2nd Race [2nd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-16

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Onrl 3IarcltClIU DA PC Mile an l 7O Yards 4yearoldw and upward Claiming 3Iarclt ClIU riAUi 10 192IJ 142 25 G 118 118JAY JAY MAC blk g 4 109 By Leonid Zirl by Sain SainTrainer Trainer R II Daniels Owner C B DanielO Breeder C B Daniels 08512 LitSmilcG8101 Tijuana 5 f 110 mud 1C 107 1 6 4i 4 E Petzoldt S MissEdna JCjuiipbcll LitSmilc G8101 ThrillsC774G Tijuana 3 116 fast ISf 106 1 1 11 ll 11 E Petzoldtl2 Plow Steel Bnllour Thrills C774G Tijuana 1 113 fast 19f 110 11 11 11 11 II Carter 11 ILUudder FGCorley Mflowcr 07187 Tijuana 1 l497ihvy 75 100 G G 4 4i C Rails 7 Benecia CaveMan NorfordsLast 07099 Tijuana 1 l4GKhvy 20 98 2 7 Ti T II Long S Whippet My Kose Dissolute 07038 Tijuana ImTOy 151 hvy 21 100 5 3 3 = J 41J C Rails 7 liarriskane Yerniak JohnArbor 00938 Tijuana 1 1J3 hvy S 103 4 3 3l 4J E Petzoldt G Veimak Midla Millersburg 3730 Reno 34113 fast 135 95 34 W Miller 7 Pueblo MIssDbar KofPytlilas 03580 Reno 34 lllifaat 12 97 3 E Pctzgld S LittleAbe Ella Wood Ourllaael 03120 Reno IzaTCv l4Gfast CS 92 G l AV Miller S Caamano Audrey K Argcnto ArgcntoDORA DORA DisonTrainer T ch f 4 102 By Uncle Estimate by Sir Dison Trainer W T Anderson Owner San Diego Stable Breeder Headley Killer 08720 Tijuana 34 l14fast 7 4 ill 10 10 10 = 12 = W Tarrell 12 P PierRon Blk Monkey Fiesta 08512 Tijuana 5 f 110 mud 0 113 6 4 6 G = C Thpson S MissEdna JCampbell LltSmlle 08121 Tijuana 61 f l07fast 7 100 5 5 6 G C Studer 8 Horinga DoAdmit Gr Trimble 53551 Tijuana 12 4995fast 75 109 2 2 2 = 3 = M Uxuton 7 Em Williams HMajor Tabloid 523GO Tabloid523GO Williams52GG7 Tijuana 3i f 43 = fast 21 100 1 1 IS 2l E Jonlah S It CaptGreet Emma Williams 52GG7 Tijuana 3S Mtthvy G 109 1 1 L Gaugel 8 Swiftcket CapGt Cstwdlloy 2006 Tijuana 3S 373low 13 107 74J L Gaugel S Incognance Plow Steel Tabloid TabloidLAVA LAVA ch g 7 103 By Textile Ashes by Tremont Trainer B B Bond Otener 3 B Bond Breeder T Monaban 08557 Tijuana ImTOy l50 mud SO 10T 8 5 5s C E Kessger 8 McCroan LoreniMoss GcnByng 08525 Tijuana 1 1S 156 fast 2Sf 113 7 10 10 10 J D Powell 10 SinDonlan YkUissie Glenzar 08130 Tijuana Im70y l4T fast 133 10610 5 41 43 E Kenger 13 LkyPearl SenDonlan McCroan 08 119 Tijuana 5J f lOSfast 1C6 10S 11 10 S = S Et Kenger 11 Syncopatn FdleFear GdNews 08239 Tijuana Im70y 153 hvy 134 113 4 8 8 S11 E Kenger S AnitaK Plurality Little Dear 08082 Tijuana Im70y l49slow If 113 7 4 Gi 7 3 P Martineill Car LittleGink Point to Point 07978 Tijuana 1 11 2lGimud 30 110 4 8 S S F Stevens 8 LonePine LitIVar Tawazentha G780G TawazenthaG780G Tijuana 1 14 209 fast 21C 115 S 6 41 4 P Marttnezll Dominator Reydo John Arbor CHATTAN COURT b g 7 113 113Trainer B Chanter Wynoneon b Worphptis Trainer G W Williams Owner Williams Thatcher Breeder I R Kien = 8045 Tijuana ImTOy IMCifast 94f 112 S S S6843G 10 10M F Weiner 11 Maysville JustRight LitDear 6843G Tijuana ImTOy y l47fast ICf 111 3 7 7G8399 20 30J F AVoincr 13 LkyPearl SenDonlan McCroan G8399 Tijuana 34 4 l14 = ifast 125 110 11011 11 11 11s 10 ° E OBrien 13 Mistake JCampbell PkTenny 08103 Tijuana 34 4 115 fast 5f 103 7 6 6G7829 S 73J M MHrickl2 View Plurality Cannonball G7829 Tijuana 34 4 113 fast 70 115 5 7 iih G i E Dugan 9 Slieka View Cnnnonhull 0751 07510 G Tijuana 5S 5 102 fast fastG525G Sf 109 11 11 11 10 E Fctzoldlll IulI Moon Klin Red Man G525G Hastings 1 14 4 214fegood S3 110 4 = II Lafferty 7 YsliireRelh YLsie Bmorell 65156 slopG1993 Hastings 1 116 6 352 352iSlop 52 slop 33 109 6 H Lafferty 0 Double Van Lariat Weinland G1993 Bghouse 1 143 slow 710 113 lt W Garcan G YorkMald DaringRoso Louvaiii NORAIN b s 6 113 By Korita Anna by Amigo AmigoA Trainer G A Lnckey Owner Luckey Reeves Breeder Mirs Anita M Baldwin C8558 Tijuana Im70y 49 mud mud3m70y 50 106 f 7 6s 5 AV Miller 8 George James Dora Veteran G843G Tijuana 3m70y 47 47fifast fifast fifastJmTOy 23 106 13 12 13 13 ° 1 Ioirier M IkyPenrl KenDonlan McCroan 58402 Tijuana JmTOy 45 fast fastInVTOy 111 115 4 5 5 5 P Toirier 5 SeotldYet Bastille Sacramento GS313 Tijuana InVTOy 47fast 6 10S 12 10 9J S G Hose 12 Phrigcr York lisse llalfour llalfour3X 6827 Tijuana 34 16slow 3X 102 7 9 S = 4 = 3 O Ros 10 Cnnninnn Dovesroost Cannbnll Cannbnll21f 08171 Tijuana 34 lS lSshvy = shvy 21f 11211 12 12 12 G Bdfoot 12 Iliilander SHodron 1cwis II 5401 G Rrhouso 1 1S 54 fast 13 103 C7 W Miller 7 Missotihi Tnwonthn Pr Direct 03989 Brhouse 1 IMsfast IMsfastIm70y 10 104 C J AV Miller 10 TProoks MlssIIerrmnn RTop 13732 Reno Im70y 146 fast 14 103 31 R Duggan 8 Clad News Coniclion Dorothy 03G36 Reno 1 116 IMSlifast 15 103 i R Duggan a Little Orphan Sippara Arilcncia COUNSEL br E 9 9Trainer 103 By Out of Reach Consuclo n by Bradwardine BradwardineG Trainer G Nibbs Owner OwnerC8119 G Nibbs Breeder P T Chinn and F A AForsythe Forsythe Forsythe190C C8119 Tijuana 5i f lOSfast 190C 113 9 11 I0 9 K Erlcksnll Ryncopatn FdioFcar GdNetvs 081 4 4 Tijuana 31 119 mud 73 102 9 S 8 S15 I Armng 9 RellaFIower GXows PeKYoung 07573 Tijuana 55 f 109 fast 75 110 12 12 12 10 J II Zander 12 Gen Czar Midinn Review 05840 Mneuve 1 116 l52 fast 21 111 3J J Simmons 7 Homam Ramonall CRambler 65693 Mnuve Ab 61 f 125 fast fastG5505 4310 115 Il C OMahy 7 Jackllealey Red Post King It G5505 Kempton 1 116 l52 = ifast ifastJ5I10 31 112 21 C OMahy G SirGalahadlL Ramonall Parol J5I10 Kempton 1 1lti l53fast l53fastG5242 31 113 2s II Gibson 8 Doyie John Arbor El Coronel G5242 Dorval 1 116 149 fast fastG5020 111 101 9 5 C 5 = 1 A Sstrom 10 SMoney Rrrcliff HMStevem HMStevemSf G5020 Dorval 1 116 l4Sfaat Sf 93 10 8 10 12 M AndsonIS SPeurll Lavaga ThistleQueeji CAPON b s 5 113 By Cock o the Walh Bessi Simpson by Deceiver DeceiverPyle Trainer C Pyle Owner McLean It Gibson Breeder F Johnson 08G82 Tijuana 1 1S l54fust 6f 109 4 12 123 12 1 Kington 13 GladNcws MissJane YorkLassIe YorkLassIelm70yl4S 68350 Tijuana lm70yl4S fast 39 lOi 10 4 14 13 G Rose 14 LittleGInk Glenzar LnckyPearl G8312 Tijuana Im70y LnckyPearlIm70y 3i7fast 42C 104 9 6 S 10 G Rose 21 TomCiaven Cobrita Mike Daly C8278 Tijuana 34 l15slow 135 110 3 2 41 63 C Thpson S II Olympus FrNnrsc nopover G8I81 Tijuana Im70y nopoverIm70y 151 hvy 8 109 6 6 Cs 7IJ T Wilson 7 ItossicYiiB Plunger GcnIJynz 08101 Tijuana 34 116 fast 6 107 12 12 12 12T W Pool 12 Plow Steel Halfour TlirilU 07409 Tijuana 1 1S 157 fast fastIm70y 26 10S S 9 9 = C Rails 9 Drifting Argcmo John Arbor ArborIm70y 67356 Tijuana Im70y l47V6fast l474fastIm70y 29 113 10 10 93 9 D Hum 11 KIIarrlgan LCocliroo Driftinfi DriftinfiIm70y 07300 Tijuana Im70y l46ifast l46ifastIm70y 18 105 7 7 7 7 II IOIIK 7 Toombeola C Ilarklcy W Dant 07244 Tijuana Im70y 14S fast 15 10S C 2 3J S43 II G7208 Tijuana 34 l161 slow 1 72 II Long S Ijenicve CountBoris AuRei Mr YORKSHIRE MAID br f 4 4Trainer By Yorkshire Lad Miss Alvescct by Alvescot Trainer T Marti Owner Martin tc Barlow Breeder E D Adams 08015 Tijuana ImTOy lI6fast 94f 101 11 11 11 Ils 1 Creery 11 Maysville JustRight I itDear 08542 Tijuana G f 110 muii CSf 105 8 S 8 T 7IS I L Crcer13f Crcer S MissKdna JCampbell LitSmile LitSmileS1 08425 Tijuana Im70y 47 fast 13f 93 3 12 12G83GO 12 S S1 L Creer CreerIlf Creery 32 Balfour Meteor Hopover HopoverII11 G83GO Tijuana Im70y 48 fast Ilf 97 13 S 7 II II11 L Creer Creery 14 LittlcGink Glcnzar LuckyPearl 08257 Tijuana 5S 03hvy 625 101 S S 7 6 1 L Creer Creer16f Creery S Review Clnrlot Smith James 68038 Tijuana 51 f 13 hvy 16f 106 7 S SG7891 8 7 L Creer CreerIt Creery 8 narBurgoyno Thrills Bacchus G7891 Tijuana 34 ISimud It 100 6 7 7s 9 L Creer CreerllPf Crcery 11 VMedCoIn Canvasbk MnFluke 07575 Tijuana 51 f 1 C9 = ffast llPf 103 10310 10 10 10 10 L Creel Creery 11 Due dc Guise Jazz Alazon 07170 Tijuana 34 314fast 61 103 6 7 7DANCING 10 10 W Pool 10 AanAVellos Aiew Plantagenet DANCING STAR b m 10 10G 10GTrainer By Heno Albertola by Albert AlbertBreeder Trainer P Lycan Owner P Lycan Breeder A B Hancock 68615 Tijuana Im70y 346fast 10S 303 9 9 73 7 J J Penpast 11 Maysville JustRicht LitDear 67675 Tijuana 1 1S l56 fast 45 133 C 7 7G7598 8 918 II Molters 9 Montona Gen Byng Pattern G7598 Tijuana Im70y 148 fast 303 330 6 7 5l 6J C Rails 8 TomCraven Kirewth Cafeteria 67470 Tijuana 3 lllifast 13f 111 8 8 7i 7 J H Molters 10 VanWellcs View Plantigenct 35294 Cheyenne Gl l167sfast 11 104 7 G Embry 8 SenDnna UofKeys AftNight AftNightG 35181 Cheyenne 34 lI6fast 49 107 Fell G Einbry S 15 Farley CWKisker HIrospt 35110 Cheyenne 34 33Sifast 9 303 303CALL 411 G Embry 7 Pat Gannon Ingot Oscuro OscuroBy CALL ME ch h 7 M 103 103Trainer By Den Johnson Ocala by Nasturtium NasturtiumBreeder Trainer W J C3rea Owner B Cole Breeder H Dewclf C8G81 Tijuana 1 l43fast 107 108 7 5 3 9IT R Carter 10 Anns Sister Kahani DrCnnard 08434 Tijuana 1 l42ifast Sf 102 9 9 9i II1 F Vatrousl2 Saiiielarter SthiaC WannGirl G8358 Tijuana i 1 ilof t dlf 112 8 S 6h 655 F SerembalO Woolday EmmaWcller Modiste G82GO Tijuana 51 f 113 hyy 16f 108 C 8 7 711 p Watious R MissMliek l m Duncan Onwi G3487 Reno 1 1 43Vifast 7 IDS IDSS 4 P Caron 9 MrsPat Peerless One M Fluke 03410 Reno 34 336 fast S 108 1082t 2 P Caron 10 Aunt Sue Ardencia Krna 11 02978 Reno 1 116 149 fast 2t 10S 3 P Caron 10 Miss Krug lariat Bill Sparks 02814 Reno 51 f l09 fast 10 IOC IOCS 45J P Caron 10 FiedFear AuntSue Bes Young 027G9 Reno 34 l19Uslow S 104 77i P Caron 10 HXcgra Rinkavous SanthiaU 01378 Tijuana 112 111 7 7 7 6J P Caron 10 Miss Clark Foeman Cancion CancionBy EMELDA ch rn 11 111 111Tiainer By Salvation Armadora by Gano GanoBreeders Tiainer AV D Larsen Owner J McNeff Breeders Lawrence Comstock 08558 Tijuana Im70y 349 mud 60 104 3 4 51 S10 E Kessger S George James Dora Veteran G854 1 Tijuana Im70y l49V mud 15f 302 6 6 64 6 F Cantrell R Itropzc North Tower War God 68435 Tijuana Im70y 117 fast 47 104 6 5 101 12 F Cantrell 12 Balfoiir Meteor llopovcr 08358 Tijuana 34 315V5fast 22f 105 4 6 41 44 F Cantrell 10 Woolday KnimaWcllcr Modiste 08102 Tijuana Tijuana092G 51 f 1 OS = fast 108 108 4 91 gio p Cantrelll2 PrivatePeat Delaneey SthiaC 092G Tijuana TijuanaC78G9 Sl llSihvy 92 101 1 6 5 5 F Cantrellll ClioirMaster lackl edi ISalfour C78G9 Tijuana 5S l03 mud 6f 103 9 S 51 4 L Creery 12 Careen Zaincr Cicely Kay

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923031601/drf1923031601_8_5
Local Identifier: drf1923031601_8_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800