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Latest Workouts 429 IiATONIA, Ky., Oct 24. Todays training gallops here included the following: IiATOJCIA. Weather cloudy ; track sloppy Three-Eighths Mils. j 428-Energy 36 Royal Qneen ..3G 420-Macbeth 36 426-SIster Flo .....37 i 423- Pearl Mesta ...30 317-Sweet Note ...37 Half Kile. - 410- Blanche Mac ..51 415-Privilege .......52 j 424- Uest Love 53 420-Tuscola ....... .50 423- ledy Fox 50 427-Wlio Knows Me51 420- rrcsmont 50 Five-Eighths Mile. 424- Annle Mary .1:05 422-EsearpoIette .1:04 425- Bourbon Boy. 1:08 422-Kinbnrn ....1:06 411- Buiines8like .1:01 419-Pcggy .0. ...1:05 , Brn Blossoml:051i 415-Qnecr l:0u 427-Bamra ......1:04 421-Vcrbcna 1:0j 413-Certaln ......1:03 Three -Quarters Mile. 421- Boss Man ...1:19 428-Mary Ellen 0.1:19 426- B. nnd Sboesl:18 411-Poland 1:10 427- Black Gracklel:19 422-rfedmont ...1:23 42G-ChlUioTce ..1:10 423-Quinine 1:19 42G-Dr. Clark ...1:18 427-Peggy 0 1:19 410-Horgaa 1:19 422-Tclescopo ..:1:1C 408-Jolm Hager..l:18 427-Wong Bok ..1:17 420-Mildred Rutbl:19 One Mile. 420-Kg Gorln 11.1:44 421-Purnps ;. 1:51 424-UeweUyn ...1:48 417-Twinkle. Bluel:50 423-Post Dispatclil:00 420-Willow Tree. 1:53 422- Paris Maid .1:40 409-Wida 1:4S No -work worthy of special note. TONKERS, N. Y., Oct 24. Todays training gallops at Empiro City included the following: . EMPIRE CITY. "Weather raining; track sloppy Three -Eighths Mile. 420-Approval 39 427-Gladys V. ....37 427-Babbling 40 425-Kllbowle 37 . 240-Cliilc 39 427-Marie Martin ..40 412-Fabian -.41 427-Sun Pal 36 401-Glcnllvet 40 423-Teaso 37 Half Mile. 427-Abu Den AlxdenSl 421-Misi Domino ..50 420- AU American .52 41S-Quick Time ...55 427-Flint Stone 51 426-Sliamrock 52 427-Gilda Gray ....53 417-Tikeh 53 Five -Eighths Mile. 422-Friday 13th.. 1:03 425-B.eccmmenn 1:04 427-Flying Devil. 1:03 392-Boseate II. .1:08 Xhree-Qnarters Mile. 427-Belcrpss 1:22 418-Mir. Cooper.. 1:19 424- Better TimeBl:26 427-Payman l:2o 427-Delmor .....1:23 427-St. Anthony .1:20 418-Ducky 1:22 426-Thrce Square.l:20 42G-Lost Reveillel:20 427-Woodlake ...1:21 425- Mr. Mutt ...1:24 One Mile. 427-Bigger Still.. 1:50 110-South Breeze. 1:52 421- Sunsini 1:51- 417-Zealot .1:58 Mile and an Eighth. 427-Hephaistos ..2:01 The track was a sea of mud this morning and no works of consequence were recorded. LAUREL, Md., Oct. 24. Todays training gallops here included the following: LAUREL. "Weather cloudy ; track heavy Three -Eighths Mile 379-Cloughjordan ..37 427-Moon SUr 3C Half Mile. 427-Bunting 50 425-Pink and Yelw50 420-CamoufIage ...51 427-Pavcn Broker ..52 420- Captain Costin50 407-Royal Charlie.. 53 245-Day Lilly 51 41C-Rags 53 425-Flagstaff 50 423-Sea Tag 54 421- Insulatc! 51 425-T. J. PendergstSl 427-Klondykc 52 40S-Thimble .......51 427-Kings Ransom. 53 409 -Transom 50 Eive-Eighths Mile. 427-Frumpcry ...1:11 400-Picnic 1:04 427-Miss Whisk.. 1:09 410-Sunayr 1:10 427-Mcmento ....1:11 Three-Quarters Mile. 319-Belle Amie..l:20 346-Smarty ...,.1:24 425-Bucado 1:26 424-Serbian ......1:19 424- Dr. On. Wellsl:21 413-Tip. "Witchet.l:22 354-01dr Faithful. 1:22 9S8-Vanderberg .1:22 427-Poe ........1:20 "One Mile. 427-Husky 1:46 423-Transmute ..1:40 425- Luminist ...1:53 424-West Pittstnl:4fi 427- Pral Swain.. 1:50 425-Who Cares ..1:48 410-Sun Fey 1:52 Mile and a Quarter. 428- Lady Myra . .2:13 Husky and Transmute galloped fast together. Lady Myra was under restraint. West Pittston ran well. Transom had her speed.