Workout Index to Fair Grounds Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1924-02-05

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Workout Index to Fair Grounds Entries o . - Below -will be found an index to the previous workouts of horses entered in the various races at the Fair Grounds Tuesday: FIRST RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 33 El Astro 33 Juno 33 Mcintosh 28 Martha Moore 28 Telescope 34 Attractive 25 Quivero 33 Blackolia 33 Amity Claim 13 Ruth S. 32 The Fenian 34 Gladys V. 34 Futuro 27 Bethlehem Steel SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. 31 Arrowhead 34 St. Maurice 32 Doughnut 34 Venizelos 34 Full o Fun 33 Bright Trash 32 Dudle Bug 34 Sea Wrack 14 Ogarite- 26 Kennesaw 31 Antilles 920 Corto 33 Valentia 475 Mr. Beck THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. 32 King ONeUl II. 34 Brilliant Cast 34 Boy O Boy 34 Big and Burley 34 Lester Doctor 33 False Alarm FOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile. 24 Flint Stone 477 Sweepstakes 34 Mercury 31 Certain 33 Moonraker 30 Last Ono 33 John Finn FIFTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. 34 Dustabout 30 Wapiti 34 Brunell 34 Fantoche 34 Raffles 34 Freezy Sneezy SIXTH RACE 1 1-1G Miles. 33 Irish Pat 32 Search Light III. 34 Tableau dHonneur 34 Day Lilly 34 The Peruvian 21 Scourgeman 34 Stump Jr. 15 Ilena 33 Westwood 31 Buddugie 34 Colonel Baker 26 Vendor SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. 34 Kinburn 25 Majority 32 Royal Charlie 30 Superlative 32 Normal 17 Cantilever 1 Masician 31 Kewpie ONeil 33 Kirklevington 33 Gem 33 Old Faithful 28 Yorick 22 Royal Maid.

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Local Identifier: drf1924020501_6_1
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