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DEMONSTRATION Automobiles are sold by actual demonstration. THE MECHANICAL FLAT BET SYSTEM is sold by actual demonstration, not talk. See results before you buy. Played with equal success at cr away from track. Write me today for details or the most liberal offer ever made in connection with the sale of any racing system. L. L. STALL 216 Brecker.ridge St. BUFFALO, N. Y. GENTLEMEN: Would like to do business with reliable parties who will take advantage of the best information available. Real information for real players. Am in a position to obtain such occasionally. Write for particulars. FRANK KEATING No. 243 REID AVE. BROOKLYN, N. Y. For WINNERS at All LEADING TRACKS Get the "OLD RELIABLE STANDARD 35c at all newsstands. Mondays Fcrm Special: October-Pear-58-14-34-41 STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403, 22 W. Quincy St. Chicago, 111. You Can Make 00 BY READING THIS NOTICE Six hour* before a certain race to be ran at Louisville on next Thursday, the 24th, you can have in your possession the name of the horse that will win FREB. The price -will be at least 10-12. YOU CAN MAKE ON A f lO INVESTMENT. Send to pay for the telegram which will be sent yon Wednesday morning. No wires sent collect. If yon send for this yon will have taken yonr first step toward successful investments in horse racing. ADDRESS THE MAN WHO KNOWS 206 BROADWAY, SUITE 535 HEW YORK CITY, N. Y. HARVEY AMES Earle Building Broadway at 52nd Street New York City, N. Y. SWEET AND PRETTY 5 to 1, WON Above is the result of yesterdays "Harvey transaction at Jamaica, and tiled vfith this paper and the Morning Telegraph hoars In advanoe of the race. Sweet and Pretty in her last four races was 80 to 1, 15 to 1, « to 1 and 40 to 1 respectively, again proving the valne of my new connection, Mr. Charles Thayer, my associate in the East. A horse that has been under cover for Ave weeks starts TOMORROW MONDAY Same can only interest a few, as the market price must be upheld. 00 PAYABLE IN ADVANCE i , By telegraph or in person today or tomorrow Monday. Again I wish to emphasize, as in the case of Sweet and Pretty yesterday, that no attention should be paid to past performances. WARNING ! I have no agents anywhere and no one is authorized to represent me. The general public is warned in its own interest not to . fall prey to Impostors nsing my name or giving wrong horses as "Harvey Transactions," but to deal directly with this office. • TELEPHONE: CIRCLE 5790 . MASTER CLOCKER — AT ALL LEADING NEWSSTANDS EVERYWHERE. Tka MASTER CLOCKER is the TALK OF THE COUNTRY. Everywhere they are TALKING ; ABOUT HIS MARVELOUS SUCCESS. If you are % ; not retting the MASTER CLOCKER TOU ARE ■ MISSING REAL INFORMATION. Free Today! My Special Free Monday J I am groins to SHOW what it means to GET REAL INFORMATION; WORTH OF INFORMATION for is what I OFFER yon. MY RECORD I AT KENTUCKY SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. If you want recommendation. ASK ANYONE ASOUT THE "MASTER CLOCKER," they will tell you he was THE SENSATION AT NEW ORLEANS LASr WINTER AND NOW The Sensation at the Kentucky Tracks. Go ri«rht now to your newsdealer and ask him to give you the Master Clocker, ; Worth 00 I and ask him to GIVE YOU FREE MY J 5 SPECIAL. - MASTER CLOCKER MAILED 1 WEEK ; ; 2 WEEKS . 332 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. Louisville, for sale — Eiler and Goodman, 227 4th Ave. . SPECIAL Am In position to wire two or three real good things a week. Wire me the winnings of a .03 straight play. Wire .00 for wire expenses. Will send code by return mail. E. F. STEVENS 718 W. Broadway, LOUISVILLE, KV. i LOUISVILLE RACES Col. J. J. SCHREINER : AMERICAS PREMIER CLOCKER 30 Years Expenen e as Trainer-Clocker. YOU CAN EMPLOY ME TO WORK FOR YOU 5 FOR ANY TEN DAYS. Telegraph remittance tr remit ty express order in j letter. I wire one or two horses daily at 11 a. m. xYLER HOTEL :: LOUISVILLE, KY. _ SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM | DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURr CHICAGO. ILL 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET, NEW YORK, V. Y. i , PROFITABLE INVESTMENTS Saturdays Daily Investment: SKEEZIX $ 6.80-, WON Saturdays 00 Special: EARL POOL 0.80-, WON • Absolutely the only two horses advised Saturday. Usually one investment a day. 0 flat play on my advised investments Won Almost ,000 in the last four weeks. Next Big 00 Special GOES TUESDAY and will be given free to all weekly clients, I have made hundreds wealthy, why not you? Follow mc and be successful. MY FEE— 0 daily; 0 for six days. G.W.HAMILTON NO. and COLUMBUS CIRCLE NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. . • . ; % ; ■ WONDERFUL WINNING SYSTEM A cool, conservative method wherein success is assured. Can be played at or away from the track, with large or small capital. It gives a few select plays each week that nearly all win. Won big money en a straight flat play. This marvelous method stands out like a Man o War. It is far superior. Stood the acid test with wonderful success for six years. My system gives many long-priced wirners. King Albert 0.60 Spectator 1.40 Maryland Belle 0.70 Overmatch 5.70 Audacious 3.40 Bo McMillan 8.50 Welcome 8.50 Blazes 5-1 Miss Kruter 7.20 Winchester 8.80 Hundreds of testimonials from satisfied clients showing proof of what my system is doing sent you FREE. STOP LOSING AND START WIN- NING RIGHT AWAY. Those with honest inten- t-.ons can get my system, on easy terms. Small payment down, balance as ycu win. Send your name and address. I w, ill send you absolutely FREE OF CHARGE a review of the best known Racing Systems published and facts rejardir.g systems that will open your eyes. Write at once. WATSON CORNELL 341 WEST 45TH STREET. NEW YORK CITY J I ADVERTISER would like to do business with responsible man i who can make substantial investment. Busi-, nsaa man preferred. Transaction must be strictly confidential. Address W. H. M 149 Broadway, Room 806, New York City, N. Y. 1 ~ I - ; . OUH CLIENTS all over U. S. and Canada are earning moderate but positive profits daily in hand book or at track. How many days have you come away from the track a heavy loser when by a systematic play you would have been ahead? Our method b an m- I vestment, net a speculation. Send for free book showing capital us?d and profits obtained for past several years. Small paymsnt down, balance after you win. Address THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM No. 117 W. Franklin St. Baltimore, Md. SSSSBBSBSSBBSSBSSSBSBBBBSaSSSSDSaSSUBBBBnSSBSSSSSBBl BLACK GOLD .1082 WON SKEEZIX .S0- WON were our TWO BIG XX SPECIALS which we gave free on yesterdays sheet. Remember, boys, we only give TWO A DAY. All they cost is 50c — Daily at All Newsstands — 50c NATIONAL 0. K. PUBLISHING CO. Ill Baltimore Bldg. Chicago. 111. i 100 PER CENT HANDICAP Copyrighted. Fifure your own horses. 100 PER CENT HANDICAP will frive you a percentage of winners that v 11 startle you. Enable you to make two or tare* plays a day, or the entire card. The way to make your own selections intelligently. Figure your own winners. Details free. L. R. PATTEN. Leek Box LA SALLE, N. Y. : j _ | BIG LOUISVILLE SPECIAL I am expecting something extra good for next Thursday. This should pay a good price. Usually have two or three good play3 each week. I am so confident of results I charge nothing in advance. Terms to reliable people only: Winnings of a 0 straight play aftjr you collect. Write quick for code and FREE particulars. L. WILSON, Box 133, Dayton, Ohio. ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM