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DA PCnAUtl PC 1 Furlonsfs Furlonsfsu nel uitivartl Claiming Feb 25 nAUtl u io5 s PHYLLIS IT blk f 4 105 Pv The Wolf Mattie H by Swiss SwissMcGregor Trainer Z E McGregor Owner Z E McGregor Breeder P A Klinsteis GSCfiO Tijuana C f l08ifnst U JOC 233 Ssl E PetzoldtM TBVnridge BSante MissJanc G8339 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 33 109 12 7 6 5 P Walls 12 Tabloid Jack Pot Coombs 08018 Tijuana 41 f r 9 mud 15 109 8 5 SI 9 C Rails 10 CtlieWay TpyDuncan BRnth BRnthIS 67090 Tijuana 51 f lllmud IS 106 9 10 11 11 E Petzoldtll Caunzcl TheVengeance CSmith CSmithC 67913 Tijuana TS 104 mud C 111 5 4 7s 7 C Rails S Olympiad Krrnilana Sin Again G7849 Tijuana ri f 1 10mud 9 110 6 2 34 3s C Rails 9 Miss Diinbar Review Omra G7785 Tijuana TijuanaTEMPY 55 f 1 OSfast 10 110 6 6 10s 11 F J Bakerll OIIomesld MissDbar Review TEMPY DUNCAN b m 12 106 By Billy Mayhue Edna Edwards by Deerslayer Trainer C I Irwin Owner C B Breeder W E Moody GS5G5 Tijuana 51 f 1 10 mud 13f 101 101r 101 111S F Cantrellll Red Man Joe Tag Neg C8379 Tijuana r l f l08Vkfast 12 10S 6l 6J F Cantrell No Wonder PeggyMartin Onira G82GO Tijuana 51 f 113 hvy S 111 1115S 2 = 2 = 1 H Long 8 MissMeelicfc Onwa BIMeyers 08241 Tijuana 5S 1 05ihvy 9 106 3 5s F Cantrell S Midian Car Fickle Fancy 08219 Tijuana 51 f lllmud Sf 1C6 1C65S 4 65 F CantrelJ 10 St Angelina Conichon Caunzel G8124 Tijuana 5S l02 fast 41 111 31 SJ D Hum 11 IlabeRuth Gal Berry FXurse 08102 Tijuana 51 f 1 OS = ifast 7 113 51 S D Hum 12 PrivatePeat Delaneey SthiaC G8039 Tijuana 51 f Ill4ihvy 3 113 2 3 = P Martinez 11 Rag Doll Onwa Itlack Pat G8018 Tijuana 41 f a94mud 95 306 3060S 31 25 W Pool 10 tlr theWay Babe Ruth Thrills G7929 Tijuana 0S lOI = ihvy 11 116 5 7 P Martinez 1 MlOmU UosaAlkin Pinaquana FREDDIE FEAR br s 4 H2 H2Trainer By Lomond My Choice by Kismet KismetBreeder Trainer C Reed Owner Reed Kief r Breeder Carr fi 1ear 1ear4J G8G4G Tijuana 51 f lOS ifast C 112 9 9fiS 4J 3 = i J Maiben 11 DotleAdams RoscoeGse BIndn 08502 Tijuana fiS 1 0s fast 64 107 3 6 6 = L Armsfg 13 Chrcme GalBorry Klmer W 08482 Tijuana 34 l14 ifast 44f 107 5 7h 71 1 ArmstB 11 MMinage GladNews IyTiptoc 08419 Tijuana Tijuana0819G 51 f 1 OS = sfast IMf 106 5 31 2s I Arrnstgll Syncoiiton GladNews GJames 0819G Tijuana TijuanaG7911 51 f 1 12Vimud 61f 106 6 65S 61 6SJ II Ions 7 Black Pat Cannonball Onwa G7911 Tijuana TijuanaC7595 5S 101 mud Sf 103 4 45S 51 7i II Molters M Ckely Kay You Ret Cr C7595 Tijuana 5S l02 = ifast S 112 5 55S 71 7i K Taplin 12 Philanderer Viva Baechus 07454 Tijuana 5S lOl7Jfast 100 107 4 45S 5J r i H Molters 8 RUOwen SprpII DieGuiFC 67429 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 3 If 107 7 ol 5 L Rerd 12 IxidySmall Bookworm Olympd OlympdBy KAHANI b ir 8 M 10S 10STrainer By luilctus Hoopa by Kenilwcrth KenilwcrthBreeder Trainer V A Fay Owner E OConnell Breeder G VsT Schutc 08081 Tijuana 1 IMSVfast rC6 102 3 2 208G44 2 2J M MilricklO AtesSister DrCard Malzvcna 08G44 Tijuana 1 l43 l43sfast sfast 7f 102 3 4 5 fl I Creery 0 Gleuar Wann Girl Country 08005 Tijuana 5J f 110 slow I3f 108 S 12 I h 0 E Ietxoldtl I Rnngeorgc Contriot Big Indian C7998 Tijuana ImOy 154 mud S3 113 6 S S H Molters S Pltagenet CabCreek RedMan 07890 Tijuana 34 llSrnud 0f 107 4 6 9S 9 = S Sykes 10 DbiKve LuiiePiiif MdieWiln 07703 Tijuana TijuanaC7573 5S l01fefust 63 112 4 10 10C7573 91 90S Syues 12 Viva lien Payne Irene Delsa C7573 Tijuana 51 f 1C9 fast 491 113 S 6 71 lls S Sxkrs 12 Gen Czar Midian Review 67432 Tijuana TijuanaG733G 5S l014fat 13 111 10 9 9 = 9 ° S Sykis 11 Fond Hope Vera Rita Angela G733G Tijuana TijuanaTENNILEE 34 l16 fast 115 111 9 61 S J M Fator 12 Nizam Norfield Glenzar TENNILEE br E 5 105 105H By Colinet Tokalon by Tammany Trainer W H Sperling Owner J J5S Pidecon Breeder J W Fuller 07912 Tijuana TijuanaG7227 5S l04 imud 3 111 1115S 144 a E Petzoldtll Velvet Plaiitascnet I ne Pine G7227 Tijuana 5S l fegood 3 309 12 21 2 = E Prtzoldlll Amkassin lWllarper VRita 07080 Tijuana TijuanaG7021 51 f 112 hvy 32 107 5 3 3 4 = H Molters 7 Joe Tag Vera Rita Van Welles G7021 Tijuana TijuanaOG93G 51 f lll imud 16 105 1 2 1 33 E Pctzoldt 7 Kenuard NorthTower Contriot OG93G Tijuana 51 t lOShvy 6 303 2 3 4 5 W Pool G loolli J Harry 1 Romului 01381 Tijuana 34 l14fefaat 107 655 6 J R Moss 7 Arvaiina ThirtvSeven July Fly 01308 Tijuana 1 l42 fast 13 112 7 7 51 5 J Deford 7 II Wright DonDodge YkUassie 01321 Tijuana 51 f 1 07fast 18 10S 2 7 71 7 = 1 C Rails S irginslleir RLOwcn JohnJr NELLIE HARPER b f 4 110 110Trainer By Harrigan Beatrice Soulc y Peap oDay oDayBreeder Trainer T Davidson Owneer H Calwell Breeder B A Jones JonesC 08543 Tijuana 2J l16 l16smud smud 5 111 8 6 C l 5s M Slghter 9 Alazon Iy ne Pine Plow Steel 08481 Tijuana 51 f lOS ifa3t 27 310 30 7 7C8297 6 4 M SlKhUT 12 Conkhon Miss Meelick AngeJi C8297 Tijuana 51 f 1CS fast 2310 109 S 9 9G8197 S5 6 M SlshterlO Dluicey NoWder Cannonball G8197 Tijuana 34 l S mud 2710 111 3 5 5C8 2 3 M SlBhtor 9 Rifle Billy Gibson Veteran C8 120 Tijuana 5S I0l7sfast 49 114 7 Ol 4i M SlBhtcr SisSusie Iylfibon Dane Girl 07831 Tijuana ImTOy l45 ifast 23f 102 1 C 8l S7 M Garrett She Devil My Rose Iro ity 65283 Hastings 1 12 238 fast 45 102 2 = 1 W Miller 9 Sample Prince Direct Uiggan 65154 Hastings 1 14 2l1rislop 4 119 2 J Deford 0 Sample Bessie Young Olympiad G503G Bghouse 1 142 good 11 114 4 ° J Deford 5 Tulalip Sample Capt Clover CloverBy SMILING MAGGIE ch m 10 106 106Trainer By Smile Margaret M by Voolsthorpe VoolsthorpeBreeder Trainer R Barnctt Owner Z Barnott Breeder C Morris MorrisSJ 08040 Tijuana 5 f lOS lOStfast tfast 4 IOC C 7 SJ S I Armsfgll DAilams KiwcorGse FdicFear FdicFearM 68420 Tijuana i iG5924 51 f 1 OC ifaSt 32 106 4 7 M y 1 ArnutB 10 Vibrate JCuiipbcll DnncgCiil G5924 Hthorne 34 l15 ifast 13 10 41 51 M ghter 9 BBVkwell Itattyll DofWrath 65832 Hthorne HthorneG578G 34 115 fast 20 107 9 5 II rimintsll Money Ntnctte Toy Misi Misi7J G578G Hthorne HthorneG5G33 71 l2 lifast JO 111 7 6 7J C H ClmentslO War Penny Skeer Face Money G5G33 Omaha 1 14 fast 1110 112 3 M SlBhltr 0 MDenzio IMUVan DrMackll 05424 Omuhii 34 l13 l13sHlov = sHlov 12 115 411 V GnrBiin Ji CalhMarrone Icon DaintyLndy DaintyLndy1i 05370 Omaha OmahaJAMES 34 l14 fast 2110 110 1i M SIKhterll FullAgn DrMackll FhnGirl FhnGirlBy JAMES G ch g 9 By Admonition Linolin by Requital RequitalBreeder Trainer H T Palmer Owner T Werner Breeder B F Guthrie GuthrieCl OK359 Tijuana 31 115 fast 41 112 3 C C5S Cl VJ F J I5akerl2 Flame Mr Kruter Cave Man 08257 Tijuana 5S lOV ihvy G 110 4 7 rJi 3 W Pool S Ufvicw ChnrSmith GTrimtile G8103 Tijuana 34 116 fast 17 302 12 10 10I i 9J F Stevens 12 View Plurality Canuonball G8038 Tijuana i I f l13Hlivy ICf 110 5 4 31 F Stevens S HarBurgoyiie Thrillx Bacchus G053G Akron Ab 5S 101 fast 2 113 31 J Glass 9 Mali Pokey Jane Midian GG435 Akron Ab 58 l04jhvy 7 113 113II 3 J Glass 7 Milda Mary Mallon Midian GG182 MHghts i II f 117 hvy 12 305 7 T Burns t Kffirient Rriarrliff HevcnScaa OG051 MHghts 1 f lll imud 7 113 C J Smnllwd S First Consul Caeambo Xainer G5714 NKton Ab SS 100 faut 20 113 E l T Drumnd 15 Xainer Anna Star Duly Fashion C5549 NKton J Smwood 7 Mcljine Wealthy Ann Jazz G54G3 NKton Ab 4l J Srnallwd U Dudlc Bug Anna Slur Jildur VICTORY oDayTrainer WON ch e 5 113 By Setli Fascinating by Peep oDay Trainer W Ovcrby Owner W Overby Breeder J Quinlan 08402 Tijuana 5S l02iifjL3t 19S 10S 10 11 10l 9gl M Hirrlclcl3 Jack Pot Huzzas PJiillipc IifTO IifTOG8257 G8257 Tijuana 5S l03hvy 37 111 5 6 S J1 M Milrick 8 Review CharlotSmith JnmesG JnmesGG81G7 G81G7 Tijuana 58 l06hvy BSf 105 1 6 6s 3 J H Zander 10 IvyGray YonBet IlnntersPoint 07954 TopaaG7912 Tijuana 34 l17hvy Sf 107 1 2 53 7 H Zander 0 JIxdi Plurality Ilans Topaa G7912 Tijuana 5S l01mud Ilf 107 6 5 7 E J H Zander 11 Velvet PJantagenet I ne Pino 67870 Plantageuet077G4 Tijuana 5S l03mud 32f 105 4 3 3 E 8 II Zander 11 Toniltoacli Sqnash Plantageuet 077G4 Tijuana 5S 302 ifast SOf 107 9 9 81 7 II Zander 32 Cancion Santhia C Woolday 67490 Tijuana 5S l02 ifast 16f 110 3 8 91 9 C Rails 10 Vera Rita TillotKon Norfield 03728 Keno 5S 1 01fast 31 105 5 W Davla 8 LittlcOne KmWeller GolRosa GolRosaG3G33 G3G33 Reno 5 f 1OS fast 43 106 31 W Davis S GrTrimble 1yBourbon BIlJoo 03523 Reno 5S l01faat 37 105 4 i W Davis 8 DSMurray MerIviss MsleC MsleCG312G G312G Reno 34 l15fast 9 106 8 W Miller 9 Red William Dorothy Kthel CABBY B b c 3 M 100 By The Wolf Kismet Girl GirlTrainer GibmeyG8G05 Trainer A Gibmev Owner A Gibmey Breeder A Gibmey G8G05 Tijuana 51 f 110 slow I35f 10010 9 S1 11 M Garrett 14 Rungeorge Contriot Big Indian IndianG8237 G8237 Tijuana 58 107 hvy 141 106 6 V 7 6 F Seremba 7 EIRoble Trippawa Kd Honey PERFECT DAY cb m 6 111 111Trainer By Prospero Pansy King by Kingston Trainer a Green Owner P Glixman GlixmanG8625 Breeder S A Bcckham BcckhamSI G8625 Tijuana 34 15fast 2f 100 5 6 6G8420 SI 10IJ F Watrousll Clearfield Dora W C Dooly G8420 Tijuana 51 f 06fast 14f HX5 S 9 9 9 F WatrouslO Vibrate JCampbell DancgGirl 081 9G Tijuana 51 f 12 imud 6K 106 5 3 3fiSlOl 41 4J J Maiben 7 Black Pat Cannonball Onwa fiSlOl Tijuana 34 16 fast 13f 109 4 2 2G7G59 21 5 E Fator 12 Plow Steel RaJfonr Thrills G7G59 Tijuana 5S 01ifast 60 105 S 7 7 6s W Wiley 10 Iyllrbon RosaAtkin CavcMan 0532 Tijuana 51 f 09 fast 42f 106 7 7 7G72G2 C1 6 i V Wiley 12 MyrtleA Delaneey FrchNurse G72G2 Tijuana 34 14faat 15 109 3 6 6BOOKWORM 7 S W Wiley 10 Nebrhad TCraven Shelbyville ShelbyvilleBy BOOKWORM b m 5 111 111Trainer By Von Tromp Candlewick by Candlemas CandlemasBreeder Trainer F Risk Owner H L James Breeder E Cebrian G8GGG Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 7 111 3 5 5 12 F AVeiner 14 TBkridge BSante PhyllisK G8339 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 6 111 S 5 51 8 E Fator 12 Tabloid Jack Pot Coombs 07429 Tijuana 5S 302 fast 2 1CS 6 4 4 21 C Rails 12 Lady Small Olympiad Viva 67355 Tijuana 5S lG2fast 54 109 S 9 eh 51 F Stevens 11 Bess Welch Hazel Dale KIga 07278 Tijuana 34 l34 ifast 48 101 2 3 2 4 i E Petzoldt 9 DtorTidibs SheDevil Aultovoir GG934 Tijuana 51 f 311 hvy 4 189 4 9 9s 10 M Fator 10 OllieWood VeraRlta Al Porter G5220 Hstings Ab 5S 1110 114 2J T Wilson 10 ValLady BFlower TwveBclla TwveBcllaBy OPERATOR b s 6 113 113Trainer By First Chip Gracie Gould by Register RegisterBreeder Trainer G Edison Owner G Edison Edison68GOG Breeder S Waring 68GOG Tijuana 58 103 slow 9f 113 5 6 6 J II Molters 12 GalBorry J Campbell Onwa 68523 Tijuana 5S lCl ifast Ilf 115 10 71 6J H Molters 11 lobelia RoscocGse RosaAtkin 68314 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 16f 107 7 94 9IS F Vatrousl2 Norfield Nizam Merry Iass 080 1 7 Tijuana 41 f 5Sy5mud 14 113 1 1G797G 5 21 H Molters S QyWard NordHoney PokeyB G797G Tijuana 5S l05 = mud 10 110 4 321 41 II MolterslO Squash Bacchus Onwa 67639 Tliuana 5S l01 fast 54 110 6 6G7597 6 6 ° J H Molters 7 Full Moon Milda Alajah G7597 Tijuana 5S 102 fast ISf 110 3 71 6i H Molters 12 lobelia Delaneey View SQUIRREL HAWKINS b h 5 M 116 116Trainer By Flying Squirrel Addie Hawkins by Logan Trainer J W Sliockley Owner W S SG86GG Knapp Breeder A Hawkins G86GG Tijuana 5i f ItfSJifast 3if 116 112 fil H Long 14 TRkridge BSante IhyllisIC 08605 Tijuana 51 f 110 slow 14 116 116G84G2 3 3 5J 81 II Long 14 Rungeorge Contriot Big Indian G84G2 Tijuana 5S 3024fast 8C 116 116G8380 6 1 15 4si K Fator 13 Jack Pot Huzzas Phillipe Lugo G8380 Tijuana 51 f l09fast 25 113 5 5 5 71 M MiIricU12 Krmilaiia BonnebcIIe DAdams 08018 Tijuana 41 f 53mud St 111 111C1377 3 7 10 10 1 M MilricklO CtheWay TpyDuncan B Ruth C1377 Tijuana 5S l02 fast 7 110 110IC1334 3 3 31 31 E PetzgoldlO IvidyTiptoe RiithJohnson Ktlicl IC1334 Tijuana 51 f 103 fast 41 112 5 7 62 45J E Petzgolall Bookworm Apropos Rinkavous