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1 Miles yearolds and upward May 1C U03 15 O 115 VETERAN b g 7 113 By His Majesty Nectary by Dinneford DinnefordTrainer Trainer J Crofton Owner II D Gates Bred in England by J J Parkinson Parkinsonf7927 f7927 Tijuana Im70y l52shvy Sf 110 11 8 C 4 G Rose 11 Hnrlcrch NliShoro ITligenct 07715 Tijuana 1 18 l57fast 2310 113 8 8 7s C i W Martin 9 Rhymer Bessie Young Dora C7G78 Tijuana ImTOy l45fast 14 113 6 C 7 7 1 W Martin 7 Tasentha SumSigh LManuing 07475 Tijuana 34 l14ifast 175 119 Left at the postG Rose 7 Manrikin 11 Herder Pueblo Pueblo6G024 6G024 Pimllco 1 1S l53 4fast 195f 105 3 14 Hi 15 G Rreungir FySncozy MiyHousi NWales 00424 laurel 1 1S l5C = ifast llf 103 13 13 13 13 W Martin 13Cimron WStccr TCkmcnder TCkmcnderCGlOt CGlOt laurel 1116152 good Sf 107 11 13 13 13 W Martin 13 Ihalaris CtirtKvent LadsLove 62810 Dorval 1 l51ihvy 5 119 2 6 C 6 J II tamer Cote dOr WidBedotte Natural LITTLE WiselyTrainer DEAR b c 5 115 By Olambala Lla Wee Dear by Love Wisely Trainer J S Baldwin Owner T Harris Breeder R T Wilsoa 67834 Tijuana 1 14 2OS fast 13 1C5 3 C 4 1 i5 M Andson 9 Fireworth YorkLassie Argento C6918 Tijuana 1 11G l53 mud 8 113 113CG574 4 6 Cl 2 J Pevic 7 Mistrcssrolly Dora My Laddie CG574 Akron Ab 1 1S 1 55 fast C 101 101GG540 C l J Pevic 9 Piizzlr Le Bleuct Drifting GG540 Akron fmTOy l50fast 1 110 2 J Pevic 7 Ciiriillcr MelbaPolly Ptender Ptender2l 06472 Akron 1 l47islow 21 106 2l J Pevlc 7 Will Koon Reveler Wodan WodanI1 60370 Akron 1 11G l52fast 85 110 110CG2G7 I1 J Pevic G Pierrot Monipcrri Reveler CG2G7 Akron Im70y l4 ifast 3310 W 1 J Pevic G Blomltl FrkShannon Silex II IISi 66088 MHghts Im70y 155 mud 5 112 112G5989 Si S WIda B Blazonry OldMcICcnna Ferrum G5989 MHghts 1 31S 204 slow 11 109 109G5754 1 J Pevic 7 Puzzle Dukoltiiff HMStPven G5754 MHghts 1 141 fast 41 102 G Mangan S CulontI Matt Iierrot Dancer 63850 Kcmclon 34 l175sfaat 18C 112 411 f Taylor 9 PceBoncro Cremouu J Uealey LONE 115Trainer PINE b g 6 115 By Deutschland Popperwood ty Eddie Jones Trainer B Hignera Owner 8 Hignera Breeder Mavada Stock Farm 67912 Tijuana 58 IXHHmnd 6 116 Si 31 B Dngan 11 Velvet Plantagonet Mistake G7890 Tijuana 34 l18mud 3 107 6 4 4 2 C Rails 10 DbleEye MdieWilson OMter 67100 Tijuana 61 t 111 hvy 60 104 6 6 61 6 J M Milrlck 7 Harry D Pueblo John Jr 7055 Tijuana B8 0ihvy 64 105 S 8 71 7 U Thomas BBIkwell LLcven H George 63622 Reno 5J f 103 fast 2310 109 1 P Hnrn 7 Contriot HtersPoint CCannell 63489 108S3452 Reno 51 f lOSHfast 8 108 31 R Duggan 7 Chrome Perch Grace Trimble S3452 Reno 51 f l07 fast 44 98 9 Seremba 9 FlorDecn AnnaRcgina Money 63279 108632S3 Reno 1141 fast 26 108 6 i D Hnrn 8 Orleans Girl Reydo BoesWln 632S3 Reno 1 l41fast 2C ID IDHIGH 41 D Hnrn 7 OrlcansGlrl Cafeteria Hotfoot HotfootBy HIGH OLYMPUS ch g 8 11 By Hastings Olympic by Sock Sand Trainer G Nibbs Owner G NIbb Breeder A Belmont C7892 10G7745 Tijuana 34 118 mud 15f 105 10 9 8s S H Zander 12 Fickle Fancy View Ermttaaa G7745 Tijuana 1 1S l57faat K 110 1 167G74 E 4J 4 3 H Zander 9 Rhymer Bessie Young Dora 67G74 TSiuana 1 1S l5Sfaat BO 110 4 5 71 H Zander 9 Al Wick Little Gink Obstinate 6754 2G7395 8 Tijuana 1 1S l56fast 137 110 2 5 4 4s H Zander 8 Judge David Fireworth Dora G7395 Tijuana ImTOy 148 fast 428 110 8 8G735G 11 H1 10 II Zander li l niiuCochron Lariat Rhymer G735G Tijuana Im70y l47Hfast 21f 10S 6 9 SJ 6 i H Zander 11 BlynHgan LCochron DrlftK 109G5790 65933 Mneuve ImTOy 159 hvy 4 109 1 A Sstrom G Edith K Kebo CrimRambler G5790 Mneuvo Ab 34 l173 fast 2710 113 I A Sstrom 7 Polygamist EditliK TcmmleO 65591 117G545G Kempton 1 11G 153 fast 6 117 6J R Ball 3 Honiara Edith Kr Rainona II G545G Kempton S4 l1514faut 8 103 2 ° k A Sstrom 8 Jamima Onwa Two Eyes EL KEY ch g 9 9TrjtJner 115 By Peep oDay Lady Strathmore by Strathmore StrathmoreDalton TrjtJner 3 B Daltcn Owner Dalton k Dawson Breeder T P Haves HavesG3f 67834 Tijuana 1 14 208fast G3f 95 9 9 9 9W G Cooper 9 Firowortb YorkLassIe LHDcar LHDcarSS 67618 Tijuana 1 1S l5SHfast SS IIS C 7 8 8 F Smith 8 Swcnsoa Al Wick Tag Day 67277 Tijuana 1 18 l55ifast 80 108 1 9 91 9 H Long 10 Madge F Judge David Drifting 67038 hvy6G938 Tijuana Im70y 151 hvy 425 105 7 7 7 7 II Zander 7 Barriskane Yennak JohnArbor 6G938 hvyG562G Tijuana 1 145 hvy 63 103 C 6 6 H Zander G Yermak MIdia Millcrsbiirg G562G Omaha I 116 143 fast 13 113 5 i G Ury 7 DofWrath Barskane FAgaln 65557 Omaha 34 l13fast 23 115 6 C Wilson 8 MDcnuuzio DestRose El Wood TAWASENTHA i ch m 5 108 By Vulcain Belle of Arcadia by Plaudit Trainer H Cooper PlauditCooper Owner R Cooper Breeder H G Herring 67928 Tijuana ImTOy HerringImTOy l53hvy 4 110 6 4 4 64J C RaJls 8 San Hedron Lariat Hackamore 67915 Tijuana 34 117 mud 185 101 2 3 35 5 H Long 8 Pclamatn DancGirl CabCrk 67791 Tijuana ImTOy CabCrkImTOy 1 45fast 31 102 1 2 41 63 H Long Dnnit HIo ChMeyBoy Firowortli 67767 Tijuana Im70y FirowortliIm70y l44fast 63 103 5 7 7 7 G Cooper 7 JohnSReardon Serapis Bastille G7G78 Tijuana ImTOy BastilleImTOy l45faat 18 110 2 1 1 2 H Long 7 SumSigh IjManning WalDant 67642 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast llf 10S 8 9 71 6s F Stevens 9 PhroneWard Icon DarkAges G7GOO Tijuana ImTOy DarkAgesImTOy l44Hfast 90 102 2 4 4 4 H Long 9 FrkFogarty SiimmerSIgh Vie G5078 Hastings 51 f 125 mud 14 103 714 F Cantreil 7 CI oyle HontGcorge FlorDeea 64999 Bghouse LLachmnndi 1 116 l49Hslow 41 101 3J II Long 9 GMint Cafeteria LLachmnnd G487G Bghouse BghousePRETENDEE i 116 l4Sfast 10 99 2J1 W Dean 9 YorkLasaie Deckhand LorMou PRETENDEE b g ie no noFelix By Burgomaster Sulli of Navarre by Henry ei eiNavarre Trainer R Felix Owner R Felix Navarre Brooder H P Whitney 67914 Tijuana 34 l16mud It 112 8 4 4s Whitney4s 3 P Walls 8 Delhlmar Just Right Catmzcl 0784 8 Tijuana 51 f l10mud 31 115 8 8 6J 4J P Walls 8 RosaAtkin Olympd JollySailor 67 74 3 Tijuana 34 l14sfast 7 113 8 7 7ImTOy 6 4 i K Fator 9 VanWellcs CabinCrk Poacher 6G540 Akron ImTOy l50fast 7 110 44 C OMahy 7 Cavalier MelbaPolly LittleDear 66470 Akron 61 t l26slow 18 111 3 C OMahy 7 Old Red Raffcrty Minnfe H 66401 Akron 1 f l28Hmud 6 1091 5s C OMahy 7 Rafferty StarBanner RAngle 66151 MHghts 34 123 mud 5 1C3 1i Et T Moore S Fermm Marlon Ilollini Rhymer 66084 MHghta 34 Il91mud 5 110 2J C OMahy 7 Horace Lerch Efficient ApU 66018 MHghts 34 119 hvy 13 107 41 G Wallace 9 MaidcnVoter CanGirl Punctual DEHRA b m 10 10Trainer 113 By Sir Hnon Rosemeade by St Gaticn Trainer G Bassett Owner Bassett GaticnBassett Se Dawson Breeder G 7 Long 67834 Tijuana 1 14 2OSfast 63C Long63C SS 8 8 8J 7 W Dean 9 Fireworth YorkLnssie LltDear 67318 Tijuana 1 11G l49fast Mf 110 8 8 8 S W Dean 8 WalterDant Dkliand Caaman 67167 Tijuana Im70y l36Hhvy 37f 165 5 6 6JJ 51 W Dean 8 Poacher Drifting Argento 67035 Tijuana 5J f 112 hvy 100 114 9 9 9 Sl F Andson 9 Count Boris Jerry Chroma 1319 Tijuana 1 l44V fast fastG1193 5f 111 188 8 II Lone 11 Quinain Mex Cancion G1193 TUuana 1 l44 fast 34 103 3 7 7l 7 C Rails 8 Toombeola Go On Toyon LAVA ch f 7 110 By Textile Ashes by Tremont Trainer B B Bond Owner B TremontB B Bond Breeder T Monanan Monanan34f 67806 Tijuana 1 14 209fast 34f 115 8 6 4 4 P Martmezll Dominator Reydo John Arbor j 67745 Tijuana 1 1S l57faat 21 115 7 7 6i G I R Carter 9 Rhymer Bessie Young Dora j G7674 Tiluana 1 18 l564fast l564fastImTOy 8 115 3 3 9 95 R Carter 9 Al Wick Little Gink Obstinat j I 67636 Tijuana ImTOy 149 fast 12 110 8 7 51 4 F Stevens 10 GMuehlebh SnSea PTcnny I 67532 Tijuana 51 f 109 fast 42f PTcnny42f 113 12 12 12 12 E Taplin 12 MyrtleA Delnncey FrcIiNnrM 66084 MHghts 34 l19mud 28 107 7 W Bogskl 7 IIorLerch Pretender Efficient i 65454 Kempton 51 f l07fast 20 112 5 E T Moore 8 MisJigga Ladylone SmThrgh 654C8 Kempton 61 f l09 fast 10 117 4i E T Moore 7 St Just Satinmore Lady Betty 64481 KingEd 34 118 fast 19 111 3 1 E Atkinsn 9 Sheka CleanSwcep PLawrenc