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Entries and Past Performances LAUREL PARK. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17 WEATHER CLOUDY: TRACK PAST. I 73629 Director 103 1:07 115.. 715 The figures under the heading "Rec." in 73818 Pepp 115 1:07 115.. 715 the entries below show the best time of 74523 Leonard G 108 1:07 115.. 715 each horse at tho distance since January 1, 74735 Best Beloved 113 1:03 112.. 715 1921, no matter where it finished. In case 746931 Warrenton 115 1:08 lir!!710 where record was made on other than a fast 74735 Blsbeth 104 1:07 112!!70."i or good track, abbreviations show track 74563 Goldmawr 115 1:00 llo!!700 conditions. " 73761 Batsman 115 1:07and llo!!700 ; 74693 Our Commissioner.. 113 1:11 Vs 115.. 700 733E0 Ashburton 112. .700 Racing startB at 1:45 p. m. Chicago time 12:45. b..a t o vsi - Superior mud runner. XGood mud runner. HtPET?." .1lowLcemUdbBirkner. " M APPrCnUCe Purse 2000. S-ye.JSdfSSSkwrt. Allowances. PbtH-I 1-2 Furlongs ?gg liir,: X 11.300. 2.yf.r.old. Ma,dens. 74515 nappy Chancei .i. Slolo 74640 Henry Dattnor M 8 133.. 093 rrwv Track record. rw Oct. 31. 1914 1.0ji-2-418. 5 iifl t 746402 Graylette M 3 130..C35 74369 0""ich M 4 139.. OS". T.A Wftr w, iwtii., lad. Horse. Wt. Rec. r A.Wt.UaP. 742U Coolgardie 4 147..0S5 .T44741 Senator Norri ...100 1:07 115.. 725. 74003 Irish Jig M 5 144.. 080 74639 Beau Nash 115 1:07 115X720 Heiriard 4 139..... Third Race 1 Mile. Fifth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse ,300. 3-ycnr-olds and upward. Claiming. Furse ,500. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: Oct. 21, 1919 1:37 1125. . Track record: Oct. 7, 19181:4214 4113. 74058 "High Gear 103 1:38 9 10GX725 74697 TEN MINUTES .. 3 108.. 750 70386 bRoycc Rools 114 1:33 8 103720 74566 Sun Quest 107 1:43 3 04.. 740 74641 bK night of the 74669 bThimblc 102 1:42 5 103X733 Heather 101 1:38 5 108 X 715 73113 Wilkes-Barre 101 1:43 and 3 100X735 74374 Sea Tirate 105 1:39 7 108 X 715 74739 Transom 3 103.. 735 74643 Tingling ..113 1:40 5 108x715 72621 Good Times 4 10CX730 63325 bMormon Elder 109 1:40 7 103 X715 73988 Chief Curry 3 97. .723 7421C Spugs 106 1-41V C 10SV71r, 74667 Sea-Wolf M .XillSlUO 4 108 710 Sixth Race-3-4 MUe. 74564 Mary Maxim 09 1-40 4 lr.v7in rurse ,500. 3-ycar-olds and npward. Claiming. 74600 Rupee 3ioox710 Track recori- 0ct- 2- 1923 1:11 3 110. 74668 May Buddy M ..110 1:43 3 102.. 710 74563 "Lady Boss Ill l:12m 3 90X725 69108 bWho Cares 114 1:41 C 103 X 703 74427 James F. Onara..ll0 1:12 5 117X720 0862 bFlcer 03 1:42 6 108 x 703 74422 bNight Raider Ill 1:12 5 93x715 74641 bChief Barthell 99 1:42 5 103 X703 74737 bHidden Jewel 110 1:12 7 108x715 74519 Invigorator 4 111. .700 74671 Pictrus 117 1:12 4 107. .715 73825 Edith K 106 1:41 0 103 X 700 72050 Rock Bottom 112 1:12 3 107.. 710 74641 Ducks and Drakes.. 09 1:40 3 102. .700 73933 Noel 117 1:12 3 111.. 705 74668 Huckleberry Finn .112 1:41 3 97. .700 74373 Romping Home ..101J1:13 3 101.. 703 74610 Blue Brush 102 1:43 4 103.:700 74693 Glentilt 103 1:13 3 102X700 74610 Miss Filley 113 1:40 8 105 X 700 Beventh Miles. Fourth Rac i-o 3-4 Miln Purse ,300. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. -umo. Track record: Oct. 10, 1914 1:49 3 124. t - Purse ,500. 2-year-olds. Allowances. ttit, a a 11 j to- 74569 High Speed 4 114..72j Track record- Oct 2 1J2J-1.11 102T 1-1l2i 3-110. i n nfAMaZ - 745g41 uelphrizonia 911:53 3 109. .720 i!ff Wets?ne 107. .723 74525 bDcllahm 110 1:54 5 114.. 715 ExPsure 110.. 720 74741 bOld Faithful 101 1:52 5 110X713 ZlAfS "usky ....122 1:12 203. .715 74524 Blarney Stone ... .10 1:51 5110X715 f, n LaJy 112 1:13 100.. 715 74698 bGondolicr 102 1:55 4 106X713 Kings Ransom ... 110. .715 74698 bUed Wingfield ...102 1:52 4 110X710 Hi? Donnelley 114 1:13 110. .710 74524 Freczy Sneczy . . . .101J1:53 4 101.. 710 746f Jimm 107jl:13 110.. 705 743C9 Wrack Grass 5 112.. 703 IaZ "tenant Farrcll. 109 1:15 110..700 74645 bSt. Donard 100 1:53 5 110. .703 ZlSSf, Wrackhorn M .. 103.. 700 74667 Rosa Yeta 3 103.. 703 74738 Bramton M 103 1:14 103.. 700 74520 Soggarth Aroon ...103 1:53 3 109 X 700 LAUREL PARK JOCICEY PERCENTAGES. From January 1, 1923, to October 15, 1023, inclusive. At or At r Over oer Jockey. r.C. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3.1. Jockey. T.C. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. McAtee, L. 24 104 383 97 71 63 Babin, G 10 103 253 27 31 34 WalIf p 21 103 519 113 84 92 Corey, G 10 103 134 13 8 13 Smallwood. E 18 108 363 65 63 40 Ambrose, B 09 100 100 9 12 16 Garrett, M. 17 85 289 48 37 24 Iarrington, T 09 112 54 5 10 6 Howard, H 17 85 148 25 22 23 Costello, R 09 93 223 21 12 18 Jang, C 17 104 497 84 71 OS Flynn. R 09 100 133 17 14 17 I7 03 202 35 20 23 Thomas, J 09 103 75 7 7 7 Morris, L 17 109 141 24 17 21 Tryon, A OS 102 12 1 0 0 au V 16 100 205 33 25 25 Williams, S .08 88 12 1 4 0 Callahan, J 16 93 362 59 63 52 Prible. D .07 95 41 3 4 3 Legere, E. 16 102 184 29 32 29 Thorndyke, F 07 100 27 2 2 O Kummer, E 16 108 124 20 16 10 Bullman, S 07 107 71 5 5 7 Marinelli, B 16 102 311 49 33 41 Ward, L 0G 95 69 4 3 2 S TCr-A 15 102 378 66 60 70 Ly130 J 6 95 17 1 3 2 rol, W : 15 105 405 61 54 40 Rowan. J 06 109 148 9 17 17 McCarthy, E 14 93 7 1 0 0 Finn, T 05 100 57 3 7 6 Robinson, C 14 110 47 6 7 3 Taylor, O. J 05 102 128 0 8 12 Chalmers, J 13 93 438 59 64 48 Lilley, W 04 114 54 2 7 8 Corcoran, J 13 100 442 57 57 49 Bond. G .03 88 35 1 5 5 Farland, H 13 95 196 26 46 29 Brcniiing, G 03 104 29 1 2 1 l?we s 13 104 23 3 0 0 nuff, N 03 107 37 1 4 2 McLane, S 13 103 137 18 6 11 Callahan. H 92 32 0 0 1 Schwartz, M 12 108 108 13 14 12 Fisher, A 90 4 0 0 0 llen. A 12 108 7 9 7 9 King, G 103 7 0 1 0 Barnes, E 11 105 228 25 20 24 McNamee, R 102 20 0 2 6 Bryson, F 11 93 193 22 19 22 Mergler, D 84 25 0 4 4 Josiah, B 11 109 37 4 0 2 Nicholson, 0 100 8 0 0 1 Kessner, J 11 92 123 14 12 10 Ralston, A OS 2 0 0 0 Woodstock, F 11 103 149 16 12 20 Bobbins. E. 99 24 0 0 6 Roach, A U 102 240 20 31 29 Shanks, J 93 3 0 0 1 Roehm, E 11 107 125 14 12 12 Simon. M 98 16 0 0 0 Thomas, H 11 103 124 14 14 14 Smallwood, J. G 100 1 0 0 0 Pierce, R 10 100 30 8 1 1 Tamaro, J 93 5 0 0 0 iQt RAPP 0 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Special Weights. Oct. I Ol nHuL 31, 1014 1:05 4-5 2 118. Index Course Dlst Time Tck Odds Wt St i Str Tin Jockeys Started Order of Finish SENATOR NORRIS, br. c, 2M 115 By Cudgel Cypher Code, by Dlsjulse. Trainer, H. G. .Cedwell. Owner, Kenton Stable. Breeder. H. G. Bedwell. 74474 Thcliffe 51 f l:07fast 1 106 4 4 2 2 G Corey 8 Ombrage, AlHotfoot, Impossible 74376 Thcliffe oi f l:0Sfast 1-2 103 6 2 2 32 G Fields 10 Sarko, Ombrage. Impossible BEAU NASH, ch. c, 2 M 115 By Jim Gaffney Lady Brighton, by Ballot. Trainer, T. J. Healey. Owner, W. J. Salmon. Breeder, W. J. Salmon. 74639 Laurel 6i f l:08fast 37-10 115 6 3 3l 3s B Marlnellil3 T.Exposure. Pris.Rnley, EbbTide 74320 Laurel SJ f l:C7fast 13-10 115 6 3 4 4i B Marinelli 8 Modest, Suppliant, Jimson 73937 H.deGce 61 f l:0Smud :3-5 104 12 4 41 4 B Marinell12 McAuliff. Sunny Sal, Sarko 72820 H.deGce 6-8 1:01 fast G 116 6 3 21 3i B MarielllW Sunmagne, MnStar, Skirmisher 71230 Aqueduct 6-8 l:00fast 15 107 11 12 12 12 C Turner 12 Polysia, McAuliffe, Ksltansom 69430 H.deGce 41 f 54fast 9 116 8 6 5 3 B Marinellil4 J.FIower, D.OMora, I.Thghts 69241 H.deGce 1-2 51 mud 8 116 5 5 31 3i J Butwell 15 Star Cloudy, Neptune, Blue Hill DIRECTOR, b. c, 2 M 115 By Sweep Oueen Mab, by Peter Pan. Trainer, M. Hirsch. Owner, S. H. Harris. Breeder, S. H. Harris. 73629 Belmont 51 f l:05fast 60 108 8 8 8 S" G Babin 9 Bonaparte, Stanwix, Cano 70202 Belmnt 41 f SC 53fast 30 115 5 13 13 12 L Morris 14 Cano, Bowman. Rival PEPP. b. c, 2 M 115 By Broomstick Seamstress, by Star Shsot. Trainer, M. Hirsch. Owner, G. W. Loft. Breeder. G. W. Loft. 73818 Aqueduct 5-8 9fast CO 104 6 6 6 6 E Legere 9 Stanwix, LadyDiana, Bontaud 73555 Belmont 51 f l:06fast 60 115 4 12 11 11 G Babin 15 B.Cahill, Pricemaker, Hourmore 73373 Belmont 61 f l:06fast 15 115 6 9 9 6 G Babin 10 LadyBljur, Sherman, Pricemaker 70468 Belmont 41 f SC 53faat 21 115 6 2 5 6J B Marinllt 8 Stake Me, San Dimas, Byron LEONARD G., br. c, 2 M 115 By Sweep Highflown, by Peep 0 Day. Trainer. J. Arthur. Owner, J. Arthur. Breeder. E. Rucker. 74523 Thcliffe 61 f 1:07 fast 88 97 11 10 9 9" L Lang- 12 Raffles, Knighthd, nyArtillerv 74474 Thcliffe 61 f l:07fast 111 103 8 8 8 S" H Holmes 8 Ombrage, Stn.Norris, AlHotfoot 74261 Thcliffe 61 f l:07fast of 108 10 11 71 61 H Holmes 11 Sarko, Odd Seth, Atlantida 74067 Woodne 3-4 l:13fast 20 112 3 3 4 4 J D MneylO Hermidale, Turnberry, Pall 73188 Devshire 6-8 l:01fast 15f 110 9 10 10 75 J McCoy "12 Prin.Amo, F.Rnffles, Pollrmara 73116 Devshire 6-8 1:01 fast 77 115 9 9 6 61 R Hartonl2 Atlantida, S. Marie. Hermidale 72927 ICenilwh 51 f 1:07 fast 142 108 6 6 51 62 R Hartonl2 I. Thghts, A.Horton, ChlotteB. 72867 Kenilwn 5-8 1:00 fast 65 105 $ 7 61 7 R Harton 10 Energy, Deronda, Sir Glen BEST BELOVED, blk. f, 2 M 112 By Peter Pan Juliette II., by Marco. Trainer, S, L. Burch. Owner, S. L. Burch. Breeder, S. Ross. 74735 Laurel 61 f l:07fast 6 115 7 3 21 31 B Marinellil2 DearMarla, PriscillaRuley Just 74286 Laurel 51 f 1:08 fast 11 113 7 3 2" 2 C Lang 10 GfnlCarrie, EbbTide, HtyLady 73764 Aqueduct 6-8 l:00fast 60 115 8 4 41 61 F ColletttilO Blissful, Tolima. Breakfast Bell 73674 Belmont 51 f l:03faat 20 114 10 11 8l S McLane 11 LadyBclle. Rinkey, Pearl Mesta WARRENTON, b. g, 2 M 115 By Trap Rock Melrique, by Melton. Trainer. Wm. Garth. Owner, J. S. Cosdon. Breeder. P. M. Walker. 74693 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 9 115 1 3 3 3 C Lang 8 Gonfalon, Suppliant, Sunshot 74639 Laurel 61 f l:0Sfast 21 115 8 6 61 61 G Babin 13 T.Exposure, Pris.Ruley, B.Nash 74563 Laurel 61 f 1:08 fast 25 115 4 4 5and 65i C Lang 12 Whiskalg, n.-at-Law. Supplnt 74320 Laurel 51 f l:07fast 31 115 4 6 7 7i G Babin 8 Modest. Suppliant, Jimson 72814 Saratoga 51 f 1:07 fast 25 115 13 10 10 8 C Ponce 10 II.T. Waters, Bapartc. Hrmore 72525 Saratoga 61 f l:06fast 15 115 6 6 5 510 C Lang 10 Husky, Blind Play, Billy Todd 72449 Saratoga 5-8 l:01hvy 20 115 6 4 4 41 C Lang 18 Swingalong, St. James, G.Armor 71521 Aqueduct 5-S l:0Oslop 1-3 115 7 3 3 Sl C Lang 8 Nautical, Parvenu, T.Buccaneer ELSBETH, b. f, 2 M 112 By Jim Gaffney Katriona, by Woolsthorpe. Trainer. H. Bites. Owner, Griff ithwood Farm Stable. Breeder. J. E. Griffith. 74735 Laurel 61 f l:07fast 10 115 8 9 81 710 J Rowan 12 DearMarla, P.Kuev, B.BeloTed 74466 Laurel 61 f 1:07 fast 83 104 1 1 11 21 J Thomas 9 Whetstone. Gr.Carrie, Pris Ruley 74196 H.deGce 61 f l:ofifast 63 100 2 6 4" 8 J Thomas 10 Donaghee, Byron, Fredericktown 71101 H.deGce 61 f l:07fast 17 114 t 6 41 51 J Rowan 13 Whetstone, Memento, Ebb Tide 73895 H.deGce 6-8 1:02 mud 20 101 11 8 8 61 J Thomas 14 BlkArt, Plymara. SnowMaidcn 69758 Pimlico 1-2 43slow 9 109 1 2 2 4 A Abel 5 Showr, Dorp Thought Rags 69547 Pimlico 41 f 69fast 15 109 1 2 6 61 A Abel 8 Y. Princess, Col. West. Fly Fur 69448 H.deGce 1-2 48 fast 12f 110 5 5 71 7 A Claver 14 Remnant. Helen Cook. SunnySal GOLDMAWB, b. c. 2 M 115 By Bryn Mawr Goldilocks, by Goldfinch. Trainer. M. Smart. Owner, J. A. Buchanan. Breeder J. A. Buchanan. 74563 Laurel CI f 1:0S fast 44 115 10 9 9s S2 S Bullmanl2 Whiskalg, n.-at-Law, Supplnt 74320 Laurel 51 f l:07fast 13 115 6 7 61 51 E Barnes 8 Modest, Suppliant, Jimson 73894 Aqueduct 3-4 l:13slop 10 115 7 C G 711 G Babin 8 Sherman, Mr.Mutt. ComicArtist 78716 Aqueduct 3-4 1:13 fast 8 114 G 5 51 55 E Barnes 9 Ordinance, Sherman. Samaritan 73073 Saratoga 61 f l:03fast 20 115 9 9 81 751 S McLane 14 BobsMary, Hourmore, BobCahill 72992 Saratoga 51 f l:05fast 25 115 6 7 31 410 F Collettl 12 SunFIag, Bracadale, Bon. Omar 71124 Aqueduct 5-8 1:01 fast 6 115 6 3 2and 2 E Barnes 11 B.Buchanan, P.Leopold, H.Pins BATSHAN. ch. c. 2 M 115 By Hourless Bridlewise, by Tracery. Trainer, P. Fox. Owner, Mrs. P. J. Fox. Breeder. Nursery Stud. 73761 Aqueduct 5-8 1:01 fast 10 107 8 8 8l 7 E Legere 9 M.Domino, BabyLane, nmorette 73414 Belmont 3-4 1:12 fast 15 102 1 2 2 3 J Callahan 0 Ji.Warrcn, Hmerette. Ficktown 73317 Belmont 5If MC l:05fast 7 105 5 3 5 l 7 G Rose 8 Huon Pine. Flying Fur, Eventide 72923 Saratoga 3-4 l:13good 8 102 1 2 31 31 G Rose 8 Convent, Lady Ioika. Mr. Mutt 72G72 Saratoga 61 f l:06fast 30 115 5 5 5 61 G Rose 18 Klondyke, Sun Flag, Fly By 72501 Saratoga 51 f l:0Gfast 20 107 2 4 4 31 G Rose 12 Billy Warren, Ducky, Neptune OUR COMMISSIONER, b. g, 2 M 115 By Pataud Onora, by St. Julien. Trainer, C. M. Smith. Owner, F. Mannix. Breeder. F. Foster. 74693 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 296 115 G 8 71 ? E Robblns 8 Gonfalon, Suppliant, Warrenton 74G39 Laurel 61 f l:0Sfast 67f 113 13 13 13 13 D Prible 13 T.Exposure, Pris.Rnley, B.Nash 73937 H.deGce 51 f l:0Smud 21f 105 9 12 12 12 E Robbinsl2 McAuliffe. Sunny Sal, Sarko 70822 B.Bnnets 5-8 l:02fast 47 113 3 6 6 6 W Taylor 0 Red Weed. Tiger Tim Kington 70443 Thcliffe 41 f 54fast 97 107 7 7 8 82 G Fields 8 Lt. Farrell. Fast Mack, Julia M 70361 Thcliffe 41 f 53fast 248 105 8 7 7 7" J McCoy 8 Edna V.. Viola Burton Sir Glen C9287 H.deGce 1-2 43 fast 171 107 13 13 13 13" S KIrke 13 HelcnCk. AunUane. RomanGirl ASHBURTON, b. c. 2 M 115 By His Majosty Pretty Maiden, by Kingston. Trainer, H. Fuller. Owner, E. Josiah. Breeder, G. A. Cochran. 73350 B.Bnnets 6-8 l:01fast 27 114 7 6 610 6 E Josiah 7 QnCatherine, ColdRock, Martini 2nd RACE 2 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Steeplechase. DAMASK, br. g. 6 147 By All Gold Crinoline XI., by Broomstick. Trainer, V. Powers. Owner, Greentree Stable. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 74608 Laurel 1 1-8 1:52 fast 51 114 2 4 4 4J L McAtee 4 Maximac, ShuffleAlong, Bighrt 74215 Woodne 2 1-4 3:55slow 17-10 119 1 1 21 3i J D Mney 4 MyDcar, WhiteSatin. O.Fthful 74118 Woodne 1 1-2 2:33 fast 6 121 1 ll 1 J D Mney 7 Procyon, Olynthus. White Satla 73581 Belmont Ab 21 4:S1 fast 16-6 142 2 6 41 3J V Powers 8 Not Much, Musty, Faskadale 73487 Belmont 21 4:57fast 11-10 144 3 3 21 2 V Powers 4 Grenadier, Letterman. rhoenlx 66501 Pimlico 2 1-2 4:55fast 8 137 7 4 2 1 B Haynes 11 Lieut.Sens, Mihata, Sea Serpent 66202 Laurel Ab 2 4:00fast 13-10 139 10 3 3i W MarsrslO Bonacourt, Keltle, Irish Sea HKTtTiiriiuri, h. g, 5 M 144 By Prince Hermes Maro by Trenton Veilono. I Trainer, J. "W. Healy. Owner A. C. Bostwick. Bred in England by H. Trimmer. 74153 "Woodne Ab 2 4:01fast 1S-5 143 6 Lost rider.C Ireland 7 KoiCraig. Fly.Fros. SeaMonarch HAPPY CHANCES, o. f, 4 147 By JJcGee Donno Mamona. ly Yankee. Tiainer, T. J. Donohue. Owner, F. A. Clark. Breeder. C. "W. Mooro. 74515 Laurel Ab 2 3:55fast 22 135 2 4 E E" W Green 10 Red Clover. Lollipop, Beck 74211 Woodne Ab 2 4:03sl6w 8 142 5 1 2 3i W Green 6 PirateOold, Mercurius, Clgardie 73955 "Woodno 2 4:04 slow 11 130 1 1 3 3 "W Green 5 Letterman, Lieut. Seas, Dandy 73417 B.Bnnets Ab 2 4.-0Xfast 7 130 2 2 2 2 "W Green 4 Chuckle, Norais, Taddy Kane 726G8 Saratoga Ab 2 4:28 fast 10 133 1 4 4 4" J Lambert 5 JimCoffroth. CrestHill. Adamant 70855 B.Bnnets Ab 2 4:09fast 3 133 6 Lost rider.W Green 0 Chuckle, Baddy, Coronado 70705 B.Bnnets Ab 2 4:22ts1op 3 137 4 1 25 2 W Green 4 Chuckle, FlygFros, KsyWicksy HENBY BATTJfEB, or. c, 3 M 1S By "VTatervale Alice Bale, by Allan-a-Bale. Trainer, J. P. Smith. Owner, Ilrs. H. Battner; Breeder. J. S. Wiggins. 74640 Laurel 2 3:57fast 8-5 133 1 Ran out. "W Hunt 5 EthcrlBlue, Graylctte, B.Garcon 74369 Laurel 2 3:5Sandfast 13-5 133 4 2 210 2J J Pierce 7 Dan.Boone, Mercurius, Grouch 74102 H.deGco Ab 2 4:04andfast 37 133 2 2 2 2 J Pierce 6 Gold Foyle, DistSliore, Nonus 73896 H.deGce Ab 2 4:11 mud 18 133 2 2 2,002 A Sims C Beck, Thane, Graylctte G8068 P.Grntts lmTOy 1:48 hvy 30 110 7 9 8. 9" J D MneylO AllAmerican, KuciFoot, Fleeting C8010 F.Grnds lmTOy l:4Bfast 20 103 9 8 CJ 61 R Doyle 10 Yorick, Ghost, JIarjorie Wood 67941 F.Grnds lm70y l:43fast 23 105 U 11 71 Sl G Mein 12 Kcnnmare, Bupce. AllAmerican GBAYXETTE, br. f, 3 M 120 By Berriliaon Natalie Gray, by Sir Huoa or Garry Trainer. W. Garth. Owner, 3. S. Cosden. Herrmann. Breeder. W. Garth. 74640 Laurel 2 3:577siast 8 130 2 2 2" 2" C Mergler 5 EthcrlBlue, BonGarcon, Penllyn 73896 H.deGce Ab 2 4:11 mud 2 ISO 1 Fell. C Mergler 6 Beck, Henry Dattncr, Thane 73551 Belmont Ab 2 3:53fast 41 130 1 6 L.rider.J Shelets G Lollipop, PlratcGold. V.lopnlill. 73130 Saratoga Ab 2 4:29mud C-5 130 1 4 31 33 C Mergler 4 Bon Garcon. Schuylkill, Grouch 63176 Aqueduct 5-8 l:00slop 15 104 8 9 9 8lt C Lang 9 Suspicion, L.Gaffnoy, Bet. Wood 63026 Aqueduct 5-8 l:00fast 20 103 12 11 11 91 C Lang 17 Cork Elm, Pud. H. Warren GROUCH, ch. g, 4 M 139 By Bltimatum Crosspatch, by Hastinga. Trainer, 14. Smart. Owner 8. Boss. Breeder. S. Boss. 74369 Laurel 2 3:58fast 6 146 7 S 4" 4" I Barrett 7 D.Boone, II.Dattner, Mercurius 74137 Aqueduct. Ab 2 4:20fast 5 135 4 3 3100310 Campbl 5 Domingo, Bethany, Melun 73856 Aqueduct Ab 2 4:19fast 9-5 1461 2 4 4 31 1 Barrett 4 Penllyn, BenTasker, Kate ODay 73515 Belmont Ab 2 3:57 fast 12 135 1 4 4 4 G Campbl 5 RoiCraig, V.Populill., J.Coffth 73371 Belmont Ab 2 4:01 fast 6 1451 7 3 3 2 I Barrett 7 Pirate Gold, Kate ODay, Melun 73130 Saratoga Ab 2 4:29mud 2 144 4 1 4 4" r Barrett 4 BonGarcon. Schuylkill. Graylette 7i830 Saratoga Ab 2 4:23Xfast 20 131 5 S 6 5 T Berry 6 Not Much, Mercurius, Rampage COOIGABBES, br. g, 4 147 By Bryn Mawr Justly, by Hitnra. Trainer. jr. W. Healy. Owner, A. C. Bostwick. Breeder. T. Clyde, 74211 Woodne Ab 2 4:03slow 4 147 C 4 V 4J C Ireland 6 Pir.Gold, Mercurins, H. Chances 74003 Woodne Ab 2 4:06 fast 3.M0 147 4 2 ll Is C Ireland 6 Sp.Maize, Mercurius, Irish Jig 73349 B.Bnnets Ab 2 4:llfast 18-5 145 2 3 3 3" W Keating 5 Nomis, Spanish Maize, Fairway 65493 H.deGce 1 1-4 2:10 fast 22 105 7 S 7 6 B Barnes 9 WarVictor, K.George. Invigtor G5346 H.deGce 1 l:43fast 21 106 6 6 41 3" L Penman 8 RalChlle, Ptlude, W.Stranger 63375 FortErie 1 l:40fast 25 105 7 4 4 4 F Welncr 7 Lynmouth, Dandy, Ravenswood 63294 FortErio 51 f l:07fast 36 106 9 9 71 71 F Welner 10 Gallipot, Gallivant, Van. Welles IRISH JIG. ch. g, 5 H 144 By Berrilldon Belle Clem, by Contestor. Trainer. R. H. Crawford. Owner, Queen City Stable. Breeders, W. and X. Garth. 74003 Woodno Ab 2 4:06 fast 4 154 5 4 4 4" W Hunt Clgardie, Span.Malze, Mcrcurs 69519 Un.Hunts 3-4 l:lS4slow 8 160 2 R H Cford 3 Bersagliere, Bcaucclt 65920 K worth 1 1-16 1:46 fast 9 100 1 3 3 3 F Weiner 5 Merrimac, Blconor S.. Yorkist 65780 Kworth lm70y 1:43 fast 7 101 4 6 6 61 M Andson 6 Mermac, M.A.Noonan. ElnorS. C5684 Kworth lmTOy l:43fast 10 106 3 5 3 3 F Wilson 5 B.Jester. FairGnin. M.A.Noonan C5352 Woodne 1 1-16 l:45fast 13 106 4 6 6 51 F Weiner 0 FairGain. M.A.Noonan. Ten Can 65208 Thcliffe 1 1-8 l:53good 17 100 6 4 6 61 F Weiner 6 Fair Gain, Stoto, Yorkist HERBIARD, ch. c, 4 M 139 By Roi Herode Watersplash, by Bavuco. Bred in England by W. H. SavilL First 8 tart. 3rd RACE 1 M"e37 3-yeaivoiaa 5ad upward. Claiming:. Oct. 21, 1919 HIGH GEAR, ch. g. 9 108 By Ivan the Terrible Miss Mooney, by My Boy IX Trainer. W. A. Burttschell. Owner. J. Sands. Breeder. W. W. Barden. 74058 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:48fast 13 112 4 6 51 61 E Barnes 10 Day Lilly. Thriller, Sea Pirate 73254 Devshire 1 1-16 l:47faat 17 102 10 9 71 61 W Fronk 12 Prom.Tom. Kirklton, Hyanpom 73121 Devshiro 1 1-8 1:56 fast 4 105 3 2 31 351 W Fronk 0 Gazinta. S.Leonid. Kirklevington 72896 Kenilwh lmTOy l:45fast 1 107 4 6 6" 6J G Fields 7 Kklevington, Flame, CleanGone 72870 Kenilwh lm70y l:43fast 13 101 4 2 2 2 G Fieldg 6 Gazinta, Sportsman, Devohlte 72705 FortErie 1 1-16 l:47fast 19 109 6 10 11 lUi G Fields 12 Citizen, Lucky Run. Devonite 72250 Kenilwh 7-8 l:2Sslow 12 108 5 4 G 61 J Wallace 12 Far East. Dr.Ch. Wells. Mir.Man BOYCE ROOLS. b. g. 8 108 By Salration SaintoUt, by Gain. Trainer. W. H. Trarers. Owner. Fairmont Stable. Breeders. Lawrence and Comstock. 70386 Belmont 1 1:37 fast 8 113 10 6 51 710 C Turner 11 AllOver, S.andBoots, T.Sergeant S8206 F.Grnds 1 3-15 l:59good 8 109 1 1 2 2 G Meiri 11 Best Pal. Olynthns, Calcutta G8093 F.Grnds lm70y l:45good -5 104 1 6 3 2 L M.-Dott 7 Copper Demon, Rama, Normal C7966 F.Grnds lm70y l:44fast 7-3 106 8 8 7 6U Chlmers 8 Louis A., Rama, Servitor 67901 F.Grnds 1 l:3Sfast 15 107 8 7 5 4 J Chlmers 8 BcstPal. SirTh,Kcan. IrishKIss 67711 F.Grnd3 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 11-10 105 1 4 4 3l L McDott 7 Wynnewood, Servitor, C.oDawn C7647 F.Grnds 1 1:39 fast 31 113 6 4 31 41 L McDott 0 Best Pal, Comic Song, Pnrader 67481 F.Grnds lm70y l:l55hvy 8 110 3 3 3l 2 L Morris 5 Best Pal. Olynthus. Bridesman I 67417 FairGds 3-4 lU5hvy 15 114 6 6 6 6" L Morris 7 MyReverie. Gentility, BIffBans KNIGHT OF THE HEATHER, 108 By Ogden Madchen, by Knight of the Thistle, br. g, 5 Trainer, A. Swenke. Owner, A. Swenke. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 74641 Laurel 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 51 110 3 1 21 4 B Mar!nIIi 8 Cbm.Ci, rrkMonroe, D.andDkes 74568 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 30 108 2 8 8 8 C Lang S Cgkjordan. MabelK.. D.C.Wellk 73138 Cnaught 51 f l:10slop 8 108 3 4 3 3 F Sharp 6 Ablaxe, Admirer, OKelly 71280 Aqueduct 61 f l:20fast 15 112 8 8 8 7" G Mein 12 St. Allan, Cape Clear, Keenan K1096 Aqueduct 11:41 fast 7 115 2 7 7 7" G Mein 8 ThcPeruvian, Bravo, Silent King M0939 Aqueduct 61110 last 30 114 11 7 61 5i G Mein 12 Ben Wood, St Allan, LEffare BEA PIRATE, b. h, 7 108 By Sea King Toots, by Top Gallant. Trainer, F. C. Frisbie. Owner, 3". 8. Tyree. Breeder. H. Flippen. 74374 Laurel 1 1-8 1:54 fast 3i 108 3 3 3 41 A Tryon 7 The Forgner, Zouave. Invigtor 74148 H.deGco lm70y l:46fast 1 110 6 8 9 773 B MarinellilO Smarty, Flint, Lady Zeus 74058 H.deGco 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 31 110 2 6 3 31 B MarlellilO Day Lilly, Thriller. Corn Tassel 73901 H.deGca lm"0y l:48mud 27-10 113 1 6 7" 7 A Tryon 8 PeaccPal, Deep Sinker. Smarty 61580 Fimlico 1 1-8 l:53fast 17 110 3 2 1 1 A Tryon 8 King John, Fairway, Belario C1529 Pimlico 1 1-16 l:48andslow 21 105 5 3 31 4 A Tryon 8 Super. Serapis, Gain de Cans TIN GLIM G, ch. g. 5 108 By Balhonsie Tinker, by Handspring. Trainer, G. R. Bryson. Ownner, E. K. Bryson. Breeder. T. Clyde. 74642 Laurel 1 1-16 1:47 fast 13 105 1 5 5l 5 E Legexe 8 Bcndita, All Fair. Day Lilly 74519 Laurel 1 1-8 l:53andfast 4 105 12 7 SllO" E Legere 13 LittleAmmic, Bendita, Comme Ci 74292 Laurel 1 1-16 l:4Sandrast 18 109 7 5 54 -3 J Leyland 8 Smarty, Col.Whallen, Day Lilly 74198 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:46fast 21 1U 2 5 10 U J Leyland 13 Trevclyan, Yoshimi, Hob.Baker 74059 H.deGce 11-16 1:47 fast 6-5 112 1 5 6 6iC Lang 6 Sog.Aroon, LghStorm, Cote dOr 73900 H.deGce lm70y l:49mud 16-5 110 6 3 21 21 J Leyland 7 Silent King. BonfireStaunch 73825 H.deGce 1 1-16 151 fast 61 115 14 1 ll 31 C Lang 14 KingJohn, LitAmmie, M.Robts MORMON ELDER, blk. g, 7 "103 By Ogden Kate B., by Cesarion. Trainer. C. N. Freeman. Owner, C. H. Freeman. , Breeder. J. E. Madflea. 68325 Jefferson i 1-16 l:48fast 7 112 6 6 7 7" H J Burke 7 Neadam, Tulanc, Trarsient 68229 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:49Kfast 3 114 5 6 4 31 H Thurberll Trooper, Exhortcr, Maize 67883 F.Grnds 1 1-8 l:55fast 11-5 107 10 10 7 6 J Crcoranl2 Carniencita, Bolster, Ailliro 67819 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:51 hvy 3-3 114 8 3 31 31 R Romelll 9 WarPrize, Advtnre. StGermain 67686 F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:00fast 10 111 4 1 11 4 R RomcllilO Huonec, Hickory. Bermont 67071 Jefferson 1 l:45hvy 20 110 10 4 61 6" J Merimee 10 M.Orange, Accelerate, Dimples 66798 DadcPrk 1 1-8 l:55slow 6 109 4 4 31 4 J Bell 0 JnUosIror, Pl.UItra, Blos.House 66768 DadePrk 1 1-4 2:12 hvy 2 114 1 3 4 4 L McDott 5 LWrack. Hono.Boy, Am.Soldier 66642 Latonia 1 1-8 l:53fast 9 HI 11 5 4 41 E Pool 11 Hyanpom, Sam Reh, Wickford 66134 Lationa 1 3-16 2:03hvy 4 107 1 1 11 2 E Pool 0 Smuts, Tulsa, Richelieu 66035 Latonia 1 1-16 l:52Hhvy 7 105 7 6 4l 4 J D Mney 8 Trooper, Hyanpom, Escarpoletta 6PUGS. b. g, 5 108 By Charles Edward Shoo Fly, by Meddler. Trainer, G. A. Alexandra. Owner, A. Alexandra. Breeder. E. Backer. 74210 Woodne 1 1-16 l:48slow 5 98 2 3 3 31 F Stevens 9 Vennie, High Speed, Belle Amie 73744 Duff erin 11-16 1:55 fast 21-10 107 6 H Holmes 6 Wylic, Devonite, . Citizen 73568 Dufferin 7-8 l:33andslow 10 114 4J G Alexdra 8 Wild Flower, Devonite, Betsinda 73253 Devshire 3-4 l:13fast 5 108 8 7 6 7 J Wallace 8 Dentaria, Black Deer, Arragosa 71737 Devshire lnYTOy 1:57 mud 19-10 109 4 M Schwtz 7 Booneville, Tamper, Fitz-Boodle 71606 Devshire 1 1-lff 1:47 fast 10 110 5s H Zander 6 BK Hackle, M. Rose II., Murray 70751 B.Bnnets 1 l:4Gmud 41 U41 2 5 G 6 G Alexdra 7 Jacques, Despair. Zed BEA-WOLF, b. c, 4 M - 103 By Bltimus Queen of the Water, by Water Boy. Trainer, B. E. Chapman. Owner, F. A. Tansor. Breeder. W. B. Miller. 74667 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 51 112 1 1 lh 2J M Schwtz 10 RosaYeta, Quinham, TheFenian 74469 Laurel 1 1-16 1:47 fast 15 110 4 2 3 3T M Schwtz 7 KingJohn, Smarty, Col.Whallen 74053 HdeGco 1 l:42fast 9-5 109 1 4 41 21 A. Reach S Insulate, VioletBlue, Redbrand 73939 H.deGco lm"0y l:49mud 5 106 1 3 3 31 A Roach 10 St.Donard, BiffBang, St.Gcrmn 73863 H.deGco 3-4 l:15fast 6 113 8 6 El 43 J CallahanlS Faith. Vice-Chairman, Ha idee 73584 Belmont 1 1:40 fast 5 115 6 4 1 2l J Callahan 9 MissBelle, Syl.Spring, Rejection 73528 Belmont 1 l:S91ifast 5 115 3 2 3 3i J Callahan 5 Fitzgibbon, ItosaYcta, Philpher 72558 Saratoga 1 l:40fast 31 109 3 2 2 3l J Callahan 0 Lady Inez, L.Ammie, C.Whallen 72313 Empire Ab 3-4 UOXfast 15 107 12 8 6l 7el G . Rice 15 Tarn. Fluff. Pclion MARY MAXIM, b. f. 4 105 By Golden Maxim Mary Bodine, by Star Shoot. Trainar. C. O. Smitk. Owner. W. M. McKlnnp.v. Breeder. T. M. Murphy. 74564 Laurel 1 1-16 l:46andfast 75 103 1 7 7 71 J Tamaro 8 JcwcllV.D., Bphrizonia, Haidce 74417 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 183 97 2 C 8 6J J Tamaro 9 Chjordan, Dr.C.Wells, LadyBoss 74321 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 52 112 S 9 9 10" L Morris 11 Bucado, JosephBrant, Rhinegold 73394 Wheeling Ab5-8 1:01 slow 14 108 6J M Mountn C Zoona, Cacambo, Aunt Deda 70114 Map.Hts lmTOy l;45fast 9 102 71 J Byrno 7 Tulane, Paula V.. High Gear 70332 Map.Hts 1 1-1G l:467Sfast 14-5 104 41 J Byrne 6 I.ucyKatc, Eve. White, Hyanpom 70180 Map.Hts 51 f l:06fast 13 104 Pulled up. P Grocs 9 Sw.Mama, Arc.King, TeLBrown RUPEE, ch. g, 3 102 By Belhi Lucrative, by Mordant. Trainer, E. Wilkinson. Ownar, F. Haskos. "Breeder, P. T. Chinn. 74606 Laurel 3-4l:13fast 108 101 9 9 7 6 H Farlandll Rhinegold, Valentia, The Lamb 74321 Laurel . 3-4 l:1314fast 74 1U 10 U 11 11 5 J Chalmersll Bucado, JosephBrant, Rhinegold 74171 H-deGce 3-4 1:13 fast 45 109 2 4 41 41 G Mein 9 Pet.Piper, RoundRobin. Bl.Hawk 73939 H.deGco lmTOy l:49mud 26 .1011 4 7 8 81 R CostellolO St.Donard, BiffBang, Sea-Wolf 73862 ILdeGce 3-4 l:13fast 8f 105 11 10 7l 6 T Bonhamla Cloughjordan, Poppyc, Far East ! 73099 Columbs 51 f l:C9fast 61 110 41 J V Ryan 8 Fturettc, Charlton, Bar.Palmcr 73032 Columbs 3-4 l:lafast 32 110 5i J P Ryan S OldPop, MelbaPolly, FirstPullet 72907 Columbs 61 f l:09andfast 22 113 Sl A Ammnnll L. Churchill, Midday, EauGallia 72574 Columbs 5-8 l:0Shvy H-5 113 5 A Ammnn 9 Pinaquana. Rosie H., Swim 69968 Map.Hts 51 f 1:16 mud S 120 6 A Ammnn 6 Leslie, Lawn Mower. SxvtMami MAY BUDDY, ch. c, 3 M 103 By Rosturtium Bird Cage, by Wirein. Trainer. G. Luckey. Owner, I. P. Welsh. Breeder. V. S. Peabodv. 74668 Laurel 1 1-1C l:4Sfast 14 105 5 7 71 71 J Chalmers 8 Haidee, Insulate, Bonfire 74323 Laurel lmTOy l:45fast 29 102 6 7 8 Ci J Chalmers 8 M.tultoseII., K;John, O.Whlen 74175 H.deGco lm70y l:4Gfast 12 103 1 1 1 S J Chalmers S Dbfounder, Sea-Wolf, Secretary! 74053 H.deGco 1 l:42fact C3 110 2 3 3 51 W Lllley 8 Insulate, Sea-Wolf. Violet Blue 1 73825 H.deGco 11-16 1:51 fast lOf 110 10 13 13 12" W Lllley 14 King John, Lit.Ammie Tingling 72316 HawUine 3-4 l:13fast 21 113 3 3 2 21 E Petzoldt 7 Palladium, llhtnegold, Dustprf 71916 Hawthno 3-4 l:12fast 10 105 5 7 6 7i R Doyle 11 JakieHay, Winnipeg, Rhinegold 62079 Churchill 41 f 54slow 13 110 5 6 C B Kenndy C loppye, Hughes Graham, Corto WHO CARES, br. g. 6 108 By Wrack-Y-Lizzie H., by Eclu3. Trainer, F. Farrar. Owner. F. Farrar. Breeder, A. B. Hancock. 69108 Bowio 1 1-16 1:52 fast 4 106 3 4 4 51 A Abel 8 O.Bthday, Ettahe, T.Clkmder 69062 Bowie lm70y l:50sfast 21-10 104 1 1 1 1 A.Abel 7 Ashland. St.Gcrn, T.CIockmder . 69039 Bowie 1 1-16 l:52fast 37-10 107 1 1 6 G A Abel 7 M.Rosell., Natural. KingTrojan 68193 F.Grnds .11-16 1:50 hvy 4 101 1 1 1 A Abel 9 Commander, Tingling, A.N.Akin ! 68074 F.Grnds 1 1-16 l:50nvy 5 106 3 3 3i 3 .J Chlmersl2 liveliness. Execution,, ThnUge C7462 F.Grnd . 1 l-161:5.1hvy 136 108 I 1 ; 5 41 G Lang 8 Kttahe, Amaze, Who Cares 67073 Jefferson 1 l:14hvy 15 110 3 7 ,6 0 J Wallace 8 Minute Han. Rib Grass, Dantzic , Continued on tenth page. . y LAUREL ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES Continued from seventh page. ?4 74 FLEER, ch. sr. 8 108 By Astronomer Fleda B by Falsetta. 74 Trainer. P. Hoffernan. Owner, P. Hefferaan. Breeder. K. P. Bhinp. 74 70862 Dfferin Ab 5-8 1:03 fast 8 107 5 T Bonham 8 Try Seven, Druid Hill, Kinetic 74 70797 Dfferin Ab 5-8 1:02 fast 14 112 6i E Taplin 7 Avion, Col Taylor. Topango 71 70755 Dfferin Ab 5-8 l:02fast 31-10 103 351 B Taplin 8 Jago, Roy C, Miss Holland 7! 7P674 Dfferin Ab 5-8 l:03Vf.mud 18-5 110 4i "VV Martin 8 StarCourt, ServiceFlag, Bogart C9817 Ystown Ab 5-8 l:04andhvy 9-5 114 lh E T Moore 9 Ilcliocross Itutli Wehle, JackPot " G9414 Hunfton 3-4 1 :14f ast 1 110 31 R Doylo 7 Ting-a-Ling, Bantam, Carruro , G9325 Hunfton Si f 1:08 fast 8 110 6 R Doylo 7 L.Lhtcnhm, T.Norris, Ghairger 69262 Hunfton 5i f l:llhvy 1C-5 110 3 W Fronk C Sandalwood. Oak.Belle, Tr.Baby C9249 Hunfton 51 f l:13hvy 3 110 5 R Doylo 7 Far East. Carruro, Chow C9011 Mobile Ab 61 f l:03hvy 4 117 3 1. ll ll A Traley - G Gyp.Light, Consort, Propaganda C8968 Mobile Ab 61 f l:24last 31 117 2 .2 2i 6 R Doyle C MaryG., SandyU.. S cbLiglitlll. ; CHIEF EARTHELL. h. g, 6 103 By Tony Bonero Bettie Sue, by The Commoner. Trainer, B. B. Bice. Owner, B. B. Bice. Breeder. A. Brown. 74641 Laurel 1 1-1C l:4SVfast 61 105 2 3 8 8" E Legem 8 Com.Ci, FrkMonroe. D.andDkcs 74371 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 51 103 6 8 8 71 F Lee 10 Joseph Brant, Finality, Fcodor 73976 N.Kton Ab G-8 l:02hvy 11 109 41 T McClyt C Kinsman, She Devil, Boxwood 720CU Map.irt3 3-4 l:I3-andfast 10 110 5 7 71 71 J Byrne 10 Athlete, Zapatos, LadyHarrigan 72006 Map.Hts lm70y l:45good 10 107 5 8 8 8 W Dunson S Ashlin. Berlin. La Kross ; 71733 Devshiro 3-4 1:19 mud 61 110 8 J McCoy 8 Jago, Sling, Flzer : 71601 Devshiro 3-4 l:143ifast llf 109 12" W Martin 12 Topango, F. Damien, P. Express i IHTIGOBATOB, b. g, 4 111 By Budolfo First Up. by Toddlngton. Trainer. W. C. Kennedy. Owner. F. J. Boyle. Breeder. I. For. 74519 Laurel 1 1-8 l:53fast 6 101111 10 91 81 R McNee 13 LittleAmmie, Bendlta, Comme CI G 74374 Laurel 1 1-3 1:54 fast 2 103 2 6 51 3 R McNeo 7 TheForgner, Zouave, SeaPirate 74174 H.deGco lm70y l:45fast 12 108 7 5 21 2k R McNeo 7 AllFair, MissFilley, Lady Lillian 7 73991 H.deGco 1 1-4 2:0Sislow 10 106 6 7 3l 31 R McNeo 0 Col.Whallen, Yoshimi. Hickory 7 73824 H.deGco 1 1-8 l:57fast 132 Ifl 8 6" 31 R McNee 10 Sedgefield, Smarty, Tomahol 7 73505 Tirnm Abl 1-1G 1:57 hvy 31 113 63 E Hileman 7 Yoshimi, Thriller. Violet Bine 7 73361 Timom Abl 1-4 2:15 fast 33-10 110 51 E Hileman 5 Coscron, J.Dnndce. G.Washton 7 EDITH K., b. m, 6 10$ By Ormondale Mamie Worth, by St. Geor9. jj Trainer, S. Burnside. Owner. S. Bnrnside. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 73825 H.deGco 1 1-16 151 fast lOf 107 9 11 10l 11" J Kessner 14 King John, Lit.Ammlo, Tingling 73428 Timonm 3-4 1121 hvy 7 120 31 R Curran 6 StarCourt, JcphineO.. Primitivo q 73362 Timonm 3-4 1:17 fast 14-5 108 6 T Bonham 7 Explosive, Alf Vczina. Litholick 72879 Columbs 1 l:46good 16-5 107 41 W Smith 10 Q.of tlieSpa, S.Shack, Tex.Ghief 7 72824 Columbs 3-4 l:18slow 19-5 107 2 W Smith 8 Amanda. Bed. Mary G. 7 72772 Columbs 61 f l:30hvy 4-5 110 Fell. C Eamea 9 MaidenVoter, Neg, Mar.Hollins c DUCKS AND DRAKES, b. g, 3 102 By Thistleton The Loon, by Grebe. 6 Trainer, T. J. Healey. Owner, R. T. Wilson. Breeder. J. M. Whelan. 6 74641 Laurel 1 1-16 l:48Vandfast 17 1011 1 6 334 D Nichson 8 Com.Ci, FrkMonroe, K.of t.Hcr 6 74469 Laurel 1 1-16 1:17 fast 27 98 7 6 1 6J O Nichson 7 King John, Smarty, Sea-Wolf 74374 Laurel 1 1-8 154 fast 21 102 7 4 4k 51 J" Callahan 7 The Forgner, Zouave, Invigtor , 73943 H.deGco lm70y 1:51 mud 12 1011 4 4 5 43 D Nichson 8 Jew.V.D., n. Baker, Cote dOr 73867 H.deGco 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 22 95 T 6 6" 5" H Callhan 7 Lnnctta. Wcstwood, Bluffer 73107 Saratoga 1 l:38fast 20 99 4 5 6 63 E Gorman 8 Y.Star, Carmencita, K.Charmg 1 72891 Saratoga 1 l:3Sfast 8 1031 9 8 9l 914 B Marincllil3 B.Mtain, Recdation. L.Antoine HUCKLEBERRY FINN, b. c. 3 97 By The Finn Blue Ballot, by Ballot. 7 Trainer, G. W. Campbell. Owner, G. W. Foreman. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 7 74668 Laurel 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 43 103 7 6 6 Gi C Tajiw 8 Haidee, Insulate. Bonfire 7 74147 H.deGco lm70y l:46fast 5 102 7 3 8 S1 J Corcoran 8 Mn Rose II.. Haidee, Explosive 7 73901 H.deGco lm70y l:13mud 21 104 6 4 41 4 D Merglor 8 PeacePal, Deep Sinker, Smarty 7 72891 Saratoga 1 l:38fast 15 111 13 13 12101150 C Lang 13 R.Mtaln. Recdation. L.Antoine " 71722 Hawthne 1 l:45andmud 6 95 4 3 3 ll H Farland 8 Wrangler, JakleHay, TbelmaK. 7 71645 Hawthno 3-4 l:13V4faat 6 107 5 5 4l 3 E Ambrosel3 Glenconoko, Roy.Spring, Recruit BLUE BRUSH, br. g, 4 103 By Sweep Blue Ball, by Hastings. Trainer, E. J. Showbridge, Owner, E. J. Sherwbridgo. Breeder. J. W. Townsead. 7 74610 Laurel 1 1-8 1:55 fast 62 109 1 8 81 S1 A Roach 10 IriBh Pat, Cote dOr, FrkMonroe 7 74519 Laurel 1 1-8 l:53fast 18f 105 10 11 12 12" R Costellol3 LittleAmmie, Bendlta, Comme CI 7 73863 H.dcGce 3-4 l:15fast If 111 15 IS 15 15s S McLane 15 Faith, Vice-Chairman, Haidee 7 71214 Delmier lmTOy l:4Sfast 9-5 116 611 W Hughes 7 Tamper, Chefa, Viva Cuba 71076 Dorval lm70y l:4514fast 17-5 111 7 E 4 2T G Fields 8 Water Willow, Diana, Zole ; 70958 Dorval 1 1-16 l:48fast 12 106 4 3 3 2 G Fields 6 DarkHIll, High Gear. M.Robcrts - 70793 B.Bnncts 7-8 l:2Seood 19 112 7 5 61 73 H Callhan 9 King John, Mizar, Belphrixonia ; KISS FLLLEY, cb. m. 8 105 By Superman Allie Dardon, by AlgoL " Trainer, W. H. Post. Owner, W. H. Post. Breeder.- J. 8. Ames. , 74610 Laurel 1 1-8 1:56 fast 61 111 5 7 6 S Lowe 10 Irish Pat. Cote dOr, FrkMonroe 74469 Laurel 11-16 1:47 fast 9 101 3 5 61 5 R Flynn 7 King John, Smarty, Sea-Wolf 74174 .H.deGce lm70y l:45fast IS 103 1 7 7 3"k R Flynn 7 AllFair, Invigorator, LadyLillian 74058 H.deGca 1 1-16 l:48f ast 36 104 1 4 41 7i R Flynn 10 Day Lilly, Thriller, Sea Pirate ! 73866 H.deGco lmTOy l:47fast 45 101 3 7 7 610 R McNee 10 Untried. Valentia. Jewell V. D. 72367 Map.Hta 1 1-1G l:44fast 14 110 I S 6" 5Ti W Hansen 8 Hercules, Uncle Velo, Col. Matt J 72300 Map.Hts 1 1-16 l:46Vislow 41 108 1 1 2 21 C Grace 7 Overstep, Paula V., Marg.Loretta . 72106 Map.Hts 1 1:39 fast 7 113 11 T 8 7 T Bonham 12 N. McKinney, SheDevil, F.Pnllet j 2-yslr-olaM- Allowances. Oct. 2, 1023 1:11 2-5 , 4th RACE 3c BI"iq WHETSTOHE, b. f, t 107 By Sweep Keystone, by Marajax. Trainer, G. R. Tompkins. Owner, Glen Riddle Farm Stable. Breeder, Himyar Etnd. 74466, Laurel CI f 1:07 fast 3 109 7 4 31! 1J1 G Babin 9 Elsbeth, Gr. Carrie, Pris. Knley " 74101 H.deGco 51 f l:07andfast : lit 1 1 1 1 J Callahanl3 Memento. EbbTide. P.andYellow 73897 H.deGce 51 f 1:07 mud 17 99 3 6 6 51 J Wallace 8 Flax. Sunayr. Heir-at-Law TIME EXPOSURE, cb. c, 2 110 By High Time Photo, by Xlangwm. Trainer, W. Knapp. Owner, P. J. Farrell. Breeder. Dr. M. E. Johnston. , 74639 Laurel 51 f l:06fast 1 115 5 1 1 1 I McAtee 1 Pris.RuIey, BeauNash, EbbTide 74275 Jamaica 51 f l:06fast 8-5 115 I 5 31 3i L McAtee 8 Gyp.King. Samaritan, S.Andce 74141 Aqueduct 5-8 59fast 12 115 4 5 61 6 L McAtee 13 Exploit, Pricemaker, Bon. Omar 72794 Saratoga 51 f 1:06 fast 15 109 4 4 41 4 M Garner 13 Swingalong, Rev. Agent, Flax 72088 Hawthne 5-8 591fast 6-5 103 3 2 2" 3 C Dishmon 6 Sarazen. Sanola, Valley Light 1 " HUSKY, b. c, 2 103 By Whisk Broom H. Stamina, by Nasturtium. Trainer, 3. Row. Owner, H. P. Whitney. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 72725 Saratoga. 3-4 1019fast 31 122 4 5 4 41 L McAtee 8 St. James, Sun Flag. Diogenes 72525 Saratoga 61 f l:06fast 11-20 115 4 3 2 l1 L McAtee 10 Blind Play, BillyTodd, NewGold 72487 Saratoga 5-8 1:00 fast 18-5 115 12 6 4l 2 L McAtee 17 Mino, Fly By. Big Blaze 71201 Aqueduct 6-8 59fast 8 115 6 3 3 31 L McAtee 12 Diogenes, Marie Martin, Check SUIT LADY, b. f. 2 100 By Sun Briar Irish Lady XT., by Bachelors Double. Trainer, J. I. Smith. Owner, W. S. Kilmer. Breeder, W. S. Kilmer. 72863 Saratoga 5-8 59fast 7 114 11 6 6 51 A Johnsonl4 Anticipatn, DevilGirl, Gr.Carrie 72557 Saratoga 61 f l:05fast 20 1071U 10 9 8 D Connllyll Befuddle. Sunny Sal, Fluvanna 72468 Saratoga 5-8 E9good 10 114 5 9 81 8 A JbhnsonlO Salacia. MissWhisk, Pris. Ruley KINGS RANSOM, b. g, 2 110 By Crimper Kings Oak, by King James. Trainer. Wm. Garth. Owner, J. S. Cosden. Breeder. J. S. Cosden. 74695 Laurel 1 l:3SXfast 51 110 2 3 31 3 P Walla 6 Rustic, Fluvanna, Heir-at-Law . 74604 Laurel 51 f l:07fast 18 115 1 3 21 ll C Lang 8 Bontaud, Moon Star, Snnmaghe 74516 Laurel 51 f l:07fast 41 108 3 3 31 31 C Lang 9 S.M.Lizzie, OffColor, Y.Princess , 74288 Laurel 51 f 1:07 fast 25 104 3 S 5 41 C Lang 9 OffColor. Fluvnna, S.MissLiszie . 74143 H.deGco 5-8 59fast 8 109 3 5 6 6S3 C Lanff 11 Sunny Sal, Off Color. Sarko 74055 H.deGco El f l:05sandfast 14 107 7 5 5 3 C Lanff S Leopardess. McAuliffe. S.Lady 72989 Saratoga 51 f l:06fast 7 113 9 8 9 Sl C Lang 15 SnnLady, Postillion, PhoebeSnow 71421 Aqueduct 5-8 59fast 12 114 4 450 Lang 8 Donnelly, Cockney. Check 71230 Aqueduct 5-8 l:00ftfast 12 115 5 3 3 3 C Kummerl2 Polynesia. McAuliffe. TheWorld 1 DONNELLY, ch. c. 2 110 By Spanish Prince II. Plain Dorothy, by Planudes. Trainer, M. J. Murphy. Owner, S. Louis. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 74516 Laurel 51 tlOTfast 13 108 Left at post. H Thoma3 9 S.M.Lizzie, O.Color, K.Ransom 74370 Laurel 61 f l:06fast 24 110 5 5 4" 551 W Lilley 6 MissWhisk, MnStar, Y.Princess ; 74143 H.deGco 5-8 59fast 14 109 5 6 51 41 J Corcoranll Sunny Sal. Off Color, Sarko 73823 H-deGco 3-4 l:13andfast 61f 105 10 9 91 97i G Mein 13 L.BaltimoreII., B.BIaze, Rinkey . 72866 Saratoga 51 f l:05fast 15 116 7 7 51 5 A Johnson 9 S. and Span. Bracadalc, Bontaud I 72812 Saratoga 3-4 l:Ufast 25 H4 9 6 7 V1 T McTagt 9 H. Thoughts, Parasol, Befuddle 1 71914 Empire 51 f 1:07 fast 310 111 6 2 2 3J.E Sando 8 Flying Fur, Flax. Superanna JXMSON, tr. g, 2 110 By Jim Gaffney Damson, by Ethelbert. Trainer, Wm. Garth. Owner, J. S. Cosden. Breeder. S. K. Nichols. 74695 Laurel 1 l:38fast: 61 110 5 4 4 5 C Lane 6 Rustic, Fluvanna, K.sRansom 74607 Laurel 3-4 l:12fast 16 1071 8 7 41 31 C Lang 8 SunnySal, Cockney, Ruddy Light 1 74416 Laurel 3-4 l:13?sfast 31 107 1 1 1" 1" C Lang 10 Suppliant, Rosa Yeta. DearMaria 1 74320 Laurel . 51 f l:07fast 31 115 7 4 3" 31 C Lang 8 Modest, Suppliant, Beau Nash 72241 Empire Ab 3-4 1:10 fast 5 112 8 7 7 73 C Lang 12 NoonFire, GoldUug, PrinccLpold 72120 Empire 51 f 1:07 fast 3 107 1 4 31 51 C Lang 12 Laurano, Flax. Prince Leopold 71874 Empire 51 f 1:08 fast 9-5 112 2 2 1 If C Lang 7 Sue Donovan, SleepyHead, Sting 71745 Empire 51 f l:07fast 13-5 ,113 1 1 .11 2 C Lane 12 Thorndale, Dazzler, Modest fDisqualified for fouL LIEUTENANT FARRELL, ch. e. 2 110 By Campfire Reticella, by Heywood. Trainer, I. Gorham. Owner, J. J. Farrell, Jr.. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 74739 Laurel 1 l:3Sandfast 126 93 6 7 7 7 F Thdyke 7 Shuf.Along, Reparatn, S.Thistle 74288 Laurel 51 f 1:07 fast 153 107 8 8 8 8T1 E Barnes 9 OffColor, Fluvnna, S.MissLiszie I 74055 H.deGce 51 f l:05fast 63 112 4 8 8 81 A Roach 8 Lpards, McAuliffe, K.Ransom 73897 H.deGco 51 f 1:07 mud 33 109 3 8 8 8" W Pool 8 Flax. Sunayr. Heir-at-Law 72731 FortErio 51 f l:06fast 10 109 4 5 5 5T1 T Wilson 7 Drumstick, Fast Mack, Malvern 1 72677 FortErio 3-4 l:13good 11 109 5 5 6l 5" J D Mney 7 S.M.Lizzie, Dandybrush, Halhert t 72413 Hamton 3-4 l:13fast 11-5 111 6 6 7 7" J Wallace 7 Dr.OMara. DpThougEt. Remnt t 71801 FortErio 5-8 l:02andfast 21 112 4 2 1and ink J Wallace 0 Ombragc, DpThought, Parthema 1 71440 Hamton 5-8 l:00fast 19 111 8 9 9 914 E Smwod 9 V.Burton, DpThought, Donaghee i WRACKHORN. b. c, 2 M 103 By Wrack Nora Langhorne, by Fatherless. Trainer, T. Moran. Owner, W. L. S. Martin. Broedei. H. Hancock. 74604 Laurel 51 f l:07fast 121 108 5 8 6 V J Callahan 8 K.sRansom, Bontaud, MoonStar r 74320 Laurel 51 f l:07fast 30 115 3 5 5 61 J Callahan 8 Modest, Suppliant, Jimson 74196 H.deGce 51 f l:06fast 15 103 9 10 10 1 01J J CallahanlO Donaghee, Byron, Frcdcricktown j 71124 Aqueduct 5-S 1:01 fast 50 115 2 10 105 1011 J Callahanll B.Buchan, Goldmawr. P.Leopold 1 C9984 Jamaica 5-8 1:01 fast 1C0 115 3 7 7 7" J Callahan 7 L.BtimorelL. Tester. Thrndalc 2 BRAMTON. ch. g, 2 M 103 By Berrilldon Christmas Eve, by Dick Welles. Trainer, H. Garth. Owner, W. Stockton. Breeder. L. Garth. 74738 Laurel 1 l:41fast 13f 93 3 6 3 21 S Wliamsll Quinham, Ebb Tide, Belle K. 746C7 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 8 105 C 2 31 51 P Walla 10 Rosa Yeta. Quinham, Sea-Wolf f 74196 H.deGce 51 f l:06fast 7 91 5 8 9 7 II CallhanlO Donaghee; Byron, Fredericktown a 74103 H.deGce 61 f l:05?jfast 18f 100 5 I 6 71 F Io 10 Sunayr, Yankee Princess, Brice e 73985 H.deGce 61 f l:0Sslow 4 102 7 4 4" 2 J Corcoranl3 Carajo, Vehement. For Keeps 71538 Hawthne 5-8 1:01s1qw 5 107 7 6 31 4 E Ambrose 7 Whiff, Crescent, White Ash 09254 ILdeGce 1-2 4S?tslow 28 1111 9 9 ll1 11" C Kummerl2 J.Flower. Idle Thoughts. Bamra 1 riL DA PC 1 Mile and TO Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Oil! nMut Oct. 7, 1918 1:42 1-5 1 113. TEN MINUTES, blk. c, 3 108 By Honrless Pamphyle, by Robert le Diable. Trainer, G. R. Tompkins. Owner, Glen Riddle Farm Stable. Bleeder. Xalapa Farm. 74697 Laurel 1 1-4 2:02fast 30 104 7 4 51 53 J Callahan 8 MyOwn, SpotCash. N.Hpshirc e 74200 H.deGce 1 1-8 l:50andfast 6 103 4 5 41 4" J Callahan 6 Enchantment, Exodus, Vigil 73864 H.deGce 1 l:Ufast 4 108 3 3 3 21 J Callahan 4 Enchtment. G.Thatchcr, SetSun a 72804 Saratoga 1 l:37fast 12 100 1 3 21 lk J Callahan 8 Little Chief. All Over. Nassau 72724 Saratoga 1 l:37fast 7 109 1 1 1 1 C Lang 6 SunQuest, Valador, Swceistakes s 72465 Saratoga 3-4 l:12sgxjod 10 99 5 4 4 4 J Callahan 6 Skyscraper, G. Times, Battersca 1 69387 H.deGca 3-4 1:14 fast 18-5 116 6 3 3 3 T Daivies 11 Vacuum, Sun Quest, Rosa Yeta a G6590 Pimlico 3-4 l:13?fast lOf 115 1 6 4j 31 B Mariellil2 Athstonc. R.Bottom. Pcttifogx 1 SUN GUEST, ch. f, 3 94 By Snn Briar Royal Quest, by Sol Herodo. Trainer. J. I. Smith. Owner, W. S. Kilmer. Breeder. W. S. Kilmer. 74566 Laurel lm70y 1:43 fast 9-5 107 1 1 11 21 L McAtee 5 GoLRule, Lis.Dcarie, V.ofDrms s 74324 Laurel 1 l:39fast 31 99 1 2 2s 5- J Chalmers 0 Cold. Rule, PollyAnn, ForestLare 74056 H.deGco 51 f l:05fast 7 971 7 4 4"k 3ll J Chlmers 7 Coinixa. Wellfinder. McKenna 73034 Saratoga 3-4 l:llfast 9-10 111 1 1 2 2rtC Kummer 3 Last 8traw. Dream Star -72724 Saratoga 1 l:37Hfaat 3 118 2 8 2 2 A Johnson 6 TsnMinutes, Vlador. Swpstak. . 7267tt flaratog l lr4 2:05faat 21 114 2 2 - 31 31 G W Croll 5 Untidy, Sallys Alley, Transit: L ?4 74 74 74 74 71 7! " , ; ; : i G 7 7 7 7 7 jj q 7 7 c 6 6 6 , 1 7 7 7 7 7 " 7 7 7 7 7 ; - ; " , ! J . j , " , 1 " . , . 1 ; . I 1 1 1 I 1 t t 1 i r j 1 2 f a e 1 e a s 1 a 1 s . L THIMBLE, b. m, 5 105 By Huon Sandspot, by Rock Sana. Trainer. M. J. Mnrybr. Owaer. K- J. Murpky. Breeder. Oneck Stable. 74669 Eaurel 1 1-16 l:45fast 51 103 1 3 3 l1 H Thomaa 6 Sun Thistle, Blgbeart, Simoon 74518 Laurel lm70y 1:44 last 9 98 1 3 41 4 H Thomas 5 KingS.Seal, Ncdna. Blgbeart 74419 Laurel 1 1-1S l:45fast 5 112 1 3 3 3 H Thomas 4 Forest Lore, Lnnetta, Wrangle 74201 H.deGce lm70y l:4ifast 1 108 2 5 5 4 H Thomas 5 Forest Lore. Lady Myra, Faith 74105 ILdeGce lm70y l:43fast 7 103 2 3 3s 23 J Corcoran 4 Bighcart, Tip. Witcbet. J. Fin 73009- Saratoga I l:38fast 20 167 2 6 6 51 G Mein 7 G.Thatchcr, Mutiny, Polly Swm 72621 Saratoga 1 l:37fast 12 108 3 7 71 7" G Babin 9 IUalto, Shuffle Along, Valador WILKES-BARRE, ch. c, 3 100 By Ballot Triad, by Star Shoot. Trainer. J. Boden. Owner, Triple Springs Farm. Breeder, J. W. Parrish. 73113 Cnaught 1 l:40fast 23-10 102 1 4 4 3" H Howard 4 Despair. Grass Maid, Jacques 73077 Cnaught 1 1-16 l:47slow 9-10 100 1 5 41 63 P Walls 7 B.Proof, GrassMaid. GrayGables 73017 Cnaught lm"0y l:45good 6-5 104 7 4 4l 4T1 II Howard 5 nildur, Procyon, Jas. F. OUara 72732 FortErie 3-1 l:12fast 8 104 2 3 31 21 F Stevj3 4 Despair. F.ofTruce, Bullet Proof 72491 Hamton 1 1-16 l:47fast 2 98 1 2 2l 2 H Howard 7 Mercutio, Ang. Maid. Sangrado 72456 Hamton lmTOy l:45faat U-10 104 4 1 ll 21 E Taplin 7 Caladium, Setting Sun, Wrangla TRANSOM, ch. f. 3 105 By Broomstick Traverse, by Tracery. Trainer, J. Rowe. Owner, H. P. Whitney. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 74739 Laurel 1 l:38yifast 4 113 5 3 4 4J L McAtee 7 Shuf.Along, Reparatn, S.Thistle 74670 Laurel 2-4 l:12fatt 9 106 2 3 41 4k L McAtee 7 Hildur, Silk Tassel, Reparation 74056 H.deGco 51 f l:05andfact 13-10 101 3 5 51 61 L McAtee 7 Coinixa, Wellfinder, Sun Quest 72670 Saratoga 1 1-4 2:05fast 1 U4 5 4 5 4 L McAtee 5 Untidy, Sallys Alley, Sun Quest 71911 Empire 1 l:40?;fast 1-8 111 1 1 1J1 1 L McAtee 4 ToliyAnn. RosyCheeks. SyTeller 71632 Aqueduct 1 l:3Sifa3t 2-9 117 2 11 11 E Sande 5 Jacq. Julian, Miss Smith. Sequel 71478 Aqueduct 3-4 l:12Vfast 2-5 104 3 1 1 1 L McAtee 10 Mnraker, San.Hatch, Shamrock 71120 Aqueduct 3-4 1:12 fast 3 113 4 4 2l 21 L McAtee 8 MissStar. Nantokab. JacJuliaa GOOD TIMES, b. g,.4 106 By Theo. Cook Bounty, by Celt. Trainer, W. Garth. Owner, J. S. Cosden. Breeder. L. Garth. 72621 Saratoga 1 l:37fast 12 116 6 3 6 5" C Lang 9 Rialto, Shuffle Along, Valador 72501 Saratoga 1 l:3Sfaat 4 1001 4 1 1 1" J Coreorn 5 Little Chief, Knobuic, All Over 72465 Saratoga 3-4 l:12g-ood 7-10 115 3 4 4" 2 E Sando 6 Skyscraper, Battersca, T.Minea 72149 Empire Ab 3-4 l:08andfast 5 110 4 3 4 41 G Babin 5 DryMoon, Rocket. LadyBaltim e 72019 Empire Ab 3-4 l:08fast 6 106 8 4 3l 3 G Babin 9 Rocket, Dry Moon, Bluemont 66662 Pimlico 3-4 l:13andslow 28 U0 12 11 11 8 C Lang 13 Apex, S. and Boots, Fifty-Fifty 66649 Pimlico 3-4 l:12fast 15 100 7 14 14 14" C Lang 10 Galantman. Bighcart, Nose Dive S6556 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 107 98 7 6 6 63 J Wallaco 8 Careful, Hildur, Prudery CHIEF CURRY, ch. c, 3 97 By Rickety Privateer, by Meddler. Trainer. J. Lackey. Owner, J. P. Welsh. Breeder, G. L. Blackford. 73988 H.deGco 1 l:40slow 19 107 6 5 6 5,T J Corcoran C Scoop, Forest Lore, Sun Fey 72090 Hawthne 1 1:40 fait 8 110 5 4 1 1 E Pctzoldt 7 Isosceles, Mon Perc, Rhinegold 67899 F.Grnda 3-4 1:13 fast 40 106 6 7 8 811 E Barne3 8 J.Q.Kelly. Shamrk, P. ofUmba 66602 Latonia 51 f l:07fast 35 112 5 5 41 41 F Smith 12 Brunell, Spinball, Waywassamo 65765 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 146 103 9 9 9 911 E Robbin3 9 Skeezix, BoMcMilllan, InMvmm 65667 Latonia 51 f l:0SVandfast 41 115 8 9 9 9" E Robblnsll B.Tomorrow. R.Mary, TheClown 3-4 3-lZfSIl!l!u upward. Claimlnsr. Oct. 2, 1023 6tFl RACE Yll" jand LADY BOSS, ch. f. 8 60 By Manager Waite Viola Guild, by Masetto. Trainer. G. C. Winfrey. Owner. G. C. Winfrey. Breeder. W. W. Darden. 74568 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 14 1C61 4 13 4S1 G Babin S Cghjordan, MabelK., D.C.Wclla 74417 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 12 103 1 2 21 31 E Legero 9 Cghjordan, Dr.C. Wells, MabelK. 74104 H.deGco 3-4 l:12fast 10 100 2 4 5 451 J Corcoran C Faith, SethsLeraon, Mabel K. 73938 H.deGce 3-4 l:15Vmud IS-5 105 5 3 4 43 J Wallaco 9 S.sLcmon, FrankG., Hld.Jcwel 73129 Saratoga 3-4 l:12mud 11-5 111 J 2 2 1" G Babin 5 Marnette, CapeClear, Dexterous 73072 Saratoga 1 l:3Sfast 8 104 1 1 3 7"3 F Lee 8 ThreeSquare. Savoy, Anonymous 72144 Saratoga 3-4 l:15Jhvy 8 103 5 4 61 53 L McAtee 11 Malmsey, Water Girl, Protocol JAMES F. OHARA, b. h. 6 117 By Uncle Saintolat. by Sain. Trainer. R. L. White. Owner. J. J. Farrell, Jr.. Breeder. R. J. Mackenzie. 74427 Thcliffo 3-4 l:13fast 10-5 117 2 2 21 S1 J Maiben 5 Last One, S.sLcmon, BuLProof 74296 Thcliffe El f l:07fast 31-10 117 4 3 2" 2l J Maiben 7 LastOne, SethsLetnon, Remnant 74115 Woodne 3-4 1:13 fast 1 107 2 1 11 11 G Fields 7 Soldier II., Tony Sue, Pravus 73956 Woodno lmTOy l:46slow 11-10 113 1 4 4l 3 M Carrott 11 BabyMine. KgsCourt, Puff Ball 72732 FortErio 3-4 l:12fast 27-10 116 3 2 2 41 J D Mney 5 Hildur, Wilkes-Barre, Procyon 72529 FortErio 51 f 1:06 fast 21-10 117 5 3 3si 31 J D Mney 8 Best Love, Lilt. Anglum Maid 72412 Hamton 3-4 1:13 fast 2 113 4 4 3 l1 J Mooney 5 Chloris, RoyalVisitor, DocGaiety 72219 Kenilwh lm70y l:42fast 1 108 2 3 4 4 L Penman 4 Muttikins, Wrangle, My Dear 72098 Kenilwh lm70y l:42fast U Ul 3 1 2 2 L Penman 5 N.Hmpshire, Fantoche, Wrangle NIGHT RAIDER, ch. g, 5 93 By Whisk Broom H. Fly by Night II., by Petst Trainer, G. W. Campbell. Owner, G. W. Foreman. Pan. Breeder, H. P. Whitney. 74422 Laurel lmTOy l:45fast 3 103 7 7 9 93 E Legerc 11 JewellV.D.. Past.Swain, Brillco 74202 ILdeGce 1 1-16 l:15Vfcfast 9 103 5 3 31 3 F Lee 8 Advocate, Pas.Swain, Roy. Duck 65579 H.deGco lm70y l:46faat 3 100 3 5 4 4" S McLane 0 Camouflage, Clanman, Sword 65017 Tncliffe lm70y l:46slop 21-10 103 5 4 41 4 R McCrnn 5 JamesF.OHara. TeuCan. Citizen 64982 Thorncliffo 3-4 l:12fast 20 109 5 5 5l 5 R McCrnn C Elemental, Ablaze, Photoplay 64670 Devshlre 3-4 l:13slow 9 115 4 7 7 51 R McCrnn 7 Hadrian, Ten Can, Wake Up 64337 Windsor 3-4 1 :llfast 8 115 7 7 4 4 R McCrnn 8 S.Combs, Sun Brae, Miss Petite CS865 Kworth 1 1-16 l:46ifast 6-6 Ul 2 1 1 ll B McCrnn 8 American Boy, Fluzey, Tantalus HIDDEN JEWEL, b. ?. 7 103 By Disguise Rubia Granda. by Grsenan. Trainer. A. Swenk. Owner. A. Swenke. Breeder. Wickliffe Stnd. 74737 Laurel 3-4 l:12fast 13-5 103 1 1 41 6 R Costellc 7 Leathered, BlueHawk, Chjordan 74373 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 12 110 1 1 11 2 C Lang 7 May Blossom, Apex. Mainmast 73938 H.deGco 3-4 l:15mud 12 112 1 2 3 31 R Costello J ScthsLemon. FrankG., LyBoss 73589 Dorval 3-4 l:13good 37-10 101 1 1 1 4 R Costello 5 Mkallonge, Jacques, Bui. Proof 73536 Dorval 61 f l:07slow 41 105 1 2 4l 5 R Costello 6 Battersea, Ablaze, Lilt 73380 B.Bnneta 51 f l:06fast 51 112 1 1 21 51 J Chalmers 0 Diadema. Joella J.. Wraith 6832D Jefferson 51 f 1:07 fast 7 113 3 2 21 41 R Costello 7 AnnticMay, ElmerK., Barracuda G8247 Jefferson 5-8 l:00fast 4-6 110 1 3 3 4 G Mein 8 ElmerK.. Monasfy, J.F.OHara 68154 F.Grnda 3-4 1:14 mud 12-5 109 1 1 11 lb G Mein 4 Harry B.. Centimeter. Colando PIETRUS. b. g, 4 107 By Sundridge Vacuum Cleaner, by Perth. 1 Trainer, J. Rodrock. Owner, C. R. Fleischman. Bred in France by J. Sanford. 74671 Laurel J-4 1US fast 51 116 3 6 41 V B MarineUi 8 D.C.Wells, Clghjdan. MabelK. 74568 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 4 116 8 5 5 51 P Walls 8 Cghjordan, MabelK.. D.C.Wells 74136 Aqueduct 3-4 1:13 fast 31 105 3 3 41 51 L McAtee 6 Whirlwind, CumSah, A.Patriae 73527 Belmont 3-4 MC 1:12 fast 5 117 3 2 2l 1 E Sando 11 Orcus, Prince Regent, McKee 73315 Belmont 61 f 1:19 fast 6 110 1 3 2l 23 F Collettl 7 FrankG., AmorPatriae, LyRoss 72809 Saratoga 7-8 l:25fast 15 117 3 5 41 41 E Sande 11 Frank G., Pilgrim, Better Luck 71872 Empire Ab 3-4 l:10fast 10 1131 6 8 7 21 E Sande 14 Spstakes, Marionette, LadyRosa 71518 Aqueduct 7-S l:26slop 10 117 12 3 4 A Johnsonl2 List.Dearie. Recdation. Zealot ROCK BOTTOM, b. c, 3 107 By Bistouri Rock of Gold, by Rock Sand. Trainer, H. C. McLaughlin. Owner, E. J. Downing. Breeder, A. Belmont. 72050 Empire Ab 3-4 1:10 fast 31 103 1 1 1 13 L McAtee 13 Caligula, Capt. Costigan. Tarn 71784 Empire Ab 3-4 1:09 fast 12 112 15 9 91 9 L McAtee 15 Woodlake. Glentilt, Rejection 70939 Aqueduct 61 f 1:20 fast 6 103 6 3 71 Si L McAtee 12 Ben Wood, St. Allan. LEffart 70312 Belmont 3-4 MC 1:12 fast 13-5 112 5 4 21 3s L McAtee 17 Dozer, The Corsair, High Hand 69682 Jamaica 3-4 l:12fast 10 115 9 5 6 3 L McAtee 9 Diagram. SpreadEagle, Skirmis 66864 Bowie 7-8 l:27fast -5 106 3 1 2l 4l C Lang G BlueUawk, PayDear. El Dorad 66857 Bowie 7-8 l:23fast 41f 104 6 3 3 9 F Weiner 9 KingSol.sSeal, Felside, L.Myra 66841 Bowie 7-8 l:28fcfaat 13 101 6 1 1 2 F Weiner 12 Fcr.Lore. PayDear, Red Wreath 2IOEL, b. c, 3 111 By Broomstick Christmas Star, by Star Shoot. Trainer, J. F. Schorr. Owner, E. B. McLean. Breeder, K. D. Alexander. 73938 H.deGce 3-4 l:15mud 15 U6 C 8 71 72 E Smwod 9 S.sLcmon, FrankG., nid.Jewel V3554 Belmont 1 l:37fast 15 104 5 4 7 71 M Fator 7 F.Fricnd. MissCerina. Dustabout 73415 Belmont 1 1:38 fast 6 113 1 4 4 41 L Fator 7 Homestretch. Belzoni, Purity 72398 Empire Ab 3-4 1:10 good 4 110 4 3 3 2 H Thurber 7 Chestcrbk, Ctimcter, T.Witche Jf2236 Empire Ab 3-4 lrtOAfast 12 U4 6 4 4 4 C Lang 10 Canaqne, AVdl.iwn, StonyPoint 72117 Empire 1 l:40andfast 15 108 7 6 6 6T1 G Babin 10 Skyscraper, Jac.Julian. StoneJuj 71873 Empire 1 1:40 fast 15 1021 6 3 3 5 C Lang 9 Athcrstone, Tuxedo, Horologe ROMPING HOME. cb. c. 3 101 By Disguise Bold Girl, by Ogden. Trainer, J. Bowe, Jr. Owner, Greentroe Stable. Breeder. Greentree Stable. 74373 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 15 109 5 4 5and 6T J Corcoran 7 May Blossom, Hid. Jewel. Apex 73527 Belmnt 3-4 MC 1:12 fast 12 1041 9 8 71 641 L McAtee 11 Pietrus, Orcus, Prince Regent 70078 Jamaica 3-4 l:141islop 15 107 3 3 4 41 J McTagt 5 S.andBoots, FrankG., Mklonge G9953 Jamaica 3-4 l:13fast 6 115 1 3 3 3 J McTagt 7 Athcrstone. Whirlwind. Tuxedo 69862 Jamaica 3-4 l:llfast 7 111 2 3 3 44 J McTagt 7 Whirlwind. Osprcy, Athcrstone 69627 Jamaica 3-4 l:13fast 18-5 112 6 3 3" 21 C Lang 0 S.Teller. M.Morning, Whirlwind 6G871 Bowie 3-4 l:14fast 13 111 3 1 11 1 J McTagt 11 Forest Lore, Caladium, Felslda 60834 Bowie 51 f 1:08 fast 73 111 2 1 1 l1 J McTagt 12 Noel. Dan E. OSullivan. Pennon 66701 Pimlico 51 f 1:07 fast 2 115 7 3 3 3 H Thomas 9 Lis.Dearie. ElDorado. PayDear 66374 Empire 51 f 1:06 fast 13 114 6 6 6 5 E Sando 7 Little Celt, Osprey, Heremon GLENTILT, b. c, 3 102 By Ecouen Glorita, by AJax. Trainer, M. J. Murphy. Owner, S. Louis. Bred -in Franco by J. Sanford. 74698 Laurel lm70y 1:44 fast 17 102 2 4 5 531 E Lesero 7 Reject n, JewellV.D., P.Swain 74566 Laurel lmTOy 1:43 fast 61 .105 3 4 4 5" H Thomaa 5 GoldenRuTc, S.Quest, Lis.Dearis 74520 Laurel 1 1-16 1:47 fast 13 111 2 7 7 7l H Thomas 8 L.Myra, Belphrizonia, Rejection - 74373 Laurel 3-4 1:12 fast 59 110 6 6 6 5 W Lilley 7 May Blossom, Hid. Jewel. Apex 74197 H.deGco 3-4 l:12fast 35 108 3 6 6 61 J Corcoran 7 Wellfder, Mnmast, M.Blossom 72955 Saratoga 1 l:39Jifast 15 118 3 6 6 63 T McTagt 6 Am.Patriae. RoscatelL, Witsm 72865 Saratoga 1 l:37fast 12 113 7 5 6l C1 3 Coreorn 7 JuneCrass, Lis.Dearie, A.Patriae 71L DA PC 1 1-S Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Oct. 10, 1914 I 111 nAUt 1:41 3-5 3 124. HIGH SPEED, b. gr, 4 114 By Ultimus Velocity, by Henry of Navarre. Trainer. R. McKeever. Owner, W. Wick. Breeder. H. P. Headlev. 74569 Laurel 1 1-16 1:47 fast IS 114 3 3 21 ll E Rochm 8 Gondolier. Poor Sport, Fitzrue 74422 Laurel lm70y l:45fast 38 110 10 6 41 5 E Roehm 11 JewellV.D., Past.Swain, Brillco 74210 Woodno 1 1-16 l:48slow 9 109 3 2 2l 2J J D Mney 9 Vcnnie, Spuga, Belle Amie 74070 Woodno lm70y l:43fast 79 103 9 9 10 101 G Fields 10 JohnP.Jones, G.Sphere, Romany 72326 Hamton 1 1-8 l:53andfast 17 103 5 3 4 41.G Fields 5 Fan. Bean, F.ofTruce, Ang.Maid 71924 FortErie lm70y l:44fast 37-10 97 5 4 3 21 J Wallaco 5 Mercutio, Sangrado, B.Drumond 71730 FortErio lmTOy l:4Sandslow 20 111 4 5 41 4 J Owens C Despair, By Jiminy, Lampus BELPHRIZONIA, b. f, 3 109 By Vulcain Belphoebe. by Orsini. Trainer, A. Swenke. Owner, A. Swenko. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 745G4 Laurel 1 1-16 l:46fast 3 Ul 3 3 2" 2 L McAtee 8 Jewell V. D., Haidee. Brilliance 74520 Laurel 1 1-16 1:47 fast 51 108 6 1 1" 21 C Lang S L.Myra, Rejection, S.Aroon 74421 Laurel 1 1-16 1:47 fast 13-5 111 5 3 3 11 C Lang- S Poor Sport, Bendita, Bonfire 74325 Laurel 1 1-16 l:46fast 41 99 4 4 5 4 J Chalmers Wrangle. Rejection. Lady Myra 74145 H.dcGce 11-16 1:43 fast 2 109 2 3 ll 1 C Lang S Poor Sport. Untried. Bendita 73940 ILdeGce 1 1-8 l:59mud 31 1C0 1 3 31 3J J Wallace 7 L.Ammic, MtnRosell., Com.Ci 73866 H.deGce lm70y l:47andfast 16-5 103 9 4 4 41 B MarinellllO Untried, Valentia. Jewell V. D. DELLAHM, ch. g. 5 114 By Prince Ahmed Delia Mack, by The Commonor. Trainer, L. G. Bedwell. Owner, Kenton Stable. Breeder. J. K. L. Ross. 74525 Thcliffe lmTOy l:4tfast 5 115 7 3 4l 41 AI Garrett S Procyon, RoyalVisitor, PushPin 74476 Thcliffo 1 1-2 2:3GVfast U-10 107 3 1 1 1 G Corey 7 TheCkradcr, B.Amie. Fan.Bean 74381 ThcIIfrc 1 1-4 2:0Gfast 3-5 105 2. 1 lot 21 F Stevens 0 Soldierll., B.Stone, II.M.Stcvcns 74299 Thcliffo 1 1-16 l:16fast 21-10 105 8 1 .1 1 M Garrett 10 Ten Can, Joaquina. Dantzlc 74212 Woodno 1 3-4 3:02 slow 7 123 5 8 8 S R Romelli S Hlucinatn. Persisce, TIBlazcr 73301 Devshiro 1 1-2 2:33fast 9 102 2 1 11 1 R Romelli 9 Croupier, Leaside, Louis 73086 Devshiro lm70y 1:45 fast 3 103 4 2 21 In "W Fror.k 12 Jack Fairman, The Gaff, Wyllo 72965 Kenilwh 1 1-16 l:47good 21-10 103 1 2 2 2 E Taplin 7 Bonfire, KIrklevlngton, Gath OLD FAITHFUL, b. g, 5 110 By Horron Smirr, by Carnage. Trainer, J. W. Healy. Owner, A. C. Bostwick. Breeders, M. Young and J. H. Gorham. 74741 Laurel 1 1-4 2:06fast 13-5 113 1 5 6 61P WalW 7 Irish Pat, Bolster. Day Lilly 74672 Laurel- 1 1-4 2:06fast 11-10 105 6 5 11 ll P Walls 4 MyDcar, White Satin, Damask. 74215 Woodno 21-4 3:55slow 13 105 4 4 4 4" E Kummer 6 Bastille, LittleAmmie. R. Dack 74118 Woodno 1 1-2 2:33 fast ; 20 99 1 7 6 5 L Ward 7 Damask, Procyon, Olynthns 72415 Hamton H O T 2:05fast 8 113 4 6 5 5T1.E Scobio Fornovo, Belphrizonia, Rl Duck 72251 Kenilwh 3-4 l:134slnw 46 100- 9 9 7 6 F Stevens 9 Mercury, ScthsLemon, WakeUp V2133 Kenilwh 1 1-8 l:54fast 37-10 112 6 .4 3f 31 E -Scobio 8 June Fly, Elias Q., Comme CI 72067 Kenilwh 1.1-16 l:48fast 5 111 6 5 4 43 E Scobio 8 Ed Pendleton. Dantxle. SoItQoes 71927 FortErio 11-2 27Xfast .-2 112 2- 2 11 1 E Taplin T LadyZeua, AttorneyMuir,- AsTael BLA,Y STi1 6 110 By Berrilldon Top Rock, by Eockton. mtJr1: E phllliPs Owner. J. McMillen. Breeders. W. and L. Garth.- lZl h.cllffe 1 WO lM6fast 24 311 5 5 5 G Corey C Ellas O., Vennie. Gray Gables Zi,oi C,Iffe 1 1-4 2:05fast 4 111 5 4 25 3 G Fields 6 Soldicrll., Dellahm, H.M.Stevns lil woodne 1 1-4 2:07slop 8-5 104 2 3 3 22 G Fields 4 FzySncezy, WrackGrass. Louis Z-? .1 "Woodne 1 1-4 2:03slow 17 98 6 5 6 F.i M Garrett 0 My Dear, LittlcChiof. Olyntlms .3146 Devshire 1 1-16 1:47 fast 27 109 6 6 7 73 E Scobie 8 JkFairman, Brilliance. EliasO. 72532 FortErio 1 1-16 l:45fast 10 107 5 4 4 411 F. Sharpe 7 Marble. Tender Selli. GrassMaid .2290 Map.Hts lm70y l:41slow 5 106 3 5 5 51 A Sdstrom 0 BeGood, BlackHackle, Crys.Ford GONDOLIEB. b. c. 4 106 By Alvescot Bosallo, by Olseau or Sempronius 5mer- F Farrar- Owner, F. Farrar. Breeder. E. F. Simms. Laurel lm70y 1:44 fast 9 105 1 3 21 41 F Walls 7 Bejectn, JewellV.D.. P.Swain Laurel 11-16 1:47 fast 22 111 2 2 1 2i F Lee b High Speed, Toor Sport, Fitzrue "22 Laurel lm70y l:45fast 37 110 4 8 SI 7 F Leo 11 JewellV.D., Past.Swain. Brillcc islSi H.deGco 1 1:40 fast 64 108 7 9 9 7" J ChlmerslO F.Lore, Clghjordan. PralSwain tian?,to.? 1 1"1G 1 :3fast 25 5 6 6 6i G Fields 0 Jouett. Despair. Fannie Bean en,Iw h 1 J-16 l:fast 19 114 4 5 6 5 G Fields 7 GrassMxid. Brilliance, Wstwood 5ev.siliro 1 "8 2:03 mud 5 106 s" H Romelll 8 Clansman, BckhoruII., O.Timer 716o4 Dev shire 1 1-16 l:49slow 7-5 102 ll H Zander 5 Duke John, OldFaithful. Yorkist RED WINGFIELD, ch. g, 4 110 By Superman-Off, by Orme. mq ?IEer,,A Swenke. Owner, A. Swenke. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. Iakm LaureJ I0?, fast 27 10S 6 7 7 71 R Costello 7 Rejectn, JewellV.D.. T.Swain V-1. 1 1-16 1:45fast 23 111 6 6 B 5i R Costello C Tip.Witchet, Pas.Swain, Pilgrim "deG,C0 1 !: fast 19 112 10 8 81 9" R CostellolO F.Lore, Clghjordan, PralSwain 4r2 orvaJ 1 1-S l:5Ifast 2 102 1 3 3 3 F Sharpe 4 ShnffleAlong, Despair, Redstone 2al . lm7y 1:,3andfast 1 106 2 2 2s 2s F Sharpe 5 Redstone, Harmonius, IlellGate ZiZrt 5.nnels 1 8 l:53slow 17-10 105 3 4 3-k 2 J Chalmers a Sh.Along, Br.l.Proof, CryGables 11, Zi S. ""f18 1 1:33fast "-5 105 5 1 1 I" J Chalmers 1 Jacques, Hell Gate. Fornovo 3183 C naught lm70y l:46slow 11-10 104 12 1 11 R Costello 4 Jacques, Delusive, Joella J. FEEEZY SNEEZY. b. f. 4 101 By Lovetie Frosty, bv Eockton. J Ar,t5Vir: .,wner J- Arthcr. Breeder. Mrs. L. A. Livingston. a ko a lilli ?.C Vre JJS l:fGfast 13 100 2 6 6 fil D Randall 0 Elias ., Vennie. Gray Gables IViVl Vr nJ.Ie 1 1-16 1:47 fast 17 304 1 7 6 0 H Holmes 7 C.oDawn, Harmonious, Louis A. lil o W?d n? 1 1-4 2:07slP 7-5 104 3 1 U 1J P Walls 4 Blar.Stone. Wrack Grass. Louis 5-B "n?ts 1 1-8 l:5Xfast 41 1C9 4 1 1 l3 J Chalmers 0 Belle Amie. Lampus, Hohokus ioTnS f,0rtEj..0 2:36 faSt 10 108 7 7 71 S" J McCoy 10 rfly Zcus. At- Mir. "ellcAmie AaiJ-,tS Kl-t3. fast 3300 107 2 2 2 1 J McCoy 0 Eve. White, Lucy Kale. Yoshmii 71547 Dev shire 1 1-S l:o4 fast 26-5 106 ink j McCoy J Clean Gone, Rouen, Gallivant WSASK.GRASS b m 5 112 By Wrack Meadowsweet, by Yankee. Trainer. T. J. Donohno. Owner. Mrs. F. A. CarM. u,n,.,i.r r a Clark Ia9?. ture 1 wc l:fast 92 103 5 6 6 6" A Claver 0 Thimble, Sun Thistle, Bigheart ;iVlo rUrCl , , H:40fast "3 U2 4 4 5 5 A aver 5 tiadtiy, Polly Ann, Heeltaps , 1 J;4 2:0slop 6 104 4 2 2 33 R Rom-elli 4 KreezySncezy, Blar.Stone. Louis ioio lVd n0 lm70y l;43rast 33f 103 2 6 71 SJ R RomellilO .Tohnl.Jones, G.Sphere. Romany fltlon ?arat,ea A 2 :23hvy 7 135 8 4 4 4 W Green 9 Dan IV., Patissiere. Loyterer Alueduct Ab 2 4:19fast 6 137 3 2 2 2 N Kenndy 3 Sea Master. Loyterer llTiAr nQn. . l !:faat, 8 330 4 2 4 4" w Grcen 0 "renndicr. Bullseye. Sonmangha n-1o 5:B nnt3 A 2 4:18Xmud Ei 1" 4 1 2 2 W Green 4 Lieut.Seas, Overmatch. J.Coffth .0al9 C naught Ab 2 3:51andfast 23-10 130 2 1 H 2 W Green 6 Tnspero, Briganna. Rock.Horse ST. DONARD. br. E. 5 110 By Jack Atkin Variant, by BisSuise. ;vraInc G" Zeisler. Owner, A. Rold. Breeder. H. P. Headlv. IVlVi. Laurel 1 1-16 l:47fast 61 109 2 5 41 4- S Bullman G WarMask, Sedgcfield, Roy.Duck 4f"C ha" -S lVifast 9 108 4 5 1" lh H Howard 8 Royal Duck. Vitamin, Bastille wde.Ce 1l-n"8J:fast, 8 100 3 3 n 2b FLee 8 SiltKing, MyPdBelle. Valentia "f, " -dc?, ?e my ,1:49;:raud G 10S 7 2 11 Is F Lee 10 BiffBang, Sea-Wolf. St.Cermain I, S aw"I,no J"36 l:50mud 3 106 2 1 1 2. W Fronk 5 Tantalus, Jordan. Am. Soldier uaW?.,01ll:iG l:ffast . 41 106 4 4 4 4 F Lee 7 Reliaby. Freecutter. Lt.Colonel .1883 Hawth ne lmiOy 1:46 fast 31 106 3 1 Ill F Lee 7 SeaWrack, WarPenny, Cromwell ,QSmY,TA -J 3 105 By Sandbar Hannah Louise, by Yellow Tail. p,J.i,alner Smart Owner. Mrs. K. Smart. T-.Pr. Oak Hill Farm. 2222 me 3-4 1:13fast 6-5 114 10 7 5J 1 B MarinellilO Quinham, Sea-Wolf, TheFenian Zi5 vre 3-4 l:13fast 21 105 3 7 7 7i A Claver 8 Ughjordan. MabelK.. D.C.Wells ZHIa UTeJ 3i i:fast, 9 H3 2 5 B 3nk G Babin 10 JliuFon, Suppliant, Dear Maria Aiueduct 1 1:40 good 3 112 2 3 3 3 A Collins Treviscot, SfyPoint, Svl.Spring ZoH Alueduct 6i f lOfast 10 109 2 3 2and 31 A Collins 11 Pittston, Teddler, Treviscot ZoPo gmont 1 l:3SVfcfast 12 9S 4 4 4 4" J Callahan 4 Belzoni. Moonraker. Pittston Zooo gemnt ll:39V4fast S-5 112 111 2"k T McTagt 5 Fitzxibbon, Sea-Wolf. Philph, .3343 Belmont 3-4 SIC 1:12 fast 6 109 2 4 31 21 F Colletti 7 Witticism, Treviscot, PotenliW SOGGAETH AEOON, b. c, 3 109 By Bard of Hope Eunning Vine, by Transvaal. Tracer, B. Eeuter. Owner, H. P. Stearns. Breeder. P. M. Walker. ilQ a. V;1!! ,fast 51 114 4 2 2i 43i G Babin 8 Myra. Belpluizonia. Rejection -deS.Ce 1 1S l:o2fast 5 108 1 1 2k 2 J Chalmers 7 Luminist. The Roll Call, Bluffer S-deG.C 1:47 ,fast 55 105 7 1 v 15 B darrein S LghStorm, Cote dOr, CommeCi Zrno :dG ce.m0y 1:4,fast 17 206 6 8 717G Bond 8 Luminist, Ch.sPlay, Anonymous iooSi lm m. Abl 1"1G 1:58-hvy 33-10 S9 41 G Bond 0 Lady Zeus, Tomahol, Mess Kit o,o l!mon,m . Jk 1:23 fast 8 107 4,0 Blll.nan 5 By Jiminy. BuddicKean, Tidings .3332 Timonm Ab 61f l:21fast 3 115 2 G Bond. 4 Tidings. Thessaly, Broud