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FAIR GROUNDS ENTRIES MONDAY, JANUARY 14 performances of horses entered in Iomlays races at tlie Fair Ground will appear in lUomlay.s edition. t Tlio figures under the heading "Rec." in tho entries below show the best timo of ci.cii horse .it the distanco since January 1, 1921, r.o matter where it finished. In case where record was mado on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. Kariu? starts at 2:00 p. in. Chicago time, 2:00. Siiicrior mud runner. XSocd iiiuil runner. ::lair mud runner. 3d Maidens. Apprentice a I In iv. i nee. Iilili ilicrs. First Itace 3-8 Mile. Purse ,000. 2-year-oldc. Maidens-. Colts and ieldinss. Special Weights. Track record: Jan. 30, 1022 312 114. Todays Ind. Hor?e. AVt. Hoc. A.Wt.Han. 76C0S Tuo IIS :35 118. .725 7660C3 Son of Tromp 118 :35 1 IS. .720 76G0C Walter E 110 :35-. 118. .715 764.63 Master Hilly IIS :3l4,f. 118.. 715 76G0C Confluente 118 :3Sf. 118. .710 76703 Moon Masie US :3C.-. 118.. 705 7G63 Koxmor 118. .700 Paiole II US.. 700 Sam Mongol 1 18. .700 Ued Seth IIS Jose DelKndo 118 Foreign Hclalions . IIS Itilly Walz IIS Sam Crcnet 118 Second Race 3-4 Mile. Purse ,000. i-ycar-olds and upward. -Claiming. Track record: Feb. 0, 191S 1:11 0 115. 764.4.1 Iaydue 102 1:111 S 114X725 74.363 rude Sounv 102 1:13 5 112X720 7626S Soijuel !H I-.ISts 4 305x735 74811s Croon Cold 107 1:12t5 SI 112X715 76607 We, wood 103 1:11!-. 7 1 US1 5 76607 lit:eorge Starr .IS 1:15"5 0 07:-:71;l 76C15 John Q. Kelly 10S11:13 4 112.. 710 76345 Piojiaganda 100 1:131s -S 112X710 76614 rlova 105 1:12 7 105.-710 76487 bVcnizclos 105 1:13 !i 5 102X710 76535 hFifty-Fifty 109 1:12 5 102X705 76614 I ted wood 00 1:13 4 lm..7fs." 68763 Diana Waters M110 1:1S,5 5 97.. 7011 7C021 EI Astro. M..i... 4 95..7 IQ Third Eace 3-4 Mile. Purs: ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Feb. 9, 1018 1:111s 5- IKi. 76681 bMercury 97 1:11 0 113X725 76608 Orous 120 1:12 5 113720 76608 Monlimotor 117 l:ll-rf. S 123X715 76525 Stump Jr 110 1:12 4 10SX715 76442 bMuskallonge 113 1:12 IS IHX15 76603 Lugs 113 1:123 5 313x71 76608 Hughes Craham ..98 1:13 4 117XTJ0 74804 Sweepy Ill 1:131and 5 113x710 76617 Fredcrioktown 107 1:13 3 100X710 76484 Julia M 101 1:13 3 9.jX7!0 763G0 Mason Towle 113 1:14 3 103 7:5 75815 Lieirc 107 l:13s 4 103.. 7M 76G08 Flying Fur 101 1:13 3 9S..7.i , 7CC84 Ijidy Jane 112 1:14 3 SO -. 700 Fourth Eace 1 Mile. Evergrofii Purse. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds. Allowance. Track record: Jan. 1, 19181:37 5 ill. 1 76617 BLOTTER 10311:10 302v7.5 76735 Devil C.irl 110U:4lni U7X7I5 76615 Miss Fortune 97x715 76617 Dreamer 10211:40 99.. 715 7661S3 Quivero M 937ia 76617 Extra EJition 100 1:11 lo::..705 76737 Dohson 100 1:41 99X70". 7G482 liarrister M 105 Fifth Race 1 1-10 Miles. Purse ,000. 1-year-olds and upward. CI Pining. Track record: Jan. 18, 1922 1:41 7 110. 76619 Xeddam Ill 1:45 7 97X725 1G301 nVranglcr 97 1:45 1 101X720 75453 Pepiot 101 1 :47 I 109X715 76611 bllamkin 113 1:40 5 10S..715 7C618 lluonec 11411:45 10-5715 70465 biastoral Swain ...105 1:45 8 104X715 75S73 bKinburn 10111:15 7 10 X 710 70525 Humboldt 101 1:47 4 1.17710 7Ci6 Miss MMsc 107 1:40 4 103.. 705 7515C3 Water C.irl I 9S..705 76681 ilentilt Ill 1:1S 4 107700 Sixth Eace 1 1-16 Miles. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track recoid: Jan. IS, 1922 1:44 7 110. 75558 Krjiqr.oi 104 1:44 ! 100. .725 76704 Escarpolelte 103 1:45 7 104X720 76703 Kupce 108 1:49 4 108X715 76706 Wessie IS 97 1:48 5 1 03 X 735 75460 King John 102 1:45 9 105735 76409 Kent L 90 1:44 1 105X715 76387 Anonymous 104 1:47 4 109X710 755S5 Irish Pat 102 1:47 4 109.. 705 7C464 Ducks and Drakes. 98 1:48 1 101X705 76464 ISeverwyck 98 1:50 1 9S..700 Seventh Race 1 1-8 Miles. Purse ,000. 3-vear-oIds and upward. Allowances. Track record: March 14, 1908 1:51 3 122. 76558 Taylor Hay 112 1:53 1 100X725 76445 Secretary 105 1:55 5 107X720 76563 Magician 110 1:54 9 112X715 76447 bYoung Adam 110 1:52 S 305x715 76652 Kenumare 99 1:54 I 105X715 7E03S Staunch 300 1:53 5 98X710 74502 bTom Cassidy 105 3:53 5 305X71O 76507 Mollie ISarnes 98 1:55 5 103X70.-. 76619 Tex 107 1:55 5 112.. 70O 76703 Tioma 105 1:55 5 105.. 700 76308 Troowen 105 1:55 10 100X700 70189 Dustproof M 4 98.. 70. 76607 Proceeds 4 915. .700 75729 Cladys V. M 3 S9X70O .