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PROBABLE DERBY ENTRIES Kentucky Jockey Club Officials Expect Record List for 1924. Golden Jubilee of the Famous Race This Year Nominations to Include Majority of Horses Named Below." LOUTSVILLE, Ky., Jan. 12. While the nominations for the Kentucky Derby will not close before February 15 and the official list of the nominations will not be disclosed by the Kentucky Jockey Club before the last week in February or first Aveek j in March, there is little doubt but that every three-year-old which showed form as a two-year-old will bo nominated, as well as several which never even got to the races. It is seldom, however, many of the untried three-year-olds are named. For the last four or five years nominations to the Kentucky Derby have been close around 100, but officials of the Kentucky j Jockey Club expect the nominations for 1924 to be increased considerably, as this year will mark the Golden Jubilee of that famous race. It would not be surprising should the list of nominations run to 125 or even more. It is estimated here that the entry list will come from the 1G7 three-year-olds listed below, colts, fillies and geldings which showed good enough form as two-year-olds to warrant their being named for the Derby. As it costs but ?25 to enter a horse in the Derby there will probably be but few of the list omitted from the nominations. In the list below is included Wise Counsellor, Sarazeri, St. James, Mad Play, Worthmorc, King Gorin II., Altawood, Black Gold, Chilhowee, Beau Butler, Battle Creek, Big Blaze, Bracadale, Diogenes, Dare Say, Horgan, II. T. AVaters, Graeme, Lord Baltimore II., Lord Martin, Mr. Mutt, Polvo, Payman, Peter King, Sunayr, Sun Flag, Rival, Senator Norris, Transmute, Tree Top, Time Exposure and T. S. Jordan, which are practically certain to be among the official entries for the Derby. Here are the 1C7 three-year-olds from which the Derby entries should come : Abu lien Ahdem, by Omar Khayyam La Deliverance. AHawcoiI, by Master Robert Crestwood Girl. Alchemy, by Mont dOr II. Beveries. Bonaparte, by Troutbeck Bramble Bose. Bigwig, by The Manager Fragrance. Briggs Buchanan, by Sir Martin Mallard. Billy Warren, by Spanish Prince II. Sori.i. Burnt Orange, by Polymelia!! ijauy "Winsome. Hob Cahill, by lolymelian Dreamy II. Buck Pond, by Icter Quince Hester K. Hoy O Itoy, by North Star III. Uusy Joe. Bourbon Boy, by Xorth. Star III. Bedtime Stories. Buster Keaton, by Articling II. Pom I. Ballot Brush, by Ballot Galloping Queen. Helle Isle, by Bezant Good Shot. Black Gold, by Black Toney Usccit. Befuddle, by Black Toney Vaila. Breakfast Bell, by Black Toney Batter Cake. Beau Butler, by Black Toney Santa Anna II. Businesslike, by Black Toney Lady Languish. Big Blaze, by Campfirc Queen of the Hills. Bracadale, by Fair Ilay Loch Linnhe. Balefull. by Fulletta Balerian. Bob Tail, by Helmet Miss Kinglets. Bobs Mary, by Helmet Fortitude. Battle Creek, by Sweep On Munition. Battle Bent, by Magnet Dorothy II. Colonel West, by Marathon Brynwood. Close Work, by .lohren Gadiola. Clarence, by Light Brigade Hermosa. Chopsticks, by Harmonicon Itatify. Craigthorne. by Gecrge Smith Vantage II. Check, by Fair Play Chit Chat. Col. Cilmorc. by Colonel Vennic Annie Gilmorc. Calvin, by Charles. Edward Carrie Hogan. Cherokee Lee, by Black ToneyMy Fair Kentucky. Chilhowee, by Ballot Bourbon Lass. Cano. by. Omar Khayyam Bonnie Tess. Comic Artist, by Omar Khayyam Honey Bee. Courser, by lolymelian Couronne de Laurier. Continued on twelfth page. PROBABLE DERBY ENTRIES Continued from first page. Defiant, by Wrack The Coolin. Drumbeat, by Trompe Ii Morte Feminist. Donaghee. by The Curragh Mabel Strauss. Deep Thought, by Transvaal Footstool. Dr. OMara, by Olambala Long Itange. Diogenes, by liullot Smoky Lamp. Director, by Sweep Queen Mab. Drumstick, by I.roomstick Marchesa II. Dare Say, by Cudgel Toncnhow. Doe Horn, by Flying Squirrel Debutante. Dowry, by Luke MeLukc 1m Divina. Dudley, by Light ISrigade Atalanta. Dreamer, by Manager AVaite Dream Girl. Economist, by Jim iaffney Arrowshaft. Karl Fool, by Delhi Bonnie Carrie. Klvina. by Potymclian Dustpan II. Eventide, by Uncle Noon Tide. Flax, by Von Tromp Kathryn Kruter. Fraukuian, by Superman Franks Daughter. Frederick town, by Pennant Gentlewoman. Frosty Boy. by Master Itobert Frostilla. Fast Boy, by Meridian Tootsie. Fretwell, by Atwell Stella Moherly. Fabian, by ISallot Inspiration. Fluvana, by Cudgel Flora Finch. Fihrah, by Flittergold Mint Drop. Free Hand, by High Time Amanuensis. Fast Mack, by Marathon Delia Mack. Glide, by Manager Wuitc Gossip. Graeme, by Light ISrigade Yolando. Gee, by Master Iobert Lady 5. Gypsy King, by Sir Martin Elizabeth D. It. Gibloii, by The Manager Orccn. Husky, by Whisk Broomll. Stamina. Hitrump, by Troutbeek or Von Tromp Modesia. Horgan, by Troutbeek Apparition. Hilarity, by Transvaal Tiekolette. Happy Thoughts, by Sir Martin Gipsy Love. H. T. Waters. l:y Polymelia!! Lady Winsome. Ilumorette, by Short Grass Junta. Hunter, by Peter Quince Muriel. Huon Piac. by Huon June Hose. Idle Thoughts, by Dick Finnell Lady Manager. June Flower, by Tlieo. Cook June Bug. Judge Hickman, by Malamout Bessie Latimer. King ONeill II., by Huon Dutchess of Savcy. King Gorin II., by Golden Maxim Yankee Tree. Kings Kansom. by Crimper Kings Oak. Keegau. by Hock View Frances M. Lord Baltimore II.. by Trap ltock Federal Girl. Lester Doctor, by Uncle Ellora. Lord Martin, by Sir Martin Mallard. Laveen, by Black Toney Hildrcd; Lieutenant Farrell, by Campfire Itetieella. leopardess, by Dominant Fresnay. Lucky Play, by Fair Play Lucky Catch. Little Clair, by Huon Gold Elsie. Latherwood, by Light lirigade Derna. Mill Boy, by Charles Edward Old Woman. Mad Trooper, by Hessian Kate I. Mad Play, by Fair Play Madcap. Margin, by All Gold Flying Witch. Mint Briar, by Assagai Sweet Briar. Mitau, by All Gold Kose of Dawn. Mr. Mutt, by P.allot Eden Hall. MacLean, by Meelick Dona Hamilton. Malvern, by Peter Quince First Flight. Muldraugh, by Peter Quince Bunchy. McAuliffe. by Spanish Prince II. Star Class. Metson, by Vorhees Hymir. New Gold.-by Oliver Goldsmith Neeva. Neptune, by Sea King Harvest Queen. Nellie Morse, by Luke McLukc 11 Vcnganza. Orlox, by McGee Conclusion. Off Color, by Jim Gaffney Shady. Outline, by Chicle Sketchy. Omega, by Meelick Gay and Festive. Ordinance, by Ormondale Dona ltoca". pmbrage, by Campfire Shadow. Pest, by Wrack The Busybody. Pickpocket, by Whisk Brooui II. IJaksheesh. Polvo, by Sweep First Peep. Parasol, by Trompe la Mort Feminist. Pawnbroker, by Cncle Sweet Day. Princess Doreen, by Spanish Prince II. Lady y Doreen. Payman, by Superman Fair Pay. Peter Maloney, by Sweep Orilla. Peter King, by Peter Quince Gauntlet. Pathan, by Short Grass Elfinhart. Postillion, by Bcrrilldou Dignity. Prince Hamlet, by St. James Disillusion. Phil McCann, by McGee White Plume. Phil Mayers, by Malamout P.racktown Belle. Quinham, by Peter Quince Margaret Hampson. ltock Heather, by Friar ltock Iiold Girl. Ruddy Light, by Honey wood Washoe Belle, ltondelle, by Light P.rigadc Sard. Kinkey, by Pennant Ballet. Kival, by Theo. Cook Pictons Pride. Rustic, by Transvaal Itusila. Star Cloudy, by Wrack Stellarina. Sheridan, by Sweep Iridescence. Sarko, by Vorhees Egeria. Sunayr, by Sun Briar Misty Law. Sun Flag, by Sun Briar Private Flag. Sunspero, by Sun P.riar Espero. Sarazen, by High Time Hush Box. Seclusion, by Col. Venule Undaunted. Star Cudgel, by Cudgel Olga Star. Senator Norris, by Cudgel Cypher Code. Sue Donovan, by Black Toney Ixidy Installator. St. James, by Ambassador IV. Bobolink II. Stanwix, by Ballot Miss Crittenden. Spellbinder, by Ballot Beatrice K. Stage Coach, by Ogilen Jitney. Sanola, by Sain Anola. Seastakc, by Sea King Stake and Cap. Trafalgar; by Kapid Water Alberta II. Transmute, by Broomstick Traverse. Time Exposure, by High Time Photo. T. S. Jordan, by Luke McLukc Voteriua. Tree Top, by Ultimus Thirty-Third. Worthmore, by Thunderer Lady Moonet, Will Land, by Black Toney Hildrcd. Wong Bok, by Atheling II. Ida I. Welcome, by Atwell Stella Moherly. Wise Counsellor, by Mentor Bustle.