Futurity Stakes Closing: Entries for That Famous Race and the Revived Matrons Stakes Are due Tomorrow, Daily Racing Form, 1924-01-02


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i I k e " 0 t r c !t is s e l" e ;" z it S :e 10 As rn the ,e a a r- of f 31 "1 it it e" the he FUTURITY STAKES CLOSING Entries for That Famous Race and trie Revived Matrons Stakes. Are Due Tomorrow. NEW YORK, N. T., Jan. 1.- Bloodstock breeders should have a special interest in the stakes of the AVestchester Racing Association that are due to close tomorrow, as two of them, the Futurity and the Matron were framed with a view to helping the breeding industry. An entry for these events is almost an obligation on the part of breeders and owners of the country. A stake with the record of the Futurity is one of the best assets racing possesses. Its continuity virtually a pledge of the durability of the turf. It has done more to encourage breeding than any other racing fixture and, carrying as it does, substantial awards to the nominators of the first three horses, the interest it arouses in the ranks of the breeders is both healthy and sustained. The Matron Stakes, which has been revived after a period of years is for fillies exclusively and is a welcome fixture because increases the earning capacity of young mares. More prizes of a substantial character for two-year-old fillies will help solve a problem with which breeders have always been confronted. Fillies never reach the average for colts in the yearling market. a rule they are not able to hold their own with the sterner sex when it comes to test of the race course, though occasionally great filly comes alone to dominate the year. i Some of them have won the Futurity and other stakes. The Matron carries an added value ,000 and nominators of the three placed horses receive ?300, 00 and 00 respectively. Compared with the Futurity, with its added value of 0,000 arid ,750 to nominators, seems dwarfed, but the nucleus for a substantial race is there and its future will depend upon the patronage accorded it by breeders of the country.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924010201/drf1924010201_1_4
Local Identifier: drf1924010201_1_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800