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Tijuana Summary SAN DIEGO Cal March 15 Following is a summary of todays races at Tijuana FIRST RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Horse Jockey Wt Str 1M Sli SliJust Just Risht P Martinez 111 300 2 50 2401 2401Vork Vork Lassie U Creery 108 340 300 300LoenaMoss LoenaMoss T Wilson 113 780 780Time Time 146 Track fast fastScratched Scratched Seven Seas Mrs Pat Wilton Arrow Shcnandoah Miss Jane SECOND RACE 1 Milo and 70 Yards Horse Jockey Wt Str Il Sh ShPlunder Plunder W Caigan 111 C20 240 2SO 2SOWater Water Willow K Fator 111 240 300 300Modiste Modiste 1 Tonell 111 1340 1340Time Time 14G Track fast Scratched 3Ir X War God THIRD RACE 1 Mile a d 170 Yards Horse Jockey Wt Str PI Sh ShUypsy Uypsy loo W Pool 107 4W 3SO 21JO 21JOKirkwood Kirkwood I Powell 113 500 320 320Car Car F J Kaker 1 13 Time 146 Track fast No scratches FOURTH RACE 1 Kile and 70 Yards Horse Jockey Wt Str Il Sh ShShe She Devil W Martin 10332801240 900 900Walter Walter Daut P Martinez 113 3SO 320 320Colonel Colonel Matt 1C Iickson 108 540 540Time Time 140 Track fast Scratched lialfoar Mistake Caamano JTiriH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Horse Jockey Wt Str PI Sh ShDouble Double Van F Watrous 10S 900 700 500 500uCMcClintockJ uCMcClintockJ Maihen 113 2200 S 0 0sentha sentha W Martin 105 3 So SoTime Time 146V4 Track fast Scratched Litte Orphan SIXTH RACE 1 116 ililes Horse Jockey Wt Str Il Sh Oil ShOil Man C Thompson 114 360 2CO 2COJ J Paul Jones Hum IIS 2CO Spanish Maize A Claver 114 114Time Time 145 2rack fast No scratches SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsIhise Ihise Jockey Wt Str PI Sh ShDelhimar Delhimar F Stevens 1I S 700 400 2SO 2SOHeder Heder F Cant re 11 112 1540 7S J Melchoir 11 Ious J5 300 300Time Time 1454 Track fast fastScratched Scratched Malzavena Dr T S Dalmey EIGHTH RACE S4 Mile Horse Jockey Wt Str PI Sli SliPud Pud A Ciaver 103 020 320 2SO 2SOMile Mile Ocha F Merimee 10 340 240 240Carlos Carlos Kuitii J Kiniuton 1011 2 2Time Time 113 Track fast fastScratched Scratched Nancy Wlnet Athanua Lore Bird Dud Clock S Sikinx ikinx Kl Koble