untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-03-04


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Master Clecker 51.C0 AT ALL EWSSTA:NMS TODAY Al Gems Getaway 0 SPECIAL --FREE! to every one that j;ets the DAILY MASTER CLOCKER. Dont Miss This One Undoubtedly the BEST THIXG that I have seen for many a day and know she has Speed to Burn Go right now to your newsdealer and ask for Daily Master Clocker .00 AT ALL EWSSTA"IS " " I Guy C. WInton THE ACTION MAS 665 JEROME STREET BROOKLYN, N. Y. DAILY, ONE HOUSE DAILY ALL READY BIG 5 Getaway Wire Today The name of this horso is NOW ON FILE vrith tho Daily Racing Form. All angles are covered. HORSE MUST WIN TODAY at 8-1 or better or I GIVE YOU, FREE, my daily cervice at Jefferson for 11 days. The entire meeting. I could not afford to make an offer of this kind unless I felt positive of SUCCESS. The entries have been icsuod and my SPECIAL actually stands rigfct out in this field. The wiseacres -will certainly let up an awful howl when this one passes tho wire today. TERMS, TODAY, 5.00 Only others entitled to this SPECIAL will he wookly clients who have forwarded 1924.sh for six wires, or those that send in a weeks subscription today. 15 WINNERS IN 21 DAYS And of all, TODAYS 5 Getaway Special should be the best and LONGEST PRICE. GET A MONEY HORSE TODAY Sond a Western Union or Postal order for 5 at once, and I will RUSH the name of this horse immediately. YOU MUST WIN or I give you 11 days of INFORMATION FREE. Carl Carpenter CO TJtIITY 3IUFFALO, 2T. Y. 0.00 WEEKLY Only one or two transactions -daily. MONDAY AND TUESDAY I have been assured of two Get. Away Specials that should pay 10-1 or better. Recent winners my clients were sent- as Specials with advice to follow: SCARE CROW 15-1 WON j FEIGNED ZEAL 5-1 WON FRED KINNEY 25-1 WON ! BRUNELL 4-1 WON TEX 7-1 WON YORICK 8-1 2nd j START TODAY I Willi an Experienced Information ficttcr. Wiro your subscription by Western Union or .Postal. Propositions not considered. I JACK WARREN ONE DAY, .00 SIX DAYS, 0.00 Win With Me At Tijuana OVER AHEAD in tho last two weeks, figured on a 0 flat play each day. EVERYONE OF THESE GIVEN AND FILED: LAST WEEKS BEAR SHOT .20- AVON LAHONTON SCRATCHED WOODCKY 1.40-30-S2 2ND FRANCES VICTORIA . .0.SO-.00- 2ND ELIAS O.- 1.40-52 WON WEEK ENDING FEBRUARY 23 CONVENT .20- AVON SUNBOAV .20- AVON SILENT IARDNER S3.40- AVON OR3IESBKOOK .20-52 AVON I1LARNEA" STONE 1.00-52 AVON SrALVERN 0.S0- AVON Follow Me Up, Men BEAT A S40 F03 SHOT TODAY Got the winning habit. My horse at Tijuana today figures a cinch. Dope wont give this one a chance, but my man on the coast says "GO THE LIMIT, ITS EASY." Just shows you how confident he is; certainly he should know, he is right there on tho grounds. Five dollars will get you this LONG ONE, or 0 pays you up for C BIG WIRES. Uro W. U. or Postal when communicating with J. WARREN Suite 17, 207-209 Van SLiklen Ave. Brooklyn, N. Y. Gars Chief Observer 25 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS NEW ISSUE OUT FOR SALE TODAYS FREE CODE: Fair Grounds Miehigan-Purple-AAhite-Ocean Under no consideration fail to get the NEW ISSUE today and go to this FREE CODE. Remember LAST SATURDAYS FREE CODE: Best Pal . . 8-1 Won TUESDAYS FREE CODE: Normal . . . 12-1 Won And this one today should be just as long priced. . TODAY ANOTHER 0 FREE SPECIAL Here is a GET AAV AY SPECIAL, thatll make them sit up and take notice. 1 got the FINAL. O. K. Ask for Gars Daiiy Chief Observer 50 Cents at All Newsstands JOU JOU 9-5 WON! was yesterdays BEST. This makes B EIGHT WINNERS out of last 11 STARTERS I GET THE BEST. Mailed direct the night I before, special delivery, for the small sum of .00 FOR SIX DAYS. ?1.00 Daily at all news- I stands. P NATIONAL 0. K. RACING LETTER I 411 Baltimore Building Chicago, 111. g SCHUYLER FLOYD Calvert Building Broadway at 41st Street New York City TELEPHONE BRYANT C333 ANNOUNCING AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY A "SCHUYLER INYESTMENT" THIS THURSDAY AT TIJUANA This investment will give a new Schuyler subscriber a foothold on prosperity. It will also give mental satisfaction and confidence that leads to success. The last "Schuyler Investment" at the Fair Grounds takes place in an OLD-FASHIONED GETAWAY TODAY TUESDAY And it will terminate a successful campaign. Terms ONE HUNDRED DOLL.ARS IN AITVANCE BY TELEGRAPH; to expedite transmitting information telegraph your telephone number if any witli subscription. The "Schuyler Investments" ARE LIKE "STERLING ON SIUVER" THE STAMP OF DISTINCTION STEVE FARRELL KNOAVN AS THE LONG SHOT KING SO East 11th Street New York. City TERMS, S5.00 DAILY Yesterday we AVIN OUR FLAG 8-1 WON Saturday we AVIN F0XM0RE ........ 8-1 WON Friday we AVIN SWAY 4-1 WON Thursday Ave AVIN EDDIE JR 8-1 WON AVednesday we AVIN GUVNOR 4-1 WON Tuesday we AVIN NORMAL 12-1 WON Monday we AVIN TEX 6-1 WON My service consists of the REST II ET of the day in other words, the MONEY HORSE. Follow my ONE HORSE A DAY and carry a AVIXNING SMILE. To avoid being disappointed, remit by wire and you will receive immediate service. AVON AGAIN MONDAY MALACHA 12-1 AVON making my fourth straight winning proposition. Two more r.pecially prepared propositions are scheduled to start this week. One goes Wednesday, another Friday or Saturday. All angles have heen taken caro of. Barring accidents, etc., I believe they should be returned eary winners. Responsible people, doat hesitate. Rush me your reply at once, enclosing ono dollar, and I will prepay first message to you. Positively no telegrams sent collect. TERMS WINNINGS OF 510 .1. F. "LUCKY" RALDAVIN 1305 Lexington Avenue New York City TELEPHONE: LENOX 6110 WINNERS IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT? My ADVANCED RACING METHOD will show you how ti select them and to conduct your operations on a limitsd straight to win play. You thereby get tho full benefit of the price and realize profits that are worth while. You do not play every race. For further particulars and liberal terms writo WILBUR A. GERARD 14 SOUTH WILLIAM ST. NEW YORK CITY DIRECT FROM THE TRACK HIGH-CLASS TIJUANA INFORMATION AVirc Name at Once JOE MCARTY CIS ASH STREET SAN DIEGO, CAL. TWO GOOD PLAYS DAILY YOUR WORRIES ARE OVER The San Francisco Weekly Home Stretch has another brand new feature to call to your attention. It is named "FAR AHEAD WINNER FORECASTS." Two good plays are advised daily, one for Tijuana and one for New Orleans. And all it costs you is FIFTEEN CENTS for a copy of Tha Homo Stretch. Now on sale at all prominent newsstands in the East. Three months trial subscription, . Address HOME STRETCH PUBLISHING CO. Phelan Building San Francisco, Calif. 116 Nassau St. Room 401 New York City UNITED TURF NEWS Semi-weekly. Price . Published Wednesday and Saturday. For sale all newsstmds everywhere. Special rate mailed monthly, nine issues, . Todays big code special: 15-18-14-28-24. ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM Jerry Maloney TURF EXPERT 4 COURT SQUARE BROOKLYN, N. Y. TERMS .00 DAILY J20.00 WEEKLY "AGAIN MY LARGE ARMY OF FOLLOWERS MADE A GENERAL CLEAN-UP" yesterday. MALACHA 15-1 WON SATURDAYS HORSE MISSMEISE 2-1 WON FRIDAYS HORSE EDWARD GRAY .... 6-1 WON THURSDAYS HORSE HU0NEC 8-1 WON WEDNESDAYS HORSE COLONEL WINN .... 6-1 WON TUESDAYS HORSE TELESCOPE 7-1 WON MONDAYS HORSE DOUGHNUT 7-1 WON SATURDAYS HORSE HUMBOLDT 12-1 WON FRIDAYS HORSE EXCHANGE 16-5 WON Big Getaway Special This hcrse goes today and should WIN EASILY and I advise you to WIRE your fee and get in on this "CLEAN-UP," for it is a shame to miss this golden opportunity today. From what I hear this HORSE should WALK IN AND PAY OFF Banner News Service I TURF DEPARTMENT 1452 Broadway, Suite 305 New York City .00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY TODAYS HORSE is a real speed marvel and our chief clocker says that he sure can set a d;:ry pace and I advises us to make it strong. ,000.00 PER WEEK is what some of our followers have been averaging on a small daily investment. Why cant you do the same? It is up to you! Are you going- to follow some fly-by-night or lino up with a. permanent organization like the BANNER NEWS SERVICE? Yesterdays Hone: EL ASTRO 20-1 Won Sundays Horse: NIMR0D 5-1 Won Saturdays Horse: STARG0 4-1 Won The reason why we are leaders is that our turf department is composed of experts. These experts do business strictly with one combination. This combination of private operators is composed of some of the shrewdest men in the business. A square deal to all is our best advertisement. Wire your I subscription by Western Union or Postal. 14939014939?1493914939 $ $ $ PREDETERMINED TURF PROFITS $ $ The MIUACU: SYSTEM is nationally known $ $ ns "ensy for jilayer lianl for layer." Sold on $ S installment : payments i:iiil from your profits. $ $ Absolutely 111 KK 73-page luminal ami review. $ $ Investigate today and make your Ix.-ukie olx-y. $ $ Iublic relations manager 5 $ S. E. AUTIIUK $ $ Eox -10, K. F. T.iws Mil. $ 1493914939149391493914939 14939$ Pay From Your Profits Tho Master Key System of playing the races will be mailed you for ona weeks trial. No charge unless it shows an average profit of at least 10 a day on the scale of play. For particulars mail this ad. with your name and address to J. K. WILLIS, 225 Thirtieth St., Miami Bsach, Fla. BEATS THEM ALL THE STARR TURF NEWS Rooms 405 to 408, 5C0 5th Avenue, New York CHy Terms for our wira service: 0 for six days serv-ico or J5.00 for one day. Todays Code Horse: ROCK-SMITH-BILL-LORD A BIG GETAWAY SPECIAL GOES TODAY Wire your subscription early and be in on it. New Manual NOW ON SALE

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924030401/drf1924030401_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1924030401_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800