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1st RACE 1 Mile ami 7O Yards 4yc 4yc1O 1 Claiming 31arcli 1O 1J2J 142 25 O 118 Index Course Dist Time Tck Odds Wt St Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish TOM BROOKS ch K 7 7Trainer 108 By Brumaiel Resignation by Ben Strom StromS Trainer F Tracey Owner S Elmer Breeder S K Nichols NicholsGf 08082 Tijuana 1 18 l54V fast Gf 104 13 6 63 S14 F Stevens 13 GladNcws MissJane YorkLasslo 68135 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 21 111 11 11 113 Ha J Merimee 12 ISalfmir Meteor Ilopover 083GO Tijuana Im7uy 14S fast 17 1C9 11 12 13 = 121 F J BakerH LittleGink Glenzar LuekyPearl 07745 Tijuana 1 18 l57fast 39 110 9 9 S3 Sls J Thomas 9 Uhymcr Bessie Young Dora 07723 Tijuana ImTOy l47fast 135 112 10 10 10 8 i J Thomas 10 Cafeteria Mrs Pat An Revoir 67074 Tiluana 1 18 l36fast 11 115 9 G 4 = S T Wilson 9 Al Wick Little Gink Obstinate 07018 Tijuana 1 18 l5Sfast 20 110 S 6 6i l E Petzoldt 8 Swcnson Al Wick Tag Day G757G Tijuana Im70y l47 = iast 11 117 10 11 11 H15 T Wilson 11 Lariat Cigale Obstinate 03188 Iltss Ab 1 1S l5Shvy 7 112 G14 F J Baker 7 Lariat Capon Lorena Moss 04813 Bshouse Im70y lM2fast 4 114 S53 T Wilson 11 Al Wick DoubleVan Deckhand SHENA1IDOAH KumonrrTrainer ch g 0 113 By Sea King 3ne Grass by Kumonrr Trainer R E Lovell Owner J McGinn Breeder J H Madden MaddenC8G07 C8G07 Tijuana fS l03slow 93f 103 S 8 71 G M MUrick S CRobcrts MarFluke EWeller EWellerG814G G814G Tijuana 1 18 202mud 2rf 113 S 9 9 7 G Rose 9 Bacchus Plurality Little Dear 08053 Tijuana Im70y 155 hvy 20f 104 11 10 9l 711 G Rose 11 Ptender Chtlelioltcrs Bacchus 08019 RhymerG792G Tijuana ImTOy l Samud 47 103 7 C 7 750 G Kose 7 Lewis P Cabin Creek Rhymer G792G Tijuana 34 llShvy 34C 10310 10 10 9IJ G Rose H ClioirMaster JackLedi Italfonr ItalfonrG7723 G7723 Tijuana lm0y l47fast 24f 112 8 7 6n C3J G Rose 10 Cafeteria Mrs Pat Au Revoir RevoirG7G75 G7G75 Tijuana 1 1S l56fast 7 110 9 6 6S7G30 71 75J G Rose 9 Montoiia Gen Byng Pattern S7G30 Tijuana Im70y 149 fase 20f 0f 110 5 9 7J 5 = J G Rose 30 GMiiehlebh SnSpas PTenny 0570 Tijuana Im70y l47sfast Of 112 9 7 T Gl G Rose 11 Lariat CIgalc Obstinate CORK b g 8 By Harrigan Flarney by Grsenan Trainer H T Palmer Owner H T Palmer Breeder B A Jones 68430 Tijuana Im70y l47fast 9 111 2 9 1 7s W Pool 13 IkyPcarl ScnDonlan McCroan 08312 Tijuana Im70y l17fast l17fastG814G 30 111 4 7 7 5i F Stevens 11 TomCraven Cohrita Mike Daly G814G Tijuana 1 18 202mud 202mudC780G 92 113 4 1 S3 S10 F Stevens 9 Bacchus Plurality Little Dear C780G Tijuana 1 14 209 4faat 27 110 2 2 SS 713 J Shaffer 11 Doirlnator Reydo John Arbor 07018 Tijuana 1 18 l5Sfaat 14 115 2 8 7l 7 i T Wilson 8 Swcnson Al Wick Tag Day 07518 Tijuana 1 1S l5Gfast 26 115 G 6 G 5 T Wilson 8 Judge Darid Fircworth Dora Dora9f 07338 Tijuana 1 l43fast 39f 9f 113 S 7 7 64i T Wilson 9 Leta Cancion An Iteroir 107277 Tijuana 20 113 10 7 1 7 T Wilson 10 Madse F Judge David Drifting G7243 Tijuana Im70y l47fast ICf 113 12 7 7 7 i T Wilson 12 WGMcCtock GByug Obnate ObnateDEHRA DEHRA b m 10 1Q6 By Sir Huon Rosemeade by St Gatien GatienTrainer Long08G45 Trainer G Bassett Owner Bassett Anderson Breeder G J Long 08G45 LItDcarG3525 Tijuana Im70y l46fast 9f 10310 10 9 Si E Kenger 11 Maysville JustRight LItDcar G3525 Tijuana 1 1S 15G fast 2Sf 111 8 6 S SJ E Kenger 10 Sen Donlan YkLassie Glenzar 08435 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 13f 10112 10 G5 5 J E Kenger 12 Italfoiir Meteor Hopover 08300 Tijuana Im70y 148 fast llf 102 3 14 12 = 109 E Kcngerll LittleGink Glenzar LuekyPearl 08140 Tijuana 1 1S 202mud 25f 111 087 6 D Hum 9 Bacchus Plurality Little Dear G8082 DearG8082 Tijuana Im70y l49slow Jf 105 9 9 7J G3 W Dean 11 Car LittleGink Point to Poiit G8041 PoiitG8041 Tijuana Im70y 134 hvy 25f 105 10 G 6i 511 W Dean 10 XKIcal PlStccl Tawasentha TawasenthaDALWOOD DALWOOD MawrTrainer br g 8 113 By Dalhoosie Brynwood by Bryn Mawr Trainer W H Moore Owner J Moore Breeder T Clyfle 08045 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 3lf 107 7 7 S = i 93 R Bauer 11 Maysville JustRight LitDcar 08024 Tijuana 34 I15fa3t ISf 102 10 11 11 = i R Bauer 12 JCbell DodeAdams PrlessOne 08430 Tijuana Im70y l47fast 15f 11112 10 11 = Ile3 P Hum 12 LkyPcarl Sen Donlan McCroan 08183 CaamanoG8140 Tijuana Im70y lMJ hvy S 114 1 S S 716 E Dugan 8 Tawasentha Anita K Caamano G8140 Tijuana 1 1S 2OUmud 25f 113 526 = 9 9l = l E Dugan 9 Bacchus Plurality Little Dear 08082 Tijuana lm0y l49slow fiS 307 2 7 4 45i R Lee 11 Car LittleGink Point to Point 07920 Tijuana 34 llS7jhvy 34f 103 999 = S3 R Lee 11 ChoirMaster JackLeui Balfour G7892 Tijuana 31 118 mud 15 104 a 12 9 = 9 = R Lce 12 Fickle Fancy View Ermitana 67871 Tijuana Im70y l49mud ISf 115 10 9 10s 10 P Hum 12 San Hedron Gen lyng Plunger PlungerWILTON WILTON ARROW ch g 6 113 By Ferole Adele Rose by Eon EonTrainer FianeganPSG24 Trainer B Creech Owner B Creech Breeder G P Fianegan PSG24 Tijuana 34 l13fast ISf 10212 12 12 10 L Arrnsfg 12 JCbell DodeAdams PrlessOno G8525 Tijuana 1 18 156 fast 103 113 C 5 6J 73 T Rae 10 Sen Donlan YkLsissie Glenzar 08435 Tijuana ImTOy 117 fast 8 Si 71 R Flynn 12 Palfour Meteor Hopover G831 Tijuana Im70y IMTrsfast 14f 104 7 6 5J 6ei R Flynn 12 Plunger York Lassie Palfour G8238 Tijuana 34 121 hvy 16 110 7 7 7 G8 K Flynn 9 Jazz King Worth Mistake MistakeS 08182 Tijuana Im70y l31hvy 33 109 4 5 7 = 711 T Rae S OMcKna Mistake TomOwem 68 108 Tijuana ImTOy 134 hvy 2S 113 7 6 G ° 6 T Rae 7 Cabin Creek Plurality Balfour DOTS UncleTrainer b m C 103 By Fitz Herbert Mabel Strauss by Uncle MackayC8710 Trainer B Scoville Owner G P McKcal Bred in Franco by C H Mackay C8710 InsHugheaGSG24 Tijuana 53 l01fast 4f IOC 2 9 91 10 F Watrousl2 StyMiss MrKrutcr InsHughea GSG24 PrlessOne081CG Tijuana 34 l13fast ISf 105 3 7 9J S8J F Watrousl2 JCliell IodoAdam PrlessOne 081CG Tijuana 5S 1C6 hvy 12f 10S 898 = 7 J M Andson 9 PokeyB JackPot AnnsShjter 07829 Tijuana 34 115 fast 13f 113 3 S S = 7J S SyKes 9 Slieka View Caunonball 07574 Tijuana 5i f l08Hfast 23f 10S 6 9 10J11 J M Milrickl2 Ispham Tillotson Plunger 07510 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 431 105 7 6 8 S 3 M Milrick S Angela SwccpUpIL Don Jose JoseOGU99 OGU99 GadlingOG933 Tijuana 5J f l10mud 43f 104 3 4 5 5 M Milrick S Xeg Plantagenet Gadling OG933 Tijuana 6i i 111 hvy 20f 109 10 10 10 7 ° M Milrickll Xeg Merry Lass Count Boris STEVE WatorboyTrainer b gr 8 113 By Uncle Strite by Watorboy Trainer J D Rice Owner J D Rice Breeder Oneck Stable 08025 Tijuana 31 l13 = ifast 2t 102 It S 71 8 H Zander 11 Clearfield Dora W C Dooly 68239 Tijuana ImTOy 153 hvy 45 113 7 5 G3 6 E Dugan 8 AnitaK Plurality Little Dear 08182 Tijuana ImTOy l31hvy 13 114 8 S 8 S E Dugan S OMcKna Mistake TomOvcns 08010 TagDayG770i Tijuana 1 l30hvy 7 115 G 3 5 5 P Martinez 7 TheVgeance Dissolute TagDay G770i Tijuana 1 l43fast 7 117 8 9 10 10 O Atwell 10 Fircworth Starlike San Ilcdron G7G18 DayG515 IlcdronG7G18 Tijuana 1 1S l S fast 5 115 4 1 1 4 P Martinez S Svcnson Al Wick Tag Day G515 Tijuana 1 11G l43fast 118 115 5 6 6 G = O Atwell 8 Slioreacres lariat Rhymer 07470 Tijuana 34 l147 faat 7 113 9 10 8 S ° W Manin 10 Van Welles View Plantagenet PlantagenetI I IENERO HighlanderTrainer b g 10 108 By Albula Broomhall by Highlander Trainer T White Owner T White Breeder Paxton Bros 08557 Tijuana Im70y l50mud 9f 113 6 3 7 714 C Tlipson S McCrcan I rcnaMofS Gen Byng 08399 Tijuana S4 l14fast 110 110 S 10 10 = J S E KengerlS Mistake JoeCampbtll PkTenny 08053 Tijuana ImTOy 153 hvy 20f lOt G 7 10 = 10 M Milrickll Ptendcr Chtielloltcrs Bacchus 07871 PlungerG7723 Tijuana ImTOy l45mud ISC 115 4 G 6 = C S Sykcs 12 San Hedron Gen Byns Plunger G7723 Tijuana ImTOy l4Tfast 2I 11T 7 S 9 0JJ S Sykes 10 Cafeteria Mrs Pat An Hevoir 07547 Tijuana 1 1S l3Gfa t G2 113 7 S S S = 3 Sykes S IWIIarper AlWick Meteor 07350 Tijuana ImTOy IMTrfast 163 108 11 11 11 10 16 F Seremball EHarrigan LCochron Drifting G352G Reno 1 l43fast 1 = Seremba 8 Dorothy MissKrug KofPythia 03488 Reno 34 115 fast 5 Millerick 9 Meteor Little Alie Lola 63432 Reno 1112 fast 45 R Duggan S Jtllight Bobolink Md ofAnsel SILENT SAM ch h 5 M 113 113Trainer By Lay Low Miss Naomi by Bcering Trainer T Holloway Owner T Holloway Breeder G Cooney 08503 Tijuana 1 l44fast GOf 113 10 9 9i 9 H Molters 11 SthiaC Occidenta Malzavcna 08381 Tijuana 1 l43fast Cf 113 5 S GJ 6 E Kcnger S Nizam Gold Bryan Dovesroost DovesroostG75UC G75UC Tijuana 5S l02fast 133 110 11 10 9l 9 E Kengerl2 Alajah Yukon Hunters Point 07330 Tijuana 34 l16 fast 63 119 10 12 9 9s D Hum 12 Nizam Norfield Oknznr 07188 Tijuana 5J f IH hvy 31 106 9 9 S 7 C Rails 9 Herder Bed Man July Fly 03032 Reno 51 f lOS75fast 13 111 8 P Martinez 9 Ollomestd Pltagenct LitOca