untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-12


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"PROSPERITY AWAITS YOU" Said a Hindu seer as he read the horoscope of an unknown boy, who later became one of Indias noted rulers. SAGITARIUS World-famous astrologer, whose predictions on the outcome of horse races ha to astounded the entire turf world, in his NEW BOOK "Astrology and Horse Racing " tells how he picks the winners with the aid of the stars in the sky. Contains full instructions in the Ancient Science of Astrology as it is applied to horse racing-, with charts and present-day examples which make the entire procedure so simple that even a child could understand it. INTRODUCTORY OFFER To introduce this remarkable book I am offering a LIMITED NTTMBEB of the first edition at .50 one-half the regular price. This is YOUB OPPOETTTNITY. Order NOW and receive one of the first copies off the press. Remit to NORRIS C. WARD Suite 310, 333 South Dearborn Street CHICAGO, ILL. IMBANDHJ CHARLES RAYMOND *#JL1T1 EmlTM iM/1 lllli S5.oo daily— 0.00 weekly Boom 33S, 158 Fulton St., VSW YORK CITY ONK HOUSE DAILY TODAY MAN~AlivE! A RAYMOND ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL JUST LOOK AT THIS! It is almost useless to try and put into mere NIGHT SHADE . . . .0.40 ««,«i WON words the value of this INFORMATION that I have today. I feel that it is without doubt a bigger ! .. Do I 1 hive MT* to to M go hMfta Digging to m M got rid riu ul of in- m than has been at proposition ever placed formation like this? W*9, you ought to go p. f J oyery day race follower f.»r this kind of information like a duck goes forWau. ODDS ARE ONLY nrAft.imnv SECONDARY 1 0O PER CtN I That should never worry the player. What should With a big 20 to 1 shot going today, please | b considered above all is the source and the value g. t in on this one today. Because you really »» the transaction, dont know what you are missing. TERMS TODAY 0.00 THE PROOF— FQR THIg SpECIAL ONE HORSE Frldar. April 11, Mght Shade. . .820.40— Won | .. _.. , . __„ ,. V ii-„»_i»„ $ ii» 1..10— in «.-..», I I I am not goin-r ti make any extraordinary claims Thnrsday, April 10, ,arnlng on Ue» nd feel that those who know my Wednesday, April 9, Bnrado .10— W on ] record j, cerUinly appreciate A SPECIAL Tuesday, April s. Hidden Jewel. 3.30 — * on j TRANSACTION such as I am handling today. Mondaj. April 7, Biff Bang 0.40 — Won!.. — ., .... ,, i -r j samrday. Apni -. H« ai chanic titjo-won My Daily Wire as Usual Today Friday, April 4. Warning .30— Won] Special transaction will not interfere with my Thursday, April 3, Miff Hani? .....30 — Won dRily service. Those requesting same shall be l»ont hesitate; get in toueh with me at *»k« c»re of witn«th "me """sVnf-i l0"" . . Daily wire service .00. or 6 wires. 0.00. Com- »- j •■ • «,* i.,.. Its dirt $. daily or 0 weekl . once. .-heap. mumcate with thig office Western Tjnion or FAIR FLAY FOR AM — Postal. Todays horse must pay better than 5 to 1 or /MJ A C DAVIIAlin 1 Mill glte ou a necks Information free. UHAo. KAllVIUIlU Wire money W. I, or Fostal. ROOM 338, 206 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY IF YOU ARE LOSER THE guarantee system XEY A seientifie. conservative System, based on Firm Method and percentage. Has shown M M 5 — M amazing results for past four years. Write Advance | TUE flDfl C Parc, tor our data. coorD. inL UIll/LC 1 father THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM " V 601 CATHEDRAL BALTIMORE. MI. IT E THE STUFF ===================• The reward of merit is success, therefore THE GSS Weekly Chief ObSGrVer YOURSELF? 35 CENTS. AT ALL NEWSSTANDS WHY NOT SEE FOR THE CIRCLE complete with list of Classified Todays Free Code: Horses.1 BOWIE — Vermont, Red, House. River. BELLE MEADE PUB. CO. P O. Box 731 Nashville, Tenn. ■ — • -The Thorobreds Home- . L|yE g JQD .00— Daily at All Newsstands— .00 ITS HERE! " ! " I NATIONAL O. K. RACING LETTER ... — . 411 Baltimore Bldg. Chicago Details concerning a discovery that will open the eyes of System players will be sent without charge I ■==f========" 8y,t*m, WiU ?t TandTu,ln?JT?£™ reWELl V. D.. 8.10-. WON, is a sample of address i it to their advantage to — 8TAmABD. 36c at all news- Ll MARTIN i stands. Mailed direct, 3 copies. .00. Today s Code . I. ITIrAllllll I Spocial — March-Pear-15-44-34-26. STANDARD 62 EAST 34th ST. NEW YORK CITY TURF GUIDE, 403, 22 West Quincy St., Chicago, 111. Bowie Getaway .Special Transaction STARTS TUESDAY, APRIL 15th This transaction la being; rnginrered by one of Che olaeat and amarieat operator* la the frame. The horae wm prepared by aa elever a aoraemaa aa ever trained a Choronajhbred and wan kept under caver with thia tmnaaetlan In view. The race haa been vilaely aelected and a very irood price la expected. I alncerely believe that thia tranaactton will prove to be one of the moat ane-ceaafnl operationa of tbe aeaaon and beat I ever handled. Start with a*c todays Kubsrrlbe for thia tranaactlon for which I had intended to charier ■ lOO.OO. hat believing; a player often feela akeptlral about the real quality of information before he cares to Inveat a large aunt, I want to meet my anbacribcra more than half way by wiring; thia horae for the nominal ran of S 20.00. My Information in highly dependable and of a private nature, not obtainable through ordinary public channela. Nine wlnncra and one loaer ont of a total of ten tranaactiona in Ave daya. haa prored to a akeptlcal racing public tbe value of the YINtK.XT SKKVICE. Thia ia a record for the doubting ones to investigate. SKA SAND. ft4.00-: AWK. f C.:tO-S 2 : CAPTAIN COSTICA. f12.SO-*2: LORD WRACK, «4.ttO-S2; SKA SAND. I|J f2: MAJORITY, SO.OO-f2: KACiKR. flZ.M fS| LORD .R1MTK. !.!■ fl| .OI.I»i: Itll.l.OW S. #.-.M-. I*10t.fl0 ntralght play on each abowa profit of SJ2.00r . M. All the above horaen are positively the only tranaactiona relcaaed by me and duly filed -with the Daily Racing Form. No better proof of the reliability of the VIMKT SKR l K can be presented than my wonderful record above. Remember, no gueMMing. no handicapping anil no system, but atrletly bona fide stable information. Start with us today and join the winning crowd by subacribing to our regular daily or weekly service. Friday NORMAL f.1.40-f2 WON My terms are: $."i.OO daily. 0.00 weekly, strictly in advance and no other proposition accepted. City subscribers call anil see who you are dealing with; out of town, wire by Western I nion or Costal Telegraph. JAMES VINCENT SERVICE SC1TE IOCS, 220-224 WEST 42nd STREET NEW YORK CITY HARVFY AMFS vumsaka lin.ll T JU 1 illVllJaJ [ nTnail B1 Y1- UJ Earle Bldg., Broadway at 52nd St. InWuWMw ■ UIMII NEW YORK, N. Y. So,d a„ xewsstands, %i ami "Serials" "Harvey TraDsacfion" °.JJln Wf W0N AGAIN ■— yyp. m -w j- Anil JACK 1IKLD advlsrd to "Plnnge, Win X A-#XA X Thnrsdajs Hie ••nuhT H UMBOLDT WON— 2 Action on todays Harvey Transac- tion " was deferred twice for good rea- ■8?** LAST 5 DAYS STRAIGHT sons, and in the expectation of good odds, 3V* WE "CLEANED UP" of which we are assured today. Tele- unuur //m i i IOC CAN YOU USE graph 00 promptly to obtain service. No service given to anyone unless sub- TcbF k" 00 "TODAY" scription is received. A 5 "Flat Play" on Both $:. and SI "Spe- No attention should be paid to past rials" shnnld performances, for reasons above stated, llnr** NET YOU 00 "TODAY" as in the case of the last Harvey Bolh of these "Good IhlnaV ManM from _, - . . „. from same crowd that tcuyv Transaction, which started on Thurs- , .,, Urju ».- ...J-.-. -. _ __ HUMBOLDT WON 2.00 day and won. Same had not been first in five previous starts. BIFF BANG WON 0.40 And these were onr "Specials." The past I nunjanj taaw umnw unr w days Straight we gave etery day "Winners." I I II | A Y HERE ,s YOUR CHANCE TO 1 Vn/J-/drAi 1 S" UP$ TODAY Rush to your Newsdealer before he sells out and « / rpf *n Wk d ■£ r Stt "Jack Field." Both and "Specials." Be I !»-. I L_l E4 I B yy / sure you pet both and "Specials Todav and ID 1 ilL Uf I YOU WILL WIN 00 "TODAY" Jack Field sold eTerywhere Racinf Form sold. I Can be mailed to you plain sealed envelope. 5 weekly, TdCDriOnandS! lor koth and "Specials." Circle 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749 _ p, JT5a-t!?5!aLSS: Room 32, 39 W. Adams St., CHICAGO, .. ILL. . " ~ - -- - - = NEWSDEALERS W ANTED— "Big Profits." nhnhnnnhhnnhnhnhnhnhnhhnnhnnnhnnnhnnn ONLY TWO HORSES WEEKLY ■ _. _ .. _ ■ — . __ ORIGINAL primed special FRANK WILSON 27 WEST FAYETTE ST. RITTLEMOSER BLDG. vyQClS xplcrity .00 daily— 0.00 weekly «#itWs.,*„a« W0N AGAN!, WQN AGAN!! Our Last Horse: BUCADO ...10- WON Day Lilly Sl3!v WON TELEGRAPH FIVE DOLLARS Thursdays only horse: D°naghee .20- WON WAITED WAII Arc WALlfcK WALLALt ■■■■■■ m one horse lost Tuesdays One Horse: SUITE 1302 BOtHST . U~$ WON 165 BROADWAY NEW YORK, N. Y. 1 Mondays one horse: —"Biff Bang 0.40- WON J$ * PRFOTTFRMTOFn and Sweepstakes"! . Sufr WON 4jQn lIV£il7E»IEiIrflIllEil/ qgfr 1 winners— one loser in 8 days at Bowie. "* TURF PROFITS ** Positively only one horse daily. • Th« MIRACLE SYSTEM Is nationally V» OC TO 1 TflRAY 90 TO 1 tW ,W IULMI 4.U I U I known a., "easy for player— hard for layer." Has Mood tl»« ACID TEST for You all know my wonderful record of winners. •* many years. We ronld not spend many «* Subscribe and stop losing and get in touch with my thousands of dollars per annum adter- many clients who aro reaping a golden harvest. »» tisins water as rough syru| — and con- «» Wilson information speaks for itself. Beware of tlnue in business, sold oa installment imitators; get the genuine. payments paid from your profits. Abso-*» lately FREE. lOO page racing manual. «» •% review, sworn tratimonals. etc. Invest! ._ g»t« today and make your Bookie obey. ** akU DAVC I aVaar" t I ** ***% KUY LIJUlS. ! I Public Relation. Manager v» jm S. E. AKTIll R This system is still picking Um l «ti.er simts. SfTS* Box 40 J. . Tonson, Md. /9v Here are a few: Diamond I i k. o-; VAjT hSM I aTMl— ■ t Perkins, jL0.20-; Hii.kliorn II., aP | 55 J J S5 l«Vr i J-J.eO-SJ; Widgeon. 2.40-$:; »«d Man. 6.10-; Sweet and Low, JliMO-JJ; I.ittl-- Chief. 2.80-; Bristow. ." 0- ; Captain mmmammm*mmmmmmiCo*Ug*n, J12.S0-J2; Wild Heath, 2.60-$.; Pay From Your Profits H a large "tlVw vr _. . , _ . SYSTEM No. 2 -_ — — • «• i it The Master Key System of playing the races will be mailed you for one weeks trial. No Tnis wonderful system only had f, losers in charge unless it shows an average profit of the last meetings at Havre de lra e and at least 0 a day on the scale of play. Jamaica combined. Best bet only h;:d .. For particulars mail this ad. with your name 1 /Sers in 23 days. I.ast meetings at I. xing- *nd wSarStoth mTEEi Beach. Fla. J" rtlT STtm! •5 T? | Best bet only had 1 leser in 20 »lays. In •■mmmmm*,"1*mmmmmm—B,",B*———Mmmmmmm",1*—","*m one week at the different tracks same sys-— tern only had 11 losers out of SC bets. Best m «n m . i bet only had 1 loser. sw sv w $ "I CJ€B rflf* W mfrC : fiet these systems and pick your own win- * ** ▼▼ v 1 ners. Can be played at or awav from the NET ntOFIT I track. Price in full for both only 0.0n. easily made with small capital by operating the Then, after you get them, and if they ha -STAR SYSTEM. Averages about two plays daily— not done just as I advertise, I will gladly every play is TO WIN ONLY— on the nose! Small return your money, * payment down — balance from winnings. Write: , STAB SYSTEM J. H. CROSMAN 32 Union Square, Boom 602 NEW YOBK CITY BOX 26 PALMYRA, IND.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924041201/drf1924041201_11_2
Local Identifier: drf1924041201_11_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800