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Mount Royal Form Chart 7flftfi0 ivuvv *TRST RACE — 6 1-2 Furlongs. Aug. 23, tr. i»i6_l:06— 3— 107. Purse 03. 8-year -elds and upward. Foalod in Canada. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 0. W Eqniv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 69939 Lady Heart HI 1» A Erb 330-100 2 63942 Redtip 91 2* S Hicka 12W-100 » 64863 Ly Patricia 109 3* C OMahoney 2R20-100 2 64063 Ragtl Robin 110 4* E Atkinson 1210-100 2 65934 Jamima 111 5* J Kenne ly 1020-100 65934 Broadview 109 6 N Foden 280-100 65979 Koxhaven 103 Prop.A. Sandsfml530-100 . 69890*Amirante 109 Fell.C Frost 245-100 runt u.-ls paid. Lady Heart, .60 straight, .10 „ place, .45 show; Redtip, 3.50 place, 1.25 " show; Lady Patricia, 5.00 Rhow. Equivalent booking odds— Lady Heart, 330 to 100 ■traight, 155 to 100 place, 172ft to 100 show; Red-tip, 575 to 100 place, 462ft to 100 show; Lady Patricia, 650 to 100 show. 2 Time, 1:20%. Track heavy. 2 Winner— E. E. Majors ch. f, 4, by Hearts of Oak— My Honey, by Yo El Rey trained by J. Ilizar; bred by Mr. Harry biddings. Went to post at 2:28. At post 2 minutes. Start 2 good and slow. Won easily; second and third driv- • lng. - Scratched— 69848Ferrnm, 108. Overweights — Ragged Robin, 1 pound; Jamima, , 2; Broawview, 4. 700 fi1 SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. An?. 26, : iuuuj. 1916—1: 13-4— 103. Purse 00. 3- j year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to • winner 00; second, 0; third, 0. , Eiiuiv. Odds. Ind. norse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 69913 Gol. Chance 116 1°* A Erb 300-100 69419 Fayelle 117 2 P Sanford 1390-100 69814 Waac 114 3* E Atkinson 385-100 69674 Flint 114 4«»J Brogden 1270-100 69845 * Parol 121 S1 R Ball 1070-100 69741 rritra Gold 121 C* S Wida 330-100 65978 Avion 121 7 N Foden 360-103 mutuels paid. Golden Chance, .00 straight, • .40 place, .40 show; FayeUe, 0.15 place, .00 , aliow; Wane, 00 show. Equivalent Look in vr odds — Golden Chance. 300 to 100 straight, 120 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; . Fayelle, 402% to 100 place, 150 to 100 show; . Waac, 100 to 100 show. • Time. 1:30%. Track heavy. Winner- E. E. Majors b. g, 9, by Zal -Bernaise, by Sempronius trained by J. Ilizar; bred by Mr. I W. Gerst. ! Went to post at 2:59. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the 1 same. 700 fi9 THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlo-«rs. Aug. iuvu_ gg 1916—1:06—3—107. Purse 00. . r 3-yca.r-olds. Claiminr. Net value to winner 03; i secend, 0; third, 0. Eiuiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 69840-Jota 110 I5 E Atkinson 200-100 69735»Gonwithim 102 2*i L Gregory 775-105 1 65239 Worm Wood 115 3»J E Sequin 22S0-10O 69818 Night Light 107 4» A Sandstrom 570-100 5 69810-Qun Mazonial06 5=J W Taylor 340-100 J 69843 -Miss Flora 108 6= F Bullman 385-100 Uncle Jerry 115 7 J Connors 1225-100 0 mutuels paid, Jota, .00 straight, 55 place, .70 stow: Gnnwitbiiii, place, .30 show; . j Worm Wood, . SO show. Winivalont booking odds — Jota. 2~0 to 100 straight. 77% to 100 place, 35 to 100 show; Gonwithim, 210 to 100 place, 115 to 100 show; Worm Wood, 193 to 0 1 100 show. Time. 1:21%. Track heavy. Winner— H. W. Barnes b. f, 3, by Ralph— Onaricro. by Ornament trained by B. Sanders; bred j by Mr. George J. Ix ng. Went to i»ost at 3:31. At post 3 minutes. Start 1 good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Overweights — Jota, 5 pounds; Worm Wood, 4; Queen Mazonia, 1. 700ft l FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Aut. 25, , IUVUO 1916—1:13—4—103. Purse 00. 3- year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to 0 winner 00; second, 0; third, 0. Equiv. Odds. , Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 69808 Neenah 119 1? R Holloway 707J-100 10 69849 Cordelier 116 2 J Brogden 1100-100 0 69502 -Chow 124 31 W Taylor 225-100 10 69195 Hemlock 119 *»*■ L Gray 1310-1M * 69480The Wag 119 5=1 C Jackson 150-100 10 69845 "son Rblcr 119 61 R Ball 1145100 ■ 659783IJllian G. 119 7 F Gariepy lir.-lOO mutuels paid, Neenah. 6.15 straight, .G0 i0 place, .10 show; Cordelier, .30 place, .70 0 show; Chow, .30 show. Equivalent booking odds- Neenah. 707% to 100 * straight, 330 to 100 place, 105 to 100 show; Cordelier 315 to 103 place, 135 to 100 show; Chow, 65 to 100 show. Time, 1:30%. Track heavy. Winner Missouri Stables ch. m. 6. by Moolick •k — March Past, hy Exile trained by O. Johuson ; bred d by George L. Blackford. Went to post at 4:00. At post 1 minute. Start IT good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. 7 00 fid. FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. An-. 25, 1916 ■ G IUVV-* l.H | Mi Purse 03. Mt. t Royal Handicap. 3-year-clds and upward. Net et value to winner 40; second, 00; third, 3. K]tiiv. Odds. s- Ind. norse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 69819 V. Dresser 110 l1 E Atkinson 4171-100 00 69887 Golden Red 110 2 J Connors 860-100 00 69326 Stonewall 110 3« C Jackson 430-100 00 69887 -Cisqua 98 I L Partington 510-100 00 65980:Drafstman 108 Fell C O ilahoney 1570-103 J 69432 Doughnut 104 Fell.L Gregory 130-100 mutuels paid. Vanity Dresser, 0.35 straight, it .75 place, .25 show: Golden Red, .70 place, e .70 show; Stonewall, .40 show. Equivalent booking odds — Vanity Bresser. 417% to to 100 straight. 137% to 100 place, 62% to 100 show; v; Golden Red, 185 to 100 place, 85 to 100 show; "■ Stonewall, 70 to 100 show. Time, 1:28%. Track heavy. Winner — 11. W. Barnes b. f, 4. by Ix ngh Fovle — ~ Lydia A., by Sir Wilfred trained by J. Hill; bred by Mr. Samuel Ross. Went to post at 4:30. At post 2 minutes. Start irt good and slow. Won handily ; second and third rd driving. Scratched — 169779 The Desert, 114. . Overweights —Vanity Dresser, 4 pounds; Drafts t„ man, 2; Doughnut, 4. 700fi SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Is IVVVO Aug 21 i9i6_i;44i/5_5_i05. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value ue to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Kquiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. t. 69848-S. Stalwart 114 Is E Atkinson 460-100 100 69889 Chimera 112 25 L Gray 4C5-100 100 69883 Viva Cuba 112 31 ■ Demayo 530-100 100 69965 Fr. Shannon 110 4i A Erb 1310-100 100 69887 iSm. Money 114 5" F Gariepy 435-100 Ht 698895Sptr Chance 114 6 R Ball 1525-100 100 69887 Venal Joy 114 7» H Chuppell 1610-100 100 69887 Neapolitan 114 8s C Jackson 605-100 100 69884 Jake Schas 108 9 F Bullman 965 100 ICO mutuels paid. Semper Stalwart, 1.20 straight, ht. .10 place, .20 show; Chimera, .90 place, .65 .65 show : Viva Cuba, .05 show. Equivalent booking odds — Semper Stalwart, 460 160 to 100 straight, 105 to 100 place, 60 to 100 show; w; Chimera, 145 to 100 place, 82ft to 103 show; Viva iva Cuba, 102ft to 100 show. Time, 2:03%. Track heavy. Winner— F. C. Williams b. g, 9, by Stalwart t — — Semper Victoire, by Logic trained by G. C. C. Williams; bred by Mr. Charles W. Moore. Went to post at 5:01. At post 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. iv- Scratched— 69710 Blondel, 108. Overweights— frank Shannon, 1 pound; Jake ike Senas, 3. ue t. 100 100 100 100 Ht 100 100 100 100 ICO ht. .65 .65 460 160 w; Viva iva t — — C. C. Start iv- Jake ike 7nnRfi SEVENTH RACE — 3-4 Mile. Aug. 25, 5. IUUUU 1916—1:13—4—103. Purse 00. 3-ls. 3- year-olds and upward. Claiming-. Net value to to 1 winner 00; second, 0; third, 0. Epiiv. Odds. ls- Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 69884 = Bierman 119 1* R Ball 310-100 00 694393Equator 119 2* W Taylor 350-100 00 65981 W. M. Bker 119 E Sequin 4670-100 00 69888 -Lively 119 42J S Wida 545-100 00 69503 Ann. Teller 117 5»* P Sanford 3810-100 00 69775 Kinetic 119 6* L Gray 725-100 ,00 69941 Great 119 s R Holloway 735-100 00 69479 Carrure 117 8 C Jackson 1345-100 100 69890 J L. Romper 122 Left.E Atkinson 500-100 100 mutuels paid, Bierman, .20 straight, .40 40 dace, .20 show; Equator, .90 place, .55 o" show; W. M. Baker, .60 show. Equivalent hooking odd.* — Bierman, 310 to 100 00 straight. 120 to 100 plare, 60 to 100 show; Equator, ""• 145 to 100 place, 77ft to 100 show; W. M. Baker, 280 to 100 show. Time, 1:27%. Track heavy. Winner--Mrs. C. H. Spragues ch. g, 9, by Poly-art melus— Shy Missie, by Kilwarlin trained by C. II. il Sprague; bred In England by Mr. R. Whitwortn. 1 Went to post at 5:36. At post 4 minutes. Start lrt good and slow for all but Little Romper. Won on easily; second and third driving. Scratched— 64261 Captain Tom, 119.