J. E. Madden Stable: Majority of His Two-Year-Olds by Sire Sir Martin, Daily Racing Form, 1924-02-05


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L I j ; : i i -J. E. MADDEN STABLE Majority of His Two-Year-Olds by Sire Sir Martin. Believe Phil Chinn Got a Bargain in Battle Creek, Prospective Derby Candidate. LOUTSVTLLE, Ky., Feb. 4. Strange to say, not a two-year-old in John E. Mad-dens string quartered at Churchill Downs, ia by The Finn, the leading sire of last year on, account of the doings of the mighty Zev. This absence of the get of The Finn in tho Madden stable is because during the season of 1922 The Finn was doing stud service under leasing conditions at the haras of L. A. Mosely, at Hopkinsville, Ky. Last winter Mr. Madden sold The Finn to W. R. Coe oC New York, and he is now doing service near Lexington. Most of the youngsters Mr. Madden is preparing for the races this year are by Sir Martin, which had his first crop out last year, and tied Ballot as the leading siro of two-year-olds, each having fifteen winners. Mr. Maddens two-year-olds, in training under "Ghuck" Walker at Churchill Downs are. as follows: Ray filly, by Sir Martin Bricht Gold. Chestnut filly, by Sir Martin Guesswork. Chestnut filly, by Sir Martin Honey Girl. Chestnut filly, by Sir Martin Affection. Chestnut colt, by Kir Martin Astrology. Chestnut colt, by Sir Martin Aunt Dinah. Chestnut colt, by Sir Martin His Sister. Bay colt, by Sir Martin Bccession. Chestnut colt, by Sir Martin Typist. Chestnut colt, by Spanish Prince Looking Up Chestnut colt, by Master Grecian. Bay colt, by Stur Master Lady Algy. Chestnut colt, by Star Master Seaside. Black colt, by St. Bock Continent. Chestnut colt, by St. Bock Star Class. Bay colt, by Ormondale Post Mark. Brown filly, by St. Bock Veuve Cliquot. All these youngsters have gone through tho cold season without sickness, but narrowly escaped cremation when a fire destroyed tho Madden Stable during one of the coldest periods of the winter. PAYS 35,000 FOR COLT. AVhen Phil T. Chinn bought Battle Creek for the reported sum of $:5,000 from Whitney Moore a few days ago, it was the opinion of all the horse experts around Lexington that he got a bargain. It only goes to exemplify that the colts with a chance to win tha Kentucky Derby come high. Whether Colonel Chinn bought the colt for speculation or on an order, that part of the transaction has never been divulged. That he got a real flashy colt and one that can run fast is no doubt. Good judges who have seen Battlo Creek recently say that he is about the best orospect that has shown up around the Blua tJrass section for many a day. He is, in every respect, of perfect conformation and his breeding is of Derby caliber. Battle Creek is by Sweep On, from Munition, by McGee. Here is a combination cf Bonniu Scotland with McGee, the latter one of tho most prolific begetters of stayers we havo had in America for a decade. Look at Ex-termintor. Firebrand and In Memoriam, to say nothing of the offspring of the McGea matrons, and it is convincing that Battlo Creek is bred right. Sweep Ons first crop was out last year and Battle Creek wan enough to convince one that the son of Sweep, from a Meddler mare, is going to make good for AV. Yl. Coe, who has an extensive line of sires, other than The Finn, to hold up his breeding interests. Traymore, a chestnut colt, owned by M. G. Cundiff, Lexington, is a brother to Battlo Creek, and is said to be held in high esteem by his owner. Cartoonist "Bud" Fisher has named hin Fair Tlay Alburn colt, for which he paid 0,000 at the Saratoga sales last summer. Bayard Swope, in honor of the associate editor of .the New York World. This colt is expected to do great things this season. Ho has wintered well at Douglas Parle, and has already begun to go through his early paces, under the training of Alex Gordon, in a satisfactory manner.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924020501/drf1924020501_1_8
Local Identifier: drf1924020501_1_8
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800