Daily Racing Form Charts: Bowie, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-12

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QAIIjr RACING FORM I BOWIE Copyright. 1924, by Daily Racing Form Publishing Company. BOWIE. MS., FRIDAY, APRIL 11. 1924. Prin.-e George Turk 1 Mile. Eighth day. Southern Maryland Agricultural and Fair Association. Spring Meeting of 11 days. Weather fair. Stewards, J. It. Campbell. Baker Waters and P. J. Miles. Judges, Joseph A. Murphy. Joseph HdMM, BtWW T. Miller and J. II. Anderson. Starters, William Snyder and William Hamilton. K it:ns Secretary, Joseph McLennan. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. t hi.ago time. 1 30 p. m W indicates whip. S spurs. 1? blinkers. Figures in ] :iren theses following the distance of each race indicate date, tiack record, age of hor.-e and weight carn-d. Indicates upprenl.ce allowauc. "COAfi FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. April 5, 1924 — 47*5— 2— 1W. Purse ,200. 2-year-olds. 4 Cj*jJO Claiming. Net value to-winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt U hi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners E.juiv. Odds Strt 78*39 NIGHT SHADK w 104 9 9 ll U l1 R Mrinelli R T Wilson fMMM 78239 P.ERNME HARRAR w 113 7 I "J 21 V L Morris K K Bryson 570-100 "f::;5"l,AR.KK BELLE w Ml 6 ft f.l 4* 31 H Farland BK Whitney MMM i78225 B1LL WINFREY w- ll." z 1 P f|4 J Wallace Q C Winfrey 80 190 7K225MARGARETTA E. w 103 10 S 4i 31 51 G Bond M Grant 8005-100 78225 CRINKLE w 99 5 7 6 S» I, I-ang R T Wilson GIPSY KI.YKR w 190 U 6 3s 5» 71 J Shanks J S Cosden 1840-190 78225 MASTKU BLUE W 109 3 2 Sj 9l S* J McTagt Kirkfield Stable £20 -100 PADU0CK W 110 8 10 !i» VI 9 F Murphy M R Pons 6880-100 IINIIIBJM OOKDOM wb 101 4 4 M" 101 M* W Milner D D Douglas MK-MI •DARKWOoD v • 11 11 11 11 L Schffer Nevada Stock F*m Stb -525 100 tCoupled as It. T. Wilson entry. Time. 23, 49. Track fast. mutuels paid -It. T. Wilson entry. 0 40 straight, .20 place. $."..90 shew; r.erniee Harrar, 00 place 70 show; Parniaehence Belle, .20 show. Equivalent l»ooking odds-R. T. Wilson entry, 920 to 100 straight. ."ToO to 100 place, 19-3 to 100 show: I.ernice Harrar. 250 to 100 place. 135 to 100 show, Parm.ichenee Belle, MB to 100 show Winner It. f, by C.-nnptire Montrosa. by Plaudit trained by J. Pryce; bred by Mr. R. T. Wilson Went to post at 2:33. At p-st 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. NII.HT SHADK began in the rear division t nt raced into the lead with a rush, drew away. but lost some ground ou the stret. h turn, then finished fast and won going away. P.KKSHK HARRAR was in rlomt pursuit from the start and made a game finish. PARM ACHKNF.F. BELLE closed up ground and linislied with a rush. HILL WINFREY began well, but was sbufTled back and came with ■ rush at the end. MIWIlffTt E. saved ground when entering the stretch, but tired in the final drive. Scratched 7*225 Catherine Douglas, 101; Rejected. 114. Overweights Berni.e Harrar. 1 pound; Paunachenee Belle, 2; Gipsy Flyer. 1: Padlock, 1. r?QQAQ SECOND RACE — 3-4 Mile. Hov. 24, 1917— 1:12%— 4— 122. Purse ,200. 3-yea.r-4 OOUJI olds. Claiming. Nat value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % *i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 7824 1LIEIT IWRELL wn 107 2 4 3* 4 2* 1| C Allen .T J Farrell Jr 235-100 7«!93,AINT JANE w IM 9 S 7l 61 3 2" D Randell O E Pons 3S95-109 77583FHHRAH w 98 1 5 5* 5l 51 3l L I*angr D L Richards 500-100 78196NORMANA w 108 4 7 8* Sl Sl 41 B Rrening W C Barnes 390-1 * 7 *228LDY CHOCO w 101 5 3 61 7* 6J 51 W Harvey A Rold tl390-190 78241 MUCH ADO w 111 11 1 2 2» 41 P| E Atkson H Gummel r 78267BARLEYCORN ws 108 7 11 10 10* 7 7» W Milner 1 Denny BSSO-IM 78226 RAGS w 107 6 10 91 91 9* Sl F Lee W H Post t 7822S-ALTISSIMO wb Ml U 13 11 Hi 10 91 H Howard R G Ensor 1120-100 mM*UTTU ALFRED wa 108 I 2 l1 11 1* M* D Mergler B Block 1495-100 73226 ARGUMENTAL ws 108 12 9 4 Z- 11 U*| ■ S.-obie Konton Stable 2585-100 75438PLAY ON wb 106 10 « 13 13 12 12»* J Shank* C L Whiting t 77780PEGGY O. W 106 8 12 12l 12 13 13 J Wallace J H Buscher 1670-1-0 tMutuel Held. Time. 23%, 48«5. 1:15. Track fast. mutccls paid— Lieutenant Farrell, 1924.sh.70 straight, 00 place, .X» show; Aunt Jane, 0.80 I laee, 3.30 show; Fehrah, .00 show. Equivalent hoiking odds Lieutenant Farrell, 235 to 100 straight, 150 to 100 place, 110 to 100 show; Aunt Jane. 940 to 1 0 place. 565 to 100 show: Fehrah, 150 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. c, by Cam pure — Reticella, by Hey wood Grained by R. L. White; bred by Mr. Richard T. Wilson 1. Went to post »t 3:08. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. LIKfTKNANT FARRELL begun well and quickly raced into forward contention, saved ground when enter, ng the homestretch Mi passed I IT»I I.K ALFRED, but was doing Ids best at the end to diminish AINT JANK. The latter came through on the inside and. finishing fast, was wearing the u inner d wn. FKI1RAH began slowly, but came to the outside on the stretch turn and finished with a rush. NOKMANA made a fast finish. LITTLE ALFRED quit badly after showing the most speed to the last eighth. MUCB AIK ran a fast half Scratched 770SO Tropical Water. 103; MR Warren lynch, 108. Overweight Arguniental, 3 iwiunus. P»QO-| £ THIRD RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Nov. 20, 1917— l:19Vi— 4— 112. Purse ,200. 4-4 OOlv year-olds and upwaxd. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt K Vi *i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 7H264 MARHI.E w 5 10S 11 1 413 21 l1 ■ Ambrose Mrs A E Alexandra UM Ml n«tfi5i»lHiADO w 4 108 3 9 V 4 « 4s 2- L Lang .1 R Skinker UIO 100 782S5-FIFTY FIFTY WB ."» 115 2 6 61 71 5 3» D Stirling J J Hertz 370-100 7HI96 MARIE MAXIM wb 7 103 6 3 2* 2 IM1 W Jordan S Taylor 168T.-100 77803 kUhlHMN w 4 106 4 5 1* 1* 2- 5l 1 Wallace W A Rosen f 1410 100 7«I65» VEN1ZELOS WB 5 115 I 4 71 5i 7 61 B Mrinelli J H Tevis 2295-100 78230 THE PKRlYIAN w 5 10S 8 2 95 8* 9s 71 E Atkson J W Kearns 1S75 100 782:t1 - WHALER-ONE w B S 103 10 10 3»* 6 6i Vi I! lir.ning T E Crist ■ 895 100 74526 ARUKI.LA w 4 105 7 11 11 11 11 91 F Woodk Kenton Stable t 78265 BRIGHT LIGHTS wb S 108 9 8 10« 101 8-119* A Accardy J J McCauley t 73501 .ST VR COURT w« T Ml II 7 819*10111 J Chimera O C Brenton 4295-100 7SlM*CAJtB PRt:E wb I 115 1 13 Pulled up. F Colletti J P Polls S75-100 tMutuel field. Time, 23, 44H. 1:15. 1:21H. Track fast. mutuel* paid -Marble, 0.10 straight, 5.30 place, .80 slow; Rucado, $»90 place, .20 show; Fifrv -Fiftv. .60 sl:ow. Equivalent booking odds— Marble, 1905 to 100 straiglit. 065 to HX place, 290 to 100 show; Bucado, 145 to 100 plai-e. t» to 100 show; Fifty -Fifty. SO to 100 show. Winner t li. c, by Ballot — Tiffany Blend, by e anon trained by A. E. Alexjndra; bred by Messrs. H. EL and J. H. Cainesl. Went to post at 3:3S. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; s cond and third drhine. MARBLE, close up from the start, gained steadily from the stretch turn and. finishing fast, held BTCAIMt safe in the final drive and won going away. The latter from a slow beginning improved his position next to the inner rail and finished with a rush. FIFTY-FIFTY was away well and had no mishaps MARIK MAXIS1 raced into the lead and tired. ALADOIN set the pace to the stretch and gave way. ARK FREE propped after the iart and was pulled up. Scrat.he.1 iMMBrCaptaia stigan. Ill; 7K2U5 Royal I harlie, 112; 7s264? Arendal. 106; 78203 Wessie B., 10.3: 78228 West Pittston, 96: 71«*» Cavendish. 103, 7H196 Rosa Ycta, 101; 7S17S Heavy Artillery, 108. Overweight — Ardella. 4 pound*. rQO-g "J FOURTH RACE— 1 Kile aaid 70 Yards. AprU 10, 1919— 1:4s1 5— 4— 107. Marlboro 4 C7«Zj A JL Purse. Purse ,400. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 75; second. 60; third, 25, fourth, 0. Index Horse* AWtPPSt 4 1 *i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eu.uiv. Odds Strt t 78229 li.OL-D. B1LWS w 4 104 1 1 l1 l1 l1 l1 11 J Wallace F A Tansor -100 782423SHAMR m K ws 4 103 2 2 3 2* 21 2J 21 W Milner T W OBrien 7J5 1 » 78266 LLEWELLYN wb I 101 4 5 5 4* 4b 3 3 D Mergl»r S N Holman HS-M 78229 -KAHKIl W i 107 5 4 4l 5 5 I 4» F ollelti R Pending 110-leO 782265JLST w3 91 3 3 2»* 3 31 41 5 L Lang T Clyde 1765-10 Time, 25. 501-,. 1:17. 1:43V !: ■%. Track fast. mutuels paid -Golden BilIowst %ti.:,0 straight. .40 place, .60 show; Shamrock, .10 place. 60 show: Llewellyn. .50 show. Equivalent booking odds Golden Billows. 225 to 100 straight. 70 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; S.iainrock. 155 to 100 place. .SO to 100 show; Llewellyn. 125 to 100 show. Winner B. f. by Oolden Maxim Billows, by t unard trained by F. A. Tansor; bred by Mr. Thomas M Murphy . W. lit to post at 4 09. At post I minutes. Start good and slow. Woo ridden out : second and third driving GOUNM I1U4WI t » »k the lead at once anil won all the way. but was doing her be t at the end. SHAMKOi K. :i forward • onieiidcr all the way. saved ground on the Mi-etch turn and finished with I rush "ti the insule. LLKWF.LLYN was under re tra:nt to the last turn ami came fast through t.ie stretch KAiKR was forced wide 011 t lie first turn, but moved up resolutely to the far turn, but came wide when entering the homestretch. JlST quit afVr snowing :-peed to the stretch. Overweight Just. 4 pounds. pnoj «T FIFTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Nov. 25, 1915— 1 48— 4— 116.1 Purse 200. 3-year-olds I 4 0and M.Jmt and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00, third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt "-4 Uj *i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 78264 RFPEE w 4 113 « I 3« 3 !• 2 U B Mrinelli T Haskos 765-1 0 I 78230 IKKEZY SX7T w S 103 1 1 51 !",« 3ok "M 2"" L Lang J Arthur 115 1 • 78267 "Ai;«iTIN«; PAPA W I 99 4 4 4141 4» 41 :i» W Miln-r I McMillert :."■»-! N I 78198,FLYINti DEVIL w 4 Ml I 2 6 5 6 5 1*1 B Itr-rnng S Cooch Ci -1 • : 78245 1 ORAL REEF w 4 111 I l«| !■ 1- l1 !«■ E Atk Mir, I W Kearns MT5-1N . 78230i:i:VERWVLK wb 4 106 I I P I« 55 I I D Mergle- .1 R skmker 705 1 , Time, 25S 50». 1:17. 1 44S. 1 51S- Track fast. mutuels paid -Rupee. 7: :•» straight, 60 plao M riaMT; Freezy I MM*, $■! 30 place, .40 I ■how Aggravating Papa. 40 -I-..*- Liiivslent l»Uing odds Rup«-e. 7ir to 100 straight. 1 SV to 100 place, 45 to 100 show; Freely Sneezy, , 4V to ..hi place, 20 to 100 show. Aggravating P:ipa, 2i to 100 -how. Winner — th. g, by Delhi — Lucrative, by Mordant trained by E. Wilkinson; bred by Mr. Phil T. Chiim. Went to post at 4:44. At post 1 minute. Start go.nl and slow. Won driving; second and third I the sun.- ItllKK raced in I forward j.osition from the start and passing I ORAL RKKF in the stretch. lield FRKEZV SNKK/.Y safe at the end The latter gradually improved her |H sition ou the barkstretch. but waa in rlsM quarters while nninding lie far turn and had to be taken up. then finished fast an. I I was wearing the winner down Ai;«. It A V ATLMi PAPA ran a good race and was trumped by FULl./V FNEFZV at the eighth p at. fUXIMQ DF.VIL tiunihed the fastest of all. I ORAL RKLF set the pace to the last eighth and tired. S.iatched 7S-26SH.uelph, 103, IfJSM King John, 111, ItHVnUCsss, lul, 7S227 L»jveliuesai lol 7s2ni; ! ■Vrbian. 101. Oferweight Axfrarating Papa, 4 pound*. 7C91 O SIXTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. Nov. 27, 1917—1:56—3—94. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds at 0and lO and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 78291DAY LILLY w 6 98 2 2 31 SJ 1 11 1" J Dawson Mrs J Phillips MMM 78240 NIGHT RAIDR wn 6 103 5 5 5 4 2°* af 2» L Lang O W Iampbell MMM 7KI98TODY w 6 103 6 4 4» 51 4l 41 ** W Harvey O C Winfrey MMM ".8245 "HICKORY wsn 5 110 1 J ft 51 « 514i W Milner Hamilton Stable MMM 7772 1WAVWASSAMO w 4 110 7 10 9» 9« 9* 31 51 D Randel J A Gibson Mat 1M 78268ROYAL GROWN w 4 105 4 6 75 7 71 61 6l H Farland H B Munlock Sio Ml 78240ST GERMAIN w 7 103 I 9 *1 S"k p* 71 71 B Brenlng F Holman 115-100 78231 E1CKWHEAT wb 4 93 10 1 2» 21 31 3l 8» H Howard W E Martin HM-MI 78244-OWASGO wb 4 103 8 7 10 10 10 10 9* D Mergler W Durnan 615 100 78231REKAB wn 5 103 9 I V ll 0| 9 110 Bond M Grant C4JW-100 Time. 25. 51, 1:17*4, 1:45*4, 1:59%. Track fast. mntuels paid Day Lilly, 1.80 straight, 0.50 place, .70 show; Night Raider, .00 place, 00 show; Tody, .10 show. Bquivaleut liooking odds- Day Lilly. 09. to 100 straight. 425 to 100 place, 235 to 100 show; Night Raider. 130 to 100 place. 10O to 100 show; Tody. 55 to 100 show. Winner— Br. m. by Olambala Orange Lilly, by William the Third trained by J. Phillips; bred by Mr. Richard T. Wileon. Went to post at 5 23. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. DAY LILLY passed RKKAB while rounding the far turn, saved ground when entering the stretch and raced into the lead, but barely managed to outstay NIGHT RAIDER at the end The latter moved up on the outside on the backstretch and, finishing with a rush, appeared to some to have got up. TODY finished with a rush on the outside. HICKORY closed a gap and finished fastest of all. WAYWASSAMO finished resolutely. RKKAB led to the far turn, but quit badly. Scratched 78244s Attorney Muir, 103. rrOQI /4 SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. Nov. 27, 1917—1:56—3—94. Purse ,200. 3-year-4 OOIt: olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; seoond, 00; third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 7824." sXORMAL w fi 110 8 4 21 1« 1« Is 1« H Farland H P Stearn.s 70 100 7R264GOlRMAND v 8 103 7 I 61 7* 71 4 a* J Dawson Mrs I Phillips 8S75-100 78228 COMME CI wb 8 108 6 9 9« 9° 6»* 54 3« E Scobie Mrs W E Martin 3100-100 77976 DOUGHNUT wb 5 110 1 1 3« 3s 4» 21 41 D Mergler Mrs A E Alexandra. 1MMM 78245SGARE GROW w 4 110 3 2 5s 5! 2»k 3" 51 L Lang W V Casey ]40-l» 7R267* FROSTY BOY av I 99 5 6 4l 4* 51 6! 6» B Bivung G Peterson 1 HI I - 78165 ASHLAND wn 5 113 9 10 ■ S1 81 Sl 71 F Shart e J E McMillen 3S10-100 78231 MYSTIC wb 5 UK! 4 7 7* eSO-S1 W Milner G W Foreman MMM 78263FOEDIE w I 88 10 5 1"* 2 W 71 9= G Wli.ams F 1* Copra MMMM 78268 DIG DE MRNY wb 6 10X 2 S 10 M 10 10 10 E Ambrse F P Robio 1170-190 Tima. 25V5, 50%, 1:18. 1:44%. 1:59%. Track fast. mntuels paid -Normal. .40 straight, .00 place, .50 show; Gourmand. 7 90 place, 6 20 show: 1 .inline "i, .60 show. Eiuivalent liooking odds — Normal. 70 to 100 straight. 50 to 100 place, 25 to 100 show; Gourmand, 1795 to 100 place. 710 to 100 show; t omme Ci. 2S0 to 100 show. Winner B. g, by Plaudit -The Nursv, by Yankee trained by P. Ktuter; bred by Mr. John K. Madden 1. Went to post at 5:54. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. NORMAL raced POK1MK into defeat on the backstretch and drew into a long lead to win in a canter. GOURMAND finished re;-o!utely on the inside and outstayed COMME CI in the final drive. The. latter closed a big gap from a slow beginning. IXHGHM T ran a good race and saved ground ou all the turns. SCARE CROW ran well and was interfered with at the eighth po-,t when he tried to come through on the inside. Scratched 78228 Widow Bedotte. 103 Overweights -Frosty Boy. 4 pouuds. Poedie, 3.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924041201/drf1924041201_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1924041201_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800