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FRIDAYS TIJUANA CHART The folio wins; oliartM were received too lute for political Ion In yeslrrdayi paper: p,fi°9fi SEVENTH RACE — 3-4 Mil«. Feb. 22. 1324— 1:11H— 4— 128. Purse 00. 3-yaar-olds 4 0 L +ZiO and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20; second. 20; third. 0. Index Horses AWtlPSt M 4 Str Fin jockeys Owners Kqiiiv. Odds Strt 78212*.M1I.I,IE R wb J 93 J 4 l1 l« H 1» D Jones ■ W Richards 280-101 78140*1. lTTl.i: BXACH w 7 103 « J 4» 31 3» 2" J Wood Pelter Rros 640 100 7F.1»I*TRCSTY wn 10 113 7 1 2* 2» 3j 3» W McKht R M Hollenbeck 160-100 7H07I T 0* T MORVCwr 12 115 1 3 S* 4| 41 41 F J Raker W 0 Weant 910-100 78140 TCUI.CI.KNT wn 4 114 3 7 5» 5* 5* 5J J Maiben W J Wolfe C9 Ml 78122*111 NII.V w 2 95 5 5 S»J 6» 61 6 G Cooper H E Calwell 2M;-!00 78250 -HARRY MAXIM wb 5 113 4 6 7 7 7 7 J Smith A F Dayton 1320-104 Time, 241/», 48, 113S- Track good. mutuels paid Mollie R.. .00 btraight. .00 place. 20 show; Little Beach. place. 00 !iow: Trusty. tM show. E-piivalent looking odds Mollie R.. 2S0 to 100 straight. 100 to 100 place, GO to 100 show; Little Reach, 220 to 100 p!a.-e. 100 to 100 show. Trusty. 30 to 100 show. Winner B. f. by SpanisJi Prince II. Sweet Marie, by Ogdcn trained by W. B. Iinnegan; bred by Mr. John K. Madden. Wi-nt to post at 4:24. At post .1 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. MOLLIK R. sprinted to the fmtit ipiiekly and held sway until turning for home where she was menaced by TR1 STY, but ramie away when called on and won easing up. LITTLE BEACH came fast and outtini-hed TRUSTY. The latter made a threatening challenge when entering the stretch, then tired and cave way. TOP O TH MORNING had no mishaps. TCRBLT.ENT began slowly. Seratehed 7M 71 H ontusion. 95. 76Q9Q EIGHTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. March 11. 1923— 1:44H— 3— 116. Purse J600. 3-year-4 Diy£t*3 elds and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 20: second, 20: third, 0. Index Horses AWtlPSt |f H Str Fin Jo. k,ys Owners Eipjiv. 0 lds Strt 78283 IKTER llERSONwsn I 104 7 4 41 1" l1 11 li G Abel Xancolas Rros 5J lot 78I42"PLI"NGI:R wb 10 111 2 2 3a 4* V 3» 2* A Collins I. eds and Heeler 200-100 7B186 = LAW K MANNINC.w ". 107 6 5 2l 2» 2* 21 3S1 E Fator R L Raker S40-100 78086 FIRKWGRTH wn 7 107 S 6 7» 5* 5*1 4j 45 C Corbett W Walker 4460-100 78017 Ri lKO wb S 110 4 S $ 8 3 5 5« J Smith P Wilkrson 920-100 7815:: TKRM VK w 11 Ul 5 7 6» 61 6* P« 61 J Glass G V Hum 333-M3 78283 THE LAMP. wb 7 113 1 1 l" 3« 41 71 7l M Frey Vernon Stable 833-3M 78257 LVLNTY LADY ws 8 113 3 3 h* 7*1 71 S S P Martinz Mrs C B Irwin 1500-100 Time. 24*-;,. 49. 1:15. 1:42. l:49l5. Track good. mutuels paid -Peter Pierson. 2.40 straight. . SO place, 00 sJiow; Plunger, .00 place, .40 show; l,awrence Manning. 00 show. I iuivalent booking odds Peter Pierson. 520 to 100 straight. 90 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Plunger. 130 to 100 place. 70 to 100 show: Lawrence Manning. 100 to 100 show. Winner--Ch. g. by toliuet— Marie Hyde, by Handcuff trained by II. Naucolas; bred by Mr: J. W. Fuller. Went to post at 4:47. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Wen easily; second and third driving. PETER TIKKSON raeed into the lead when passing the half and. withstanding r-pe.ited challenge;., stood I liard drive and maintained his advantage to the end. lLlNGF.R finished fast and outstayed LAWII.NCE MANNING. The latter loomed up menacingly after turning for home, then tired. FIRKWOH Ill tinished gamely. TI1K LAMB, after showing the most early speed, quit badly. Seratehed . 7sl*79 The Desert. 110: 7S10N Bacchus, 110; 7S304 Poor Puss, 102. Overweight V.-rmak. 1 pound: Dainty Iady. 5. P7QOOA NINTH RACE — 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1920 — 59 — 4—107. Purse 00. 3-year -olds and 4 OOOll upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20; second, 20: third. 0. Index Horse« AWtlPSt K -j Str Fin Jockeys Owners F-iuiv. Odds Strt I t78 126 ASK JKS.SIi: w S 116 6 I ■» 2* 1 D .1 Maiben G V Hum 4". 100 78222T.KDAZZI.F. II 4 110 3 6 7i 7* 6l 2 J G Abel J Foster 50-100 73213* *IRISH i;L/.ZF".R si 99 i ! 4" 5 | .".* " C Corbett Allen and Wilkerson 1070 100 13313* JOB V. n 4 107 S 7 51 3t 3 41 ] Wood Drown Shasta Stable 760-100 7R218*H NKST GEORGE n S 1*3 4 8 I S 7 5*1 G Cooper Sunb-am Stable 940-100 78i*3*FIMS GLtJRIOSLS ■ 1 S3 2 1 1J I 2l 6 D Jones Mrs C I Crippen 210-10" 78M«*MorXIi: I 9 U3 7 4 P 4* 4» 71 M I-Yey A J Campbell 3680-100 78112 W11JJ THOUGHTS w 6 111 1 2 6 6» S 3 J Smith T H Wells N3-M3 lime. 24Vs. 48. 1*31%. Track good. mutuels paid -Ask Jessie. 100 straight, .00 place, .00 show; Bedazzle. . SO place, .40 show; Irish Buzzer. .00 show. Equivalent Ix .king odds Ask Jessie 450 to 100 straight. 100 to 100 place. SO to 100 show; Bedazzle, 140 to 100 place. 170 U 100 show: Irish Buzzer. 2S0 to M3 show. Winner — B. ni, by Brigade Wampag", by Bonnie Jue trained by G. F. Hum; bred by Mr. F M. Cooper. Went to post at 5:10. At post - minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; seeond and third th« same. ASK .IKSSIF, raeed into the lead after rounding the last turn, but was tiring at the end and had to he hard ridden to win. BEDAZZLE, after being outpaced. Fame with a great rush through the final I j eighth and was rapidlv catching the winner at the end. IRISH Bl ZZKU ran a game race. JOI V. slowed speed from a slow l eginnii!g. FINIS t.l.ORIOSCS and MOtXIE tired. Seratehed 77S171Big Indian. 113; 7M3U Settle. 113; 78254 Ban Arvi, IIS; 1393 Lady Tiptoe, 116. Overweight Irish Buzzer. 1 pound.