Daily Racing Form Handicaps, Daily Racing Form, 1923-04-09

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I Daily Racing Form Handicaps BOWIE j The horses which seem best In Monday3 j races are : Prince ieorpe Part — Bowie, Mil., April 8, 1983. 1 — Iady Choco, Roman Girl, Rachel Potter. 2 — Antilles, St. Donard. Super. I — Sagamore. Elemental. Tidings. 4 — Soggarth Aroon, Dicks Daughter, Win- digo. 5 — Opperman. Rama, Master Hand. 6— OUR BIRTHDAY. Tingling. Bonfire. 7 — Natural, Day Lilly, Lucy Kate. F. J. Ortell. Kerr York Handicap. 1 — Lady Choco, Vanity Bag, Lee Adrin, Chopsticks. 2 — Zouave, Miracle Man. Fluff. Ina Kay. 3 — Sagamore. Kpugs, Tidings. Mom. 4 — Soggarth Aroon. Flying Devil, Windigo, Dicks Daughter. 5 — OPPERMAN, Rama. Vitamin, Duke John. 6 — Camouflage, Our Birthday, Bonfire, Bravo. 7 — Natural. Day Lilly, Warlike, Wylie. Chicago and Buffalo Handicap. 1 — Tidy Choco. Lee Adrin, Rachel Potter, Roman Girl. 2 — Smarty. Joseph Brant, Zouave. Zennotta. 3 — SAGAMORE. Spugs. Tidings. Mom. 4 — Oran, Flying Devil, Dick s Daughter, Windigo. 5 — Rama. Duke John, Opperman, Saddle and Boots. 6 — Our Birthday, Bravo, Tingling. Bonfire. 7 — Day Lilly, Natural, Maize, Lucy Kate. Observers Handicap. 1 — Lady Choco, Lee Adrin, Vanity Bag, Star Cudgel. 2 — Super, Smarty. Antilles, Ina Kay. 3--Sagamore. Tidings. Elemental, Spugs. 4 — Dicks Daughter, Soggarth Aroon, Windigo. Flying Devil. ." — Master Hand, Rama. Opperman, Trajanus. 6— OCR BIRTHDAY, Tingling, Bravo, Camouflage. 7 — Natural, Day Lilly, Warlike, Lucy Kate. Consensus of Handicap*. 1 — I ady Choco, Lee Adrin, Vanity Bag, Roman Girl. 2 — Antilles. Zouave, Smarty, Super. 3— SAGAMORE. Tidings. Spugs. Elemental. 4 — Soggarth Aroon, Oran, Dicks Daughter, Flying Devil. 5— Opperman, Rama, Master Hand, Duke John. 6 — Our Birthday. Camouflage, Tinging. Bravo. 7 — Natural, Day Lilly, Lucy Kate, Warlike. TIJUANA. The horses which seem best in Tuesdays races are : Tijuana. Mrs.. April 8. 1923. 1 — Sea Beaeh. Coombs, Elga. 2 — Counsel. John Arbor, Sven Seas. 3— SISTER SCSIE. St. Angelina. Big Indian. 4 — Harrigans Heir. No Wonder, Miss Edna. 5 — Loch Leven. Horinga. Eva Song. 6— Black Monkey, Pud. Virgin ius. 7 — Undine. Dolph, Little Jink. 8 — Donatella. Chief Barthel. I low Steel. 9— Peter Pierson, Calithump. Fair Orient. G. W. Shilling. ow York Handicap. 1 — Coombs, Pink Tenny, Hand Sweep. Sea Beach. 2— JOHN ARBOR, Tx rena Moss. Wilton Arrow. Tag Day. 3 — Sister Susie, Big Indian. Freddie Fear. St. Angelina. 4 — Harrigans Heir, Delancey, Tillotson. fco Wonder. 5— Miss Manage, Dancing Girl, Dirk Ages, Loch Leven. 6 — Black Monkey, Brian Kent. Cedrio. Pud. 7 — Undine. F. G. Corley. Caunzel, Dolph. 8— Balfour. Donatello, Senator Don Ian. Chief Barthel. 9 — Peter Pierson. Nebraska Lad, Calithump, Tom Craven. Chicago and Buffalo Handicap. 1 — Elga. Coombs, Pink Tenny, Treadwell. 2 — John Arbor, Lorena Moss, Ruth Harri-gan, Silex II. 3 — Sister Susie, St. Angelina, Pay Off, Ala-zon. 4 — Harrigans Heir, Amackassin. Delancey, It. 5 — Dark Ages. Ix ch Leven, Miss Manage, Horinga. 6 — PCD, Black Monkey, Faber. Virginius. 7 — Undine. Caunzel. My Rose. I olph. 8 — Judge David, Donatello, Balfour. Senator Donlan. 9 — Peter Pierson, Calithump, Regreso, Eugenia K. Observers Handicap. 1 — Elga, Sea Beach. Hand Sweep. Coombs. 2 — John Arbor. Counsel, Wilton Arrow, Lorena Moss. 3— SISTER SUSIE. Kirkwood, St. Angelina, Alazon. j 4 - Harrigans Heir. Teo Preckenridge, Amackassin. Ollie Wood. 5 — Loch Leven, Horinga, Dancing Girl, Dark Ages. | 6 — Pud, Virginius. Maude Harvey, Cedric. I 7 — Dolph, Mr. X., Undine, Roisterer. I 8 — Balfour, Judge David, Donaf Ho, Chief Barthel. 9 — Eugenia K., Peter Pierson, Calithump, Penwell. Consensus of Handicaps. j 1 — Elga, Sea Beach. Coombs. Pink Tenny. 2 — John Arbor, Counsel. Lorena Moss. Wilton Arrow. 3— SISTER SUSIE, St. Angelina, Big Tndian, Alazon. 4 — Harrigans Heir, Delancey. No Wonder, Amackassin. 5— Loch Leven, Miss Manage. Dark Ages, Horinga. 6 — Black Monkey. Pud. Virginius. Cedrie. 7 — Undine, Dolph. Caunzel. Mr. X. ! — Balfour, Donatello, Judge David, hief Barthel. 9 — Peter Pierson, Eugenia K., Calithump, Nebraska I ad.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923040901/drf1923040901_2_4
Local Identifier: drf1923040901_2_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800