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OruI DA PET 1 1 Miles yearol ls ami uinvanl Claim iiiK Marcli iiT OrCl nAUb 1J 1 l5U 5 117 117TOM TOM OWENS ch g 5 115 By Dr Leggc Flush of Gold by Royal Flush Trainer FlushTrainer W H DC Bolt Owner Hall De Bolt Breeder A B Spreckels 08312 Tijuana Im70y l477ifast 1210 115 6 2 11 1 C Thpsonll Cobiita Mike Dalr Little Dear DearG8182 G8182 Tijuana Im70y l51hvy 2110 115 5 3 3Z 3 II S Jones S OMiKna Mistake ChHolters 67914 Tijuana 34 l16mud 6 107 7 7 7 7 II S Jones s Delhimar Just Right Pretender 67725 Tijuana 34 l13 fust 57 115 S 7 7 55 H S Jones S Silk Sox Herder Harristane 67534 Tijuana Im70y l47Vsfast lOf 112 4 4 4 = 2 II S JoneslO IJy Riuht Vie Horace Lurch 67394 Tijuana 34 l15fast 31f 11510 S 5l 21 II K Jonesll PoorPuss Celebrate IVHpfr 67206 Tijuana 34 l16 slow 26 107 G G 6 67i II Molters 7 JnlyFly NPK Kvalyn Harripan 67116 Tijuana 34 l18 imud 47 110 4 8 8 S II Molters 9 KWilms KuseniaK FGCory JUDGE DAVID b h By KcGee Bcnedetta by The Pepper Trainer W St Vincent Owner F J ORouike Breeder R K Oots 68342 Tijuana 1 1S l55ifast 16 113 G 1 53 Ci M Milrick S Vie Itacchns Tawasentha C82G1 Tijuana 1 1S 202Unvy H HG 5 4 C3 673 H Molters S Cabin Creek Lariat Dolpl 68129 Tijuana 1 18 l55 fast 6 313 4 2 1 Sl F Stevens 9 GMiichlcbaeh AlWick Mo 67876 Tijuana 1 14 213mud 5 111 G 4 4s 41 H Long Madge F Vie loninato 67749 Tijuana ImTOy l45sfast 13 113 657 74 E Taplin 7 Louis KRnnkin Ulaek G7GG4 Tijuana 1 11 209 fast 6 UK 2 3 21 2J E Taplin S WJiidKO CHarkley Slioreacrea G7548 Tijuana 1 1S liiGifast G5 113 1 3 2 I1 C Halls S Fireworth Dora High Olympmi N K SEAL ch g 9 By Glorifier Puritan Girl by Yankee Trainer R E Lovell Owner H T Palmer PalmerG8341 Breeder J H Shreve Shreve11G G8341 Tijuana 1 1S l5rTifast 6C 11G 2 2 31 3 = 1 W Pool S Stioreaeres Little Dear Car 08304 Tijuana Im70y l46ifast 25 109 2 4 41 3 W Pool PoolG8186 9 Hackamore Dolph Lewis 1 G8186 Tijuana 1 12 242Vihvy 31 10S 4 2 2 2i F Steve Stevens S Domiiiator Tag Day Halfour 8129 Tijuana 1 1S l55i fast 41 115 D 7 7 51 5i D Hum 9 JMhlebach AlWiek J Darid 08041 Tijuana ImTOy 154 hvy 395 30S Darid10S 5 2 21 lii v Pool 10 PI Steel Tawiisentha Plurality 07997 Tijuana ImTOy l53smud 1S5 313 S G G G13 J 1evic 9 Cafeteria Olympiad Henpcia 6798 1 Tijuana 1 l4STjmud 14f 114 6 3 3DOLPH 31 4 = 1 G ErdfootlO NthShore GMUryan UlilcyBoy DOLPH b g 6 115 115Trainer By Brummel Thrilled by Potomac PotomacBreeder Trainer K G Marlman Owner A Keith Breeder A L Ferguson 08301 Tijuana Im70y l46fast 2310 110 S 3 2l Ferguson2l 2 C Thpon 9 llaekamore NKHeal TxjwialJ OX2G1 Tijuana 1 1S 20ifehvy 710 10S G 5 4 32 E Petzoldt S Cabin Creek Uiriat Argento 08130 Tijuana 1 1S l55fast 21 110 6 2 Ib 2 G Rose 7 ChIeylloy Domator LCoehron C8042 Tijuana ImTOy 153 hvy 7 106 5 6 Z 41 W Pool i HLereli LFlorenee Fireworth 07534 Tijuana Im70y l47 fast 29 110 8 7 73 71 E PotzoldtlO I5y Right Tom Owen Vie 7 Tijuana 1 116 l471Jfast 2710 115 7 3 31 3 1 A Claver 8 HyKiglit Walterlnt Dkhand 07339 Tijuana 1 1S l5t ifast 13 111 5 2 25 3 = 111 Long 7 Kugenia K Vje Walter Dant 07300 Tijuana Irn70y l46ifast 21 110 6 4 45 41 C Hall Halls 7 Toombcoia C liarkley W Dant 67133 Tijuana 1 1S 204hvy 1 105 1 2 1J 13 C Kail 7 JudgeDavid CenIJyns Silexll LITTLE GINi b g 10 115 By Tim Pay Payne La Poeta by Honduras ComstockC83GO Trainer J McPhcrson Owner J McFarlane Breeder Lawrence Comstock C83GO Tijuana Im70y 148 fast 21 115 2 2 11 1 = 1 E Fator 14 Clcnzir LuekyPearl Cennvng G8312 Tijuana ImTOy lIT = ifast 5 110 5 3 Gl 7s C Halls 11 TomCraveii Cobrita Mike Daly 08239 Tijuana ImTOy 153 hvy 32 113 5 3 G1 5 C Thpson S AnitaK Plurality Little Dear 08197 Tijuana 34 IrlSTjmud 32 115 6 3 75 G1 E Dugan 9 Rifle IJillyCitson Nel Harper 08082 Tijuana ImTOy l49 slow 9 118 4 1 11 2 E Duiran 11 Car Point to Point Dalwoou 67955 Tijuana 31 l19hvy 9 113 4 2 6J SJ IJ Parke 7 Shelbyille CliarSmitli Thrilli 07745 Tijuana 1 1S l57 irast irastG7G74 3 116 3 6 9 97 E Taylor 9 Rhymer ISessIe Young Dora G7G74 Tijuana 1 1S l56 ifast 8 110 5 2 S 21 F Stevens U Al Wick Obstinate l lora ora 67548 Tijuana 1 1S lSGv fast 14 110 4 4 6 71 E Petzoldt S Judge David Iireuorth Dora LITTLE DEAR b g 5 105 By Olambala Ma Wee Dear by Love Wisely Trainer WiselyTrainer J S Baldwin Owner T Harris Breeder R T Wilson 08341 Tijuana 1 1S l55 = 5fast 8 105 5 C 2 F Stevens S Shoreacres N K Heal Car G8312 CarG8312 Tijuana ImTOy 347fast 6 110 1 8 61 4i E Petzoldtll Tom Craven brita MikeDaly 08239 Tijuana Im70y 153 hvy 8 113 3 4 3 3i M Andson 8 AnitaK Plurality LLaclimund LLaclimund08I4G 08I4G Tijuana 1 1S 202l mud 31 113 2 3 35 M Andson 9 llacrlms Plurality Cell Ityng 07978 Tijuana 1 14 215 = iinud 2 115 3 3 3 2l YV Gargan S Icpeline Tawasentha Veteran 0782 S Tijuana 1 14 UtfS fast n 1G5 3 6 41 i5 M Andson 9 Fireworth YurkLassio Argento 0091S Argento0091S Tijuana 1 116 l53mud 8 113 4 5 51 3 J Peviu 7 MistressPolly Dora My Laddio LaddioEL EL ROBLE JonesTrainer ch c 3 94 By Honeywood Pepperwood by Eddla Jones Christensonf8302 Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Breeder McKcon Christenson f8302 Tijuana 34 lllfast 21 1C9 7 7 4 42 F Cantrell 8 Norfield Athanna ClkStockg 08300 Tijuana Im70y l4GMfast G 52 3 4 2 2 II Long 9 Don Jose Heydo San Iledron IledronGS237 GS237 LolaFlukeT8201 Tijuana 5S 107 hvy 310 107 7 5 Il I3 F Cantrell 7 Trippawa NMUoncy LolaFluke T8201 Tijuana 5S l02rnud ES 100 7 7 G 5 F Canfrell 7 Paisley JoellaJ RoyalMaid G8043 Tijuana 51 f lll = ihvy 7 101 4 C 6 6 D Huru G Serapis Reap Lavinia LaviniaC7875 C7875 Tijuana 1 116 l51mud 13 91 3 6 51 6 P Hum 8 Briskaue Whippet FkFogarty G7770 FkFogartyG7770 Tijuana 51 f lC7fast 41 SO 9 S 6 5 AV Martin 11 Ineognauce HonlOge TubbyA 67G10 TubbyA67G10 Tijuana 6 f 108 fast 21 10G 4 3 3J 3J E Fator S Reap Fabcr I idy Leonid i TIJUANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES Continued from ninth page PLOW STEEL ch c 4 4Trainer 105 By Honeywood Dsscency by Martinet MartinetW Trainer W Walker Owner W Walker Breeder L Christenson 68304 Tijuana Im70y l16ifast 13 104 3 7 71 6J F Watrous 0 Hackamore Dolph N 1C Beal 6S263 Tijuana 1 l45 4hvy 4 101 5 4 4 3i G Rails 9 Power Poor Puss Peace Fla 68 184 Tijuana Im70y l49hvy 7 103 4 3 2 F Stevens 8 SHedron TheVgeance Lew 68101 Tijuana TijuanaG80II 34 116 fast 1 107 10 10Im70y 4 3 U F Stevens 12 lialfour Thrills Canvasback Canvasback11C G80II Tijuana Im70y 154 hvy 111C 11C 103 3 35S 1 1 2 F Stevens 10 NKIteal Tawaslha Plurality 8000 Tijuana TijuanaC7913 5S lQ4 mud 8 106 5 5 21 2 F Stevens 10 Yukon Billy Joe Vcra Rita C7913 Tijuana 34 117 mud 6 102 6 6 6 7 G Rose S Pclamatn DancGirl CabCrlc TAWASENTHA ch m 5 108 108Trainer By Vulcain Belle of Arcadia by Plaudit Trainer H Cooper Owner R 1 Cooper Breeder H G Herring C8342 Tijuana 1 18 lV4fast 47 113 4 3 3 3l G Cooper S Vic IliiccbiiH Bessie Young C8299 Tijuana 1 316 201fast 77 101 6 5 6 5 G Cooper 0 FkFogarty Dominator GipJoa GR2G1 Tijuana 1 1S 202hvy 7 10S 7 6 55 5 J F Seremba S Cabin Creek Lariat Dolph 08183 Tijuana Im70y l0 l0shvy shvy 75 114 3 2 11 I1 W Martin S Anita 1C Caamano Silex II G810i Tijuana 1 l43fast 9 105 1 6 61 5 i G Cooper 9 Don Jose Miss Emma G Daisy 080 II Tijuana lm0y 151 hvy 7 111 6 3 3 3 G Cooper 10 NKlSeal PlSteel Plurality G1978 Tijuana 1 14 2lGimud 5 10S a Z 2 3 J Thomas 8 Lone Pine Little Dear Veteran W G McCLINTOCK br g 5 115 115Trainer By Jim Gaffney Ducis by Sandringham SandringhamE Trainer E Sterrett Owner E Sterrett Breeder Bianchi U Wiggins 68184 Tijuana Im70y Ii97ihvy 35 113 1 S 8 S19 C Thpson S SIlcdion PlowStl TVgeance TVgeanceS G8103 Tijuana 1 lM3fast S 112 7 3 71 7 C Thpson 9 Don Jcse Miss Emma G Baisy 07377 Tijuana 1 116 It7 4fast 14 115 6 7 S 8 E Fator S ByRight Walter Dant Dolph G7243 Tijuana Im70y l47fast l47fastG713G 21 113 1 2 21 1 E Fator 12 GenUyng Obstinate W Judge G713G Tijuana ImOy 151 hvy hvyr 27 110 6 5 6 6 H Molters i Yermak Conichon Khymer r G7 G711G 11 G Tijuana 34 l18 4mud 4mudI 35 105 1 7 7 7 J Thomas 9 EWHms EugeiiialC FGCory FGCorySSf I G703G Tijuana 51 f 111 hvy SSf 109 10 9 1 6T2 H Molterslt Silk Sox It Choir Master LITTLE ORPHAN ch e 9 110 By Brigade Amelia B by Sain Trainer E E Buchanan Owner T E E Buchanan Breeder E E Buchanan Buchanan9f 68219 Tijuana 51 f lllmu l 9f 108 898 71S R Flynn 10 StAngelina Conichon Caunzcl 07377 Tijuana 1 116 l47fast 11 110 4 6 G1 5 E Petzoldt S ByRight Walter Dant Dolph G724 1 Tijuana Im70y 148 fast 6 103 2 4 2 1J C Rails 10 Reydo Deckhand Dora G7153 Tijuana 1 18 204hvy 19 105 4 4 4 5s M Fator 7 Dolph Judge David Gen Byng G7115 Tijuana Im70y l52mud 145 45 10S 1 4 4 3 1 3i M Fator I ta Deckhand Drifting 1 67077 Tijuana Im70y l51 hvy 4 103 1 2 3 23i 2J M Fator 9 Railbird HansTopaz J Arbor ARGENTO br s 9 HO HOTrainer By Jaka Argent Ardenes by Ameo AmeoM Trainer C Edwards Owner M Martin Breeder Estata of E J Baldwin 08341 Tijuana 1 1S l55fast 45 115 S 5 6s C J M Slghter 8 Shoreacres LitDcar N 1C Beal BealCS 68201 Tijuana 1 18 202ihvy CS 113 4 3 3 4 i F J Baker S Cabin Creek Lariat Dolph Dolph2S 08186 Tijuana 1 12 242hvy 2S 111 5 8 S S C Thpson 8 Dominator NKBeal Tag Day 68130 Tijuana 1 1S l55fast 30 115 7 7 6s 611 H Long 7 Charley Boy Dolph Dominator 67927 Tijuana Im70y l52shvy 19 115 9 998 = 8 C Rails 11 HLcrch NthShore Pltagenct 67876 Tijuana 1 14 213mud 11 10S 4 6 6C783 6 6 E Petzoldt 0 Madge F Vie Dominator C783 4 Tijuana 1 14 2OSifast 22 112 2 7 7 5 4 C Rails 9 Firewth YorkLassie LitDear CLOVER JUNIA ch s G 110 By Cloverton Jcnia by On Deck DeckDrr Trainer D Blair Owner E Orr Breeder D H Ritter Ritter17f G83G1 Tijuana 34 l14fast 17f 115 11 12 10s 91 T Wilson 12 Amkassin Shnyville Mflower Mflower51f 68143 Tijuana 34 119 mud 51f 111 S 4 I1 11 C Thpson 10 Plunger An Revoir Thrills 08101 Tijuana 34 116 fast 10 102 6 S 817J H Zander 12 Plow Steel Ualfour Thrills 67920 Tijuana 34 IrtSTshvy 6 113 S 7 6 6 6s s P Martinezll ChoirMaster TaekLeIi Balfour I G3281 Hastings Im70y 150 fast 1710 10 110 110G5187 3Ti J Dawson 0 Neb Lad Lady Small Quinani G5187 Hastings Im70y l53hvy 21 109 109G5121 2 II Molters 7 ChMastcr DesertRose NohI d G5121 Hastings Im70y l51slow 8 114 41 J Dawson 0 LorJIoss NebrIid MaryFuller 05080 Hastings Im70y l50Jimud 95 10S 10SMONTONA 41 II Molters S Cobrita I orena Moss Cork MONTONA ch s G H5 H5Trainer By Montgomery Ratona by Scarborough ScarboroughW Trainer W Pinkstaff Owner W Pinkstaff Breeder A S Williams G8311 Tijuana 1 1S l55 l55ifast ifast 9 113 7 7 7J 73 W Gargan S Shoreacres LitDear N 1C Heal 68 180 Tijuana 1 12 242ihvy IS 106 S 5 6s 7 G Rose S Dominator NKBeal Tag Day I G8129 Tijuana 1 1S l55rast 5 115 5 5 4J 43 C Thpson 9 GMhlebach AUVick J David 1 67950 Tijuana 1 1S 202hvy 2310 10 117 3 S S SS C Thpson S Ponza Ray Lewis B Railbird 07834 Tijuana 1 11 2OSfast 31 112 5 3 3J 5 C Thpson 9 Pireworth YorkLassie LitDear G7G75 Tijuana 15 115 7 3 11 1J1 II S Jones 9 GenByng Pattern BessieYoiin