Latest Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1924-02-27

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Latest Workouts 51 NEW ORLEANS, La., Feb. 26. Todays training gallops here included the following: FAIR GROUNDS. Weather cloudy ; track sloppy ; "dogs" up Three -Eighths Kile. 49-Conflnente ...40 47-MaRter Billy ...39 4G-D. and Drakcs.42 32-My Kiddy 3814 48- Damar Si 48-Itlica 44 45-Dan Boiling ..39 4G-Thorndale 39 47- Ouvnor 39 49-TomteIla 38 49- I.ester Doctor .3S 4G-TIiree Square .41 49-Littlc Gipsy ...40 Half Mile. 30-Cloughjordan ..52 48-Norseland 53 43-Futuro 52 4.1-Rapid Stride ..5.1 48- Harry K r.G 47-Step by Step ...IT. 47-Jas. F. OIlara.50 47-Warren Lynch. 51 Five-Eishlhi Mile. 45- Kush Kuck ..1:0S 50-Frankman ...1:C9 47-Certain 1:09 49-Sea Court ..1:0S 46- Demos 1:00 4S-Sbine On ...1:11 45-Kdith K. ...1:11 Three-Quarters Mile. Annaraary ...1:20 41-IIcrald 1:23 49- Amole 1:20 4S-Iron Koy ...1:23 37 -Biff Bang ...1:27 43-Simplicity ..1:22 r.0-Bhie Nose ..1:21 47-Straight Shotl:20 47- Comedy 1:23 42-Sister Josellal:27 49-Dazzler 1:2.1 4G-Wtc!i Charml:20 49-Dancing Fool.l:23 50-Warning 1:29 Seven-Eighths Mile. 45-lluIcibcr 1:37 4S-Sths Dream. 1:40 48- Kand.s Royall:40 49-Tcnder Scth.l:39 Ono Mile. 47-Atta Boy II..1:.1G 40-I.inks 1:55 47-B. and Bnrleyl:51 4f.-I.iIy M 1:56 42-Donson 1:50 49-Owasco 1:55 49- Dnke John ..1:51 49-iolvo 1:54 The track was a sea of mud and no works of consequence were recorded. JEFFERSON PARK. Weather cloudy ; track sloppy ; "dogs" up Three -Eighths Mile, 40-Dnc de Moray .39 4S-Without 39 10-Sling 40 Half Mile. 47-Begonia 51 49-Ortat Northern. 55 Five-Eichthi Mile. 42-KingscIere ..1:0C Three-Quarters Mile. 4G-Bud Fisher .1:23 3G-Our Betsy ..1:21 Ono Mile. 49-Black Gold -..1:50 37-Overtakc ...1:50 49-Dmbfounder 1:59 4S-Soggth Aroonl:59 No good works were recorded over the sloppy track.

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Local Identifier: drf1924022701_2_4
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