood 67146 Jefferson 51 f 10 hvy 8 109 4 5 61 6 G Babin 7 Leslie Vennie Setting Sun 66507 Empire 51 f 07fast 20 103 6 6 61 31 G Babin 10 Raffles PeterBrown BrotherPat 66405 Empire Ab 34 llgood 6 101 5 5 6 51 E Martz 6 Lylncz PeterBron Uomestrch 66303 Empire Ab 34 l10fcfast 12 110 5 6 51 5 3 G Babin 11 Raffles BenWood BesLeightoa BesLeightoaFELICITOUS FELICITOUS ch c 3 106 By Ultimatum Felicitation by Delhi DelhiTrainer Trainer C P Winfrey Owner C P Winfrey Sreeder S Ross 66987 Jefferson 51 f l07fast 4 115 6 3 4 41 E Smwod 8 UockSalt BetTime StumpJr 66835 Bowie 61 f l214faat 195 112 6 3 41 6 J E SmwodlO Bucado Lit Hope Adventures 66637 Pimlico 34 l13fefast 12 1081 3 2 1 I1 E SmwodlS LyMyra Homestretch Al Boyd BoydG6387 G6387 Laurel 1 l4JAfast 3110 110 831 331 E SmwodlO Belphrizonia PoorSport Tassel 66248 Laurel 34 l15fast 45 103 2 3 2l 1 S McLane 9 Pa nn sain SandPty BlueChina 66102 laurel 51 f l09good 1 113 4 2 2 21 F Keogh 6 Noel Old Timer St Lawrence 65817 Laurel S f l07ast 17 101 8 7 4 31 S McLane S Hltaps SwpHawk ThrSquare 05340 HdeGco 51 f lOS fast 49 105 7 7 E1 21 S McLano 12 Mabel K Lady Boss Racket RacketG4 G4 159 SaratOKa 5S 100 fast 10 102 8 4 41 ol S AIcLanel2 Loncboat BIkFriday Virgiuimj VirgiuimjMACBETH MACBETH BoanerfWTrainer b c 3 10 S By Tony Bonoro A M J by BoanerfW Trainer L Gentry Owner L Gentry Breeder T B Jones 67458 FGrnds 34 llShvy 165 116 1 1 1 1 II J Burke 7 Rork Flying Devil Leslie Leslie60X00 60X00 Dadelrk 34 llSmud 35 10S1 1 2 21 21 A Roach 0 BStone Fernnndos TedsPlum 66781 DadePrk 78 129 hvy 3110 105 4 2 4s 5 i J Owens 5 RompMary Taylorllay Brunei 66765 DadePrk 34 inSrshvy 710 113 1 3 4i 3i II 1 Burke 5 Stump Jr Fernando M Woo 66217 Latonia 1145 hvy 2910 lo o 4 5 = 4s J Corcoran 11 Pequot Vcnuic Lavinla 66131 Latonia 34 l16ihvy 41 110 1 3 IJ 1 II J Burke 8 Leslie Al Stobler Rencclavr 55860 I itnnia 34 l13fast 2J 113 2 2 4 5 II J Burkel2 Taylor Hay Chiva AilsicVernor 65494 Woodne 51 f l07 ifast 7 11J 1 2 2 21 II J BurkelO Patchwk GameScpr EauGli EauGliTHE THE SingletonTrainer COLONEL b c 3 M 104 By Bryn Mawr Toastrack by Singleton Trainer E J Bennett Owner G C Walsh Breeder H S Barden 66507 Empire 51 f l077sfast 4 105 8 8 7l S1 G W CarMllO Raffles Peter irown Rork 66303 Empire Ab 34 l10fast 21 1071 7 7 41 41 L Fator 11 Raffles BcnWood BeaLelghtoa 66193 Empire 5i f 107 fast ICO 114 7 7 61 71 M MntainlO Mutiny Mazeppa Sakah 66127 Jamaica 51 f l00fast CO 107 2 5 5 G J Mountn 5 Rigel Equinoctial Pelioa 65948 Jamaica 34 l12fast 100 103 1 3 41 5 II Thomas 8 Best Love Battersea Aladdin 65519 Aqueduct 34 l13Sifast CO 112 10 10 10 10 B Mariellill Tuxedo Spread Eagle Conto 65385 Aqueduct 5S 5S7ifast 60 115 9 10 101 10U A Collins 13 Osprey Rigel Purity PurityEULALIA EULALIA ch f 3 M 99 By Spanish Prince n Alice Dudley by Electioneer ElectioneerTrainer Trainer C Phillips Owner C Phillips Breeder C Clay 66908 Jefferson 5S l02famt 13 112 3 7 7j SC3 B nournel2 Runlelgh Yorick Irene Walton 65487 HdeGco El f l07ifast 31 105 13 13 13 11 G Rose 13 LitUope Panasain Noon Glide 65393 ILdeGce 5S l02jfast 43 97 1 C 6 V G Rose 12 Codina Paplllon Swt and Ptty