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I THE PADDOCK NEWS I This newspaper leads; the others follow. One special a week, absolutely-free to all readers and subscriber*. Blearest offer ever made by any tnrf newspaper. Buy Paddock News and watch Daily Kacine Form for key to code. HERE IS THE FIRST ONE: Dl V IK-PAPER-OFFER-ONLY-THEY-OM.Y / THE PADDOCK NEWS | 1674 BROADWAY : : : : NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. i 4 ANM AI.I.V, 25 CENTS A COPY, AT ALL NEWSSTANDS AIL CITIES i I JOE BRAND 301 WEST 58TH ST., NEW YOBK CITY, N. Y. An introduction is hardly necessary as all followers of the turf know me. I*st fall I sant out 27 winners in 35 days. Some record. Looks like I will even better last yeors ; mark from the way I started at Bwie. Yesterday my followers received: TIDINGS 6.50- WON Wodnesdiy my followers received: ASHLAND 6.00-.80- 2nd Tuesday my followers received: EULALIA .90- WON Monday my followers received : BYGONE DAYS 4.00- WON TODAYS HORSE WII.T. BE ANOTHER HIMMEIl. Should pay at least 10 to 1. Start with me today and be convinced. TKIt.MS: 0 daily; 0 weekly. Wire subscription by Western Union. Send your street address. BOTH SPECIALS WON / ~v Herald. 2-1; Wireless. 8-5. 54 .-+ . ff* won out past 91. Mail for rtSawa ncxt Saturdays. Setting Sun. V yS7 2SC0-10O. won. nice one Reporter **7y 96 gave. Latest 957 today. All *"*-- newsstands — only 35c. THE TTJRF REPORTER Oldest Publication in Existence j 22 W. Quincy St. cEttab. 1904 Chicago. 111. ■■■*" T Dont miss nest Saturdays TWO LIVE ONES at Bowie on our Saur.ay Specials. All they cost is 52 00. Today s Form Special: October-Banana-19-42-23-30. STANDARD TURF GUIDE 103, 22 W. Quincy St. Chicago, 111. Bowie Race Track INFORMATION DIRECT FROM THE TRACK I am clocking all horses at this track and will telegraph you every day one or two horses fit and rauly to win. 0 for six days. All my clients are big winners since Bowie opening. If a horseman at the track cannot give you winning information, who can? Telegraph S10 at once for next weeks service, to start Monday. All who answer at once I will telegraph a winner Saturday free of charge. Telegraph 0 at once and receive stable information direct from the Uack. TOM GALLON, PERRYVILLE, -:- -:- MARYLAND. TI1HNUS 6.50- WON was yesterdays Long Shot. BIFF BANG *K.S0-«2 !M» was yesterdays Best. WHO CARES HJO-n WOr was Wednesdays Best. Remember we o:Uy give TWO EACH DAY and all they cost is 50c daily, at all newsstands. 50c Mailed direct, 1 week, .00: 2 weeks. .00. NATIONAL 0. K. PUBLISHING CO.. 411 Baltimore Building. :: CHICAGO, ILL. Mutual Information Bureau ■5 Columbus Circle New York City. N. Y. A combination of the smartest information in America. Our first and only horse sent out thia year: MARGARITE WHITE 6.10- WON Next horse goes Tuesday. April 10. at Bowie. Our tormr: Wire us the winnings of a FIVE DOLLAR PLAY after the horse wins. If this proposition interests you wiiii your name and address at once. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET. NEW YORK. N. Y. I 74 EXCHANGE STREET BUFFALO. N. Y.