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gjgg -_ ; — lc Entries and Past Performances % 6! CHURCHILL DOWNS MONDAY, MAY 21 I g* weather clear: tback fast. *j The figures under the heading "Bee." in the entries below chow the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1, 1921, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made en ether than a fast or good track, abbreviations shew track conditions. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time 3:00. W Superior mud rnnner. X Good mad runner. :: Fair mud runner. II llaidens. Apprentice allowance, b Blinkers. First Race— 3-4 Mile. run* ,300. 4-year-olds and npward. Claiming. Track record: Oct. 16, 1913—1:11—2—105. Today* Ind. Ilorse. Wt. Ree. A.Wt Han. 70018 •Orlova 105 1:12 6 100. .750 06807 Ruby 102 1:12% 6 105X745 T0012 James R. Brown... 110 1:13 4 118X745 69727 Kirklevington ....1111:12% 5 112.745 MP "Glyn 104 1:12% 4 100® 740 67984* *bMahony 106 1:12% 7 105*740 60611 Wayward Lady ...101 1:12% 4 100X740 69608- Iiougb Storm 112 1:13 5 101X735 67873* MoUie Barnes 98 1:12% 5 103X735 69958 Bobbie Shea 101 1:12% 4 105. .735 68004 bOock o the Roost. 100 1:12% 6 110x735 69901 bTrooper 108 1:13% 8 118x735 69934 bMonsoon 109 1:14% 5 101x730 69644 Court View 115 1:14% 5 106. .730 69904 May Bodine 100 1:15% 5 107.. 730 69958 Ben Bolt 108 1:12% 5 108. .725 69416 IxraU Uchtenheim. 116 1:13% 4 115. .725 65265 »Jou .Ton 97 1:13% 4 9GX725 70012 Bojnl 107 1:13% 4 108.725 08810 bHuen 112 1:14 5 110X720 69991 Kremlin 102 1:17 4 106. .720 Second Race— 4 1-2 Furlongs. Purse ,400. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Fillies. Special Weights. Track record: May 21, 1921— 52%— 2— 116. 68873* Faloma 114 :55m 112X725 69697 Sarah Day 108 :54% 112. .720 68059 Georgia May 115 :55% 112.. 715 70017 Miss Kate 112.. 710 69961 Meadow Lawn 106 :58%h 112. .705 6S873 Queen Bess 114 :58%m 112. .705 Breakfast Bell ... 112 Floating On 112 Mali .long 112 Whiff 112 Attractive 112 Third Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Pincville lurse. Purse ,C00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: May 24, 1922—1:44 — 4—113. 69562= Tip Toe Inn 3 100x750 69989 Billy Star 107 1:45% 4 107X745 68863 bPnmps •6 1:40% 4 102x740 B 69968* bKinburn 10411:45% 6 102X740 69689 Runquoi 104 1:44% 5 104.735 6! 69909 Rocky Mountain ..101 1:46% 4 107. .730 6! 6 Fourth Race— 3-4 Mile. e London Purse. g Purse ,500. 3-y ear-olds. Allowances. 6, Track record: Oct. 16, 1913—1:11—2—105. 6! 70013 Actuary 115 1:16 110. .750 jj; 69757 Flagstaff 115 1:12% 108. .745 ■ 09639 Away 93 1:13 105.745 ■ 69903 Boys Believe Me ..110 1:12 110. .74;. Ci 69932 Dust Flower 120 1:12% 113.. 745 696391 Miss Meise 112 1:13 105. .740 69639 Kitty Williams ...115 1:14% 105X740 6! 69987* Romping Mary ...106 1:13% 103x735 6! 69451 Resting Time 109 1:13% 105.. 7X5 « 69615 Ascot U0 1:13% 108.735 6 69588 Larehmout 108x735 fe 70044 Right on Time ...105 1:12% 108. .735 6 67044 Great Jas 104 1:12% 108.730 6 69896 John Q. Kelly 108*1:13 110. .730 6 64546 Magic Reed 103 1:14% 108x725 6 69986 Vanishing Boy 113 1:14% 108X725 6 6 Fifth Race— 1 Mile. 6 Williamsburg Purse. j Purse ,600. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: May 7, 1921— 1:36%— 3— 93. c 06380 bXUSTER 88 1:37 4 106.750 « 68868 By Gosh 106 1:38% 4 110.. 740 6 68888* Bret-hart M ...9*1:3»% 3 94.. 735 « 69863 bOil Man 120 1:43% 4 108X735 6 66683 bVendor 106 1:39% 4 108x730 C 09909 Lady Astor 99 1:38% 4 107X725 6 Sixth Race — 4 1-2 Furlongs. c Parse ,300. 2 year-olds. Claiming. c Track record: May 21, 1821— 52%— 2— 116. c 69990 Quotation 106 :54% 99.. 725 J 69932* Nivlag M Ill :54%m 107. .720 ° 69642 Cherokee Lee M..109 :55% 108.. 715 67015* Altawood M ...113 :56%m 107.. 710 ■ 69730 lli-asing M 108 :55% 106.. 710 69932* Buck M Ill :55% 104.. 705 6 69535 Moorfield M ... 104.. 700 6 Ionian 108 0 6 Seventh Race— 1 1-8 Miles. 6 Purse .301. 3-year-olds and npward. Claiming. 6 Track record: Oct. 20, 1921— 1:49%— 4— 119. 6 6 69937* •TTncle Velo 105 1:52% 5 103X725 70845 Brotherly Love ...110 1:52% 6 10SX7C1 H 7O014 bRob 4 IMX719 70041 Tkl—t— Spray ...109 1:53% 7 98X715 " 69706 *blUack Thong 103 1:55 7 103x715 * 6S910 Opulent 107 2:01% 4 1OS..710 * 69006s •VwSSMt 3 90X710 * 69991 bWbirling Dun 9 103x710 b 70045 •Kscan oIctte 99 1:53 6 106X715 1 69991 Reel Foot 118 1:56% 3 sSXTOB 69937 bLothair 11111:52 7 108.. 700 i