A. B. Dade Memorial: Results in Rousing Finish and Victory for Triumph, Daily Racing Form, 1924-01-13


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A. B. DADE MEMORIAL Results in Rousing Finish and Victory for Triumph. Jockey Ivan Parke Again Figures Prominently and Rides Three Winners. NEW ORLEANS. La., Jan. 12. The A. B. Dade Memorial Handicap of ,000 added in memory of the one-time noted starter, who served at the Fair Grounds for many years and who died in New Orleans last winter, was the outstanding attraction of a well-arranged racing offering that attracted a big attendance to the track this afternoon. Some of the better-class horses in these parts were among the starters and it furnished a rousing finish between Triumph, carrying the colors of Mose Goldblatt and ridden by Parke, and Sedgefield, representative from G. R. Brysons stable, ridden by Wallace. The pair started a terrific duel during the last eighth and came to the finish necks apart. At one stage after the field had rounded into the stretch it appeared as if Triumph would be a decisive winner, but liis old sulking characteristics asserted themselves, partly due to Parke being inclined to take matters easy when he considered the race won. Sedgefield, however, challenged in determined fashion and it took Parkes best effort in the last sixteenth to keep Triumph in the lead. Barracuda, coupled with Best Pal, was the early leader, but he began tiring in the last eighth, though he was good enough to retain third place. Solisa and John Paul Jones, both expected to cut an extensive figure in the result, showed dull performances and were always outraced. HONORS FOR DEPARTED. Prior to the horses going to the post in the race, the track bugler mounted the platform in back of the judges stand and sounded taps. The A. B. Dade Memorial Handicap will be an annual fixture as a tribute to the sterling official, who was regarded as one of the best of starters. Moderating weather contributed to improvement in the sport. The track, however, was dull and contained a heavy strip next the inner rail that proved suicidal for those that attempted to race on it. Most of the jockeys blundered in taking their mounts on this path and they ceased to be contenders and reached the exhaustive stage lonn before they had traversed half the race. The quick-thinking Parke, by his sound judgment, landed three of the afternoons winners and figured in a close finish on another occasion in which there was a division of opinion as to the judges wisdom in not giving him the award. He was astride Antonia, carrying the Goldblatt while racket and she came with a whirlwind rush right at the end and at most could not have been beaten over an inch. The judges gave the award to Bamra, with Guvnor in third place. The angle at the finish has frequently been responsible for disagreement with the judges placing. The officials are in the best place to judge a close finish. Parke began his success in the inaugural race when he landed Kingsclere a winner from Care Free. The la.tter might have been the victor but for OMahoneys incompetency in allowing him to swerve out near the finish. Parkes success was achieved astride the Green tree Stables Rinkey. It marked that fillys third successive victory at the meeting. She followed the leaders until straightened for the stretch run, where she came away with ease and won under restraint from the outsider Devil Girl. Mali Jong, well supported, flattered extensively until the last eighth, where she began tiring fast. OLYNTHUS MAKES A3IENDS. W. Daniels Olynthus, after many failures, managed to get home in front in the fifth race, for which he was favorite. He raced as if much the best and indulged Bygone Days and Tony Beau with the lead until the last eighth, where he came away to win well under restraint. Scare Crow furnished an upset in the sixth race and scored a lucky victory from Super-l um and Ettahe, both of which should have finished in front of him and suffered defeat through bad riding. Superbum was kept in the worst going for the entire way and Harvey, on Ettahe, almost fell off in the stretch when he readied for his whip. Harvey made some amends in the closing dash by bringing home Royal Duck a victor from Royal Crown and Attorney. The latter was probably best, but Lees weakness as a finisher was apparent here, for he was of little help to him when it came to riding him hard.,. - J. Parkes tliree victories this afternoon brings his average up to two winners dajly .since the opening of the Fair Grounds. In the eleven days of the meeting he has won twenty-two races. Kingsclere was claimed by Mrs. II. Mc-Quage in the opening dash, but the claim was protested by trainer Murphy on the ground of irregularity. The stewards are I looking into the matter. John Madigin, president of the Niagara Racing Association, was among todays visitors. Who Cares will probably not be started again for a long time, as he came out of his race yesterday in a bail way.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924011301/drf1924011301_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1924011301_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800