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It I Mile lyrurolil i ami upward Claim iti r Feb 51 IJJ1S GRAYSON b g 8 116 By Sir John Johnson Melee by Yankss YankssCunnon Trainer D F Cunnon Owner G Drumheller lrand r J E Madden C81S2 FGrnds 34 114 slow 4 110 5 S T 7T A AAilson 10 Hold Deep Sinker Tlic Nephew i FGrnds 34 l14sslow 5 I s s 4 4 41 E SmwodK KklRKn MnUoscII nicnt ui it FGrnds 34 l14ihvy 12 103 8 G 51 6 f Owens 10 SagaiLore Minute Mini Shaffer 67808 FGrnds 34 lHKtrud S 109 G C 3s 21 K Smalld iovillck MIiiMan M Winks 07709 FGrnds 34 l14 ifa it 41 133 4 5 71 9s J D Mneyl Maliony Fred Kinnev Jacobean 672G2 Jefferson 34 l14fast 6 114 9 4 41 1J J D Mncyl2 Uoyal Dick Jock Scot Fcodor 67305 Jefferson 34 lll lllifist ifist 32 111 8 G 31 2 = J Crcoranl2 Fluff SilveiSpriugs Antiiipacu 6711 Jelteson 34 ItekabS4 l175 hvy 7 112 S C 41 4 1 J D Mneyl2 Jago SPURS Itekab 06928 Jefferson S4 Ill7ifast 113 112 2 2 11 1 J D Mneyl2 GeuCadorua Flip FinalHoostet SPRING VALE ch m 6 111 By Free lance Mescal by Cactaa H HTrainer Trainer C H Anderson Owner R Warfield Breeder J Churchill 07984 FGrnds 34 lHfast 15 112 10 S Sl SJ A Wilson 10 Younced Mabooy Rolo Rolof9S5 f9S5 FGrnds 34113 fast 15 112 C 3 61 54 J D Mneyl Mom Sandnlwood Fusee 07858 FGrnds 34 l14islow 10 110 2 3 5 5 E Pool 10 Kklgtcn MnRoscIL WPent WPentC7771 C7771 FGrnds 31 l134fast 10 10711 3 11s lll E T MooreH Kklgton Mavrnn CJCgrniie 1 67681 FGrnds 34 ln ifaat 7 103 3 2 24 4J E Pool 13 Younced Fast Trial Oraleggo 074 38 FGrnda 34 117 hvy 8 105 2 C 7 7i J Chlmcrs S Delhi Maid Minute Man Jago i 07219 Jefferson 34 l15slow 10 112 5 1 11 I1 C Lang 11 SmICuy Winneconne JockSeot i 07200 MayGirlCC35G Jefferson 34 llGhvy 6 113 2 1 I1 2 C Lang 12 StglitSliot HelAtkin MayGirl i CC35G Jefferson 24 l14fast 15 105 1 5 6 6 A Wilson 7 Ararat JnIIoshor Jake Ucrser UcrserSTAMP STAMP b c 4 103 By Ormondale Post Mark tr Star Shoot Trainer A G Woodman Owner J Marino Breeder J E Madden 08111 FGrnda 34 lll = ifnst 7 109 2 2 71 7 H J BurkelS JphBrant Amanda SilSprin 67943 FGrnds 34 l14iifast Hfast 7 IDS 1 1 2J 41 A Roach 12 Feodor Adventure BlkHackle i 07857 FGrnds 34 l147Jslow 20 101 2 1 1J 3 1 L McDottll Ilillsdale Begum WofCotman 1 07497 FGrnda 34 l14goo 13 110 4 2 71 Sls A Roach 14 WofGtoman Jaeobina Locarno 07438 FGrnds 34 117 hvy hvyG7 13 103 1 4 S S11 C Lang S Delhi Maid Minute Man Jago G7 143 Jefferson 34 l17hvy 15 103 10 3 O1 7 A Roach 12 Jago Spugs Rekib 06985 Jefferson 34 l14 = ifast 12 110 4 4 1 I1 I1 C Lang 12 Voogoria MoonWiiiks MyRosle 00211 Latonia 34 llG llGshvy llGshvyOOOOC hvy 50 102 2 6 S S = A Wilson 10 Hirdio G Loiianna Manicure OOOOC Latonia 31 117 hvy 33 103 1 1 21 5 A Wilson S Sam Roll Demos Harvest Kins 05482 Lcxton 1 115 l46yfast 14 108 3 G 7 T1 H E Jones 7 Jordan Nancy Lane Ramlel 05333 Ixxton 34 IJGJihvy 7 103 1 3 34 31 L McDott S LMother Lt Colonel Lonicera THE NEPHEW b G 111 By Uncle Qualify cy Sir Dbcoa Trainer A C Porrctto Owner W J Kramer Breeder Headley Killer I 68132 FGrnds 34 114 slow 15 105 C C 31 3 J A Abel 10 Rolo Deep Sinker Alex H I 07963 FGrnda 34 114 fast 6 111 3 7 11s 11 E Pool 12 Oraltggo Granny Leo Burgoyne i C7730 FGrnds 31 I13fast 10 109 1 6 7 61 A Abel 11 Relbility RStride Flibtygt i C7G24 FGrnda G4 114 fast 135 116 S S 6s G J L Lyke 14 WPcnnant Flibtygibt Hysta HystaEl 05822 Kworth El f 107 fast 35 110 2 2 21 3s 1 McTagt 8 ArcKing AssyliQuecn Vibrate 05C81 Kworth 34 l13 = ifast 5 1S1 3 1 I3 1 M AndsonlO Thorny Way Ruddles Gallipot 03211 Dorval 34 l16islow 2 111 5 2 2J 2 M Andson 7 Titania BlackBaby SirGaldll SirGaldllm GRANNY LEE br m 6 106 By Granite Polly Zee by Marta Santa Trainer H H Fausett Owner F C Briggs Breeder Young Gorhani 08189 FGrnds 34 l15hvy 10 23 10 11 10 = 101 J Crcoranll Sweet Mama Galeta Hysteria 07963 FGrnds 34 114 fast 30 101 5 2 11 2 G Mein 12 Oralcggo Burgoyne JoscphineC i 07730 FGrnds 34 llSrsfast 15 ICG 10 H 11 11 L MeDottll Rclbility RStride Flibtyst 07200 Jefferson 34 l16hvy 20 105 3 7 3 7 A Abel 12 StrghtShot SprgVale IIAtkin 07012 Jefferson 51 l10 mud 30 1051 5 6 6 5 F Snarpe G Whalebone ColTaylor PIMicou 00922 Mobile Ah 5S SSHfast 4 115 9 10 3 9 M AndsonlO Aunt Deda Capers Dr Hall I 608 IS Mobile Ab 5S lOOVifast 32 116 3 3 3s 21 W Hinphy 10 Gold Stone Blue Jay Surmount CROCK 0 GOLD ch f 4 109 109Trairer By Friar Rock Collar of Roses by Collar Trairer 0 E Pons Otmer M R Pons Breeder T C McDowell 07935 FGrnds 34 113 fast 20 107 S SG7709 7 71 7l ± J Owens 11 Mom Sandalwood Fusee G7709 FGrnda 34 l14fast 20 103 9 1 1G5J520 11 10 10i J Wallace 12 Mahony Fred Kinncy Jacobean Jacobean5i G5J520 Laurel 1 116 l47 ifast 5i 101 1 3 6 6 S McLanc 7 Miles S Sword Freezy Sneezy 03GOS ILdeGce 1 116 151 fast S5 5 105 1 i iG3300 5 2l 2 S McLane G MilesS San Hedron Hutchison G3300 IIdeGce ImTOy l47 = fast 6 9S 1 I IC4135 2 3 4 S McLane 10 Jobn Morrill Bravo Moco C4135 FortEric 1 116 l47 = 4good 16 94 5 1 21 21 J Wallace 9 Brass Tacks Sword Sangrado 04090 FortErio 51 f 112 hvy 13 93 S i 5 5s 31 J Wallace 11 Colando Nenette Peter Piper 03814 Kworlh 7S l2C fast 12 91 9 9ALVA 4 51 515 R Flynn 10 Colanuo Ogaritc Dorins ALVA b s 4 113 By Peter Quince Result by Corapate CorapateArthur Trainer J Arthur Owner J Arthur Breeder J H Morris I 07830 FGrnds 34 115 hvy S 101 2 1 11 1J A Abel 11 Flibbertygibbet Ardito Bgoyne 07478 FGrnda 34 l16vihvy S 103 6 6 71 11 A Abel 11 Moon Winks Feodor Silence 07127 Jefferson 34 l17 mud 20 107 6 4 2s 21 A Abel 12 Anticipate HnAtkin nillsdale nillsdaleCS 06692 Pimiico 34 l13 ifast GS 102 4 9 10 10 A Abel 10 Sling LuckyButton Dan Bollin 0 332 Laurel 34 l14fast 107 07 100 5 3 Si 7 A Abel 10 Sling Rolo Perigourdine 65823 Kworth 61 f l07i rast 23 104 3 5 31 5 1 A Abel S Horinga Phantom Fair Raa 65205 Thcliffe 51 f 108 good goodDEEP 6 103 1 3 51 Cl T Burns S Thco Thorny Way Iron Boy DEEP WaterboyTrainer SINKER b g 4 114 By Beach Comber Water K by Waterboy Trainer B E Chapman Owner I JU Soresni Breeder D W Scott 08215 Jefferson 34 l14 l14sfast = sfast 4 115 S S 71 3i H ThurberlO M Winks CTaylor WPennant WPennantC8132 C8132 FGrnds 34 111 slow 20 10S 7 7 S 21 II ThurberlO Rolo The Nephew Alex H 07713 FGrnds Im70y IMC fast S 110 6 2 C 7 M Schwtz 9 Limpus Fornovo Citation CitationG7G50 CitationG7G50 G7G50 FGrnds 1 116 l4S l4Ssfast = sfast 166 105 4 2 2i 6 1 L McDottll SamFrank Magicn DoctorJim DoctorJim073GG DoctorJim073GG 073GG Jefferson Im70y l45fast 8 106 7 2 2 3 M Schwtz t Kanikin May Itobcrts Gem GemGG9G8 GemGG9G8 GG9G8 OgariteCG909 Jefferson Im70y 146 fast 12 102 5 1 I1 4s R Coslello 0 GrassTrce BlueBrusli Ogarite CG909 Jefferson 34 l137ifast 25 102 6 7 61 5 1 R CosteliolL Maliony Esquire Younecd YounecdGG508 GG508 EyesOG443 Empire Im70y 147 fast 7 104 2 3 3 3 i II Thomas 9 Fluff MarrAgnesS Iliger Eyes OG443 Empire 1 116 IMSrsfast 30 93 S S S1 9 R CostHolt llalMark SLigbtHL StIsidore StIsidoreGG373 GG373 Empire 1 142 fast 30 112 8 6 51 5 1 T Rice 11 Nishtboat Ballot Mark Consort ConsortMARY MARY G ch m 5 IDS By Golden Maxim Trappist by The Friar FriarTrainer Trainer P Reuter Owner L J4 Reuter Breeder J Greenb rf 08005 FGrnda 34 l13 fast 30 111 1 0 S L McDottlO Ixjcarno Black Hackle AlexH AlexHG7751 1 G7751 FGrnda 34 l137sfast 22 103 6 7 71 91 J CrcoranlS Stock Pin Oralepgo Jago 07438 JagoC7305 FGrnds 34 117 hvy 15 104 8 7 61 6 i J Owens S Delhi Maid Minute Man Jago C7305 Jefferson 34 lll faat 15 10S 3 4 51 5 J Owrra 12 Fluff Grayson Silver Springs 07108 Jefferson 34 l fcgood 20 503 6 10 101 1015 F Sharpe 12 Camouflage Orcus Winneconne WinneconneGG993 GG993 Jefferson 24 11S mud 41 102 2 t 1 1 J CorcoranlO Lura Maliony Samlalwood SamlalwoodUG177 UG177 Hthorno 34 118 slow 10 113 11 9 11 11 = A Tmbleyl2 BrotherJohn BattylL ArPoint ArPointGG110 GG110 Hthorna 51 f 117 hvy 115 103 1 2 I1 1 E Petzoldt S MDenunzIo MclyMan BattylL BattylLG6046 G6046 Hthorne 1 f 116 hvy 135 104 4 3 2 2a E Petzoldt 9 WarWinr WarPenat MelMan G5877 Hthorne 34 l167 fast C 110 7 7 7WIRELESS 8 6s J Kederis S ArPoint SwtAppIe L Miller MillerBy 1 WIRELESS ch g 5 115 115Trainer By Uncle Hound the World by Lackford Trainer A L Denny Owner G C Denny Breeder W B Miller G8152 FGrnds 34 l14imud SO 109 5 7 71 6 A Abel S Mom Camouflage Spugs G7943 FGrnds 34 l14 ifast 135 113 S 7 5 = 3 G Mein 12 Feodor Adventure Blkllackle C7712 FGrnds Im70y l45fast 4 102 2 3 41 Sl G Mein 11 CrsTree 7dArmee PceWellcs j G7498 FGrnds 34 115 good 5 107 S 7 3l I1 G Mein 13 CJCraigmile MilRuth Ormcnt G7325 Jefferson 34 116 hvy 12 110 1 5 61 C E Roehm S IIKemble Camflage Wlibone 07232 Jefferson 1 l41 jfast jfastGG9GG 20 110 7 7 7J 6 C Lang S St Donard Tody Tan Son GG9GG Jefferson 34 ia4fast 5 115 1 3 21 I1 J Corcoranll LeoFisher High Speed Anzcna HILLSDALE br g 4 113 By Mont dOr Lady Hillinston by Garry Herrmann Trainer W A Bnrttschell Owner W Dnrnan Breeder G D Widener i 08025 FGrnds 31 l13fast 12 108 7 4 9 9l E Roehm It Grecn Gold Mom Whalebone 07857 FGrnds 34 l14tilow 160 93 7 5 2s 1s II Shillick 11 Begum Stamp Wilm ofCtman 07709 FGrnda 34 l14fast 7 109 5 7 6 42 II Shilllclc 12 Maliony Fred Kinncy Jacobean 07554 FGrnds 3 l14 = 3Rood S 100 11 3 I1 1 H Shillick 11 Youneed Clarkson Minnie Man 07364 Jefferson 34 ll faat 15 100 S 5 3 2 II Rnilllck 12 HobAlIen Hereafter W Pcnnt PcnntG7127 G7127 Jefferson 34 l17iimud 8 107 4 3 Z 4i II Shillick 12 Anticipate Alva Helen Atkin AtkinTWOPAIR TWOPAIR SandringnamTrainer b g 5 120 By Broomstick Trumps by Sandringnam WhitneyG7G44 Trainer C W Chappcll Owner C W Clnppein iresder H P Whitney G7G44 FGrnds 34 l13 fast 31 103J 9 10 10 I0 C Lans 10 Fire Cracker Pietrus Theo 07582 FGrnds 34 114 fast 1S5 116 2 2 US1 L Lyke 11 Locarno Demos Bengali 07344 Jefferson 34 116 fast 4 115 3 1 I3 2i W Kelsay 12 Ina Kay Silence Lura LuraGG992 GG992 Jefferson 34 118 mud 5 111 6 4 4 4 J D Mneyl2 RoyalDkk Mhiavelli Wnecne 00955 RugglcsGG578 Jefferson 51 f lOSfast S 112 3 4 3 4s J D Mncyl2 Mchiavtlli ColTaylor Rugglcs GG578 BTIioagCG377 Latonia 1 116 l47fast 9f 103 6 9 lll It A Roach 12 Tccyleau FosFmbry BTIioag CG377 Latonia 34 l14 ieood C2f 107 3 3 3s 21 E Ambrsell ItoyalDick Locarno PrceWelles PrceWellesG5435 G5435 Lcxton 1 116 l47rsKood 40 107 5 6 6 6 A Wilson G Foster Kmbry Rep Ilarlock IlarlockC52G3 C52G3 Lexton 34 l13fast 61 103 10 10 10 9 A Wilson 10 Royal Dick WngTlirougli Mom MomG4819 G4819 Churchill 34 113 fast 32 108 7 10 10 10 A Wilson 10 Ruby Archie Alexander Janku JankuCLARKSON CLARKSON HeliotropeTrainer ch h 5 120 By Corcyra Purple Light by Heliotrope Trainer E E Watson Owner E E Watson Bred in England by W S HcaUier 08062 FGrnda 31 l15mud 12 105 9 2 11 1 = G Mangan 11 Dbfounder BcesWing Tgling i 07942 FGrnds 34 l13 fast 4 110 1 2 3l 4 E Martin 12 LLtenhni InaKav TCassidy i 07554 FGrnds 34 l14rRood 0 107 7 2 31 32 A Frieshonll Ilillsdale Youneed MiuuteMan MiuuteManGG877 GG877 Bowie d f 122 fast 17f 110 2 2 10 ll ° It SchwtzlS Sling Ettahe Fluff FluffG154G G154G Connght 34 115 good 47 107 9 3 31 3i II Gregoryl2 The Nephew Redmon Bctsinda 04238 FortErie 34 l13 fast 35 108 7 S 12 12si D Stirling 12 Quanah Purl Itoistcrer ItoistcrerGI090 GI090 FortErio 5i f 112 hvy S6 111 5 8 S5 7i D Stirling 11 Colando Nenette Crock o CoH 15 115 7 7 6 GT J Htamer 7 Gardeir City Selota Herder MISS LAFAYETTE b m C M By Elkhoni Sparkle Esher by Esher EsherBreeder Trainer W Busch Owner J L Roy Breeder C W Crowley 58203 FGrnds 34 l14Hslov 30 101 11 11 11 11 J Mooney 11 Terminal SandaUvood MinMan MinManMACHIAVELLI MACHIAVELLI ch g 5 116 By Disguise Ghetto Girl by Ben Brush BrushTrainer Trainer A K Miller Owner A K Miller Breeder H T Oxnird 08132 FGrnds 34 114 slow 13 110 3 3 9l 9J R HolwaylO Uolo Deep Sinker The Nephew 08005 FGrnds 34 l13Hiast 10 116 4 2 41 a E Pool 10 Locarno Black Hackle AlexII AlexIIG7808 G7808 FGrnds 34 llimud 20 114 S S S ° Sl R Holway 9 RalDick Grayson MinntcMan i 07709 FGrnds 34 l14 faat 12 113 S 6 S1 6J L McDottl2 Maliony Fred Kinnev Jacobean i iG7G03 G7G03 FGrnds 34 l14fast 10 107 10 S G1 6 F Sharpe 13 Shaffer MnWinks NMcKiny 07362 Jefferson 34 l14fast 12 108 1 5 7l 75 I Thurbcrl2 Koyal Dick Grayson Jock Scot G7220 Jefferson 34 l15 = islow 1S5 115 4 2 4 D l G Mein 12 Mcuse Gen Cadorna Hereafter j CG992 Jefferson 34 118 mud 6 113 2 1 1 2 J Corcoranl2 RoyalDick Winneconne Tpair 06955 Jefferson El f lOS = ifast S 107 6 S In 1 Corcoranl2 Col Taylor Rnggles Twopair 06751 DadePrk 34 l17 imud 15 110 776 6 J Owens 12 Herald MabclRule T the Mark MarkKIRSTTES KIRSTTES CUB b h 8 116 By Bearcatcher Kirstie by Frankfort FrankfortTrainer Trainer F Borland Owner A Borland Breeder T Piatt PiattG7220 G7220 Jefferson 34 l157islow 30 1111 1 S 7 7t4 R Dority 12 Meusc GenCadorna Hereafter Hereafter6G992 6G992 Jefferson 34 11S mud 30 110 1 156 5 = 6 R Uority 12 HoyalDick Mliiavelli Wnecne WnecneG5G31 G5G31 Omaha 34 l13fast 75 115 3l R Dority Bltlkw1 CIRoberts Maysville 05558 Omaha 51 f lC67ifast 3 115 115C2G22 3 It Dority 7 Money Carl Roberts H Rudder C2G22 Omaha 24 115 good 3310 115 115G2459 7 R Dority S Maieellalloy Money Motor Cop G2459 Omaha 34 111 fast 32 115 115C23I1 l = k R Dority G Manicure Herder Ucan C23I1 Omaha 34 lll = ifast 1110 117 11722G2 1s R Dority 7 Nonsuit Herder Hazel W 22G2 Omaha 34 115 fast 2110 113 113GEN 1 R Dority 12 BillHead MissMlick BAJonea GEN PETAIN b h 6 M 11G 11GTrainer By Textile Do Ra Me by Buckeye Leaf Trainer W K Glover Owner H Madden Breeder P J Johnson 60992 Jefferson 34 118 mud 23 25110 110 3 7 7l 7t A Wilson 12 RoyalDick Mliiavelli Wnecne 65876 Hthome 34 l Gfcfast 135 112 3 2 21 3 J CarroU S Hoy C Little Billie Lomlonia 05736 Hthorne 51 f lOSfcfast 20 110 3 10 7 = 7 J Carroll 12 Plantoon De Land Bill McCloy 63752 M Heights 51 f l06sfast 16 112 11 9 10 10 A RomelU12 PrumTom IIBuxton UnoraP 63403 FortErie 34 l14ifaat 5 112 3 4 41 41RUNNYOL 5 R RomelH S Ruddles DarcingGirl Kl Trya i RUNNYOL ch g 4 114 I By Rnnnymede Olathe by Solitaire II Trainer T 0 Webber Own r T 0 Webber Breeder A B Spreckels 68321 Jpfferson 61 f l07ifast 1G 120 3 6 61 o J G Petz 12 Birdie G Sultan Dumbfounder 08203 FGrnda 34 l14slow 20 1061 5 7 5J 45 H Thurberll Terminal Sandalwood MinMan 68069 FGrnds 34 l16Hhvy 12 107 655 5 L McDott S Jago Jaeobina Anticipate 06269 Empire 1 l41fast 15 10G 6 3 G1 CTs E Marts 9 Overtake Quesada TheRollCall 06160 Jamaica 31 l12faat GO 103 4 3 31 3 E Martz 4 Mkallonge Chesterbrk Swcepy G17GG Jamaica 34 l12 = ifast 30 10410 10 11 II14 J Merimee 11 Bil Watts Brainstorm Olynthus I