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I • Twenty Years Ago Today Twenty Years Ago, April 13, 1904. j Racing at Washington, D. C, Memphis and San Francisco. Jockey George Odom takes a roseate view of the possibilities of the race riders profession today. "I expect to make 5,000 before the season is over," says George, and Im not going to ride under contract, at that." T. J. McIIales white and red polka dots and cap were carried to their first Memphis victory in several years by Baywood in the; final race lust Monday. The success may also prove to be the last for some time for McHale on Western Jockey Club tracks, as he intends joining fortunes with the Union Jockey Club at St. Louis. Paul Clifford, which met his first defeat at Benning several days ago, ran in the colors and interest of John J. Ryan, having been Ipurcha-ed by him last Saturday night. Paul Clifford has risen in value rapidly since last fall. Billy Garth got him then for 00. After , his third winning race at Benning, Garth sold him to C. Fellows, Jr., for ,500. The same I afternoon A. L. Aste took him out of a selling i race for ,100. Aste then sold him privately to A. Molinelli, but the terms of the sale were not made public. Ryan, however, paid Molinelli ,700 for the horse. William Scheftel, owner of the sensational Highball and other performers, spent last j Sunday at Lexingotn, Ky., the guest of Capt. W. H. May, father of trainer "Bud" May, and in company with Sanford C. Lyne, the three turfmen drove to McGrathiana Farm, where they were entertained by Col. Milton Young. Monday night Mr. Scheftel left for Cincinnaati, where he will join trainer May. The latter left Memphis Saturday with eight horses bound for the Jamaica track near New York, where the stable will l e quartreed this season. The horses shipped east were Highball, Major Pelham. Steelmaker and five two year olds. Mr. Scheftel said he was greatly pleased with the condition of his hors~s, and of course hopes that Highball will prove to be Jthe champion three year old of the coming season on the metropolitan tracks. He also said that, should all go well, the noted performer would likely be sent west to fill his engagement in the American Derby, but that no definite arrangements to that end would be made until the racing situation around Chicago was settled.