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Here and There on the Turf Many Jumpers to Come from Abroad. Consistency in Use of Blinkers and Riders Should Be Enforced. Abel Probably a Coming Riding Artist. From the manner in which orders are being issued for the purchase of foreign jump ers it would seem that before the Joseph E. Davis subscription is closed there will be and number of samples on hand. J. S. Cosden and George D. Widener are two who have ordered importations and the others who have had their orders abroad for some time are Joseph E. Davis, Robert L. Gerry and Joseph E. Widener. The price of the subscription has not yet been decided upon, but it is a plan that contemplates bringing over good horses and its amount will probably be determined by what is paid for them. The reversal of form shown by E. K. Bry-sons Tingling Friday at Bowie emphasizes the importance of constant vigilence in the stewards stand. Inconsistency in the equipment of a horse for racing should not be permitted. Tingling is a five year old and when a horse reaches that age a trainer should know whether or not he ought to be equipped with blinkers. By that time the putting on or taking off of the blinkers can hardly be done for any other reason than to make a difference in the form of the horse. Blinkers make a vast difference to many horses and the trainer who knows his horses soon finds out whether or not they should be used to bring about the best results. The blinker horse should wear the blinkers and the horse that does not need them should not wear such equipment. Tingling is a blinker horse and yet he was permitted to start without blinkers, after he had worked fast and appeared to be ready. Then when he was disgracefully beaten without the blinkers and the blinkers were put on. Tingling won. That is just what happened and it should not happen if racing is to be kept clean. This same consistency should be insisted upon in the matter of jockeys that are used. Trainers should be made to, as far as is possible, use the same boy on each occasion. This, of course, is not always possibl? for many of the stables have no jockeys and have to obtain riders on the outside. But when an outside rider ■ employed, the stewards should see that some sort of consistency is enforced. Trainers should not be permitted to ride an inexperienced apprentice one day and the best rider on the grounds the next, on the same If an apprentice is used the first time there should be an apprentice the next time. If the best rider available has the mount th? first time, as good a rider should be employed for the next appearance. These are matters that belong to the stewards to regulate and make for formful racing. Albert Abel, the little apprentice who created a sensation at Bowie Friday by riding five win neri, is a striking example of the old adage. "Nothing succeeds like success." This little fellow still has plenty to learn before he be comes a finished rider, but his victories give him confidence that will go a long way toward acquiring skill. James Arthur has given the little fellow a careful education and Arthur is a veteran who has turned out many another good rider, on" of his best of recent time being "Chick* Lang, now in the service of J. S. Cosden. Arthur has a younger brother of Lang in his service now who promises to be one of the best of jockeys. He is so small that Arthur will not permit him to ride, but he has been galloping horses for a couple of years and probably, before the end of the year he will be seen with the colors on. The tremendous interest that is being taken in the Kentucky Derby all over the country suggests that the 1923 race will eclipse all previous renewals in point of attendance. Al though the race will not be decided until May 19, the boxes for that day have all been reserved and the special train arrangements from various sections will tax the facilities of many railroads. Seldom before have so many men prominent in the turf world made their arrangements for the trip to Louisville and many others, who have no connection of any sort with racing become enthusiasts for that day. It will be one of the most representative gatherings to view the decision of the race and it is possible that it will be one of the most representative fields that ever raced for the Derby.