2nd Race [2nd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-01-31

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9nrl RAPE 5S Mile yearolds and upward Claiming 3Iay 2O 1J2 IIU RHUC 59 1 1O7 SQUASH ch m 6 109 109Trainer By Deutschlacd Island Queen by Dick WeHes Trainer 7 Rogan Owner G Sidney Breeder Nevada Stock Farm 67911 Tijuana 58 104 mad S 103 6 6IS 3 101 10 L Creery 14 Cicely Kay You Ret Car 67870 Tijuana IS 103 1 1 21 21 L Creery 11 TRoich Pntagenet MissiMna C77G5 Tijuana GS l01fast 21 105 6 5 5 G J L Creery 13 Angelo ChtaSmith T Duncan K759G Tijuana 5S l027tfast 114 108 5 4 5 51 L Creery 12 Ahijnli Yukon Hunters Point 58 103 hvy 52 104 1 2 3 7 1 L Creery 8 Bol Mini Bis Indian Olympiad 58 l04hvy 16 105 3 2 4 C L Creery 9 Sherman A 1ig Indian Nizam CV019 Tijuana 58 l03mud 74 10D 2 2 3 S L Creery 9 Pueblo HnMajor Goldie Rose 65258 Hstlngs Ab 58 100 good 9 109 2 W Miller 10 Limerick Ermitann MurielsPet 63189 Hstines Ab 58 I0l7shvy 21 109 5 3 W Davis S HelMaior NkKlein LadySmall ERMTTANA b m 8 114 114Trainer By Von Tromp Isolation by George Kessler KesslerBreeder Trainer J Kern Owner J Kern KernG7913 Breeder E Cebrii = G7913 Tijuana 58 104 mud 19 114 1 31 21 C Thpson 8 Olympiad Smile Again Review 67892 Tijuana 31 1JS mud IS 110 2 31 35 C Thpson 12 Fickle Fancy View Dora 67870 Tijuana 58 303mud 8 10S G 7l 71 C Rails 11 ToiuRoacli Squash Plantagenet 67722 Tijuana 5S lG2 = fcfast 4t 113 8 867G57 898 = 51 C Puxke It Yukon Delancey Phyllis K KISf 67G57 Tijuana 5S l01fast ISf 103 10311 11 11 lib 10 1 J Thomas 12 Pewaiikcc Slieka Fickle Fancj 67573 Tijuana 5 l 109 fast 37 30S 4 4 5 = 1 Cl J Thomas 12 Gen Czar Midian Review 67429 Tijuana 58102 fast 22 108 4 4G7297 6 Il K Petzoldtl2 LadySmaU Bookworm Olympd G7297 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast 53 103 G GG7224 5 41 4i E Petzoldt 7 II Ruiltier O Wood H Major G7224 Tijuana 58 102rigood 58 100 2 24 5l f1 E PetzoldtlO ColonelMatt MissDunbar Velvet 05281 Hastings Ab 58 59fast 133 33 114 114G5258 31 W TDavia 8 Prolnski MursPet KusItrown G5258 Hstings Ab 5S 100 good 5 114 114OKWA 3 T Wilson 10 Limerick Squash Muriels Pet OKWA ch g 9 105 105Trainer By Dalhousio Thistlcdor by Ecthen Ecthenillant Trainer G Boyd Owner R Pillans PillansG7S90 illant Breeder T Clyde G7S90 Tijuana 34 l3Smud 19 IDS 2 5 5i 6 G Rose 10 IVbleEyo LonePinp MdieWiln MdieWiln7f 67849 Tijuana 51 f l10smud 7f 110 3 3G77G3 5 5 4si G Rose 9 Miss Dunbar Review PhyllisK PhyllisK4f G77G3 Tijuana 5S l01tifa = t t6G085 4f 107 11 116G085 9 71 C G Rose 12 Viva lien Payne Irene Delsa 6G085 MHghts 34 119 mud 41 102 G1 P Gross 7 PIue Wrack Puff Ball Rajnh G545G Kempton 34 l15Vsfast 8 109 2J R Ball S Juniima IlighOlvmpus TwoEyes G4480 KingEd Ab 3S i fast C4 1CS 8 3 N Collins 9 Euiden DFalrbanks Fairl jssie G4457 KingEd 34 l17Hfast 7 112 6T C OMahy 9 CharAIlyrnP Jamima Counsel G4385 KingEd Ab 5S l05slow 7 107 4 P Gross 9 Bashful Cremona Nick London G41G7 Delmier Ab 78 l31sfast 9 107 441 P Gross 9 MyrtCrown CaptRob MVoter BACCHUS b g 3 M 100 By Zeus Annie Singleton by Singleton Trainer H Farrell Owner H Terrell Breeder White Cliborn 67819 Tijuana 51 f mo mud mudG7742 41 103 9 9 S S A CUwer 9 MiysDunliar Review PhyllLiK G7742 Tijuana 58 l0l lOLfast sfast 3110 110 6 3 2 23 J Glass 11 IrisGirl ElmerW SmileAgain 07721 Tijuana 51 1 f l09fast l09fastC7G37 26 97 12 12 12 101 P Walls 12 Piophecy Nonsuit Flame FlameTOy C7G37 Tijuana Im70y TOy Rpydo5S l47 fast fastG7595 4 i7 5 7 51 4SJ C Rails S Theresa Starlike Rpydo G7595 Tijuana 5S 302faat 302faatTijuana 23 93 S 9 51 S l C Rails 32 Philanderer Viva GalloiBcrry Tijuana 58102 fast fastGG44G 135 1C9 11 11 H 9 E Taplin 11 Doubtful El Roble Dndive GG44G Latonia 1 IMlVsfast IMlVsfastGG217 CGf 108 10 11 10 9 F Smith 11 Calcutta Pompons Stump Jr GG217 Latonia 1 115 hvy hvyGG1G2 9lf 100 11 9 S S n Sclieffel 11 Pet not Vennif Iirinia GG1G2 Latonhi 34 34111 111 fsst fsstCG034 115 31312 11 in 11 H Lunsfd 12 Cusii Power Lucky Uun CG034 Latonia 34 l197ihvy l197ihvyG590S 20 112 9 9 7 6 i J D Mney 9 Pequct Gail Ford Tender Setfc G590S Latonia 51 I SetfcI f lOS fast fastRAG 5f 112 12 11 11s II1 H Lunsfdl2 Procwils Mammon Kinsman RAG DOLL b f 3 M MOwner 87 By Theo Cooi The Doll by St Ament Owner Smith Manahan ManahanG7827 Breeder Theo Cook Cookil G7827 Tijuana 41 il f 54fast 54fastG733G 19 92 10 9 71 7 W Martin 12 Norfield NorIIoney QuncupII G733G Tijuana 34 llGfast llGfastG7319 33 9111 Jl 32 31 J Thomas 12 Nizam NorfieM Olenzar Olenzaril G7319 Tijuana 54 il Honey5S f ItfgHfast ItfgHfastGG917 S7 307 7 G C 5 J Thomas 7 SirLeoniil PenceFlag N Honey GG917 Tijuana 58 103 mud mudC40GO C1 1CS 7 7 7 7 T Rae 7 SUrerMaid Ivixoiiid Paqnana C40GO Delmier 41 II PaqnanaII f 300hvy 300hvyI 31 113 G J Thomas S SsLcmon MchLad Miss Flora I 37GO MtRoyal 5S l01 l01fast Efast EfastG302G 3G 101 5 J Thomas S Patchwoik Ss Lemon Kl Dyer G302G Aqueduct 5S l00fast 13 303 9 13 13 15 J Callahinl7 Cork Klin Put II Warren 04824 Aqueduct 53100 331 331G1523 S 104 5 13 13 1311 J CallahanlG Uprand Kirk Lady Scare Crow G1523 Iimlico 41 ii f SG 5Gislow 5GislowG1185 sluw 49 103 6 6 8 6 1 J Callahan 8 I ink ReTrtieiiian Josipliine C G1185 Pimlico 41 II f 3 3fifast fa3t 11 112 5 5 6 Gl J Callahan 7 Cotrompa Buddugic RMurray M 105 By David Tenny Princess Vera by Jlcy del Sierra Trainer J Horn m Owner J Horn Breeder Mrs E J Schwartz Schwartz5S G7870 Tijuana TijuanaG7818 5S lOS mud m 105 S 8 94 9 M Mllrlckll Tom Roach Squash Plantagenet G7818 Tijuana TijuanaC77G5 JolIySailor5S i Plantageneti f l10mud 71 110 767 7 M Milrick 8 RosiAtkin Olympri JolIySailor C77G5 Tijuana TijuanaG7G58 5S l01fast 24 107 3 7 71 7 J M lilricklS Angelo ClitnSmith T Duncan DuncanrS G7G58 Tijuana TijuanaG7451 rS 301jfaHt 29f 307 S 9 6 6 i M MIlriclU2 Melchoir Nnliour JalPtrry G7451 Tijuana Tijuana3G 58 l02ifast 6 107 6 8 S 71 M Milrlck l Olfbrat p Tiiercsa Limerick 3G Tijuana 34 llGfast ll3f 111 1 3 3J 4si M M rlekl2 Nizsiin Norfield Glinzar ijuana ijuanaG7151 51 f lllTisIow 9 309 1 4 3 4J M Milrick 12 Trinket Gicnzar Make Hast Hast5S u G7151 iin Tijuana TijuanaG7114 Thrilta5S 5S 58103 103 hvy 110 30 7 7 7G7114 7 61 G 3 M Mllfrick 7 Dr Htevensson PlrllisK Thrilta G7114 Tijuana 5S 103 mud 23f 107 7 7 G C M Milrick 9 Ternettp Hazel Dale ThrilU 43497 Cheyenne 4i Ii ThrilUIi f LG fast 11 113 5 C Gross 5 DofWton I ttiel ttiele e RMtaia 43112 Cheyenno 12 4S 4Sifast ifast 19 112 112MAT 511 II Carter G Squash DofWton BMomntata BMomntataM MAT = SETH ch f 3 M M MTrainer By Seth Mao Erwin by Banquo IX IXBreit Trainer F A Breit Owcer F A Breit BreitG78G9 Breeder F A Breit G78G9 Tijuana 58 l03smud 7 92 4 3 41 7 H Long 12 Careen ainor Cicely Kay C72G5 Tijuana 51 il Kayil f 103 fast 31f 110 S 7 H 9 J Carrol 12 ISrianKent LyLconid Bovspcit OPERATOR b e 6 Regbrterk 110 110Trainer By First Chip Gracie Gould by Regbrter Trainer T Polk k Waring5S Owner T Polk PolkG7C3U Breeder S Waring G7C3U Tijuana Alajah5S 5S l01 l01yifast fast 54 110 6 G 3 H Molters 7 Full Moon Milda Alajah C7597 Tijuana 5S 102 fast ISf 110 3 7 71 6 H Molters 12 Lobelia Delancry View View5S G7420 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 21 110 10 I IG5223 7 71 101 H Molters 12 IadySmall Rookworm Olymp4 G5223 listings Ab 58 l007islow 6 111 111G4872 45i H loiters G JFountnin ElmerW Ourilasd G4872 UBbouse 58 I0 I0fa3t = ifa3t 7 109 109C43G1 21 H Molters 12 Red Man J I Sugg Kio C43G1 Hastings Ab 58 59Kslop 17 133 Pull PullG4321 Pulled up Perry G Yukon II K Asher GeoJamefl GeoJamefl5S G4321 Hastings Ab IIormNpKr5S 5S 5S DSf fast Ht 31 112 112C3924 5 i D Powell G Stanli yll Volima IIormNpKr C3924 Crhouse 5S l01 = ifast IS 109 109G3523 S1 H Moltersll Celebrate Mllurry LEdmnte G3523 Reno 58 l01lifast 3 108 108OKLAHOMA 6 1 II Molters 8 DSMurrny McrLnss M I C Cr OKLAHOMA KB br r h 8 105 105Trainer By Brigade Recovered by Macy Macyns Trainer R Cans ns Owner B Gjin Gns GnsG77G5 Breeder C Joscs Joscs5S G77G5 Tijuana 5S Dunema5S l01ifast 5C 107 11 9 91 9 G Cooper 13 Angelo ChtaSmith T Dunema G759G Tijuana 5S I02sfa8t 78 113 12 1 1G7393 11 30 = 110 II LonR 12 Alujali Yukon Hunters Poi t G7393 Tijuana 34 ll lllifast fast 127 110 9 9 10 9 j Ehafer 10 TliySevon RUOivcn Planner C7227 Tijuana 5S lu2Rood 13f 109 S a U UG2G84 11 9 9 J Shaftr 11 Ainkaiuiin Tenttlee IWHper G2G84 Omaha 34 l147sfast 7 115 1 E Barnes 9 DonJose WincliPkter Lit Point 62548 Omaha El PointEl f IMOrigood 9 315 2 E Barnes 10 JtAtkiu ThirtySevcu Waltina 62336 Omaha 51 f l09Tfust 13 113 113K2310 1 E II Brnesl2 OurLeuder MaudM MTilclia K2310 Omaha 51 f l l09lifaat Wtraat CC 114 2 E Barnes 12 Kluiberly SirJohnJt Floaslo V VICTOH F oh r 6 H 105 105Trainer By Barnsdalc Tern by Black Dean Trainer I Galbraith Owner X Galbraith Breeder E Walking C707G Tijuana 34 121 hvy 145 108 11 12 12 12 v Dean 12 NfdsLast ArgFort CareMan 06914 Tijuana 5S l03Kmud 93 109 9 10 10 11 W Dean 11 MarnZorn ArneFort CaveMan G5284 Hstings Ab 6S 69 69ftfast fast 4t 109 S W Dean 8 lirolaski MurielBPet Ermltana 04810 Dghouso 51 t lOSfast 2B 109 11 V Dean 11 WotheWisp MHility lleview lleviewLENAS LENAS loHfffliRhtTrainer EOT br h 8 M 110 By Prospero Lena J by loHfffliRht BeckharaG7890 Trainer G L Palmquist Owner Palmquist Kane Breeder 5 A Beckhara G7890 Tijuana 34 l18mu l lOf 102 9 8 7JIO H Ix nB 10 DbleEye Ixmeline MdleWiln 07869 Tijuana 6S l03mud 1C6 12 12 12 12 M Milrickl2 Careen Zainer Cicely Kny KnyDS 07765 Tijuana TijuanaG7VJ5 DS IG ifast 24f 11210 11 10h 3012 H Moltcrs 13 Ariselo ChtaSmitli T Duncan DuncanCS G7VJ5 Tijuana CS l02 fast S 110 9 7 8 = 9 II Molters 12 riiilnndercr Viva Bacchus 07531 Tijuana TijuanaG722G 34 l14 l14fast fast KS CS 114 9 8 10J 10 M MUrickll LMannhiR PmceFlas Contriot G722G Tijuana DS l02 sojod 278 114 S 8 S J H Jones S IPohiter Celebrate BcBsWolcu YORKSHIRE MAID br f 4 105 By Yorkshire Lad Miss Alvaicct by Alvescot AlvescotTrainer Trainer F Tracey Owner Martin Barlow Breeder E D Adams AdamsG7S91 G7S91 Tijuana 34 lISKmua It 100 6 7 7 0 Crcery 11 VlcdColn Canvasbk MnFlukc 07575 Tijuana EJ f l09Sifast HOf 105 10 10 10 10 I Crcery 11 Dnc do Guise Jazz Alazon AlazonG7470 G7470 Tijuana 34 l14fast 61 103 6 7 10 10 TV Pool 10 VanWelles View Ilontagenct 67337 Tijuana 1 143 fast 3S1 103 10 6 101 10 T Crcery 11 ISaisy Ollic Wood Argcnto 07 1 66 Tijuana 5S lCG = ihvy 253 101 7 7 7s 7 L Crcery S HclcnMajor Itnisy Wise Judge 07022 Tijuana ImTOy l5oiimud IroOHmud SOS 98 5 8 8GG933 9 S SJ L Croerv 9 Lnrajri Conirlion Doable Eve GG933 Tijuana 5J f 111 hvy Mf 106 6 7 7G525G Si 9 I Crcery 11 Npg Merry I ISK Count Iloris G525G Hastings 1 14 2Hiipood 63 9G 5 F Cantreil 7 Yshirelterii YIsle ITmorell 05224 Hastings 34 l19Hslow 15 108 108C51SO 6 W Miller 7 YorkKclisli Ix uvain KoyIrlsh C51SO Hstings Ab 5S l01 l01shvy = shvy 12 101 41 W Miller S KillarBelle BeumorcII Vodka

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923013101/drf1923013101_8_5
Local Identifier: drf1923013101_8_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800