untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-13


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ED BRADLEY Wiiiii GOTHAM BANK BUILDING, 1819 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY 1 fTESSg LU/ZKV 1 WandiiMff* I After iu annonarrmrnt last Thnmday that I wan operating at the Mary- = BL OIQBr 1FPPV/ U /% 17 1% I N F 111 L Y land track* a number of my old client* and some new ones responded and || I fl gS II J C l» IV # M 1*1 t sU 1 1 1 Cal ■ a»3b~j£4j = bud their nhare of nlnnrrn. flWL m— -— aami "WIWaVBl IBalaM — STILL ROOM FOR MORE CLIENTS; WHY NOT YOU? HllIM Friday Elsrhth Day: Monday Fourth day: A 2 A*,? RrnaHwav Broadway • NFW NEW YORK YORK PITY C,TY RUPEE I17.30-W0N ANnQUITY 2.90-W0N Th-r.day_SeTe.th Day: S.tord.y— Third Day: .00 Daily— Hours 9 A. M. tO 2 P. M.— 0.00 Weekly WARNING 3.10— WON WHALEBONE SECOND _ Sixth Friday— Second Day : — 4 Wednesday— Day: «/VmTf TJO f l/NnfP BUCAD0 .10-W0N EAGER 2.50-W0N JVLOiNIJAY O OOiwfcl Tuesday Fifth Day: Thursday Opening Day: BOY FROM HOME. . .1.80— THIRD MOON MAGIC 8.30— WON has been burning up the track in private and, barring accidents, look for him to step down in front at a handsome price. I have 00 FLAT BET OYER 000 WINNER been personally on the ground at Bowie for several days and after deducting cost of information .nd losers. Mondays horse should pay at least io to i. know that this one is a dead fit horse. What is more, the chief MY FEE— 5 DALLY LN ADVANCE docker assures me that there is nothing in the race that has To avoid delay vlre subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph ShOWn aS much aS this One ill Ws private trials. During the money order. spring season in Maryland it is my intention to give but V- - ONF HORSF A DAY IMPORTANT NOTICE TO S. 0. SERVICE SUBSCRIBERS I ", excePt wnen l nave an extra free sPecial- M? lonS experience IMPORTANT NOTICE TO S. 0. SERVICE SUBSCRIBERS t«t next 0 0M HoTy«10M°,nyt0fll was: and past record speaks for itself. A twenty-five dollar flat play, LITTLE AMMLE .40- WON past six days, netted my followers about Affording: farther proof of the value of inside information. Onr 0 Specials consist of I i one horse only. All onr specials filed in advance -with Racing- Form. I — auuut .aw. smmmi _■ ■_ .asav WE DO NOT HAVE THEM EVERY DAY BUT WATT FOR RIGHT SPOTS ! 4 7 fi I f CT TOMORROWS MONDAY 0 BOWIE ONE-HORSE SPECIAL | %T § 3 X «MlU appears right en edgre. Our assooiates are experts in placing: outsiders -where they should win i ■ at big: odds. We expect 10 to 1 on Monday "s horse, and if this horse does not win at 15 to 1 or . , , ... ... v m better our next *io speaai wiii be sent free. Are you going to let another week like this slip by you 7 D0NT MISS THIS. WIRE 0 AT ONCE BY WESTERN UNION xo postal, office here. s. o. sERvitE Jamaica, x. y. Yesterdays Horse: V OLD FAITHFUL .50- Won I AIT I YOIaV horsemans day lILLY FridaysHorse: . . . »*« won JAUY L I UH O WINNING COMBINATION Thursdays Horse: 5 columbus circle SUPERBUM 5.10- Won new jtork city |j /VJf DDTPTl JVlIiXl KjO *~ X • Wednesdays Horse: ** °o WEEKLY-I4.00 daily DANCING FOOL .50- Won gPAHuIsT1 DITTTrD 114 NASSAU ST- new york ctty tlUlilll Bti lLlI Tuesdays HOTSQl WU1U mmM Clty clleRU caU entr"c* * off-e snite. Room 5W CAPTAIN COSTIGAN 2.80- Won FVFRY llAY Saturdays 00 Certified Special: Mondays HOTOe I Lf Lilll imi Listen Dearie . .0.10- Won fifty-fifty .30- Won april is: Barrier Co. put Over Friday: Do not miss todays big horse. Wire money by Western Listen Dearie . .0.10- Won RuPee 7.30- Won Tjnion or Postal. Co. Put Over Thursday: 11: farrier APRIL -i c Superbum 510-*2 Won ■ ■ Comme Ci .60-. 3rd __ Barrier Co. Put Over Tuesday- __ H"".s isss - RANDELL «"*i™"» « , „. Tmm* m. JH apbh 9 A 00 Certified Special Monday Room jss, us F«iton st., m tork city Listen Dearie . .0.10- Won Domi fcK 1fi 9 A/nn FEEE FOa ALL 0 WEEKLY AND DAILY DAILY WIRE— READ EM AND WEEP And. as usual, success crowned my efforts. All n all Id 4 %Ja lUSft. WW UN week I called attention to this horse. CLIENTS APRIL 8: Testerday Another One: WaS 2i SpCCJal PrOpOSitlOn Capt. Costigan .2.80- Won A CertaintV Thorndale .80- Won ■y»- pj»j Im,* ~ 3 " »"wu* • M.M.U. %/ w proposition of this magnitude. + Well. well, aint that a pretty one. One or two ■"■ * kondays certified special ■~J!PJ?jg *-±.*±wf** ±± Next Special Proposition Tuesday Biff Bang 0.40- Won rrr*- l10 from a party wh0 is v*™ h* °*er 8unday andnd oh: when we so t0 work JSLTtJmi TZuthiih0Ze"JiLtrtol L™8 "* kD0WS- GUAIJFYING DAYS FOR Monday you can "rcll [ APRIL 5: THIS HORSE ARE OVER. YES. MONDAY THIS QP DCAnY FOR 10-1 •*"• AprU 15 Stmy day at Bowie. | HORSE WILL GO ON FOR THE MONEY, AND DC nCHU ■ FUn ,W TCDMC CKfl IM An/AMPC JameS F. r- 0 «... Hara..10- 2nd - CLIENTS CAN AT LEAST LOOK FOR 8 TO l When you deal with me you deal with an old I tnWld 1 W AUVANUt or better for their money. horseman that spends days and mthts with the ONE HORSE ONLY, and no propositions will be aptjtt a vADcr TftCT _ people rieht at the track. entertained. Fee must be wired to New York AM.ll. 4 JlUWi LOandT HAVRE DE GRACE FOLLOWS BOWIE office and telegram will be dispatched in ample BARRIER CO. WILL CONTINUE TO Wint.aU»c! W.1.11PrC ! tlm6 f°f aCt°n- APRIL 3- SEND OUT W,«HAVe Winners! ! ninners! winnersi i7 ob havre de grace , handle ONLY THE BEST p-ff Ronn on *o VA/ Dili bdng 3 /.OU-$£ WOn Telegraph a telegraphic money order Western Friday, Ap"LJLU1:_ _ ... and if you are not in a position to obtain my Jf, Union or Postal W- Winht QhaHA MldUC . . . fh?! CJ.fJ 441-S2 *L. WOn WW Oil wires, then dont by any means overlook whav I NOTHING SENSATIONAL, BUT CONSISTENT. lllgni haTe to offef each and ?20.03 WEEKLY— Thursday, April IPta: . .00 DAILY a A 1 i- 1 *i_ a x M- ni When y.» deal with me you are dealing with a Wamlng 3.10" WOn ■* WW SttOt fOP MOP.day man who has had fifteen years experience in ob- . . «r„... Wednesday. April *«i qth- sun. Tlli* is my resT»l*i" tried daily ser» j that hun- IT T —-.1 upon hnndrwU Rrf famiiUr foa all taininj real bona fide information. I . ~ — |T RllPariO S9. IU-S2 WOn remember that I gave many winners, and the most I I | j I . — — 1 I uuuhmv f ▼ recent were: FORTIFY YOURSELF AGAINST LOSSES , U . Tuesday, April 8th: g .10- WOn subschibe immediately |J i| fH Hldde" j*™Aj Ati Golden Billows . . .50- Won terms within reach of eveeybody 1 1 1 1 1 j ■jHU Biff Bang .0.40- Won Majority .00- Won m daily or 130 for six days. Rush your order today. |||jjj- _ .TLki ■ ■ FIRST WEEK I GAVE: GO BJIIOWS . . .80- Won GCfll ThaMei* . ..10- WOn WOn .6.30- ChaiHe --.__.„ Before spending money for a system, find out R0yal . AilMTD AT n„nm|11i vVVTCM WHY u 1S S0LD and not PLAYED bv the sellor. ..,„ ■ «01 QH tO M An TheSe kind only cost a day or 6 *lros for „ AIIItIIIaAI tlTillrlfl Thals "J0d ad«- The FOREWAy is a New WaminQ OO I .OU-l WOn 0. Try them. Use Western Union or Postal. astLoTbet ySrZJSTJSS. "LSS. !Sy Biff Bang .30- Won CHAS. RAYMOND A WiiOHi 11.AI uti oklt WWKU effective, because of correct business principles. __.. __ „ . . Room 338, 206 Broadway NEW YORK CITY wwr t_ _ | — ~~ ~. — . Flat plays only— does not require U. S. Treasury „ Players, don t fail me Monday, whatever WM1 you do .„, A/r,_l-a SJC 35 flfl to operate at or away from track. Worth many You cant beat luck and rood judgment and right - ▼ ▼ JM.M.%f*%*Mm6i*%J9JJ many times its price. 5. Send now you can now Im full of it. safely do to or write in confidence FOREWAY -m aaivrkair vFv* .»#••••#• ♦ * J » » 5 S $ 5 * JtL Trn.,n on a 0 straight flat bet from spring. 1922. at METHOD. 3905 Zenobia St., Denver. Colo. TERMSl ■■—■■■ « 10 ANY UN t L 9*k nnrnrTrnifUTrr. fA Maryland, Kentucky. New York. Tijuana and New , wfc rREDETERMlNED W menfand selection" NotnindeV system.Ely A DAY OR 0 A WEEK •» TURF PROFITS V* played in books without obtaining odds or results ... . . _ . „ ■*/!** IIWIIIJ race by race. Average, from two to three plays TPU A - * And vou wl11 .„ «e* bl*Jal"e for J0ttf ™Ml tW,re •• Th« MIRACLE SYSTEM I. nationally v» daily. Small capital required. The finest system ■ IlC JaTriGwPl Cri!-! now and walt The W. U ,°r * * . •* " knoun * ■"* » pU cr— har.l for *m M. M T m W++M, 1VIA11 ever devised for the ocnployod man. For full par- quickest to get in touch with me. because I want Uycr." Has Mood the ACID TEST for *» ticulari address: you to get that horse Monday without fail. * many years. r could not spend many v» «a • 1A AT V __________ -. thousand* of dollar* per annum aUrr- THE ADMIRAL COMPANY K Pa «T*1 1~l ? IvIATIIIAI ~ ll"ln"t w*l ,r ■• "°tt,th »J««I— and con- V» 306 Stewart Building Baltimore, Maryland ***"** * ITliMIUUl rt% XX ¥ Vir 1 *»*■«••» »n bu-iness. Sold on installment „ *«kv I I If 1 K-bPbV* Jl OOlir payments paid from your profit... Abso- * - «piV// JL "d ▼▼ •t»t«*. m lately FREE. lOO page racing manual. «■ " "■""""■■ for 1923 -««« ET PROFIT • Toda°MdtmaSrBooki,"MI • Pa rdyrrUIIl V FrOITl YOIII* lUUrrrUlllS PTofitj* easily made with small capital by operating the •* "lic _ " 0,,r. _ * y" STAR SYSTEM. Averages about two plays daily- Rrl«ti»n. Manager «• The Master Key System of playing the races «/ /TAr aTa CO l£a every play is TO WIN ONLY — on the nose! Small JlaL a» *«..«— WaT will bo mailed you for one weeks trial. No llUwV J ■ A OAiC payment down— balance from winnings. Write: LsTat U.*.Tow»oa, Md. XJ charge unless it shows an average profit of STAR SYSTEM i_."_ ....... L *» tl at least 0 a day on the seal, of play. DAILY RACING _._ FORM PUBLISHING CO. 32 Union Square, Room 602 NEW YORK CITY ***$ t t t t 149391493914939 t AgT For particulars mail this ad. with your name 441 PLYMOUTH COURT - CHICAGO. ILL. and addross to J. K. WILLIS. 157-169 EAST 32nd ST.. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. — - l_i ■, Thirtioth st., Miami Beach, Fu. £™™™l™gk*™ ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM Subscribe for Daily Racing Form

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924041301/drf1924041301_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1924041301_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800