6th Race [6th Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1923-01-31

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Cth 11GDin DA PC 1 Mile and 7O Yards 3yearold Cluimln r Feb 1 11G Din nAoL 14 15 i na SUPERBUM b f 3 3Trainer 103 By Superman Dolly Bultman by Alloway Trainer F Wricht Owner G H Knebelkamp Breeder H T Oxnard G78G1 FGrnds Im70y l Hgood 1310 106 3 2 2J 1 G Mein S IScliIScaiity AlStebler MinnieB G7G85 FGrnds 1 116 IMS fast 2 105 7 3 10 1 L McDott 7 BchBeauty Gliibeiia Al Stebler C755G FGrnds lm0y l45igood 5 102 10 7 3 41 G Mein 10 Vennie Roseatell Setting Suti G7182 FGrnds ImOy 149 hvy 32 104 2 4 5 GT1 J Owens S AlStrblcr MarjVood Itorda G7090 Jefferson JeffersonGGG30 34 l167shvy 105 4 5 5l 2l A AVilson 8 Stump Jr Vrnnic Setting Sua GGG30 Latonia Latonia6G58K 34 l12 4fast 103 1 7 7 C1 R Hartonl2 Red Arrow Jupiter Certain 6G58K Latonia LatoniaGG484 1 l29Jjfast 101 1 7 5 4 H Thurber 9 Tlie Clown Chiva Kindred GG484 Latoria LatoriaGG280 S4 l13ifast J01 7 5 3l U J Owens 12 Chiva Leslie Fichting Cook GG280 Latonia LatoniaG6100 51 f l07iifast 115 H 10 7 o 3 A Wilson 12 Away MissMincrva RpingMary G6100 Latonia 34 lUWihvy 105 4 2 1 1 A Wilson 9 Bendita DinahDean MarjWood WINNER TAKE ALL br f 3 3Trainer 107 By Fair Play Free Love by Chouberski Trainer H J Mnrphy Owner S Louis Breeder P T Chlati 6793G FGrnds 34 lllfast 102 9 9 6l 2 G Mein AllieOchs Lnly Rose Glabclla G7710 FGrnda 31 l13 = ifast 106 10 10 81 101 G Mein 13 Leslie Elizabeth Bean Chiva 61 f l21fast 102 S 7 8l 71 H ThomaslO Itucndo Lit Hope Adventuressi 34 l4 = ifast 101 10 9 8s 6 G Mein 13 Lit Hope Adventuress PrSport GG716 Pimlico PimlicoGGG87 1 l42fast 107 1 10 11 12 E Smwodl2 Little Hope Sea Tag Majority GGG87 Pimlico PimlicoGG554 34 114 fast 104 S 8 S 9 W Meehanl5 Tassel Reap Racket GG554 Laurel LaurelGG318 34 lU ifast 110 10 9 9 9 W Kelsay 10 GenTliatcher Comixa Scribble GG318 Laurel LaurelGG223 51 f 109 fast 105 7 6 5 31 G Mein 10 ESawyer Vanburj San Pansy GG223 Laurel 51 f lOSjfast 105 6 8 6 6CJ E Smwod 7 Moouraker GoldenUule Comixs ComixsSO MARJORIE WOOD b f 3 3Trainer SO By Wormleihton Argon Eshcr Vy Zsher ZsherT Trainer J M Goode Ownr J JG7731 T Looney Breeder L A Lyto G7731 FGrnds Im70y l43 = sfaat 10 10G7G02 105 10 9 10 10 L McDottl2 Al Stebler Clabella Untried G7G02 FGrnds 31 l15Hfast G 99 10 10 10 = 1C W Fronk 11 Radiant Swandlty GMount GMounti 67482 FGrnds Im70y 149 hvy W i 94 3 4 21 2 W Fronk S AlStebler PimtaGorda Ilhouse 67381 Jefferson 34 113 fast 5 101 1 3 4 W Fronk 11 Bedazzle Orniout Rork 67284 Jefferson 51 f ItfSrifast 5 102 C 5 4 3si W Fronk 13 Runleigh Jlabella Yorick 67 109 Jefferson 54 l147isood 5 5G7070 104 G 2 2 2 W Fronk 10 Admirer Bl Bird llufBRitlge G7070 Jefferson 5J f l12 = ihvy 95 H 22 3 2J W Fronk 12 IrishPat ThcMuleskr StMama 66765 Dadelrk 34 llS = ihvy 41 416G73G 102 2 4 31 4 i W Fronk 5 Stump Jr Feraandos Macbeth 6G73G DadePrk 5i f l06rifast 165 165GG7IO 107 2 1 1 1 W Fronlc 14 Teds Plum Arpo The Ulster Ulster9o GG7IO DadePrk 51 f 107 fast 10 106G280 9o 4 3 4 41 W Fronk 9 Soldleril FtgCook TblMura 6G280 Latonia 51 f l07ifast 21 112 4 8 11 12 II J Burkel2 Away MissMinerva RpingMary AL STEBLER b ff 3 3Trainer 107 By Golden Maxim Lily Mac by Plaudit Trainer J P Polk Owner J F FGVRGl Peck Breeder T M Murphy GVRGl FGrnds ImTOy l46good 5 100 3 3 3 31 E Smwod 8 Surnitbum BchBenity MinnieB 67731 FGrnda ImTOy l43faat S SG7685 103 1 1 I1 Il G Mein 12 Glabvlla Untried Stone ARC G7685 FGrnds 1 116 14S fast 12 12G7482 10G 3 6 4s 4 J Owens 7 Superbum RcbRcauty Clabella G7482 FGrnds Im70y 149 hvy 13 13G730G 105 4 6 21 l k L McDott 8 MarjWood PuuGurda Illiouse G730G Jefferson 1 l42fast 20 110 1 7 6l 6 J Wallace 7 Vennie Roseate 11 Lady luea 67250 Jefferson 34 l15jfaat 15 15G714G 1031 6 6 5 41 A Roach G Bedazzle Leslie Hillhouse HillhouseI G714G Jenerson 51 f 110 hvy 20 I 108 7 7 61 5 R Doyle 7 Leslie Vemile Settins Sun 67010 Jefferson 34 llS zmid 115 115669G7 107 2 1 lh 1 J Corcoranl2 Yorick FlyingDevil iVrnandos 669G7 Jefferson 51 f lW 4fast 7 76G626 113 8 7 it 7 1 II ThurberlS High Tea Slanderer Allurinjt Allurinjt1W 6G626 Latonia 34 114 faat 185 1W 12 12 12 9 1 J CorcoranlS Kinsman Tender Seth Pompon 66585 Latoula 1 l40Xfaat 11 104 S 3 Sl 3 A Roach 11 MissColtte BlucBlrd StumpJCi OLABEI1A V f fTrainer By King James Colorrieto by Collar CollarBreeder Trainer T Scott Owner 6 W Bailer Breeder H T Oxnard OxnardEl 67836 PGrnda 34 l14fast 1S6 100 7 8 8IinTOy El 4 A Abel it AtOchs WinTakeAH LyRose 77S1 FGrnds IinTOy l45fast H6 104 S 6 21 24 J Owens 12 Al Steblcr Untried Stone Age 67685 FGrnds 1 11G 148 fast 4 102 5 5 3 3 J Chlmers 7 Superbum BchButy AlStcblcr 67561 FGrnds 34 lU3 4fast 5 105 5 3 2 j Chlmersll Klizabetli Bean Gliost Kinsman C7363 Jefferson 68 l01 ifast 1310 110 5 1 1El 11 2 J Owens 12 FlyingDevil SwcetMamn Gliost 67284 Jefferson El f lOS = ifast 15 103 3 2 27S 21 2 t L McDottlS Rtinleigh MarjoricWood Torick 66855 Bowie 7S 131 fast Kf 109 5 4 4 I1 B Mariellil3 Jigstep Zeus lassie SpinFLix 01 810 Churchill ChurchillGOLDENCREST 12 Ofislow 16 112 9 10 10 10 J D Mneyll Bess L Kent L Atlilete GOLDENCREST ch c 3 3K 107 By Meclick Golden Agnes by Golden Maxim MaximL Trainer R K Vestal Owner G L Blackford Breeder G L Blackford 67938 FGrnds 1 l23Xfast 15 151141fast 101 664 4J G Mein C SettinsSun Anonymous Briand 67881 FGrnds 1141fast 15 102 10 8 6i 6 G Mein 11 Majority Briand Stump Jr G7645 FGrnds 51 f l07Hfast SO 1071 988 7 i B Barnes 9 Miss Meise Hock Salt Sliamrk 66890 Jefferson 68 1OOiifast 20 106 3 G 4 411 A Wilson 7 Anonymous BctrTimos Vennio C6G30 Latonia 24 l12 ifast ISf 106 12 10 61 10 F Smith 12 lied Arrow Jupiter Certain C6588 Latonia 1 l23 fast 2S 104 7 6 61 C F Smith 9 The Clown Cliiva Kindred C6276 Latonia 34 l13 4fast 6 112 4 3 1 1 B KcnndylZ Nnyaka StoneAge GordonSliaw 65813 Latonia 51 f l07fast 43 111 8 9 7 61 F Sharpe 10 Bosh Chiva Away IRISH PAT b g 3 3Trainer 103 By Berrnidon Mollie Kean by Bobbie Kesa Trainer E J Crawford Owner J J Lyons Breeder K R Howard 67861 FGrnds ImTOy IMGgood 15 110 6 6 B1 C J McCoy 8 Superbum BchButy AlStcbler 67754 FGrnds 1 l40fast 15 1567G85 104 S 7 8 8 J J McCoy 9 PocTHTii Roscatell Majority 67G85 FGrnda 1 11G 143 fast 8 109 1 7 7 6 F Sharpe 1 Superbum BcliBeauty Glabella 67604 FGrnds Im70y IMSTsfast 6 6G755G 109 3 1 1 1 J McCoy n Gliost Slanderer Mildred Ruth G755G FGrnds lm 0y l45 igood 25 102 826 5i J McCoy 10 Vennie Koscatell Setting Sun 67482 FGrnds ImTOy 149 hvy 8 86730G 109 8 8 6 6 E Smwod 8 AlSteblcr MarjWood pGorda 6730G Jcffcison 1 2fast 15 105 4 3 41 4 J Crcoran 7 Vennie Roseate II Lady Inez 67130 Jefferson 1 l45mud 105 2 4 6 5 J Merimee fi Ladylnez Stump Jr LadyMyra 67070 Jefferson 5J f l12Hhvy 110 5 3 I1 1 J MerimeelS MWood TheMuleskr StMama SLANDERER ch e 3 104 104Trainer By Manager Waite Gossip by The Scribe Trainer J H BaKer Owner J H Baker Breeder T C McDowell 67881 FGrnds 1 l41fast 15 S3 4 7 7 710 A Abel 11 Majority Briand Stnmp Jr 67861 FGrnds ImTOy l4Cfast 12 105 1 6 667G84 G C1S C Lane 8 Supbam BcbBeauty AlStcbler 67G84 FGrnds Im70y l4jfast 20 105 1 4 4C7G04 3 3 i C Lang 9 Koseatcll PrTHTii Majority C7G04 FGrnds ImOy l4Gfast S 10G 2 6 6675GI E S C Lang 11 Irish Tat Ghost Mildred Rutii 675GI FGrnds 34 l13fast 20 112 7 6 6G7581 51 5SJ C Lang 11 Glabella Elizabeth Bean Ghost G7581 Jefferson 34 113 fast 12 109 4 t tC7029 9i 9 1 E Pool 11 Bedazzle Ormont Uork C7029 Jefferson 51 f 112 mud 20 110 1 6 6GG9G7 6 5 W Kelsay 7 Untried Pcrmarco SettingSun GG9G7 Jefferson EJ f lOSfaet 165 113 1 1 16G910 II 2 B Pool 12 High Tea Alluring Athlete 6G910 Jefferson 51 f 103 fast 4 10S 2 2 2MANICURE 2 2 E Pool 0 Leslie Amole Dentaria DentariaBy MANICURE MAID blk f 3 94 94Trailer By Thunderer Beauteous by Hamburg HamburgBreeder Trailer M Goldblatt Owner M Goldblatt GoldblattC78G1 Breeder H P Whitney Whitney7g C78G1 FGrnds ImTOy l4Ggood 12 96i 7 7 7g 7 J Corcoran 8 Superbum BcliBnty AlStebler 678 1 5 FGrnds 34 l15hvy 12 9S 10 8 8f7518 9 S J CrcoranlS Flying Devil OldTop Wrangler f7518 FGrnds 51 f lOS good 8 IOC 7 6 8 8 L McDott S Miss Meise Contour Untried 67239 Jefferson 34 115 good 12 107 1 C C6G581 E1 55i J Crcoran 0 Anonymous Venine Rock Salt 6G581 Latonia 34 l12fast 12 103 6 6 6C57G3 6 CT J CorcoranlS Gofllonor Away RompMary C57G3 Latonia 5J f 108 fast 18 10S 1 1 1G4823 1i 1s L McDottlU LChurclilIl Belle Amie Dearie G4823 Churchill 51 f l07fast 17 108 4 5 5K4688 31 31 M Garner 10 TedsPlnm MissMeise TaylHay K4688 Churchill GJ f 107 fast 17 109 7 7 7637GG Cl 6 M Garner 8 Leslie Fair Alice Full Spoon 637GG Empire 5 f lOSfast 10 101 2 C C CTi W Pool G BLghton PBrown DandDkes 63531 Empire 51 f 108 fast 12 1C2 2 3 3WRANGLER 31 2 G Breung G Contact Red Wreath Suspicion SuspicionBy WRANGLER b c 3 102 102Trainer By Wrack Bold Lady by Oeden OedenBreeder Trainer G Peterson Owner G Peterson Breeder A B Hancock G78I5 FGrnds 15 104 3 2 2 31 L McDottlS Flying Devil Old Top Kinsman G7771 FGrnds 34 l13fast 30 96 13 12 13 13 J ChalmersM Kkljjlon Mavrnn CJCjnnile 67561 FGrnds 34 l13fast 20 108 10 9 9 911 E Martz 11 Glabella Elizabeth Bean Ghost G7498 FGrnds 34 115 good 13 97 5 8 41 S J Chalmersl1 Wireless CJCraigmile MRuth G7284 Jefferson El f lOSfast 15 IOC 10 12 10 1051 E Martz 13 Runlcigli Glabella Marj Wood WoodE2 67199 Jefferson 6S l03Jihvy 12 107 8 4 E2 55i B Martz 112 KlynSawyer Kinsman JosicM 67088 Jefferson S4 118 hvy 12 115 1 2 21 iu E Martz 12 Reformer Cappyllicks LitAnn LitAnnBy BUDDUGIE br e 3 M By Berrilldon Canny Miss by Oeden OedenBreeder Trainer J Arthur Owner J Arthur Breeder W Garth G7171 Jefferson 34 l17hvy 8 115 1 4 6 C i A Abel G GailFord FirstBlush Blue Bird G7057 Jefferson 34 Iil9hvy 12 104 8 6 41 3 A Abel 8 Admirer Yorick Koellia GG85r Bowie 7S 131 fast 20 107 10 9 J Gl M Schwtzl3 Glabella Jigstcp 7eus Lassie G6822 Bowie 78 12S fast 427 106 10 10 10Cf 10 10 W Organ 10 Vigil Blue Hawk Osprey CG48G Laurel El f 110 fast Cf 110 13 11 11 10 A Abel 14 Kghthd Radiant Sand Pretty GG31G Laurel 34 l16fast 11 f 100 11 13 131 1181 A Abel 15 Paul Micou Racquetta Papillon CG248 Laurel 21 104 8 9 6s 5 J A Abel 9 FelicitouJ Panasaiu SandPrty

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923013101/drf1923013101_5_3
Local Identifier: drf1923013101_5_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800