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DATES FOR CANADA • Schedule for 1923 Calls for Only Ninety-Eight Racing Days. ♦ Windsor to Remain Closed — Relief by Quebec Government Permits Blue Bonnets to Race. ♦ TORONTO, Ont., April 5.— At the meeting of the Canadian Racing Associations held this afternoon the 1923 racing dates for the tracks composing the major circuit in Canada were adopted. The season will open at Woodbine May 19 and close at the same track September 29. There will be ninety-eight days of racing instead of the usual 116 days. The Windsor Jockey Club decided not to operate because of the heavy government tax in Ontario and the 5 per cent deduction on money wagered in the mutuels by the provincial government. All the clubs claim to have operated last year at a loss, due to what they considered excessive government taxation. The official racing dates for 1923 are as follows : First Meetings. Ontario Jockey Club, Toronto, Saturday, May 19 to May 26. Connaught Park Jockey Club. Ottawa. Tuesday. May 29 to June ." . Montreal Jockey Club, Montreal. Thursday, June 7 to June 14. Dorval Jockey Club, Montreal. Saturday. June 16 to June 23. Hamilton Jockey Club, Hamilton, Wednesday. June 27 to July 4. Niagara Pacing Association, Fort Erie, Saturday. July 7 to July 11. Kenilworth Joekey Club, Windsor, Tuesday. July 17 to July 21. Seoond Meetings. Hamilton Jockey Club. Hamilton. Thurs-day, July 26 to August 2. Niagara Racing Association. Fort Erie, Saturday. August 4 to August 11. Kenilworth Jockey Club. Windsor. Tuesday, August 11 to August 21. Connaught Park Jockey Ciub, Ottawa. Thursday. August 2:: to August 30. Montreal Jockey Club. Montreal. Saturday, September 1 to September s. Dorval Jockey Club, Montreal, Tuesday, September 11 to September 18. Ontario Jockey Club, Toronto, Saturday, September 22 to September 29. Commander J. K. B. Ross, who presided at the meeting of the Canadian Racing Associations, stated that racing at Blue Bonnets v.-ould bo made possible this j ear by the action of the Quebec government la granting some relief from the burdens of taxation which obtained in that province last year. The daiiy tax of ,000 on mile tracks baa been reductd to 00 and on half-mile tracks from 000 to 00. The admission tax has been reduced from a straight 30 cents to 10 per cent of the admission charge, or 20 cents on a ticket. The Quebec government has decided to put a tax of 12!j per cent on the mutuei takings and to pay the clubs a percentage to cover the expenses of collet tion. The Montreal papers said this percentage for the clubs would likely be 1 per cent, but Commander Ross has been way from home for about ten days and has no definite information on this pint. On the 12- per cent deducted from mutuei takings the Quebec government will receive all in excess of the graduated percentage allowed to the race tracks by federal legislation. The graduated tax is 7 per cent where the amount is under 0,000 per race, and grades down to I per cent where the amount wagered is over $." 0.000 per race. Commander Boss pointed out that the Blue Bonntts track has never paid a dollar in dividends to any shareholder, invariably lost money at its meetings and. like Woodbine, was run purely as a sporting proposition.