Early Spring Signs: Much Activity Among Horsemen at Louisville Tracks, Daily Racing Form, 1924-03-20


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EARLY SPRING SIGNS Much Activity Among Horsemen at Louisville Tracks. Principal Interest Centered in the Candidates for the Golden Kentucky Derby. LOUISVILLE, Ky., March 19. Interest in racing on the courses of the Kentucky circuit is becoming keen with the advent of spring, and in a little less than five weeks the flags will be flying at Lexington, and that popular course will be thronged with an army of men and women, who find the thoroughbred sport a medium for healthful recreation. This year may not produce a horse of the first magnitude, but the material shown in the two and three-year-old divisions last year was of sufficient brilliancy to indicate a noteworthy season of sport in 1924. Preparations for the spring season are going on apace at both Churchill Downs and Douglas Park in this city and, having emerged from their winter quarters in good condition, the thoroughbreds are now entering upon a spring season of intensive training. The conditioning of the horses, owing to the severe winter weather, is fully four weeks behind that of last year, and trainers will have to be up and doing if they expect to have their charges ready to do their best when called upon to carry the colors. The coming of spring was plainly evident at Churchill Downs Wednesday morning when the moderating weather and improved track drew out for exercise gallops over the course a greater number of horses than had been exercised over it since last fall. The track, although not quite fast, was in better condition than it had been all winter, and trainers took full advantage by sending their charges along at a good clip. The local thoroughbred colony has wintered in excellent condition despite the cold weather, and the animals showed every evidence of this as they galloped around the course. ADVANCED IX CONDITION. Chief interest among the early workwatch-ers naturally centers in what the candidates for the Kentucky Derby arc doing and their every move is watched and criticized. Wise Counsellor and "Worthmore, in the stable of J. S. Ward, are absorbing a lot of attention, and both colts are going along in a manner that is pleasing to both their owner and trainer and neither has an ounce of surplus flesh. Trainer Walsh declared that both colts have been galloped three miles every day all winter around the stable shed or on the tan bark oval near the stable. Monday they were breezed together a half mile. This is the longest distance they have been asked to cover over the track. Trainer Walsh believes the Ward colts are as far advanced in their training as any other Derby eligibles being trained in the North and has no fears for them not being ready when the day for the Derby arrives. Out at Douglas Park, where "Bud" Fishers extensive string was wintered under the care of Alex Gordon, the stables Derby candidate, Mr. Mutt, is going along in splendid fashion and already has done more than either Wise Counsellor or Worthmore. Mr. Mutt recently was sent three-quarters in 1 :20 over a heavy track and appeared to be ready to do anything asked of him in the way of work., Sanola and Glide, the pair that Lon Johnson is preparing for the Derby for llarned Bros. and Jones, are getting along famously, as also is King Gorin II. and Bourbon Boy, the pair that Pete Coyne is preparing at the Downs. C. Bruce Heads Altawood, under the care of Ham Keenc, is, also progressing nicely in his work. ARRIVALS FROM SE17 ORLEANS.. With the close of the New Orleans winter season last Monday horsemen are flocking to this city in large numbers and within the past few days the local thoroughbred colony has been considerably augmented by arrivals from the southern metropolis. Tho stable of Mose Goldblatt, in charge of Ben Walters, is among the recent arrivals. The horses, which shipped in good condition, are quartered in the James Rowe barn at the Downs. They include Revenge, Rocket, Brookdale, Uproar, Arrarat, Atta Boy II., Triumph, Patrician, Privilege, Hoy, Metric, Links, Try Again, Trifling and Waukulla. The horses that Kay Spence campaigned for the Audley Farm Stable at New Orleans are also among the recent arrivals. Spence is at present sit Hot Springs, but is expected here at the end of the week. Later on he will go to Virginia to take up the horses that have been in winter quarters at Audley Farm and arrange for their shipment to join the part of the string now here. Jockey Harry Stutts, under contract to the stable, did not come here. He went to Hot Springs Ark., to visit his home, but will be here next week. The stables of R. L. Rogers, J. S. Ownbey, Milo Shields, J. P. Polk and Al Kirby are due to reach here Thursday morning. Lon Johnson and Joe Umensetter are due to arrive with their strings at the same time. Starter William Hamilton arrived from New Orleans Tuesday night and was a visitor at the Downs Wednesday morning. He will remain until Saturday and then proceed to Bowie. Des Dressen, Tommy Oliphant and Pat Gal-Hger are among the recent arrivals from New Orleans. Jockey Joe Kederis also got in from the Crescent City and has attached himself to the stable of Pete Coyne. Harry Lunsford, who tried his hand at training a stable of horses last fall when he assumed charge of the Cincinnati Stable, has again decided to return to the saddle and will apply for a jockey license in the spring. Lunsford, who had difficulty in getting down to weight last summer, has reduced sufficiently to permit him again to accept mounts.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924032001/drf1924032001_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1924032001_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800