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1 PCI DA PC 1 Furlongs Uyearolds Uyearoldsly Claiming ilarcli 1C I SI nAlt ly o r4 15 i na Inder Course Dist Time Tck Odds Wt St StA Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish A J BUJA b c 2 M 115 115Trainer By Vulcain Personal by Kinley Mack Trainer T Lynn Own r E K Bryson Breeder H T Oznard 68690 Jefferson 12 48fast 6 112 7 4 4 3 L Morris 10 Itoman Girl Anne Lee Adrin G85GG Jefferson 12 4Sfast 7 112 t 6 S3 4 J McCoy 9 Idle Thoughts Fehrah InK InKlh 08 1 12 Jefferson 31 f 43mud 12 1121 2 2C834G lh 2 L Morris 11 AuntJane LceAdrin RomanGirl C834G Jefferson 31 f 42 fast 15 115 1 1682G5 41 3 i L Morris 11 Mid Follies Fehrah A Chestnut 682G5 Jefferson 31 f 42Tsfast 10 11 9 61 65J A Abel 10 Aunt Jane Lee Adrin Duelma 38 3Gfast 6 5 J D Mney 9 Ulotter Rn Girl Ny McKay 3S 3C inud 61 B i J D Mneyl2 BBonnet lThghts N McKay INK PlayTrainer blk f 2 M 112 By Dick Finnell Miss Fair Piay by Fair Play Trainer D Womeldorff Owner W D Berahardt Breeders J D Carr Bro BroC856G C856G AJBujaG8510 Jefferson 12 48fast 10 109 4 4 3 3 E Pool n IdleThoughts Fehrah AJBuja BIlopcG8442 G8510 Jefferson 31 f 42fast 12 112 7 31 4s E Pool 12 lies Wright KomanGirl BIlopc G8442 Jefferson 31 f 431tmud 20 109 9 91 9 J Owens 11 AuntJane AJBuja Lee Adrin AdrinG8320 G8320 Jefferson 31 t 40 ifast 30 107 6 6 6 J Owens G Black Gold Will Land EdnaV 3S 37 hvy 61 E Pool 10 LceAdrin MidntFollies BUope GLADYS BisjruiseTrainer V b f 2 M 112 By Black Toney Katrine by Bisjruise Trainer H Randolph Owner 7 H Fizer Breeder H P Headier C8510 Jefferson 31 II f 42fast 42fastG834G 7 112 1 C1 5 J Wallace 12 lirsWright RomanGirl BIIepc G834G Jefferson 31 11 f 42 fast fastG8224 6 112 4 4i 101 10 J J Wallace 11 Mid Follies Fehrah A J Buja G8224 Jefferson 3 i f 44fist 44fistG808U 7 112 5 53S 41 41 J Wallace 8 MiltonM FortyTwo BMonday G808U KGrnds 3S 3Gsoo 12 114 4 43S 6s BMonday6s 6s J Wallace 10 DorUyan Iteply IdleThousnts G79U2 FGrnds 3S 3C Ii2t 15 112 7 71 6 J Wallace 11 JSanda BcsIlope Ilheliloticr IlheliloticrBy KIWANAH b f 2 M 113 113Trainer By The Curraeh Tuscaloosa by Cbuctanunda CbuctanundaBreeder Trainer E Carroll Own r H S Bowns BownsG834G Breeder J Sanford G834G Jtfferson 31 f VL fast 10 11210 11210G79G2 1 T7 R Harton 11 Mid Follies Fehrah A J Buja G79G2 KGrnds 3S 3C fast 2J 112 1 17721J 21 4 E Smwodl4 JSanda BesUope RhellPottcr 7721J FGrnds 3S 35fast 10 114 5 5HOMER El 57 M Schwtz 12 Bauira Sunayr Ekstcr Bonnet BonnetBy HOMER b c 2 H 115 115Trainer By Frizzle Lucy Jackson by Rock View ViewBreeder Trainer J H Tevis Owner jr H Tevia Breeder T Piati Piati7l G8G90 Jefferson 12 4Sfast IS 103 1 7l 71 J Owens 10 Roman Girl Anne A J Bcja 685GG Jefferson 12 48rtfast 20 110 1 7l 7 J Smith 9 Idle Thoughts Fehrah Ink 08442 Jefferson 31 f 43 mud 15 108 1 41 51 F Smith 11 AuntJane AJBuja Lee Adrin G80G1 FGrnds 38 JC mud 12 110 9 7 10 F Smith 12 BBonnet IThghts N McKay G7UG2 KGrnds 38 36 fast 41 116110 11 11 J Butwell 14 JSanda BcsIlope Kbelllotter KbelllotterBy BONNIE JACK b c 2 M 110 110Trainer By 7rack Uarys Aunt by Star Shoot ShootBreeder Trainer C Phillips Owner C Phillips Breeder V GarlS 68600 Jefferson 12 4Sfast SO 103 8 31 B G Mcin 10 Roman Girl Anne A J Buja G8442 Jefferson 31 f 3mud 20 103 8 8 7 G Meln 11 AuntJane AJBuja I ee Adrin C838G Jefferson 31 f 43 fast 20 117 8 8SO 8 8 J Chlmers S ITIioughts Duelma BMonday G82G5 Jefferson 31 f 42 ifast SO 105 3 31 5J J ChlmerslO Aunt Jane LPC Adrin Duelma 8110 FGrnds 38 5Gfast 5Gfast3S 20 110 8 7 Sl J Owens 0 RPotter RnGirl Ny McKay G80G1 FGrnds 3S 36 mud 20 110 10 10 9 J Owens 12 EBonnet IThghts N McKay C7G80 FGrnds FGrndsCASTILLA 38 35fast 15 105 5 61 5 1 J Owens 0 AtJane IdleThchU LceAdrin CASTILLA b f 2 M MShields 112 By Nassovian Genny by St Bamien BamienW Trainer J Shields Owner W S Kilmer Bred in England by J Sanford G8510 Jefferson 31 f 42faat 8 112 12 71 S N Swart 12 BesWright RomanGirl BHope 683IG Jefferson 31 f 42 fast 6 112 6 9 9 j p Murphy II Mid Follies Fehrah A J Buja G82G5 Jefferson 31 f 42 fast 10 113 6 C 4J F Murphy 10 Aunt Jane Ixe Adiin Duolma G80G1 FGrnds 38 3 mud 20 113 11 11 llz F Murphy 12 EBonnet IThghts N McKay 67835 FGrnds 38 37 hvy 7 111 5 61 7J F Murphy 10 LceAdrin MidntKollics BHope I G7G80 FGrnda 38 3Sfast 12 113 8 61 6 G Breuns 9 AtJane IdleThghts IxicAdrin IxicAdrinBy NETTIE MAY b f 2 M 112 112Trainer By Manager Waite Wilful by The Scribe ScribeBreeder I BayG8G90 Trainer M M Shields Owner A S Bay Breeder T C McDowell G8G90 Jefferson 12 4S54faHt 30 105 4 8 8G85 9 9 H ThurberlO Roman Girl Anne A J Buja G85 10 Jefferson 21 f 42fast 20 11210 11210G82G5 12 12 J Bell 12 BcsWright RomanGirl BIIope G82G5 Jefferson 34 f 42 42sfast sfast 30 107 6 6G79G2 81 7 II ThurberlO Aunt Jane Lee Adrin Duelma G79G2 FGrnds S 3C fast 20 112 4 4G7235 u 13 J Bell 14 JSanda BesHopc HhclHottcr G7235 FGrnds 3S 37 hvy 10 106 1 1C7721 71 63 L McDottlO LeeAdrin MidntFoliies BHope C7721 FGrnds 3S 35faat 15 114 2 S1 61 A Wilson 12 Bamra Sunayr Easter Bonnet C7G80 FGrnda 20 107 4 41 4J1 A Wilson 9 AtJane IdleThghts LeeAdrin JOE GATTI b 115 By Flying Squirrel Miss Lcmar by White WhiteBreeder Trainer T F Bornman Owner M Kelly Breeder J A Hall C8G90 Jefferson 12 4Sfast 30 1 S 10 10 10 10 A Abel 10 Itoman Girl Anne A J Buja G7G23 FGrnds 3S 25ifast JO 116 3 7 7 C Jackson 7 WillLaml Businlike Stoncabia ANNA CHESTNUT ch f 2 M 112 112Trainer By Towtoa Field Dixie Gem by Admonition AdmonitionBreeder Trainer 0 E Pons Owner T H Cross Breeder Haner U Cross CrossB G 632 Jefferson 12 48fast 20 118 8 7 B 5T5 G Mcln 10 Bsnayr Reply Blue Monday GU31G Jefferson 31 I 42 faat 15 112 9 3 4 1 U ThomoslL Mid Follies Felirah A J Buja LASSES WHITE br c 2 M 110 110Trainer By Delhi Temps by Dick Finnell FinnellBreeder Trainer A Morgan Owner A Morgan Breeder R H Anderson G8G32 Jefferson 12 4Sfast 40 115 9 9 7 SJ J Owens 10 Sunayr Reply Blue Monday G85GG Jefferson 12 43fast 30 112 C 5 4 6 H Thomas U Idle Thoughts Fehrah Ink LADY CELIA b f 2 M 112 By Great Britain Anna Hastings by Hastings HastingsTrainer Trainer J Dunloe Owner D E McDaniel Breeder J C Durrett DurrettFirst First start