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yearolds and upward Claiming June 17 1O1G a on WALTER DANT ch g 8 113 113Trainer By Harrigan Willie T by Albert AlbertEreeder Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwln Ereeder B A Jone G8G08 Tijuana 1 144 slow 1710 113 3i 1 P Martinez 8 DoubleVan Lariat Plow Steel 68545 Tijuana ImTOy 14S mud 6 110 J 3 3 I F CantreU 7 Dolph Doctor Tubbs Leta 68438 Tijuana 1 12 2n6 ifast 4 106 2 3 21 2n F Cantrell G Charley Hoy Dolpli Ixta j 68425 Tijuana ImTOy 146 fast 8 110 4 8 5 6 F Cantrell S Vic Poacher Ilackamore j 68364 Tijuana 1 14 2Cyfast 9 108 1 5 3l 3 F Cantrell 7 Reydo Charley Hoy Halfoiir 68304 Tijuana ImTOy l4GVsfast 2110 109 6 8 6l 74J II Long 9 Hackamore Dolph N K Heal 68147 Tijuana 1 31G 2OS mud 19 110 o 3 3G810G 4s 4 D Hum G Whippet Torsida Gipsv Joe G810G Tijuana 1 l42 fast 3 112 1 3 31 21 D Hurn S Nebraska Lad Olympiad Lota 08001 Tijuana Im70y l51mud IS 115 8 8 7 7 D Hum 8 HHIIIead PcaceFlag Harskane 67719 Tijuana ImTOy l43 = fast 18 112 4 6 6C7678 4 = 1 55i D Hurn 7 Louis KRankln Hlack Thong C7678 Tijuana ImTOy l45ifast 9 115 1 6 6DOLPH 4l 4l D Hurn 7 Tasenlha SumSish LManniiii DOLPH b F G 103 103Trainer By Brummel Thrilled by Potomac j Trainer K G Marlman Owner A Keith Breeder A L Ferguson Ferguson2l 68545 Tijuana ImTOy 149 mud 31 107 4 2 2l 2 W Martin 7 WalterDant DoctorTubbs Leta 68438 Tijuana 1 12 23Gfast 7 106 5 5 4 = 3 J Merimee fi CharleyHoy Walter Dant Leta I 684 00 Tijuana 1 18 l55jifast 2110 115 3 2 3 = 3 = J C ThpsonlO TOweiis EIRoble LittleDear I G8304 Tijuana ImTOy l4t ifast 2310 110 8 2l 2 = G Thpson 9 Ilackamore NKHeal LewisH G82GI Tijuana 1 18 202hvy 710 103 G 4 33 E Petzoldt 8 Cabin Creek Lariat Arsento j 68130 Tijuana 1 1S l555sfast l555sfastG8042 21 110 6 lh 2nk c Rose 7 ChleyHoy Domator LCochron G8042 Tijuana ImTOy 153 hvy 7 106 5 5mTOy 3 = 451 W Pool i HLerch LFIorence Fireworth 67334 Tijuana ImTOy l4Tl fast 29 110 S 7 Ti E PetzoldllO Hy ItiKht Tom Owens Vic i 67377 Tijuana 1 11G l47 ifast 2710 115 7 31 3 1 A Clavcr S HrRiclit WalterDant Dkhand 67339 Tijuana 1 1S l54Hfast 13 111 5 2 = 3 = i II Long 7 Kugctila K Vic Walter Dant I 67300 Tijuana IrrTOy IMEfast 21 110 G 4 = 4 = 1 C Rails 7 Toombeola C Harkley W Dant i 67153 Tijuana 1 18 2Ol7Jhvy 1 10G 1 1GEORGE 11 15 C Rails 7 JudKcDuvid GcnHrng SilexII SilexIIBy GEORGE MUEHLEBACH b g 7 108 108Trainer By HcGec Stolen Moments by Kingston KingstonBreeder Trainer J Manale Owner J Manale Breeder C W Moore G8G08 Tijuana 1 144 slow 6 51 E Petzoldt S WalterDant DoubleVan Lariat i G8437 Tijuana ImTOy l45 fast 29 11310 y 10 J 11 A Claver 13 NebrLad llarRuddcr WJudge C8383 Tijuana 1 l42 = ifast 9f 10S 4 51 5J G Rose 11 ColMatt Nebraska Kid Yukon I 68129 Tijuana 1 1S l55 fast 5 110 3 li Il E Petzoldt 9 Al Wick JudgcDarfd Montona G805G Tijuana 1 151 Hhvy 6 104 3 3l 3 F Stevens 8 Lewis H lariat Olympiad G8020 Tijuana 34 119 mud 11 110 4 4 = 3 = 1 W Pool 7 Vera Rita Midiau Tom Roach d 927 Tijuana ImTOy I52hvy 17 115 6 7 = 7 = D Hurn 11 InrIiTcli NMiShoii Iltazonet G7744 Tijuana 34 l14r fast 42 113 7 5 = 1 oJ F Stevens S Virse Tom Craven NcbrasKid 67G3G Tijuana ImTOy 149 fast 21 110 4 Il 1 = E PetzoldtlO Seven Seas Pink Tcuny Lava j LICHEN ch f 3 83 By Pataud Woodnitch by Octason j jBreeders Trainer H Farrell Ow = r H FarreU Breeders S Ross E Daingerfield j na 1 l424mud 130 93 8 8 61 5 L Creery S SpanMaize Moudella Vilnius 68 180 Tijuana 1 14S hvy 7 58 5 2 2 1 L Creery Creery4f 8 Wann Girl Santhia C CaveMan 68082 Tijuana Im70y l49 slow 4f 87 S 5 5 = 1 5 i L Creery 11 Car LittleGink Point to Point 67997 Tijuana ImTOy l53V mud mudG7827 40 So 4 5 5i 5U 5 L Creery 9 Cafeteria Olympiad Henecia G7827 Tijuana 41 f Mutant 33 97 12 12 12 12 II Long 12 Norfield NorHonev QuiiciipII 67701 Tijuana 55 f lOSHfast lOSHfastC7G15 37 98 11 12 12 12 P Walls 12 Kirkwood Plunger Caamano C7G15 Tijuana 51 f lC9jfast 89 97 10 6 7 7 74 J C Rails 12 Rafferty SwpUpII PonzaRay 67574 Tijuana 51 f lOS5sfaat lOS5sfaatGM38 72 97 11 12 12 12 C Rails 32 Ispham Tillotson Plunder GM38 Lexton F C 111 good 413 103 7 7 7 7 = II Gray 8 MissMiise HGraham RonTim 65334 Lexton 51 f l10 jhvy FindayC 72 1085 5 5 5 5 R Harton 5 AHVeroor Mammon Finday G5235 Lexton oi f 1 071if ast C 103 12 12 12 12 R Harton 12 Rustem CliildsPlay RornpMarj CANCION b m 6 106 By Meelicl Regea by Harprar Trainer C L Dickerson Owner M Hudson Breeder G L Blackford 68422 Tijuana 34 l135ifast 23f 105 7 9 9 0T M Milrick 10 Amkassin EmWHms IIRudr G8222 Tijuana 5 f lll mu l Sf 112 9 11 IP S C Thpson 12 Hatey SthnGentleman Midian 68148 Tijuana 1 l47 imud IS 111 6 4 5 = 1 5 C Thpson C Iueblo Olympiad Jack Ixdi Ixdio C7800 Tijuana o i lM fast 11 113 4 7 41 5JJ C Thpson S Philander Klla Waldo RedMan RedMan5S G77G4 Tijuana 5S 1 02 ifast 63 110 G 4 31 1 C Thpsonl2 SanthiaC Woolday DodeAdams DodeAdamsDl C7G17 Tijuana Dl f 0y = ifast 20 10S 10 9 5 = 1 2J F Cantrell 11 Midian Dclancey Pokey Jane G7452 Tijuana 1 437sfast 7 110 S 5 7 = S81 C Ralla 9 Gipsy Joe Ccn Czar Iiriit Iiriit5S 67430 Tijunna 5S 0i fast 11 113 8 S S Gi A Claver 9 StanleyH Shelbyville Sly Miss 67338 Tijuana 1 42irast 274 103 7 2 11 2 L Barber 9 Lola An Itevoir Florentine Florentine5S 67152 Tijuana OlympiadC3 5S 05 hvy 23 1C4 G 6 G 5J E Petzoldt S Red Man His Imllan Olympiad 6G895 Tijuana C3 104 slop 15 110 388 = 61 G Walls 11 Tutt Chrome Virgo NONSUIT ch g 5 113 By Martinet Mai iowery by St Florian Trainer Z E McGrrcor Owner Z E McG McGorl orl Breeders Williams Bros 68588 Tijuana 5 110 1 2 6 = 1 G1 E Petzoldt 8 Double Van It Vera Rita C8524 Tijuana 7 110 11 10 10J a F Stevens 11 LitPointcr JoeTag GalHerry 68195 Tijuana 5 110 2 1 Il 1 = E Petzold S Kruiitana Lola Fluke Jazz 67801 Tijuana 51 f lOTfast 3 112 1 4 G 9 R Carter 10 Due deGuisc Theresa Don Jose 67721 Tijuana 51 f l09Hfast 85 5 113 3 1 1s y R Carter 12 Prophecy Flame Plantagenct 62314 Omaha 34 l14fnst 3 117 2 L Mills 7 KirstitsCnb Heriler Hazel W 61290 Tijuana 34 lI4Vifaat 4 110 2 2 21 2 M Fator G MJIautsby Tabloid N Harper 61245 Tijuana 1 l41 faat G 109 4 4PEACE 1 1 = 2J P Hum 7 Fan Nail Montona WatcrWMow PEACE FLAG ch f S ManagerI 88 88Trainer By Manager Waite Plum by The Manager Trainer G Neal Owner Neal I Bros BrosB8G30 Breeder T C McDowell B8G30 Tijuana 1 141 fast 89 S9 7 10 10 9 = M Garrett 10 McGecs Pink Power Horinsa 68549 Tijuana 1 31G 203 mud 51 S3 3 7 4 4 1 W Dear 8 Vic San Hedron Chailey Hoy 68509 Tijuana lirTCy l43 ifast 16 86 4 4 9 = 10 ° W Dean 10 FOrient NaskaLad SumSish 68384 Tijuana IraTOy l4Gfast 10 93 4 468SOO 2 2 2 W Martin 10 Poacher Orleans Girl Theresa 68SOO Tijuana ImTOy l4Cfaat 87 5 5 C1 G l L Creery 8 Don Jose El Roble Reydo CS2C3 Tijuana 13 94 4 4 31 41 P Walla 0 Power Poor Puss Plow Steel MISS DUNBARTrainer DUNBAR b m 5 106 106H By Von Tromp Arcadia Belle by Emperor of Nor ¬ Trainer W H Moore Owner W H Moore folk Breeder E Cebrian G8481 Tijuana 51 f lOS fist 45C 110 5 3 4S S J P Hurn 12 Conichon Miss Mcclick Angclo G8281 Tijuana 51 f lOGislow 56f 1W 7 5 5n 351 R Bauer 8 Sister Susie Coniclion TCraven G8219 Tijuana 51 f lllmwl SO 114 1 2 25S 3 3i i 5s E Dugan 10 St Angelina Conichon Caonzel G812G Tijuana 5S l01fa t 09 116 G 5 61 G II Long 9 SisSusie LyHrbon Dane Girl G8054 Tijuana 51 f 114 hvy 37 108 8 10 9 9J R Lee 11 CJIaster OHomestd T Roach G8021 Tijuana 31 119 mud G 108 6 6 G 715 F Stevens 8 DonJose JackLcdi FickleFaiicy G7849 Tijuana 51 f l10mud 75 108 2 1 Il I1 F Stevens 9 Review Phyllis 1C Onwa G7785 Tijuana 5 f lOSfast 7 108 2 4 4 = 2 F Stevens 11 Oldllomcstd Review Tillotson CAR ch g 5 5Trainer 113 113H By Suffragist Disie Diron by Sir Dixoa DixoaBreeder Trainer R H Chandler Owner G Bnskay Breeder J E Madden 68587 Tijuana 31 117 hvy 35f 115 1 7 7Im70y Gl 41 F J Baker S Due duGuiso LonePine Conichon 085G4 Tijuana Im70y l49mud 3lf 10S S G 5 47 F Stevens 10 Yerrnak Tawascntha Poacher G8484 Tijuana 1 142 fast 27f 107 11 10 10 = 10 = T Wilson 11 Flame Kirkwood MeGecsPink G8341 Tijuana 1 1S l557sfast 27 110 3 3 35S 2 4s R Flynn S Shoreacres LitDcar NKReal f8241 Tijuana 5S l05 ihvy It 113 4 5 5ImTOy 5 = 1 2 = T Wilson 8 Midian FickleFancy HFIower C8082 Tijuana ImTOy l49Vsalow So 113 3 2 2ImTOy 21 lh W Pool 11 LitGink P to Point Dalwood G8019 Tijuana ImTOy l53mud G 103 4 4 41 4 R Flynn 7 Lewis It Cabin Creek Rhymer RhymerBy tllDIAN b h hTrainer 6 11G 11GD By Meridian Veneta Strome by Ben Stroma Trainer J D Rice Owner J D Rice Breeder R F Carman CarmanS G8G08 Tijuana 1 141 slow 31 111 4 3 S 7 ° II Zander S WalterDant DoubleVan Lariat G85GO Tijuana 1 147 mud 2110 116 7 3 4 1s C Thpson 9 Alazon SCcntloman Cansback C8483 Tijuana 1 l42 l42sfast sfast TS 111 4 4 45S 41 2s R Flynn 11 Yukon Little Gink Verm a k G8241 Tijuana 5S l05 fehvy 2110 111 2 1 1 1 = H Zander S Car Fickle Fancy Helle Flower G8222 Tijuana 51 f lltsmud IS 111 11 8 5 3J H Zander 12 Haisy SthnGtleman Rafferty 68198 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud 3S 113 6 6 4 4 i H Zander 7 Rod Man Pueblo Rosa Atkin G8055 Tijuana 51 f 113 hvy 9 113 6 4 31 4s II Zander S Jack Ledi Hilly Joe Conichon G8020 Tijuana 34 119 mud 11 113 2 2 21 2 II Zander 7 VcraRia GMuehlebh TRoacli Continued on ninth page TIJUANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES PERFORMANCESContinued Continued from eighth pace LOMOND JR Uk c 4 M 104 104Trainer By Lomond Midsummer by Kenilworth KenilworthBreeder Trainer J L Crawford Owner R Partoa Breeder R Parton 6864 4 Tijuana 1 l43 fast 59 102 8 7 9 9 L ArmstK D Olcnnr Wann Girl Country 68243 Tijuana 41 f STIshvy 243 111 4 4 6t 711 T ilson 7 HazelDale JoeTag BlackPrince 67764 Tijuana 5S l02 jfast 91 112 2 1 1 S F 1 Bakerl2 Caneion Santhia C Woolriny 67075 Tijuana 6S l0i = ihvy 74 110 7 6 5 = 51 F J Baker 9 ShcrmanA Big Indian Nizam 67016 Tijuana 58 104 mud 139 112 6 4 4GGC14 61 7 F J BakerlO HlWaldo CountBoris Tcrnette GGC14 Tijuana 5S l03 mud 14 111 G 2 4 Ei C Rail 11 Mnrnorn ArneFort CaveMan 64357 Hastings Ab 5S 100 slop 1710 100 100EVALYN 310 C Gross 9 PFoimtn I t Rose WtaParks WtaParksBy EVALYN HARRIGAN ch m 7 111 111Trainer By HarriganrYancona by Batten BattenBreeder Trainer W Leeds Owner W Leeds Breeder F C Jlarmet JlarmetS 68437 Tijuana ImTOy 1 45 fast 9f 111 6 S 811 F Werner 13 NebrLad HarHudder VTiulKC C8383 Tijuana 1 l42fast l42fastG8171 9f 106 8 S SG8171 9l 7 E OBrien 11 ColMatt Nebraska Lad Yukon G8171 Tijuana 34 llS = hvy hvyG80J9 63 115 2 6 7 7J H Long 12 PliilnndVr SHedron Lewis 1 G80J9 Tijuana IrnTOy l53mud 15 111 2 5s 6 C Rails 7 Lewis I Cabin Creek Rhymer 67997 Tijuana ImTOy Iu3femud Iu3femudG795G 10 111 5 7 7Jl M Andson 9 Cafeteria Olympiad Bcnecia G795G Tijuana 1 1S 202Xhvy 7 HO 4 4 = J 41 II Flynn S Ponza Ray Lewis 11 Railbird