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Lucky Jerry Harding 101 "WEST 42ND STREET. SUITE 409 NEW YORK CITY. flO.OO DAILY; 0.00 WEEKLY. Todays One Horse has not won a race in a long time, out my personal representative at Laurel says that today is the day. This horse has received .a very long and careful preparation and I feel confident that he "will hring home the bacon today for "LUCKY JERRY" and his gang, ,000 Reward will be paid in cash to anyone -who can 1 prove that I have not a representative in Maryland. Yesterdays one and only horse: BLAItJfEY STOKE 0.50-52 Ayon Tuesdays one and only horse:: OMEGA .40-?2 AVon Mondays one and only horse: FEIIRAII .40- Won I have my own personal representative in Baltimore who is daily in attendance at the track. X handle real, honest-to-goodncss information. Every horso advertised is filed in advance with this newspaper and tha original wires direct from my man are on fild in my office and can ho seen by anyone upon application. Wiro your subscription by Western Union or Postal telegraph. P. S. I anticipate a very liberal prico today. Big Bill Timbers I make you win first you pay afterward. A BIG GETAWAY SPECIAL will be cut loose on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, AT LAUREL PARK. We expect good odds, as the true form of this horse has not been disclosed. I will have other good-priced specials at Pimlico and my terms are the winnings of only. If you are an honest man and will pay after you win, send me your correct name and street address, and I will wire you direct from the track at 10 a. m. on the day of the race. Address BILL THURBERS 1416 CHARLES ST. BALTIMORE, MD. "TOTO" THE LITTLE MUTUEL MACHINE J A , Sore Money Maker for You Complete layout with each machine fits in vest : pocket. Can be played anywhere. Advertising price this week only 20 cents. Send money or , stamps and self-address envelope to EUREKA 15 PARK ROW NEW YORK CITY : Carl Carpenter 59 TRINITY BUFFALO, N". Y. 6 WEEKLY Reliable Winning Information 0 FLAT PLAY MUST WIN 200 WEEKLY or Second Week FREE Only one or two transactions daily. LAST WEEK A Flat Play of 0 Won Over ,150.00 START TODAY with a man who is consistent. All horses filed with Daily Racing Form. Wire your subscription by Western Union. No propositions. FILED IT ADVANCE WITH THIS PAPER, NATIONAL TURF NEWS Room 417, No. 101 W. 42d St., NEW YORK CITY. TODAYS CODE HORSE: C-H-B-L-A-T-R-Y. No telegrams to wait for. All you need is our code and a copy of Racing Form. Horse published in code every day in Racing Form. Wire your subscription at once with correct name and street address. FOR SIX DAYS. We will mail you by special, delivery our code. GOOD FOR SIX DAYS PLAY. Be sure to send your street address so we can mail you our "code." ACTUAL RESULTS ARE WHAT COUNT The GUARANTEE SYSTEM won on a 0 play for week ending Oct. 20, as follows: NEW YORK WON 13.95. MARYLAND WON 04.50. KENTUCKY WON 76.50. FOR FURTHER DETAILS ADDRESS THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM 601 CATHEDRAL BALTIMORE, MD. IPf Superior Advance Information Filed With This Paper Day Before. THURSDAYS CODE: Beef-Apple-North-Land-Near-Chest-Cider. Strictly confidential no wires. Buy your form and -get our REAL inside information. Write for particulars. i nM. FRANK J. MADDEN, Mgr. r iPff; 407 Clinton- St, Brooklyn, N. Y. "flffi I HARVEY AMES Earle Building Broadway at 52nd Street. Room 407-8. New York. N. Y. SPECIAL "Harvey Transaction" TODAY ENOUGH SAID THEY SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES Terms: 50 Payable strictly in advance by telegraph or in person. Must bo for personal use only. "Harvey Transactions" BIG SUCCESS Harvey transaction in preparation, starting TOMORROW Friday. . WARNING: r have no agents or representatives anywhere. Deal directly with this office and avoid being imposed upon. TELEPHONE CIRCLE 5790 116 NASSAU STREET NEW YORK CITY "ROOM 401 UNITED TURF NEWS SEMI-WEEKLY PRICE .00 PRICE .00 Published every Wednesday and Saturday. LAUREL BIG CODE SPECIAL TODAY: Martin-Kummer-Fator-Domino-Zev Daily Occasional in Kentucky .00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY Yesterdays Latonia Occasional: KINGSCLERE .50- 3rd Mud just right for todays Latonia occasional and just the right spot. . Out-of-town clients wire Western Union money order for todays occasional-y0 for one week, C occasionals. Occasional every day in Kentucky. FOR THE LAST WEEK OF THE Latonia Meeting we -are going to make you a SPECIAL OFFER by giving you Five Specials, regular price .0.00 Tarlay on Wednesday, Oct. SI, reg. pr.. . 6.00 Getaway Specials, Nor. 3 2.00 Three Weeks subscription to the STANDARD 1.00 The best publication of its kind on the market. Doing business under same name for 16 years. ENOUGH SAID. ALL FOR THE SUM OF .00. This is the most liberal offer we have ever made. TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: March-Peach-16-46-66. 403, 22 W. QUINCY. ST,. CHICAGO, ILL. DAWSONS DAILY WIRE DAILY 0 WEEKLY Latonia long shot today was as good as 10-1 expected. Wire for this one or 0 for six daily wires. YESTERDAY I WIRED: TAN S0N......8.30- Won TUESDAY I WIRED: COL GILM0RE.3.70- Won MONDAY I WIRED: Golden Billows. .5.70- 2nd ADDRESS: A. DAWSON 6 NEW CHAMBERS ST., NEW YORK CITY Pay From your Profits The Master Key Si-stem of playing the races will be mailed you for one weeks trial. No charKC unless it shows an average profit of at least 0 n day on tlie scale of play. FOR PARTICULARS mail this ad, with your name and address to J. K. WILLIS 943 Windsor St. Cincinnati, .0. r I THE AMERICAN RACING MANUAL For 1923 NOW ON SALE PRICR BY MAIL: Leatherette Bound ....... ?1.G0 Fnll Purchase Price Must ; Accompany Each" Order 4 With this eminently handy book any admirer of racing can readily answer almost any qnery tbat may come up concerning facts of racing in tlie past. Its equal lias never- been, printed and, considering tlie topics it covers; it -is an extremely low-priced book of general and correct turf information. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT- : :: CHICAGO. ILL. 157-159 EAST 32ND-STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y; 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO, and Y-