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I [ , , ■ , j I 1 1 , | I NEW TRACK AT VANCOUVER Lansdown Park Name of Mile Course in Process of Construction on Lulu Island. VANCOUVER, B. C. April 2— London has its Newmarket and Kpsom Downs; Toronto its Woodbine; .Montreal its Blue Bonnets, and now marching into its own conies Vancouver, B. ". with its Lansdown Iark. The newly launched Institution known as The West "oust Jockey Club is Koing aheud, full ste;un. with an up-to-date raring plant not to be surpassed by anything in the 1 o-minion of Canada. Back of thia new corporation are ardent enartaaaen of the most sinceie ambition and not a stone will be left unturned to give the race loving public, as well as horsemen, the rerjr best the market affords. The first fortunate step this association made was in securing a choice MO acres of perfect table land on l.ulu Island, within ready access of natural transportation via the British Columbia Electric Railway, with an all finished auto highway leading direct to its gates. To guide all ships there must be a eaaabtg pilot and move number two was a giant stroke of good fortune for this new organization when the sell h*S of Thomas VYellman as general manager arete received. Mr. VYell-naa needs no introduction to horsemen, as be has been a friend in need to owners, trainers, jot keys. etc.. for the past quarter of a century and what in- is aol acquainted with from all angles of the spit of kings has yet to appear on the horizon. 1-ansdown is to be a mile course with a six and a half furlongs chute and, judging from the activity now in progress, one would be led to think that racing was cjiin;; to bo inaugurated Srithta thirty or sixty days instead of July .». which is tin- date alloted for the first seven days meeting. Teams are hauling, saws ate buzzing, hammers ringing. and *e Very known imnlcillint that is necessary to construct an up-to date racing plant is in operation. The grandstand will have a seating capacity of ."..100. The clubhouse is to 1. equipped with every up-to-date convenience. The paddock is to bave roomy box stalls; also an unique walking ring, and the stabl.s are being constructed on the bungalow style. Considering that l.ulu Island soil is most fertile, flowers and shrubbery are being set in unsparingly, and. as time spins along, l.ansilown Park will be another spot of l.eauty in the already picturesque I.ritish Columbia.