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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesTIJUANA TIJUANA TIJUANAFRIDAY FRIDAY FEBRUARY 23 23WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST Tho figures under tho heading Rec in tho entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1920 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track conditions Racing starts at 155 p m Chicago time 355 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner Fair mud riiuuer M Maidens Apprentice Apprenticeallowance allowance b Blinkers First Race 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsPnrse Pnrse 500 3yearolds and upward Maidens MaidensClaiming Claiming Track record June 28 1916 105 = 3 118 118Todays Todays Horse Wt Rcc AWtIIan Trippuwa 112 109 3 93 725 Net Star 4 104 720 Ruth K 4 101 715 Santhia C 101 109 5 111 715 Alice Atkin 102 111 111Il07 5 100 710 Calzar 3 93 705 Dewy Field Il07 110 1 10GX705 Keltic Stuart StuartRungeorge 105 110 5 111 705 Rungeorge 93 103 = 3 5 113 70T Country RungeorgeCountry 99 11 Sh 4 111 700 Calithnmp 112 1094 5 111X700 The CalithnmpThe Cure G 113 700 Make Haste 7 113 700 700Claiming Second Race 34 Mile Purse 500 3ycaroldJ and upward Claiming Truck record Dec ID 1910 111 111CS3403 3 110 CS3403 Joe Campbell I 107X725 G3279 Canvasback 104 11516 11516G83385 G 115X720 G83385 Little Smile M 90 l23h 3 98X715 68312 bOuetinate 109 115 115G82593bMistake 5 103 715 G82593bMistake 117 115 7 110X715 63359 blink Tenny 114 114 7 113X710 67870 Miss Edna 102 l19h l19h68379s 3 9 i X 705 68379s Onwa 103 115 9 115X705 63103 bChattan Court 109 115 7 110 705 6SS39 bMSss Frauland 108 1115 4 105X700 03053 Iieneio 109 114 10 110 700 67491 Woolen ltonnetM110 118 7 113 7C 67675 Dancing Star 111 11 10 113 700 700Claiming Third Race 13 Miles MilesPurse Purse GOO 3yearoltls and upward Claiming Track record March 27 1921 152 152CS312 5 117 CS312 Tom Owens Ill 15 5 115 725 68312 bJudcc David 105 155 7 113X720 65341 bN K Heal 115 lBOfc 9 1150715 68304 Dolph 1015 153 1536S360 G 115X715 6S360 Little Giuk 107 154 10 115X715 63341 Little Dear 100 155 155C3362 r 105X715 C3362 El Robie 3 91 710 68304 Plow Steel 95 150 4 105X710 68342 MiTawascjitlia 98 155 5 10Si710 68184 liW G MeCliatocklOO 154 5 1150710 63219 Little Orphan 110 15 9 110X705 68341 Argento 107 155 9 110X700 68361 Clover Junia 112 157 G 110X700 68341 Montoua 105 155 G 115X700 Fourth Race 4 12 Furlongs FurlongsPurse Purse COO 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Jan S 1921 53 10 105 oi746 Candorosa 4 115 725 68339 Tabloid 4 115X720 63313 Dark Ages 4 115x715 63148 Alajwn 4 109X715 67579 Loch Leven 5 111X715 67802 July Fly 9 116X715 116X7156S281 6S281 Myrtle A 120 575S 10 111 710 63169 bMelchoir 112 5G 3 9G710 67999 Ella Waldo 105 7m 5 111X710 63737 Lady Tiptoe 103 54 5116 63202 110X7056S361 Velvet 9 110X705 6S361 Lenicve 7 115 705 67376 Love Bird 107 57 31017CO 31017COFifth Fifth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsPurse Purse ClaimingTrack COO 4ycaroIda and upward Claiming Track record Jan 21 1923 142 8 98 677671 Bastille 110 145 5 111X725 631503 North Tower 110 1415 4 103X723 67958 bScotland Yet 100145 5 10 i 715 7156E083 6E083 Dissolute M 107 146 4 103 710 67282 Blind Baggage 10 118 705 68303 Sacramento 7 118 700 700CSS13 CSS13 Noraiu 10S 140 G 115 700 700Sixth Sixth Race 1 116 Miles MilesPurso Purso 1000 3yearolds aud upward Handicap Track record June 21 1915 145 3 110 110G8363 G8363 103X750681S53 TEN BUTTONS 103 145 5 103X750 681S53 bTailor Maid 87 141 7 105x740 63343 bKairway 118 147 0 104x735 104x735GS302 GS302 Planet 101145 5 100735 67788 Spanish Maize 108144 4 102 M 101X730G8363 63200 bJohn S Rcardon 105 141 5 101X730 G8363 bPrince Direct 93 147 7 92x730 92x730Seventh Seventh Race 58 Mile MilePurse Purse GOO 3yearolds and upward Claiming Tnuk record May 20 1920 59 J 107 68243 Hazel Dale 113 100 10 114X7 ° 67769 Joe Blair 110301 12113x7 12113x768361s 68361s liMayflower 112101 51137ir 51137ir6SS15 6SS15 View 111102 9115x715 67701 Kirkwood 107102 5 111 715 67933 Lobelia 10S 102 9 108x710 67872 3iix716S223 Virgo 103 101 9 3iix71 6S223 Ilcsa Atkin 107101 5108x701 68172 Little Pointer 103 101 5 mx7al 63108 Marion orrian 10S 102 4 105x700 105x7006SOOO 6SOOO bCuba 10S 101 0 113x700 68103 Missouri Boy ill 103 1 115 700 700Okuna Okuna 5113 Eighth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsPurse Purse ClaimingTrack 800 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Jan 21 1923 142 S 98 68293 Frank Fogarty 110 143 1 115x7 ° 68088 = War Penny 10S14J 10S14JC82G23 1 101 C82G23 Louanna 103 143 4 104x715 633171 Hlaek Betty JS 41 41GS345 4 100 715 GS345 Marcella Roy 111 41 5 101 715 68385 Katherine RankiulOJ 42 426S3C55 7 9i5 713 6S3C55 Itlossom Ilouie 97 43 4 9JX710 67768 bSundial II 109 41 7 103 718 63315 blloisterer 109 44 G 105X710 67725 Lawrence ManniugllO 45 4 102 700 68317 Glen Well 104 45 G 103X700 63365 bOld Faithful 101 144 5 104X700