Jefferson Park Meeting: Total of 31,541 Distributed during 28 Days Racing - I Parke Outstanding Jockey, Daily Racing Form, 1924-01-02

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3 r i ? i , i 1 1 1 1 j , . , , . JEFFERSON PARK MEETING r Total of 31,541 Distributed During 28 Days Racing I. Parke Outstanding Jockey. . The Jefferson Parish Fair Association dis- tributed a total of 31,541 during the winter meeting at Jefferson Tark. There were I twenty-eight days of racing, during which time 163 races were run and the daily aver- . age distribution amounted to ,697. B. F. McClain was the most successful of the owners participating in the racing, his horses accounting for five races and ,075. ; Mose Goldblatt also figured importantly with TencOn-leStiar70-htScrcditr-T? 11T Bernhardt won the largest number of races, ; seven, and ,576. The Sunflower Stable won six races and ,390. Delante, with four sparkling victories and ,260 in money won, tops the list of the hcrses that raced at Jefferson. O. Henry, Freezy Sneezy, John Finn, Lord Wrack, Col- oied Boy, Bessie Wright and Tony Beau also raced successfully. Ivan Parke was the sensation of the meeting, his brilliant riding being one of the outstanding incidents of the sport .at the Shrewsbury course. He easily carried off the saddle honors and in so doing clinched i the championship title for 1923. Parke rode forty-nine winners out of 142 mounts for the i high percentage of .35. F. Lee also rode with i marked success, bringing home twenty-one i winners out of ninety-three mounts for a percentage of .23. S. AVomeldorff saddled seven winners during the meeting and leads the list of successful trainers. F. Bechtelheimcr, J. Arthur, Mose Goldblatt, A. L. Kirby and B. F. JIc- Continued on twelfth page. j I j j j I j ! j I j ! JEFFERSON PARK MEETING Continued from first page. Clain also met with considerable success with horses under their care. The owners who each won in excess of S500 follow: Owner. 1st. 2d. 3d. Amt. iMeClain, I?. P.... 5 2 1 $ G.07.-. Goldblatt. M 5 0 3 5,270 Bernhardt, T. II 7 5 4 4,576 Holraan, S. N 4 5 7 4,151 Sunflower Stable G 0 4 3.390 Cain, AV. II 4 3 7 2,805 Arthur, J 5 1 1 2.815 Trotter, E. 3 4 2 2,787 Coylc, C. A 3 2 4 2.GG2 Potter, "V. J 4 3 2 2,580 Holland. J. L 4 2 0 2,505 Casey, W. V 4 3 0 2,44; Hall, W. H . 4 2 1 2.330 Kirby, A. L 4 1 1 2,298 McCown, E. 3 0 1 2,250 Swenke. A 2 C 5 2,201 Botts, T. M 3 0 1 1,985 Pastime Stable ....3 2 2 1,960 Freeman, C. N 2 3 8 1,87 i Gooch, S 3 2 1 J.Str Bryson. E. K 3 1 1 1,835 Kirkfield Stable 2 3 1 1,827 Stearns. II. V 3 1 1 1,737 Friars Inn Stable 2 0 6 1,717 Pendergast, T. J 3 1 0 1,690 Livingston, J 2 5 0 1.G40 Audley Farm Stable 2 3 2 1,515 Swain, F 2 1 3 1,355 Dcvereaur, T. F 2 1 3 1,345 Houbre, 0 2 2 1 1.343 Derby Stable 2 2 0- l.Slt Roth, H 2 2 0 1,311 Milam, J. C 2 1 0 1,250 Block, 15 2 1 1 1,240 Oots, II 2 0 0 1,225 Dc Latour, F 1 2 0 1.19G Crist, T. E 2 1 0 1.19G Applegate, C. A 1 4 2 1,115 Alexandra, A. E 2 0 1 1,110 Southland Stable 1 2 1 1,090 Carrigan, AV 2 0 0 1,050 Torrcll, 0 2 0 0 1,050 Cooper, "W. II 1 3 2 3,021! Crcentrcc Stable 1 1 2 1,011 ;Iiaurr, Mrs. J 1 0 2 914 "Wishard, C. S 1 3 0 SS5 Baumgartner, AV. A 1 2 1 862 Borland, F. F 1 1 2 790 iBowns, II. S 1 0 1 770 Flaherty, S 1 1 2 7G0 Gallaher Bros 1 2 0 755 Munson, II. L 1 2 0 755 Troxler, J. J 1 2 0 755 Boyhan, T : 1 1 1 710 Watts, It. T 1 0 3 703 Carey, L. J 1 0 0 700 Salmon, W. J 1 1 1 700, I.rown, L. J. 1 0 2 656 Pickering, C. L 1 1 0 655 1iovenzano, C 1 1 0 555 Winfrey, G. C 1 1 0 155 iMcGarvey, Mrs. It 1 0 2 545 Kelly, Mis3 M 1 0 2 045 Barlow, J 1 1 0 040 Wcndel, 0 1 1 0 C40 Thompson, L. S 1 1 0 G40 Russell, J. J 1 1 0 540 Perkins, W 1 1 0 640 Haskos, T 1 1 0 040 Cowan, S. A 1 1 0 540 iCrain, II. L 1 1 0 31 IFarrar. F 1 0 1 51! iShapoff, M 1 0 1 595 Lenahan, C. E . 1 0 1 585 Madden, J. E 1 0 1 5S5 Moar, K. E.. 1 0 1 585 Wright, C. C 1 0 1 385 Henius, E. T 1 0 1 585 Anderson, P. O.; 1 0 0 525 Blanton, W. II 1 0 0 525 Bremer, R. L 1 0 0 525 Bryan, D. F 1 0 0 525 Chapman. It. E 1 0 0 525 Gibson, W. S 1 0 0 525 Kearns, W .1 0 0 525 Lane, B. A 1 0 0 525 Oddo, S 0 3 3 525 Scherer, R 1 0 0 525 Stark, H 1 0 0 025 The following are the horses which won 00 or more each : Horse. 1st. 2d. 3d. Amt. Delante 4 0 0 ?5,200 Cherry Tree 1 0 0 2,950 Kama 1 2 0 2,100 Freezy Sneezy 4 0 0 2,100 Colored Boy 3 0 1 1,985 Tony Beau 3 3 0 1,935 John Finn , ....3 0 1 1,886 Ilennis Kcmble 2 1 2 1,877 1 Lord Wrack .. 3 11 1,771 Bessie Wright 3 0 2 1,695 Bastille .." 2 2 2 1,441 Current Events 2 2 1 1,365- Uepcater 2 1 3 1,355 Gee 2 2 1 1,355 Durabfoundcr 2 2 1 1,340 Caligula 2 2 0 1,311 Smart Guy 2 2 0 1,295 Super 2 2 0 1,280 King ONeill II 2 10 1,250 . Henry 3 0 1 2,250 " Tan Son 2 1 - 1 1,225 Margaret Ware 2 1 0 1,195 Simplicity 2 1 0 1,195 Thorndale 2 1 0 1,180 Antouia 2 0 2 1,170 Peggy O. 2 1 0 .1,165 Scare Crow 2 1 0 " 1,165 Trooper 2 1 0 1,165 Vera Vennie ..2 1 0 1.165 Flying Devil : 2 "1 0 1,165 Centimeter 2 0 1 1,150 Charles Henry 2 0 0 1,050 Bessie Hope 2 0 0 1,050 James F. OHara ........ 1 2 0 1,042 Hidden Jewel 1 2 2 1,036 Paul Micdu V.... 1 3 2 1,025 Carnarvon ....2 I 1 1,110 Reliability 2 0 1 1,110 Soggarth Aroon 2 0 1 1,110 Best Pal 1 0 1 1,000 Dustabout 1 0 2 942 Tender Seth 0 : 1 92 1 The Roll Call 1 0 2 914 Piedmont 1 2 2 885 Dr. Jce 1 3 0 S85 Post Haste 0 4 0 841 Royal Dick 1 1 :t 820 Seths Flower 1 2 1 815 Roseate II. .... 1 1 0 815 Richelieu 1 .2 0 802 Admirer 1 .1 2 785 Korbly 1 .1 2 780 Businesslike . .... 1 1 2 760 Amnio 1 0 1 760 East Indian 1 1 2 760 Gilvnor 1 2 0 755 Kiugsclere 1 2 0 755 Dcntarin 1 2 0 7,V Sedgefield 1 1 0 725 Ret 1 0 3 705 Warren Lynch 1 1 1 710 Waukeag Ill 700 Pete Foy 1 1 1 700 Moonraker 1 0 0 700 Pathan 1 0 0 700 Knot Grass 1 1 1 700 Dan Boiling 1 1 1 700 Anne 1 0 0 700 St. Donard 1 1 0 6S7 Wrangler 1 0 2 666 The Muleskinner 1 1 0 655 Kent Ij 1 0 2 545 Bamra 110 010 Beg Pardon 1 1" 0 "510 Carlton 1 1 0 540 Royal Crown 1 1 0 510 Rupee 1 . 1 0 510 Tody 1 1 0 640 Tomtella 1 1 0 540 Torsida 1 1 0 610 WaukuIIa 1 1 0 550 Wireless 1 1 I 610 Bal-diu 1 1 0 610 Horse. 1st. 2d. 3d. Amt. Anonymous 1 0 . 1 025 Gondolier 1 0 1 010 Grass Tree 1 0 1 GIG Everglade 1 0 1 585 Payman 1 0 1 585 Polvo 1 0 1 5S5 Lord Allen 1 0 1 5S5 Lady Burrows 1 0 1 5S5 Jack Fairman 1 0 1 5S5 Herald 1 0 1 585 Froth 1 0 1 585 Cash 1 0 1 585 Dicks Daughter 1 0 1 585 Care Free 1 0 1 585 A. X. Akin 1 0 0 525 Anticipate 1 0 0 525 Apology 1 .0 0 525 Atta Boy II 1 0 0 525 Attoo 1 0 0 525 Avispa 1 0 0 525 Burnt Orange 1 0 0 525 Dunoon 1 0 0 525 Fire Cracker . 1 0 0 525 Frank Moore 1 0 0 525 Frankmau 1 0 0 525 Fredericktown 1 0 0 525 Gold Mount 1 0 0 525 Henry S 1 0 0 525 Idle Thoughts 1 0 0 525 John O. Kelly 1 0 0 525 Julia M 1 0 0 525 I.caside 1 0 0 525 Miss Em 1 0 0 525 Modesty -. 1 0 0 525 Red Arrow 1 0 0 525 Rustem 1 0 0 525 Sewell Combs 1 0 0 525 Sling 1 0 0 525 Spugs 1 0 0 525 Times Up 1 0 0 525 Tingling 1 0 0 525 Welcome 1 0 0 525 Daydue 1 0 0 025 The jockeys who rode one or more winners follow: Jockey. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp. P.C. Parke. 1 112 49 25 23 45 .35 Lee, F 93 21 10 54 .23 Farland, II 89 13 18 19 39 .15 Lang, I, 35 10 G 1 18 .29 Wallace. J 74 9 12 12 41 .12 Blind, E G4 9 5 9 41 .14 Martin, E 61 8 8 3 42 .13 Corcoran, J 75 5 11 8 51 .07 Harvey, 15 51 4 G 7 34 .08 Mooney, J. I 30 4 4 G 16 .13 Hunt, A 22 4 3 0 13 .18 Kaiser, II 23 3 2 2 1G .13 .Morris, L 15 3 2 1 9 .20 IVvie. J 31 2 G 7 1G .OG Burke, J. II 14 2 2 1 9 .14 Jones, D 24 2 3 2 17 .03 Burns. T 17 2 1 0 14 .12 Bell, E 5 2 0 1 2 .40 Milner, AV 17 2 0 1 14 .12 Fronk, AV 25 1 8 2 14 .04 Smith, L 21 1 3 1 1G .05 Stutts, II IS 1 3 2 12 .06 Kcderis.- J 14 1 2 1 10 .07 Lang. 0. 15 1 2 0 12 .07 Mangan. G ....13 1 2 2 8 .08 Byme, J ...15 1 2 "0 13 .06 McPermott. It 7 11 0 5 .14 Bretining, B 8 1 1 0 G .12 Barret. X 9 1 0 2 G .11 Breuning, G G 1 0 0 5 .17, E 5 1 0 0 4 .20 Rcilly. F 2 1 0 0 1 .50 Thorncke, F ...11 1 0 1 9 .09 The following are the jockeys who finished second or third witli one or more of their mounts, but did not ride a winner : Jockey. Mts. 2d. 3d. Unp. Matthews. R 10 5 0 11 Garrett, M 37 2 5 30 Mcrgler, I ........14 2 3 9 Accardy, A 14 2 2 10 Yelton, R G 1 1 4 Rodriguez, A 11 119 Nicholson, O 0 1 1 4 Clifford, R . .. .5 1 0 4 Crump. AV 2. 1 0 1 Carroll, G. AV. .......... .... 2 10 1 Thomas, J. 8 107 AVayt, T. 2 1 0 1 Rose. G -..3 1 0 2 Fields, G .-.3 1 0 2 Abel, A ... ...... -.11 1 0 10 Smith, F. ........ ... :.17 0 5 12 Petzoldt. E. ..10 0 4 G Scobie. E .14 0 4 30 Zander, II : .11 0 3 8 Fraley, A 12 0 2 10 McCoy, R. 16 0 2 14 Saucier, L. 0 2 5 Corey, G : 1 0 1 0 Gruber, J 2 0 1 1 Gruneisen. J. 7 0 1 G Harvey, AV 3 0 1 2 Holloway, R 3 0 1 2 Leyland, J .3 0 1 2 Noel, G ; 2 0 1 1 Pichon, L. .....9 0 1 3 The jockeys who finished unplaced with all their mounts include the following: Jockey. Mts. Jockey. Mts. Chalmers, J 1 Robinson, C. 2 Ailmore, A 1 Rodriguez. J 2 Thompson, G 1 Strauss, AV 2 Shilliek, II. 1 Ilslan, R 2 Strauss, G 1 Walls, G 2 Randell, I 1 Schwartz. M 2 Mulkey. N 1 Taylor, H 3 Cameron, T 1 Griffin, S ...3 Costello, It 1 Grosser, P 3 Ambrose. E 2 Holmes, II 4 Burke, H. J 2 Norton, B 5 Cooper, G 2 Bonham, T 5 Dolin, .1 2 Babin, G 7 Mills, L 2 Carroll, J. 10 The following trainers saddled one or more winners : Trainer. Wins. Trainer. Wins. AVomeldorff, D 7 Troxler, J. J 2 Bechtelheimer, F. ... G AVinfrey, G. C 2 . Kirby, A. L G AVeodliffe, A. S 2 Goldblatt, M 5 Applegate, C. A 1 McCIain, B. F 5 Bauer, J 1 Arthur, J 5 Blanton. AV. II 1 Casey, AV. A 4 Booth, .T 1 Gaignard, A 4 Borland, F. F 1 Foley, AA. J 4 Bornman. T. F 1 McCown, E 4 Brown, J. M 1 McDermid. D 4 Carroll, T. J 1 Howard, C 4 Chapman. B. E 1 Kearns, F. 0 4 Farrar, F J Hodgson, E. J 4 Gibson, AV. 8 1 Hall, AV. II . 4 Goldblatt, A 1 Trotter, E 3 I.enalian, J. D 1 Spence, K 3 I.ntellier, F. P 1 Renter. I 3 Maulding, C 1 Freeman, C. N 3 McGarvey, R 1 Devereaux, T. F. ... 3 McKeag, R 1 Bryson, G. R 3 McKeon, J 1 Cahn, L 3 MePherson, J 1 Botts, T. M 3 Munson, H. L 1 J Adkins, .7. 1 2 Murphy, M. J lfl Akers, O. B 2 Phillips, C .11 Alexandra, A. E 2 Pickering, C. L. ....H Anderson, C. R 2 Randolph. H H Rurlcw, F 2 liogers. R. L H Crist, T. E 2 Russell, J. J M Freeman, 1. B Thomas, A jt Herring, AV 2 Tighe, J Houbre, C AVagnon, J. G Laud, G 2 AVendel, O McGee. J 2 AVilkinson, E .H Oots, II 2 AVishard, U. S .H Runnels, R. T 2 Zeigler, G Sharkey, F. A 2 Polk, J. P Stickney, R 2 Zimmer, A 1 Swenke, A 2 The percentage of winning favorites was about normal, as shown in the subjoined tabulation: Number of days 2S Number of races HIS AVinning first choices.., 69 AAinning second choices 35 AVinning outsiders 6:t AVinning at odds-on 11 Defeated at e;Ms-on... la Percentage of winning choice 41.

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