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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesHAVANA HAVANA FRIDAY MARCH 16 16AVEATJIER AVEATJIER CLEAR TRACK FAST Tho figures under the heading Rec in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance sinco January 1 1020 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or Rood track abbreviations show track conditions Racing starts at 2SO p m Chicago time 200 Q Superior mini runner X Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice Apprenticeallowance allowance b Blinkers Iurse 00 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Jan 8 1920 111 0 102 102Todays Todays TodaysAWUIan Ind Horse Wt Ree AWUIan 687035 Bloomington BloomingtonC86743 100114 5 113X725 C86743 American Hade 113 112 8 118X720 687061 Mumbo Jumbo 117 112 9 118i715 68744 bCoIossus bCoIossus68G39 104 116 4 1JOX715 68G39 Mambi Mambi6S7031 105 115 5 113 710 6S7031 Bob Giles 9 113 710 68639 Carrie Baker 4 107X710 68333 Jill 7 110 710 68659 Scintillate Scintillate6G9G2 110 l10Vs 5 1 OS 705 6G9G2 bCrumpsall 115 114 9 113 705 63161 Wye M 4 110 700 61019 Caslik M 4 110 700 Second Race 58 Mile MilePurso Purso 500 3yearolds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Jan 10 1920 G9 3 100 68305 nosie II 103 101 97 725 72568723s 68723s Midday M 110 720 68727 Queen Mazonia 101 103 105 715 68723 Charles WhitneyM10t l07 s 104 715 68703 Bob Vratcr M 101 102 107 715 8395 Gonwithim 107 102 110X710 68701 Nellida M 112 108 91 705 68475 Siboney M 115 107 U9705 U97056S412 6S412 Eusenia GomczM 94 700 Lady Beacli 91 Onca 99 Third Race 5 12 Furlongs ruro 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Jan 24 1917 10514 5 102 68621 Cuba Kncanto 114 107 4 110X725 63620 Big Son 114 107 5 109 720 68580 Confederacy 107 107 3 91 68579 107X7156870G bSpods Ill 107 4 107X715 6870G bRcdmon 105100 8112X715 1 68518 San Dieco 109 107 6 107 710 68706 bSalamander 115 103 4 107X710 107X7106870G 6870G McLanc 113 107 7 112X710 67315 bWar Map 112 100 6 100j705 112i700686C4 68724 LuiMeme 108 107 6 112i700 686C4 bAssuuiption 110 1OG 7 114 700 700Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile MilePurse Purse ClaimingTrack COO 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Dec 6 1922 135 1 101 63639 FOREWARN 3 90 725 68707 Chile 10S 141 3 95 715 68554 Mary Rcigel 99 140 5 103x715 103x71568G64 68G64 Hazel W 100140 5100X715 5100X715686G4S 686G4S Hullo 109 142 5 105 715 715687C6bTl 687C6bTl e Wag 97 140 4 107X715 68749 Toe the Mark 110140 7113X715 68680 liMayrosc 107 141 6 105X710 68675 bKlmont lOii 140 0110 710 100X70368726s 68708 Lotta Speed 10I5 142 5 100X703 68726s Bcrrctta 1001143 5 100 700 70068724s 68724s brort Light 10 10S0700 10S0700Fifth Fifth Race 1 Mile and 50 Yards YardsPurse Purse ClaimingTrack 503 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record March 0 1918 141 5 117 11768725s 68725s Hush 102 143 6 90 725 68075 First Pullet JIS 1 40 7 90X720 68705 101X71568708s bWhippoonvill 109 142 8 101X715 68708s Jno It Ilochc 110 145 6 104 715 7156S67Ss 6S67Ss bItay Atkin 105 145 6 107X715 63673 111X715GS6SO bFelir M 101 144 5 111X715 GS6SO Black Top 110 144 5 112X715 63726 bGolden Red 110 145 8 114X715 68748 Miss Dixie IOC 110 0 101X710 63725 Edith K 102145 6107X710 68708 Johnny OConnclI 100 144 5111X710 68678 Carrurc 100 147 5 104 705 68602 Job Thayer 100145 8 114 705 705686SO 686SO Blazing Fire 102 14S 4 103x70 68079 Tan II 111144 8116X700 8116X700Sbtth Sbtth Race 1 Mile and 50 Yards YardsPurse Purse 700 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record March 0 1918 141 5 117 117G8G23bCromwoll G8G23bCromwoll 110 142 7 10GX25 10GX256SC64 6SC64 Watcrco 107 144 5 100 720 68677 Salvo 100 143 7 100 715 68541 Roseate 100 143 5 101X715 68643 bStonewall 109 144 4 103X710 103X710C8G771 C8G771 The Roll Call 101 145 4 108X705