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ppiiitvi rn n Avnl1* GelawaY Special Transaction I HY P l P S I Y I STARTS TUESDAY. APRIL 15th II 1J II WJ B [ J [ J B% B J J W J§ mJ Thl* rans.-Ki iori is IteiiiK cim neereil 1 one « f ilic oldest anil smartest • * *™ *™ " ■■■ *■■■■■ *•■■■ aa « aa* Am »T *■» aaaa*F "IKTiilors in tln» k:iiiic. The horse as prepared liy n« clever a horseman n* * lever rair.eil :i | horou ili hretl ami Bra* Kept umlcr rover with tills t r:i nsaet ion In Cahcrl Itld., liroailvvny at 4 I nt St. flryant J."i:;.J evv York City view. The rnco lists hcen hincIv selected ami a very tiooil price in riprrtrd. I Ninccrcly believe that this t ra nsa l ion will prove to he one of the most Miie- Sitnnl-iv ,..;■ i ■-«". •»« i, "« ., t it i*o«ie „ : frsxful operations of the season ami hest I ever liamileil. Start with me to la ; ■ ■■■■»• "»aW»a suhserihe for this t ra nsaet ion for whieh 1 hail intended to e ha rue |HM . Imt THE BLAZONED believliis- ■ phytt often feels sUeptieal about the real onalitv of information — TM . -r-n Iiefore lu HWH to invest a larjje sum. I want to meet my suhserihers mitre than TTTr»TTvT T T» ntTT » t .ciTTTTTj-r nTT.T1lm.rT,1Tm,. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAR SCHUYLER INVESTMENT half way l.y nirlne iM» WmrmT for the nominal «iim of « .20.00. l information w . — is K" «!e|»einlal»le auil of a private nature, not obtainable through ordinary # #K x 4 rv /t» *-* t T LulSIen L/Calie, *plU. lU-tP WOn ■*»*•■ winners, two seeonils. one third at odds better than run money. This continuous progress followed two out of the monev in a total of sixteen transactions in eiuht d:iv«. has THE FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAR SCHUYLER DIVESTMENT" 55 atA*?".rS X££?m*imrandm «r fiSrSS. *hHyli, D__„-« r ll«.. tt O OA feO WT~~ s,:v ■•* «». M«— Mi ARMS, f«M-fSi captain ostkj.w. »!».»• f»i i.oitn IJcirn LyOllcir. «Di«£.a£U-iDj£ WOn whack, j i.tjo-.s-; ska sand. *r.. n-*:.: www w , f r .. T f«| LOW 6BAH1TK, «.» fat COLDBH MIAOWS. f».0» ■«. Ala re h 11 th at Iijiiana ■el. „...,. - «j.« _ ■■■*•« ii ■ , ,. „ „-. -SclMivler .. • , . ,, _ _ All the aliovo horse* are positively the only transactions released by me Uollar Investments" tests of SafcVT aie I and duly tiled w it h t he l aily Hacins I orm. o better proof of the reliability * * : of the VOIClIf SIOKAICK can be presented than in wonderful record above. I ,* mjk T •! l"frl 1 1 /l 1 j He member, no miessinu. no handicapping and no system, but strictly bona fide E OllOV7 VnC [Fell] 01CIZ6C1 OV V-JlCl Mable information. :ir with us today and join the winning crowd by snl.- J Wllklag ti our regular daily or weekly service. Experienced Turf Operators ?T-n?" 1 V ; ;;/,;;, * 4 °,s" " ON. * * m my terms stre : BS.OO daily. . . UO.OO weekly, strictly in advance ami no other a trail that shows the sure way to safety, mm:! itrotits and freedom : | roposit ion accepteil. City subscribers call and see w ho you are dentin;* with; from anxiety. out of town, wire by Western I Hion or Postal Telej;ra ph. The inexperienced investor can now secure, thronuh this office. "YAH m tt-i *- « yy m -w sj«m ■■ rr-f " TT X T ■ f* X exactly the same type of investments that these experienced turf I t |/| 4 * J I [VJ f Yk fVJ I H Y 1 I I . h operators have been making ilnrlim the Inst twenty-five years in- J 11 1VX J— . Kj V 111 VJJul 1 X LrUll V JL Y_ J— t safe. vestments which have, without exception, proved to be lOO percent SI 1TF IOIS * ■""" M -* -»4 ■"■" AVFST . 4,*nd — . STHKFT HbVW YtMtlv CITY Si-lilom in the entire realm of turf history lias a mitre significant occurrence been awaited than _ _ _ _, SPECIAL BY MAIL M U F 17 FIVE »» INVESTMENT- f Ktt. t Kb-t- BOILAEYLEK Subscription Of f er DESIGNERS HAVE HOPED FOR IT CENTIMETER WON THIMBLE WON WON BROOKDALE WON CREATORS HAVE DREAMED OF IT j KJJRY NEDDAM WON FUO WON CAPITALISTS HAVE SPENT FORTUNES TO PRODUCE IT LLEWELLYN . . WON DUSTABOUT WON .afe.y It "isuL TSSZZJZ I BLACK GOLD ........... WON EDWARD GRAY WON U "SSWE 1 EV- MISS FRYER BLACK W0N HAS BEO HOPO FOR jfi** "Jjt WHEN THE RACE IS OVER IT WELL I , 5 , 7 , *,/s ,,,... . Two soomls. two thirds, three losers were positively all the starters * we sen* PROVE TO BE A PROFITABLE, DEFINITE REALITY out ln our ItAII. S,*K lAI.S. December ..I to April l. Inclusive. Our next two mail specials will no April 1 and we are k i1dk tu try and put over two more — -— — — — like we had January UJs. THIS GREAT EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY IS NEDDAM 7-2 WON FUO 3-1 WON SAFEGUARDED a"win" parlay paying over 16-1 Now. as a special subscription offer and to convince you that our serv ice Is tttt-t TTTF TIPTT CArTfTTiDTlC TTC VfiTTTCrP worth while, we will M All. the two for April 1 A IIStH.I TKI. V PIU to all JuJJVJJ inXj XxaiTliXj OiiJ LrUiilVJJO IXO IUUXVU who send fl by Friday, April IS, for one months subscription 14 issues of t.allops Meekly. .last send M and say: "For your free mail specials and -.m -- - a months subscript ion to Gallops. " Be sure to write tor print* your name nt +*. •i-».« 11 r, +*. T2l£fZm*ZlVLES2FZe* !ne »«« Five Hundred J|nU addreiss ltlain1Vy to avoid ,„«,, delays. Address ,v Dollar .. "St HI l-l-H 1 BsTMBXT" Is one of t the safest ever advised * "■*• -••■- — — — "r"d— " •• •— - SLSrJXt GALLOPS 219 S. Dearborn St., CHICAGO, ILL GUARANTEE that yielil lOliil percent profit IO to 1 or next ¥W A T7T7 A Wrtim/ 1 M M f I f* ■ 1 live Hundred Hollar "Still l.KH l IM li: I" at Jamaica. May H fl K If H V / 1 IVI Rv Li ft I I W I I 1st. gratis. Never in the history of this oreranization have the execu- I I f* M 111 f Iff H i .if W% 0 I I k I I fives voted favorably upon such a guarantee, but living so confident MMA II » I JLI A A aValml MJ H iA ■ ■ V I I of victory by wide margin and at the above odds, the obligate I M L J J 1 a A themselves to the aforesaid statement. Earle B1 Jg Broadway at 52nd St. This office intends to release the information to its subscribers NEW YORK N. Y. "The Ross Uule" fur the week ending FrI- twenty-four ho-.srs in advance of the race, with the request that no " " dav April 11th Saturdays results not investment be made earlier than fifteen minutes before post time. By so doing they will he in a position to act effectively for the pro- known as this was written Saturday morn- tcction of their ow n Interests and others concerned. A new code Several "Harvey Transactions" are now in jng ,a,j plays at Tijuana. will be forwarded to subscribers upon receipt of their remittance, therefore early subscriptions are necessary to facilitate matters. preparation, simply awaiting favorable start- ww mg conditions. ■■ ID an individual v. ho possesses fifteen hundred ,500.00 lM| dollars, the directors ask this question: Jk — Telegraph J100 promptly, as all "Harvey VV ||T CStll YOU USC $ 1 0,000? Transactions" are limited to territory. J f f Vf II If so. trend towanl that which presents the ultimate in safety, with the maximum in return by subscribing for the next t W FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAR "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT" T DVTIlVT/, I! Ill /ola WHICH TAKES PLACE. AND WELL BE A HUGE SUCCESS, W .AKIN 111 Vl ! ! ill V MJWl jllSl SATURDAY, APRIL 26th, AT HAVRE DE GRACE This oflice siiKKests this is an ideal time for prudent investors This office has been notified from various At t,0 throf. tracks -Fowie. Tijuana and to Insure themselves against he rainy day of misfortune. ... -■ t n n !_ .. , .....-• sources that a person by the name of II. P. Huntington -during the week ending Friday, * _ _ Wagner, 2 East 117th St., New York City, April 11th, "The Koss Kule" had 34 plays in m FlVC HViriCireCl _ DollarS j *■!■■ to be formerly identified with us and total out uf " In advance. This investment is the BKST Ol- TH ■ BKST and worthy that information previously given us bv him f£ XarTWT of far liiKher terms. A%3 W V-/IN — -— la now distributed directly by him. I hereby " THi: -St III VXn IXYKSTMKVrs" ARK Utl notify the generai pubHc that the above. I am personally following "The ROM Uule- "SterlinET Oil Silver , , . , With positive success and to reliable ■ persons, ■ ___ _ mentioned man is unknown to us and never THE STAMP OF DISTINCTION i whose word is good, Um following has been connected with this concern in any aa__B__iHaBa_BKiiHHM7 capacity and is evidently using my name to C • 1 fll __________________________i________ inspire confidence and thus further his own llli! I 1/1 1 I Pi I IIN interests. * Havre de GRACE T: I THwAoVRBiGDsEPERcfALEs This BWI"? Week Onlv My™%B|lG%SALLLs OPENING DAY GOOD THING sggH — 5.00 in advance and .,.imi additional, p.iy- TUIIDCnAV IHUnoUAY, ArnIL ADDII 17 l WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16 SATURDAYS SUPER SPECIAL: able from earnings within thirty day* after This horse is in toft* of condition and is ii Answer this advertisement at your earliest con- TUnDWnAI C C7 Q tO A/HIU operations b.gin. the hands of one of the shrewdast trainers in the vcnience lf J0U w.ish t0 tate advantage of infor- I HUnlMUALt .. . $ / .0J-$ C. WUIM i countTv. Will be sent for th« money on the above _..,;.. t ,„_- „_ _ »,,,-.„ _„;„_. nprvrvr r *v OPENING DAT „ dat and my connections feel confident of an ex- g HAVRE DE GRACE Fik.d l y r. g. mail to Kacing Form and Above are "FACT8" prove.l thrnul. the •eptionally good pric;. O J I M O sent to :U1 followers in WOOA standing. back charts of the liacing Form. This Spe- My Second BIG SPECIAL Goes Nothlng Succeeds Like Success clal mm ,„,,„„ and„„„,„, Al„u ,,,„, Saturday, April 19 ?lS!Si sbtsts We Step for More Moneyi *-~ «-«-. .» Informabon on bot.i horse. com2s fr,m t,e same Pmeet;n?s J T J HAyRE DE GRACE d PIMLIC0 want tonrce and I w.ll lmve many more BMi things to a„ hob6 want, CILT EDGr INr0KMATI0N to! A~*% 4 T . /"M /i --,- w. - - -r -■-, w«v » m w Tim perTonairy "thetraTly an, .par, ™ » ™ «« — W £ DN ESD A Y I A W ||SS I ill have ni.mb. *w M-U mr ± % *-~i* r M-* ± M. M. m r% ■ no expense t, ETivo my many followers winners. v a r cf WORTH "WHILE PLAYS m 11 J My services arj in gr?at:r demand than ever be- during tlis above meetings and am making the fol- TERMS: WINNINGS 0 mm*% al M*% Ah a» r WmWwmW fore and my oifer should appeal to all. lowin.7 offer: WIRE ME THE WINNINGS OF A STRAIGHT TELEGRAPH ME THE WINNINGS OF A 410 |nM|| | Olll I l/AH ROOM 61.1 BET AFTER YOU COLLECT CARE OF WEST- STRAIGHT PLAY AFTER THE HORSE HAS WON JUHN L. OULLIVAN E 1674 1IKO A 1MV A Y IIWTCUCRI WIRE WTBUrNICNwpBTTLFTI°RE-,MD or WRITE at enc? lor service on a, the • two . WIRE OR WRITE IMMEDIATELY. 41 " WEST •»»»■ 60TH »•■ ■• S I . • RIW r " TOIL ,""n V. •• 1 *• abovo Specials and others to follow. THOMAS CLIFFORD — — — — — — — — ——— — — F. HAYNES Care of western union Mam Office aaaaaaaawaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaw P 1 TrTl/ nnOT1 EERNANS HOTEL BALTIK0:;r MD. BALTIMORE MARYLAND THORNDALE 80 52 WON NArl1 I Y HKNI aaaawassaaaaaagBaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaBaaai _ j was yesterdays Long shot. k/ill Li 1 1 1 llVlJ 1 * winneri out of 9 on our Daily One BEST Biff Havre Special ** ,T s HERE! r- ! ! -JfUtLttL %JT*i?ltZT2Z ** *« »■»* « •»• ««— i neceSSar, u, ■ f Details conrern.r.T a discovery that wul open th stands. .00. Mailed direct 55.00 for 6 days. withdraw m advertised surprise, J Thursday, « fs °f System play, rs will b2 sent without charge " Expect.nif something EXTRA rood next Thursday. NATIONAL 0. K. RACING LETTER Barring accidents this horse rhould win at a good or obligation Thos5 i Ure«fd in Systems will find 411 Baltimore Bldg. CHICAGO at Havre de Grace. advance. Jutt ■ t0 ther ""vantage to address price. Costs nothinS in remit win- i nings 0 after hone winr Wr.te quick for this I 1/ MAPTIM | aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaw™ aaaaa»a»«axaa¥3a:aEBaaaaaaaawawawawawa proposition of unusual merit; wire nam* EXTRA SPECIAL and otjer rood ones to lollow. I— l . IVI M II III. - ■ — Mi SUPERIOR SERVICE. Box 133. Dayton. Ohio. . 62 EAST 31th ST. NEW YORK CITY I 0LD FAITHFUL. 50— *2. WON. and a 3rd were at once. ♦ la* Katurdayx %?. XX Specials. Dont mins next —— ISatatwajra TWO LIVE ONES. MONDAYS CODE J0F MC HARTY «.«.%—%» ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM Subscribe for Daily Racing Form ! SPECIAL SSSSSTTSSk ■//7_T t_" x ■ v 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL j 4C3, 22 West Quincy Street Chicago, 111. oaratOga OprlllgS, B . X.