Huntington, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-13

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Entries and Past Performances HUNTINGTON MONDAY, APRIL 14 WBiTm CLEAR: TRACK FAST. The figures under tha heading "Rec." .n the entries below show the best time of enrh horse nt the distance fince Jannary 1, 1922. no matter where it finished. In caae where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. 76160 18 FIRST INDEX OF 1924. T8158 IS FIRST INDEX OF APRIL. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. 2Chicago time, 1:30. ® Superior mini runner. X Good mini runner. :: Fair Ciillil runner. M Muidena. •Apprentice allowance, b Itlinkera. The following abbreviations are used to AasfcfjMLta tracks at which time records shown in entries wore made: Aqueduct Aq Jefferson Park JP Aurcra Au Kenilworth Ke Belmont Park BP Kempton Park HP Blue Bonnets BB King Edward Ki Bowio Bo La ton i a La Churchill Downs CD Laurel Lu Columbus Co Lexington Lx Cornaught Park CP Mapl3 Height? MH Cinneaut Lake CL Marlboro Mb Dado Park DP Mobile Mo Davonshire Do Mount Royal MR Dorval Do Omaha Om Dufferin Du Pimlico Pm Empire Em Reno Re Fair Groucds FG Saratoga Sa Fort Erie FE Tanforan Ta Hamilton Hm Thornclif fe Th Havre do Grace HG Tijuana Ti Hawthorno Hw Toledo To Havana Hv Windsor Wi Huntington Hu Woodbine Wo Jamaica Ja First Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. ItBMk record: April Ll, 8828— 1:12% 8- 104 Today* Ind. Horse. Wt. Tier A.Wt.llnti 78315- Flack Ruler . .La 107 1:14% 3 1914:723 78216 Miss Am-riea ... ■ 9S. .720 783163 Hob FG IOC 1:17% 3 103.71.-. 7831C Copperhead 3 103. .710 75170 Daaa Park B Ml. .710 78315 Mike MorrisseyFG US 1:16% 3 101. .710 78316 Richard Murray.. OP 111 1:15V, 4 117X793 78315 The Plainsman. La 107 1:15V, 4 120. 700 78315 Mount PlcasantFG 104 1 :16% 4 120.700 78316 Dissolute Hu 120 1:17V. 5 120.700 78315 Kington tat 107 1:16% 3 108.700 Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Tnrse 00. 3 year olds ami upward. Claiming. Ttoek record: April 25. 1923 I MIX 1 Ml 77889 bAnti.-ipate Hm 110 1 :0S 7 113-725 78318: laibc-k Hu 117 1:09% 4 116.720 75206 Ix eh L,eTen . .MH 109 1:07% 9 111XT1B 78343 Avalanche Ja 113 1:07% 4 110/71:. 78320 Luckv Run ...DP 112 1:07% 4 IU..718 76724 Angela MH 97 1:07* 9 198x719 75330 Athlete To 109 1:08 4 113x710 76237 bKlernity 9 110x710 78339 High Tea 99 1:08% 4 M9X79B 78295 Oaakftj. Lx 113 1:10% SM9X798 78295 Handels Hoyal .. 3 105 .705 75268 losses White ... 3 105 .705 76213 bTimbre] FG 106 1:13%m 5 113X700 78269 Propaganda ..MH 111 1:09% 8 110x700 78271 Milton M FG 100 1:09 3 105.. 700 78316 Rock Court Mi.. Sa 110 1 :0»"i; 3 100. .700 Third Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: April 21. 1923 -1:12%- 5 — 104 78293* Charles Henry MS 1:12% 6 112 -725 78274s •Itingleader ...Om 110 1:13 8 107x720 77826s Sp. rliboy Hvl0iSl:15 6 115.715 783181 Charlie Siiniiuv I1G 129 1:14% 8 115. 715 783213 Gratian Hv 103 1:13% 6 110x715 75262 Bantam Hv 10C 1:14% 4 109x710 78296 bliii ran Hv 112 1:19% 7 112. 710 76814 Mollie Karnes .Do 105 1:13 6 110x710 78294 bBabylonian ..Mil 111 1:14% 7 109x710 77918 Some Punkins Hv 100 1:18% 4 110. 710 70021 Lura MH 107 1:14 6110x705 78316- Kentiesaw iM 111 1:19% 4 199. .799 78296 bAttoo De 110 1:18% 5 115.705 78317- bWhippoorwill ..Do 107 1:14% 9 112X798 78317 Mike CD 118 1:14% 10 115X700 78317 Dewitt MH 110 1:13% 7 109..7C0 Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3 year olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: April 21, 1923 1 :12%— 5— 104. 78295 April Hv 93 1:14% 3 98x725 78316 Wis.- Cracker .FG 10S 116 3 98.. 720 78295 Miss Ktta Hu 104 1:19% 3 99. 715 78320 Darbara l.iliiierHu 117 1:15 4 113.710 78295» Eunice P.ailpy Ml FG 90 1:16 3 103.705 75333 Overstep Til0! l:lC 5 111.. 700 768351 Prairie 13 111x700 Fifth Race— 1 Mile. Ashland Iurse. Purse 00. 4 -year olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Oct. 13. 1923 1 :3S — 4—103. 78252 Jon .lou La 192 1:40% 5 113x725 78341 Silence La MS 1:99 »: MX7M 78321 Tingling Hm 113 1:40% S 113x715 78236 Dumbfounder .Hw 102 1:42% 5 116x715 78344 Six Pence CDllSl:42%h 4 109x710 78344 *Y«ftck Hw 101 1:40% 4 104710 78344 Pirate MeGee Hu 111 1:43% 7 199X793 78294 bLittle Kd Hw 198 1:43% 8 107:710 78343 — Ml u nok in Om 107 1:43V 10 96x705 78340 Futurctte CD 107 1:41% 4 99x700 Sixth Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse . 4 year olds and upward. Claiming. Track teeord: April 21, 1923—1:12% 5—104. 78251; OLIMHIA TE.NN PQ 109 1:13% 8 113x725 78293 P. T. Itanium.. Do 112 1:12% 6 101. .715 78297 Old Sinner Ti 105 1:13% 7 108x715 78250 Theo MH 110 1:13% I 107 ■ 715 77627 Full o Fun. . FG 96 1:14% 4 109-710 78250 bZorro La MB 1:13% 5 112.705 77888 Ogarite 1104 1:13 5 10S . 705 76090 Klaek Monkey. Om 113 1:13% 4 100x705 78315 Dig Sapp 4 113X700 782941 Col. Pat CD 97 1:15 4 10JX700 Seventh Race— 1 1-8 Miles. Purse 00. 4 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track le.ord: April 21. 1923 1:54% 3-118. i 78341= Secretary CL 198 148% 6 106x725 78298 Mock Orange .Hu 115 1:57% 7 111x720 i 783443 H.ixv Mae 5 98.. 715 i 78321 .lohnnv OConnell. Hv 109 1:56 6 106x710 78298 Feign. -.1 Zeal .FG 100 1:55% I 198X798 j 78237 Bayal Maid . . JP 102 1 57% 4 101 . 700 1r»v DA PC ••""* 8M1»« "-year-olil« and upward. llaideiiM. CTaiiniiiK. April bl nHUC si, iya — ttia y-s — 5 — 104. Index Course D; t Time T". k Odds 871 St % Str Fin Jo. keys Started Order of Finish BLACK RULER, b. g. 3 M 101 By AtheLng II.— Ina L., by Otit. Trainer. J. Robertson. Owner. Roberton tc Gilmore. Breeder. Nevada Stock Farm. 78315 Huntu.n f.J f 1 :■ S fajit 3 10 9" 1"! L Parttonlo H.Sapp. SlissAmerica, 7H248 Hunt ton f.J f 1 :W%Caat 41 K 5j L Parftaa ■ Hardman. Eunice Bailey. Dob 77840 Jeff. rs. ,n l f 1 :0SSsgood 100 109 11 12 19* 11* L ParConl.". SisterJosella. Stamp, Danllolling 77099 FCrnds 3-4 1:14 fast 15 103 o 6 12« l.=» F Thd U -13 Hrookdale. Itenigna. Antiquitv 76482 F.Grnds 3 4 1:11%fast 20 118 9 10 11 ll50 K Martin 11 DriCt Cast. AV.t. Wizard. Fausto 75854 Jefferson % f 1 :104th vy 8 118 1 3 6S» 65 B Martin 7 KingONeillll. Oee. Zanzibar 75 273 I.atonia 3-4 1:13%fast 12 107 5 8 7J £• 1? Harvey 12 Mnldrgh. LSmoke. LaP.delCnte 75028 latrala SI f 1:09 mud 17 115 10 11 10» 10- F Ilstingsl2 Phil McCaiin. Equity, Evtrgladc MISS AMERICA, ch. f. 3 CM 98 By Iron Cross II.— Lance, by Martinet. Trainer, W. H. Hall. Owner, W. H. Hall. T.reeder. Williams Bros. 78315 Huntton CI f 1 :«"« fast 61 S7 3* A RodgzlO Hig.Sapp. ItrkKiil.r. T .Plasman 78249 Hunt ton 61 f 1 :09%fast 11 105 4-J R Cost, llo 9 Mitts Etta, T.lTnsn, 87.CraC*I 70819 I-atoma 5-8 l:05%mud 37 IB I 5 61 4:i Sf Klsiy 7 Roiling Wave. Hello, Peggv O. 70593 Lataala 41 f 64 fast 70 115 7 8 8»» 8:: N Swart 10 ITtfaSSIl. M:iylx.d. SMagGaM C7729 F.tlr lids 3-8 35%fast 30 114 10 102 li:« J 1 Mney]2 Damra, Sunayr. Baste* I.oiinct BOB. b. g. 3 M 103 Ey Dick Finnell — Mayonnaise, by Bourbon Bean. Trainer. C. Knight. Owner, M. McFadyen. Breeder. R. H. Anderson. 78316 Hunt ton 9J t 149%faat 1 103 3» W Taylor 9 W. Cracker. Kennesaw. Vehement 78248 Hunt ton f.J f 1 :09%fast 4 100 !| W Taylor 8 Hardman. Eun. l.ailey. Vafceai t 77810 Jefferson 61 f 1 :08%good 30 109 15 15 1". 12" J McCoy 15 SisterJoselli. Stan p. Danllolling 77213 FCrnds 3 4 1:14 fa£t 60 106 13 13 11* 12" Q Corey 13 ltai ley.-orn. Apology. Tight 77099 F.Grnds 3-4 1:14 fast 30 108 12 13 U V.-* C. Corey 13 Krookd.-ile. P.enigna. Autiuuitv 76060 Jefferson 61 f 1 :08%fast 40 US 11 8 10* 10 » J drun senl2 Ge.-, Waukulla, Little Alfred COPPERHEAD, b. c. 3 U 103 By Cataract— Mineral, by Ormondale. .Trainer. W. Woodard. Owner, W. Woodard. Breeder. J. Butler. 78310 Huntton 6» f 1 OSfat 7 105 651 R Clifford ■ Wise Cracker, Kennesaw. Dob 5S29S Bl Crass 51 f 1:07 fast t7 115 3«1 H Glick 8 Frosty D y. Ilatck On. Odeon 697«i I exKtoii 41 f 57%hvy 33 115 6 7 7 1-- W Kelsay T Dallot Braak. Ke.gan. Itoh T.iil 89899 Iy-x Kton 41 f 653*fast 21 108 l 6 S; 7 1 H Cray 9 Tkaanaf. Jaka Hag. r. Arab s 1.9556 lyficlon 12 48%fast 11 112 » » 91 10 3 C Paaca 10 Hat. iu-nt, yuotatan, IFmarket C8778 Jeff.rson 12 50%hvy 10 111 4 6 5 a • L Morris 5 Anue. Adrin. ltlue Monday DADE PARK. b. c, 3,M 101 By The Manager— Run of Luck, by Waener. Ereeder. H. H. Hewitt. 75170 Hun : n 51 1 1 slow 27 II 71 K Vogt 7 Quota, Rock Court. Rub MIKE MORRISSEY. ch. g. 3 CM 101 By Sea King— Belle Clem, by Contestoi. Trailer E. Lutz. Owner. E. Lutz. Breeder. L. Garth. 78315 Haattaa 8] I I 91 fast 61 11 C» J Smwoodlo MigSapp. llUCul.-r. Ml—Aaifllf 7SS9S Hunt ton H t lSS9%taat 20 100 r«l O Atw.ll !l Miss Etta. T.PIaaa, W.Cracr 17SSS .1 ff-is. in :: 4 l I8%krjr 100 11014 14 10" !•• O Carey IS Levajr, Beaitaa, Jiai Kaaacy 7 7740 .i-fferson 3-4 l H%fei* 50 116 15 12 s 12 • H Wakafl 13 I.uvii Back, Melkaarae, 1.. ..v 77610 P.GrMda lm7-y 1 i:hvy 50 Ml 8 8 8 S-» C Mantan B Seth- Fl..w. r. W.u I.yn. h. 1 i-ht 77451 ImTy 1 ,Vi-hy 7 112 4 5 :,-:.« i: lool I FiHuio. 1 liap.-roiie. Attractive 77363 FCrrls |aa79jr 1 .45*tfast 20 112 5 7 99*19**0 l!r.-ningl2 Qaivera, Tiontwi.k. The Peataa I 76918 FCrnds lni7vy l:46%go .d 20 93 11 k 9« 8°C CaafMT 11 Fro-tyDoy. Xanthos. O. Northern RICHARD MURRAY, br. g. 4 M 117 By Meridian— Queen of Paradise, by Hasting!. Trainer. J. Shields. Owner, C. Deibel. Breeder. R. F. Carman. 78316 Huntton 61 f l:08%fast 10 111 6*1 A Kroger ■ Wise Cracker, Kennesaw. Don 78248 Huntton 61 f 1 :09%fast 27 111 7«j A Krog.r H Hardman. Eunice ISailev. Dob 77494 FCrnds 3-4 1 :K 4.g..od 100 107 S 5 11- K- J Ley land 14 Sea Wolf. B Mark. Deth Steel 77386 KCrnda 3-4 1 13%fa?t 100 99J14 13 10 11" J LajrlaM M Carpaater, St Maiiii.e, Doughnut "7234 FGrnds 3-4 1:14 fast 60 110 13 12 12* 0** ■ Martin 13 S Frdman. Col. Winn. T Official 76189 Jefferson 3-4 1 ISHhvy 30 115 7 8 11 lo: K Martin 12 Tomiella. Haldine. Fronfrsinan 76130 Jeff.rson 3-4 1 lSVshvy 20 107 11 5 8] " ■ Martin 12 A.N. Akin. Piedmont. Geo. Start 7.J110 _ li-uttit i4 1.UV*-t iMIUtliZ S I1 ;•- ;; riii.u 12 ArdtUa, Daucer, Teda Pluui THE PLALNSMAN. blk. g 4 M 120 By Dick Welles— Edna Shannon, by Onondaga. Trainer. N B. Davit. Owner. N. B. Davis. Breeder. J. B. Respess. 78315 Huntton 6 f 1 :08 Jj-10 116 4T T CamronlO RigSapp. I.kKul.r. Mi-sAn:eri«a 78249 Huntton 51 f l:C9%fast 91 111 J| T Cameron 9 Mi s Etta. Wistracr M.Ania 75474 Churchill 3-4 1 :13%fast 228 1091 9 9 » 9" T Murray ft JohnQ.K. lly. Itillj B u h. Yalta 75052 Hun pton 61 f 1:11 hvy 16 107 9" W Hogski 9 ILIIiixton, Gonwithim, Monsoon 75015 Huntington 3 4 1:15%fast 6 105 t;J W F.ogskl I Dijou. Primus. Swim 74956 Huntington BJ f 1 :C6t,fa.t 45 100 V R Clifford 11 Arti. King. MissPeulah. Athlete MOUNT PLEASANT, b. g. 4 M 120 By Swiftfoot II.— Galeswinthe, by Hastlngi. Trainer. L. M. Holmes. Owner. Bonaventure Stablei. Breeder. Mrs. L. M. Holmes. 78315 Huntton CJ f 1 :08 fast Sa 96 5» O Atwell 10 RigSapp. DkKiiler. MissAi.eriea 78232 Hunton 5 1 I f 1 :09fast 6 115 7*1 J Km-wood 9 D d Guise, KenVw.O. of t SeaslI 77972 .l.ff.rson 3 4 l:17%mu l 40 118 4 2 21 2l H Stutts 13 Ceo. Starr. D.indybrush. Hysteria 76858 F.Crnds 3-4 1 !4%fast 100 104 14 14 14 144 J Chalmersl4 Ioppye. Arrowhead. Venizelos 76189 Jettetaoa 3-4 1:1S%hvy 60 115 10 11 9s 11=° J Corcoranl2 Tomtella. P.aldin-, Frontrsuian DISSOLUTE, ch. g, 5 M 120 By Theo. Cook— Marian Gay. by Celt. CTrainer. E. Rice. Owner. E.Rice. Breeder. E. F. Simms. 78316 Hunt ton 61 f 1 s%fast 46 116 V T Ronham 9 Wise Packer, Kennesaw. Rob 78200 Huntton 3-4 1 :1n%fast 17 120 67 T Bonhaml2 Melbourne. Miss Ktta. Mr Deck 75141 Wheeling 6 f 1:30 hvy 16 110 Left at post. W MnderslO Ilurgoyne. Advance Fictile 74987 Huntington I 4 1 :14%fast 23f 112 4 T BonhamlO I.uckyPearl. Akerku ker. Neenah 74955 Huntington 5i f 1 08 fast 21 113 5* T Wayt 8 Fond Hope. Verde. Lieut. Perk i4is 74790 Hunton 3 4 1:14%fast 12 111 iJT Wayt M Kara, Prkaaa, Diioa KINGTON, ch. g. 3 M 106 By Sea King— Chilton Queen, by Chilton. Trainer. C. Burns. Owner. C. Burns Breeder. L. Garth. 78315 Huntton 61 f 1 :08 fast 35 104 8" R CostellolO DigSapp. ICkUuler. MissAmeri.-a 78248 Huntton jj f lM%faef 29 lo" 6»J R Costello 8 Hardman. Eunice Balky, l-ob 78200 Huntton 3 4 1 :16%fast 15 106 10*R Costellol2 Melbourne. Miss Ktta. Mr. Deck 76948 lm70y l:46%good 20 98 3 11 11 H»* J Wallace 11 FrostyHoy. Xanthos. O. Northern 76881 lir.TUy 1:47 slow 50 87 2 8 »*• Q Cooper 8 Run ii:oi. Diooinfl.iv. Diielma 76836 Ftlrnds 111 ITHIeW 20 10610 10 9* 10»1 R Cos.ellol2 ;oldmark. The Reaper. Daldine 76679 FCrnds 3 4 l:10%mud 10 112 9 11 9" 10= N Barrett 11 D. Manager, Antiquity, Dugler Onrl DA PET s 1_2 Fnrlonjfsi. "-year-olds and upward. Claiming. April £1111 FlMUCl G, 193 1 :05 4-5 5 1O0. ANTICIPATE, b. h. 7 113 By Plaudit— Antipathy, by Ornament. Trainer. E. C. Lucas. Owner. E. Marmouget. Breeders. Morris and Alexander. 77889 Mferaaa T I 1 tt%iail 7 120 5 6 6*1 6» W Lilley 10 Piedmont. Poor Sport, Simplicity 77810 Jeff.rson 5 t 1 :08%good 6 120 7 6 71 65 L MiD ottl5 SisterJosella. Stan:| . BaaBalllag 77600 F.Crnds 1-4 1 :l.".%livy 6 112 3 2 2* 21 J Heupel 10 Lit. Alfred. Kttahe. Fifty Fifty 77576 F.Crnds 3-4 114%good 12 110 4 3 31 1*1 J Heup-l 14 R. Dobin. Oninipoteiit. Sagamore 77364 F.Crnds 3-4 1:13%fast 20 110 9 10 10 U3 J Heupei 10 Arrowhead. Pl.Micou, D.lSolling LUBECK. b. g. 4 118 By Sain— Bashford Belle, by Falsetto. Trainer. L. M. Holmes. Owner. Bonaventure Stable. Breeder. G. J. Long. 78318 Hunt ton 51 f 1 OS fast 29-10 US 2= J Sm/wood S CharlieSuminy. Hughie. Oldltlue 78270 Huntton i| f 1 :P9fast 20 117 2 J SmallwMll Mr. Heck, MackiareBi, AuntieKin 77653 F.tJrnds 1 1-1C 1 :4S%fast 25 103 4 10 81 P* O W CiaUlS La Orfc, Pete Foy. lN.yal George 77500 11-19 1:49 cood 15 100 3 6 41 G=D Mergier 12 Way wass.-in o. M.. -kOrange. lex 77450 F.Crnds 1 1-16 l:50mud 20 107 2 4 4J A- J Wallace 9 F gnedZ I. EddieJr., Ourl! thday LOCH LEVEN. b. m, 6 111 By Meelick— Dona Hamilton, by Donald A. Trainer. G. W. Fritz. Owner. T .Mott. Breeder. G. L. Blackford. 75206 Huntjrton 3-4 1 :lS%niud 2210 112 V W Martin 7 The Cirl. Dallynew. Palladium 74874 Huntington 84 1.13%fa;t 6-5 104 21 J Eaton ■ M:itine» Idol. Red. R..yC. 73797 YgstwnAb5-8 69 fast 31 110 1 G Willims 5 Fire racker. Kendall, /.orro 73C52 Ygslwn Ab 5-8 69%fast 5 106 2=1 F Moore 5 Glenn. FiioCrar ker. 1-ot.I.oraine ".3339 Wheeling Ab5-Sl:00 slop 11 101 ll C White 6 Zorro. Sister Susie, Winchester AVALANCHE, br. g. 4 110 By McGee— Mirror, by Sir Dixon. Trainer, J. S. Whatley. Owner. J. J Lyons. Breeder, C. W. Moore. 78343 See todays chart. 78270 Huntton 51 f 1 :P9%fast 17 5f 119 67 S WololmU Mr.Reek. I.ubeek. Macliiavelli 78234 Hunton 5 1-2 f 1 :09%fast 37 110 85J E T Moore 9 Dristow. Adventure. C. Siiminy 77105 FCrnds 11-16 1:49 fast 40 103 8 8 10* lO" L Lang 12 Tom Cassidy. Pete Foy. Yorick 76863 F.Crnds 1 1-16 1 :49%fast 30 109 4 6 7 714 J Grneisen 7 Alard. llena. Superlative 76607 F.Crnds 3-4 1 :13%fast 30 112 5 8 91 9" J Grunsenl Good Time. Hysteria. Hhinegold 76229 Jefferson 5ifl:12%hvy 12 109 11 8 6 6T1 F Lee 11 Anticipate. D taria. F bertygibt LUCKY RUN. br. c, 4 113 By Tea Caddy— Run of Luck, by Wagner. Trainer. 0. Johnson. Owner. Missouri Stable. Breeder. H. H. Hewitt. 78320 Hunt ton 3-4 1:li%fast 15 107 45 L Aron 7 RarbaPr. Rhinegold. A.Alexr 78251 Huntton 51 f 1 :07 fast U 108 7!t L Aron 8 CoIuiii.Tenn. Th«| 1-. r. Proceeds 75297 Hunt gton 3-4 1:10 fa*t 42-10 108 8«J C Bruder M. Mars. Fr Canadian. M ISeulah 75175 Hunton 11:43 slow 10 106 43 C Bruder 12 SixPenee. Rl.iekHa. kle. Phenoi 75050 Hungton 3-4 l:17%hvy 10 H3 2s T Wajt 7 Dentaria. Satana. Hazel W. ANGELA, ch. m. 5 108 Bv The Wolf — Mona Canomann. bv Elmer L. Trailer, C. C. Emmert. Owner. Frozen North Stable. Breeder. P. A. Kiisatein. 7C724 Cul City 8-9 1:01%gonl — 111 7*| C McCrkle 8 Zainer, Maude Harvev. Ilonnga 76645 Cul. City 5-8 l:02%good — 111 2= I Creery 5 Zainer. Little Florence. Firo 76588 Cul. City 5-8 IM%saad — lo7 6T L Creery ■ Lckyllays. KthelPrown. SerapU 76266 Tijuana 6-8 l:01%livy 3i 109 9° L Creery » llarryl.. F.CIiurchl, II Electric 75763 Tanforan M l:015fast — 113 4* F Weiner I TubbyA.. Ccdric Ha vana Klectric 75670 Tanforan 5-8 1.01%fast — Ml :1 F WMBCff 9 W. Thoughts. Ccdric. Hereafter ATHLETE, b. g. 4 113 By Sir John Johnson— Wren, by Star Shoot. Trainer. L. Haymaker. Owner, R. V. Haymaker. Breeder. Xalapa Farm. 75330 Hunton 2-4 1:14 fast 4 103 55 W Martin 10 Kinsman, I.u. kvp.arl. Yul.anite 75296 Huntg.nn 51 f l:9t%fa«t 27-10 111 2= T Bonham 9 Dicknell. Ed Garrison. Dearie 75171 Hunton 8] f 1:10 slow | 109 53 T P.onham S End Man. Gold Hank. Last Girl 75017 Huntington 51 f 1:1 fast 2: 10 110 . 3i T Bonham 7 Hughie. C::lifa, Monsoon ETERNITY, blk. g. 6 110 By Ballot— Golden Fancies, by Gold Heels. CTrainer. P. G. Magni. C*vDer. P. G. Magnl. Breeder. Morris and McGougn. 75237 WhlK Ab 1 1-8 2:06 mud tS-i 104 4" J Majestic 7 Phelaii, Armistice. Amaze 75169 Wheels 1 1 16 2:d2 hvy S 105 8* J Majestic 9 Phelan. Amaze. My Ixirraine 75080 Wheelg Ab 61 f 1:29 mud 10 105 4« F Lux 7 L.EyesIL. P. 11. Ori Girl 74949 Akron 61 f l:23%f ist 36 112 S" J McCughlO KddieFulIer. Can.Iidy. Primitive 74784 Akron M l:0::%fast 47 111 77 J McCughlO Carer Ip. Dab. New Model 74652 Akron 8] f l:0S%fast 22 113 7" H CTments 8 Enos. TheChberlain. Car.Raker HIGH TEA. br. f. 4 108 By Tea Caddy— La Mode, by Peep oDay. Trainer. W. S. Wishard. Owner, C. J. Brockmiller. Breeder. Miss E. xiaingerfield. 78339 See todays chart. 77281 F Grnds 1 3-16 2:02 fast 60 91 5 9 91 9— G Cooper 10 Dustproof. Cash. Juno 77218 FCrnds 1 1-16 l:49%fast 30 100 2 10 H**U** J Chalmrs12 D. fr.Hone. Se. rety. JakeDerger 76943 FCrnds 3-4 1:14 good 50 89 8 12 12* 127 G Cooper 13 Avispa. Tempting. Stamp 76680 F.Crnds 3-4 l:15%mu.l 30 93 8 7 61 8* G Cooper 11 D.Glenn. Felicitous, U p gllune 76186 F.Crnds 1 1-16 1 :48%fast 40 90 7 6 7S0 7s G Ccop* r 8 Bark, Yalenlia. Attorney ONEIDA, b. f. 3 100 By Tho Finn— Happy Kate, by Handsel. Trainer. C. Sawtelle. Owner, C. R. Aldrich. Breeder. J. W. Bailey. 78295 Huntton 5-S1:0l%fa«t 21-5f 113 S»] J Winans 10 A tieMillin. Digwig. Knni el, ley 75287 Whling Ab 8-S 1:03 hvy 7 110 50. H Clments 8 Forty Two. Sir Glen. P.unnieJack 75197 Whling Ab 5-S 1 :03 mud 32 106 3s C White 11 A II lot foot. Fin.Gkriosus. SirGleu 75104 Wheelg Ab ".-8 1 :03 slow S 111 43 C White 7 Delle Isle, Miss Legg*. Sir Glen *4865 Akron 8] f 1:10 fast 2 113 I1 C White 6 Noithn.Star. Damage, GoldI -af RANDALS ROYAL, ch. g. 3 105 By Opera Glass — Ferrona. by Alvcscct. Trailer. B. A. Jones. Owner. Jones Stock Farm Stable. Breeder. B. A. Jones. 78295 Huntton 8-9 l:«:%fast 21-."f 113 9H C Cross 10 AticMillin. P.igwig. EuniceBley 78235 Hunt ton 9-4 l:l.".%fast 81 lu8 u 0 Gross 7 Dreamer. N. McKay. Ir. Mally 77474 FCrnds 2-4 1 :15%slow 12 97 S Lost rid. r.B Brening12 Jackson. MidnitFollies Fehr.ih 67422 Havana 14 22%fast 3 110 4 2" lj E II Bnes 9 SethsDieam. Elcctra. Quail LASSES WHITEr. br. c. 3 105 By Delhi— Temps, by Dick Finnell. Trainer. A. Morgan. Owner, A. Morgan. Breeder. R. H. Anderson. 75268 Huntgton ;1 f 1 :0S fast 7 114 6"1 W Dunsn 6 P.Mayers. LkyStrike. FolwMe 75242 Hun:gton 61 f 1 :08 hvy 12 111 10,a W DunsnlO Attilla, Auntie Milhn. Dalefu.I 74989 Huntington 5 S 1 :01fast 2 107 4=1 M Burger 6 Hence. AuntieMillin. Harleycn 74266 Akron 51 f 1:11 fasc 1 110 1] Q AVliams .. Donnie Jack. Homer. Ituzz Saw 74130 I st own Ab 5-8 59%fast 31 116 bi J Connors 8 LadyQ/ksilvcr, tneida, Don.Jack TIMBREL, blk. g. 5 113 By Zeus— Black Swan, by Herbert. Trainer. 0. Chaney. Owner, G. Carter. Breeders. White and Garnett. 76213 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 :56%hvy -O 112 6 T 9* S" G Breningll Keliabilily. Dowsprit, M.Orange 73746 Ygstwn 6i f 1:2". fast 4 1"7 2nt F Horn 7 Foy. Fane. 73100 Columbs 1 1-M 1 2%fast 3Jf H8 31 S Banks 9 Dewitt. Arapahoe. First Pullet 73033 Colaaaka 1 l-lO l::i%fast 9 l»l 3 F Horn II Red, Ii Kiess. Dewitt PROPAGANDA, ch. g, 8 110 By Sundridge — Gelinotte. by Galllr.ule. Trainer. E. Lt-tz. Owner. E. Lutzl. Bred in Eneland bv Sir M. Svkes. 7P2« .» Huntton 51 f 1 :08 t**t 69 116 10- O Atwell 10 Royaline. ChaiheSmy. 78234 Hun tmi 5 1-2 f l.e9%fast 64 114 7J. G Yeargin 9 Dristow. Adventure. C. Summy 77576 FCrnds 3-4 1:14%good 30 107 12 13 13! 13-" M Gamtt 14 It.Dobin. Omnipotent. Anticipate 77234 F Gr nds 3-4 1:14 fast 30 110 1 11 11 12-" J Heup. 1 13 S. Frdman. Col. Winn. T Official MILTON M.. br. g. 3 105 By Towton Field— Olive McGee. by McGee. tTrainer. C. Houbre. Owner, F. P. Letellier. Breeders. Honer and Crosn. 78271 Hunt ton S-4 l:14%Caet N 1"S 9*181 Costello 9 Great Lady. GiuDoyll.. I.ittleKd 78235 Huntton 2-4 l:18%faat 19 108 731 R Costello 7 Dreamer. N. McKay. Pr. Mally 76922 F.Crnds 3-4 1:15 slow 30 108 3 4 7 10- J Ked.ris 12 Peggy O.. Yultillu. P.cllc K. 7670. FCrnds 3 4 1:15%hvy 12 112 10 11 11 11s- J Ke.lerisll Bjiaa. Norseland. Telescope 76559 F.Crnds i| t 1 :06%fast 30 1 M 8 19 10 1015 J Kederis 10 I.Thglits. SLOBay, K.ONeilllL ROCK COURT, b. f. 3 M 100 By Trap Rock— Dorothy Court, by Robert le Diabie. Trainer. L. Cook. Owner. L. C. Cook. Breeder. P. M. Walker. 78316 Hunt ton 81 I l:9S%faat 5 104 S» J Pevic ■ Wise tracker. K.nn.saw. Rob 75269 Hunt gton 88 l:02%fa»t 51 103 45 W Martin ft RKieorge, A tieMillin. I.yCelie 75170 Hunton 51 f 1 10 slow 23 105 21 M Burger 7 Quota. Hub. S.iu.y Susie 74789 Hun: on 5 f 107%fast 49 112 10° K Denny 11 Pearl Beata, Quail. 1-agoon 73007 Saratoga 61 f 1 0b%fast 50 110 10 9 121 12" R McLane 13 Ifcfiant. Ebony P.elle. I.eonaDare 72863 Saratoga 5-8 f.9%fast 100 114 12 13 135 12" W Pool 14 Anticipatn. DevilGirl. Gr. Carrie 72672 Saratoga 51 f 106%fast 100 112 16 17 17= 17=* S McLane 18 Klondyke, Sun Flag, Fly P.y n j DAOC ••-* 88H i :i- car-«Id« and upward. Claiming. April 1 1 , lii2.l orO nAUt — isi J y-s — 5 — 104. CHARLES HENRY, ch. g, 6 112 By Jack Atktn— Prudential Girl, bv Kiniey Mack- i Trainer. I. Acey. Owner. Perkins Sc Carrigan. Breeder. H. P. Headley. 78293 Hunt ton S| I 1 M Eaat C-M 110 32 R Harton 7 ThelNter. Geo Starr. I* T Dntim 78272 Hunt ton 3-4 1 :14Sfast 9-10 112 21 R Harton ■ KapidStride. P.ohP.ak. r. Gratian 78202 Huntton 8-4 114-fast 31-10 122 5J R HaitonlU I heo. GldSinner. P.arl.r.i Palmer 77344 F.tJr nds 1 I I IITMl ll 1". 113 3 1 4» 9" R HartonlO ICuby. Golden P.iHow-. Lugs 767:13 FCrnds 3-4 1:14%slow 7 112 2 3 5l 7" E lool ftKingselere. are Free. Attilia 76557 F 3-4 1l:; .fast 41 114 12 10 9 It - ■ Pool 13 Tiin.slp. C.,ralK.ef. D torCl. nn 76232 .Icfi.rson 111 ll%Br J 13-5 112 9 7 01 6 • J Wallace 10 Peg Pardon. Dr. Joe. Carnanon RINGLEADER, ch. g. 8 107 By Harrigan— Beatrice Soule. by Peep o Day. Trainer. C. C. Emmert. Owner. Frozen North Stable1. Breeder. B. A. Jones. 78274 Huntton 3-4 1 1 112 3* C Cross 9 Dr. lee, .Manikin P.allvnew 76808 Cul City 11:42 fast — 113 1*1 C Cnwood t! Madron... T ChamhTii. Conichon 7I.HOO ulCity 11:41--fast — 112 f C Cruood | I.eenrack, Madrmio. Km- Stories 76678 Cul. City 1 1 4 ;-g.,o.l — 111 1*1 C Ciwood 7 lliawck. oni. lion. An Be I ell 788S2 Cal.Citjr 1 1 :4J good — Mt C , I, V.,ry l". Arravan. Gold Itryan, BtaaM 3B84S Culv-ri". Ab 3-4 1.1J good — l 6 4-1 L Creery 8 SaiuK.-h. S.rapi. Carlo-.Knrniue SPORTIBOY, b. g. 6 115 By Son-in-Law— Pasquita. by Sundridge. Trainer. K. K. Karrick. Own-r. W. R. Coe. Bred in England by J. B. Joel. 77826 Havana 1 1 8 1 .4 fast 21 Ml I 3 2* 9* J Callahanlll llaln. Dapillll. Tonuihoi 77790 Havaaa 1 1-M l:47%faat 7-:o no 3 4 3 i J Callahan 8 Draarry, sandy n. leeekaaa 77726 Havana lm7ty 1 M%faat 1 112 2 2 21 2J J Callahan 9 Tamper. Illk hi I.. N.enah 77656 Havana. 3-1 1:15 good 4-5 106 3 5 41 2 J CalhilianlO MiriamCr. Kog. Glorv of t SsII. 77300 Havana 1 1-M 1:91 good 21 102 2 2 3i"- Ll J Callahan I Kandel, NorthWalo. Lu.yKate CHARLIE SUMMY. b. g. 8 115 By Assagai— Bracktown Belle, by Cunard. Trainer. U. S. Wishird. Owner. U. S. Wishard. Breeder. A. Brown. 78318 Hunt ton i| ! ! M f..-t 7 10 Of 1; A Roach ■ Lafceck, Hughie. Old Itlne 78269 Haattaa 8| f 1:M fast 41 116 21 A Roach 10 Bej aline. Mul iber. 081 Dlue 78234 Hun ton 5 1-2 f 1 :09%fast 9 110 31 A Roach 9Itnstow. Adventure. Ma. hiavelll 77888 Jeff.rson 2-4 1:16%mud 25 120 12 13 11 12" J Corcoranlft Medd.Mattie. Mcintosh. Isamjo. 77759 Jefferson 3 4 1 14%faat 40 LU 2 7 13 12* D Jonca 14 Dr. Joe. Good Time, liaidce GRATIAN, b. a. 6 110 By Astronomer— Helen OC, by Hit Hifhnssa, Trainer. J. Hill. Owner. H. W. Barnes. Breeder. D Gideon. 78321 Huntton 1 l:41%fast 15 110 S* E T Moore 7 Tingling. FredKy. Morm.Bldr 78272 Hum ton 3-4 1 :14%fast 28 110 4 | K T Moore 6 RapidSV. CharlesHy, BobBaker 78072 Tijuana 1 1 8 1 :34%fast 16 102 1 2 5» 5«| G Abel 10 GailKord. 11 Warren. HUnMMfe 77953 Tijuana H f 1 :0Mislow 6 111 2 1 11 4l J Wood 7 Grayson. Kirkwood. Jack I.edi 77643 Tijuana lmTOy 146%fast 7 111 3 2 4" 7»J It U Zinc. GoldBrynn. Laurafochron 77384 Tijuana lmTOy 1.45%fast IS 101 4 3 8» 10*1 E Barnes 10 LoctLvcs, FeterPrson, Lixett- BAXTAM. Mk. g. 4 109 By Black Toney— Mrs. F. O. Hogan. by Sir Dixon. Trainer. C. Davis. Owner. H. Davis.. Breeder. E. E. Bradley. 75262 Wheeling 61 f 1 33 hvy 11-10 109 1* F Horn ! Veronica. Sandy 11.. Primitive 75076 Wh-elg Ab 3-4 1 :21%mud 31 113 !| K Sercmb-. S F.duaD.. ChasA.Hyrne. Arth Rule 74479 Akron Ml:Ntbul 61 109 l« 1» Groos I Fly iiiglieauty. Fictile. PsjctyB 74085 Y st own 01 f 1 :25.- fast 41 107 451 J Berg I Ed. Fuller. Melancholia. Madson 73884 Vslown 2 4 l:22%slop 11-10 112 V W Horn 6 My Lorraine, DickieDix, Bustler HABAN, b. g. 7 112 By Horron— Cyrene. by Tbe Scribe. Trainer. B. Mock. Owner. B. Mock. Breeders. Talbot Bros. 78339 See todays chart. 78296 Hunfton 3 4 1:13 fast 72 110 7*1 W Taylor 9 Dancer. Archie Alex der, Ilteria 77874 Harass* 51 f 1 OTVjfast 12 111 5 7 4* 5!1 P Groos II Bnnnan. Whis| cring, ChowChow 77078 Havana lm50y 143 fast 5 110 4 9 9" A Pickens 9 Fannie Nail. Alluring. Blk.Baby 77659 Havana 3-4 1:14 good 6 113 8 3 6 1 5*1 A Pickens 12 I.I.oraine, .lacklot. B.Watchll. M0LLIE BARNES, ch. m. 6 110 By Trojan— Suivex-Moi. by Seahors* H. Trainer. G. R. Allen. Owner, Mrs. F. O. George. Breeder. J. T. Gwatbmey. 76814 K.Grnds 1 1 S 1 :59Synud 8 106 8 3 9 9:* [i McD ott • Bolster. Bastille. Hickory 76507 FGrnds 1 1-16 l:51V»mud 12 107 1 4 6» 614 J Corcoran 7 Smart Gny. Trooper. Kttabe 72870 K.-mlwh lmTOy l:43%fast 16 111 1 6 6 6" E Taplin 0 Gazinta, High Wear. Sportsman "2404 Hnwthne 1 1-16 l:52fehvy 7 101 1 1 1* 1* L McDott 7 Trooper. Yorick. Kill Head 72353 11 vvlhne lmTOy l:50Vimud 4 100 7 5 5 4«1 W Fronk S Belgian Queen, Peucelal, Diana BABYLONIAN, cb. g. 7 109 By Uncle— Lost Cherry, by Sir Dixon. Trainer. G. W. Fritz. Owner. T. T. Mott. Breeder. W. B. Miller. 78294 Hunfton 31 .f 1 08 fast r, HO 6« W Smith 7 Sam Bib. Col. Pat. Ilena 782I.7 Hunton 5 1-2 f 1 :0Sjfast 10 103 10" I, Aron 12 G. Shaw. L. Florence. Futurett- 75240 Huntington 5 8 1:05 hvy 33 10 150 1* Mr Milbrn t R.ipidStride, Cli.Suminy. St Just 74834 Hunton 51 f 1 :07Vifast 41 111 l1 W Martin 7 P.T .Barniim. Last Girl, Califa 73917 I -town Ab 5 8 1:02 mud 3 112 4«i K Horn .". Gol. Chance. CarricBaker, EdnaD. SOME PUNKINS. b. f, 4 110 By Wrack— Sobriquet, by Toddington. Trainer. J. Gass. Owner, J. L. Paul. B eeder. J. T. Gwatbmey. 77918 Havana 3 4 1:15 slop 6 97 9 7 7* 74 J Eaton • Twopair. Dang Bock. P.illSpivins 77854 Havana 51 f 1 :07%fast 5 104 5 7 7! 31 O Pernia 12 Simk n B..y. Lustre. Patsy B. 77482 Havana i| f 20 102 3 4 5 5i O Fcrnia 12 S.i Wiggins, IVodor. Spring Vale 77395 Ha van i 51 f 1 :07f ast 6 103 4 7 51 6" J Ma j stir 12 Sligo. Jack Pot, EllaC. 77298 Havana 61 f 1:10 good ." 104 4 1 1» 1» J Maje.«ticl2 Almirante. S.Simon. Perigrdine 77128 Havana 51fl:13?thvy 2 100 5 2 3i 6 ♦ P Groos 6 .leal. Woman, TbeGirl, BigNoise LURA, b. m. 6 110 By Sir Huon — Hortense, by Alvescct. Trainer. L Haymaker. Owner, R. V. Haymaker. Breeder, G. J. Loag. 70021 Map Hts 5 f l:07*4hvy 5 109 5" T P.onham i! Susiana. Yorick, Miss Caltha €9706 Map Hts 1 1-16 1 :46Sfast 51 100 5° J Byrne 7 VivaCuba. Exliorter. W.Turnbow 69539 Columbus 61 f l:26ifast 9-10 105 •*• J Byrne 9 Invigorator, Mambi. Bay Atkin 69481 Columbus .".1 f 1 :07Vifast 13-10 104 4-1 J Byrne 8 Klmont, Bengali. Zoona 69401 Columbus 2 4 1 :17Hfast 43 10 103 3* J Byrne ".I Vatisylvi.i. Mullnwmot. Elmonl KENNESAW. b. g. 4 M 108 By Magic II.— Caparthia. by Star Shoot. Trainer, R. Scully. Owner, R. Scully. Breeder. W. S. Kilmer. 7834 1 S M todays chart. 78316 Hunt tun Kg f 1 :08 £fast 37-10 116 21 E T Moore 9 Wise Cracker, Bob. Vehement 78232 Hunton 5 1 ! f 1 :C9Sfast 71 110 21 ET Moore 9 D. d. Guise. G. of t. SeaslI.Vwpt 78200 Huntton 3-4 1 :165tfast II 115 7° N Burger 12 Melbourne, Miss Etta. Mr. Beck 77653 KGrnds 1 1 -16 1 :4S%fast 60 99 12 12 12 12-* W Milner 12 La Orb. Pete Foy. Royal Crorgc 77582 KGrnds lmTOy 1 48«fchvy 20 116 9 8 71 8" W Milner 9 Kl Astro. Gladys V.. Troiitwii k 77449 P.Grada 1 1-16 150 mud 30 10i?l 8 6 6 7,T W Miln. r 9 Permarco. St. Paul, Yorick ATTOO. b. g, 5 115 By Hesperus— Simonda, by St. Avonicus. Trainer. C. Maulding. Owner, C. Maulding. Breeder. A. K. Macomber 78296 Hunfton 3-4 1:15 fast 19 110 6»1 R Holway I Dancer, ArchieAlexder. Hteria 78233 Hunton 5 1-2 f 1:09 fast 2 110 1 C Gross 9 Ardito. ■ Stories, HelloPardnr 76862 l ;fnils 1 1-16 1 Mt/kat 30 111 3 8 9 9=» G Breningll Tgling. Dr.Wliitehurst. Neddam 76 i80 E.Crnils 1-4 llumud 12 112 6 8 9* 10" G Br.-ningl 1 DMcnn. Felicitous, B pgHome 75978 Jefferson lmTOy 1.50 hvy S 111 € 5 6 5" B Brening 7 Tan Son, PeteFoy, Curr tEvents WHIPPOORWILL. ch. g. 9 112 By Olambala— Nightfall, by Voter. Trainer. W. Higginbotham. Owner, C. F. Solomon. Breeder. R. T. Wilton. 78317 Hunl..n E| f I OSfast 13 112 2 " J Domick 9 Ballynew. Kv« ngStories. Dewitt 78274 Hunfton t-4 l:15fast 33 112 6« J Grunsen 9 Dr. Joe, Manokin, Ringleader 77352 Havana H f 1 Osgood 4 113 4 5 51 51* J Callahan 6 Gloom, Forewarn. Foul Weather 77299 Havana 51 f 1 :0SCgood U 112 11 5 51 6« J Connors 11 S. Susie. M. Denial. J.lnderwood 77174 Havana 3-4 1:19 hvy M 115 1 I 2"k 5«1 Q Wliam.s S Benltolt. Si|. Wiggins. Viil.aiiilc 77090 Havana 51 f 1:15 hvy 3 li2 1 1 l1 1« J Connors C, lemTlieisrn, Wm.Oldt MIKE. ch. g. 10 115 By Meelick— Katherine Conr.or. b- Mirthful. Trainer J. Hope. Owner. B. J. McDonald I . Breeder. B. C. Bunbury. 78317 Hunfton i| f I MjjflU 33 113 S-J R Holway 9 Hallynew. Whiprwill. Ev. Stories 78274 Hunfton :: 4 1 .15Vast 46 115 7: B Holway 9 Dr. .L e. Manokin, Ringleader 78058 Havana :: 4 1 :16good 12 111 9 6 31 1" H MAl.j 1.1 Whirlwd. SolinsKts. Humpy 77996 Havana l| f 1:09 fast 5 110 12 11 6"" T«j W Pmtosel2 Wee loddler. Silvergrift. Hush 77895 Havana 3i f UOS/jfast 6 111 10 5 31 44 W PmroselO Kxecufn, AlTliomas, C.A.Byrne DEWITT. ch. g, 7 109 By Everett — Miss Panmure. by Panmure. Trainer. W. R. Padgett. Owner. Padgett and Dougherty. Breeder. I. E. Clark. 78317 Huntton 51 f 1 :08 4fast SO 111 4| W Smith ■ Ballynew. Whiprwill. F.v Stories i 78:69 Hunt ton i| f 1 :08 43 116 6« W Smith 10 Boyaline. CliarlieSiny, Mulciber 76973 Havana 51 f 1.12?shvy 3 111 4 5 6« 5T1 W Smith S St. Just Buth Wehle, Suzuki 76008 Havana 61 f 1:08 fast 10 117 3 3 31 3» W Smith S Laugh. ByeslL. Feodor. WinorQt 73392 Wheeling 1 1:49 bvy 3 1U8 4* F Horn 6 Dalrose, Wireless. Sea Mime jil DA PC ■•—* "Vlilr. 3-yrar-olds and upward. laiminu.. April 1!1, liiti.l mii nAUt l:ia 3-5 5 104. APRIL, b. f, 3 98 By Horron — Palermo, by Garry Herrmann. Trainer. W. Lounsberry. Owner. R. Stralendorff . Breeder. J. B. Gorham. 78295 Hunt ton a 8 1 :01*;fast 42 100 4*1 J Cowan 10 AtieMillin. Bigwig. EuniceBley 78011 Havana 51 f 1 :08 fast 10 100 6 3 31 3» W MCabe12 Auntie Millin, Castilla. Cloporte 77922 Havana 51 f 1 :08*iSlop M 102 11 10 9 10« W McCabell IonaDare. JeorgiaMy. Blu.Ms 77694 Havana 3 4 1 LMfcfadt 20 107 8 5 71 7" W I-ronk 11 Nimro«l. Pilades. Babbling 77617 Havana 51 f l:ll%mud lb 103 8 7 81 9« W Ki onk 9 Asa Jewell, Plaid. Babbling 77428 Havana 3-4 114%fast 31 93 4 1 I* 1 J Dawson 7 Ring Rose, toscorron, Yakima WISE CRACKER, ch. c. 3 98 By Uncle— Mcselle. by Wadsworth. Trainer. W. C. Bethel. Owner. W. C. Bethel. Breeder, R. and H. Oots. 78316 Hunfton 5i f 1 :08V4fast 19-5 95 tl H Hay 9 Kennesaw. Dob. Vehement 78249 Hunfton 51 f 1 Mfast 33-10 106 3i C OMney 9 Miss Etta. T.Pinsn, M.AmVaj 78200 Hunfton 3 4 1 :!6%fast 91 107 12=» C 0Mahyl2 Uelbourne, Miss Ktta. Mr. Beck 77099 2-4 1:14 fast 10 108 13 11 9« 9" L McD ottDl Drookdale. Benigna. Antiquity 76524 l.hrnila 3-4 1 15%slow 5 105 10 8 13 12» J ID up-1 14 LittleAlfred. Telescope, Chaplet MISS ETTA, ch. f, I 99 By Seth— Hester Zorra, by Cesarion. Trainer. T. F. Bornman. Owner. Miss M. Kelly. Breeder. J. A. Hall. 78295 Hint ton 5 8 1 :01%fast 12 US 51R ZcchinilO AtieMillin, Bigwig. EnniceBley 78249 Hunt ton 51 f 1 09«ifast 13-1- lftS |*| B Zucchini 9 T. Plainsn. W. racr. M.Ani a 78200 Hunfton Ml:H|fui 7 104 2W Martin IS Melbourne. Mr. Beck. IVdlyFrilz 77840 Jeff.rson 51 f 1 OSgood 60 104 12 10 11» 13« D Jones 15 SisterJosella. Stamp. DanBolling 77740 nfllllll 3 4 lltfast 30 HI 11 13 13 14" A AccardylG Bush Buck. Melbourne. Levoy BARBARA PALMER, ch. f. 4 113 By Manager Waite— Miss Bellamy, by Plaudit. Trainer. E. Lutz. 0 vner. t. Luti. Breeder. T. C. McDowell. 78320 Hunt ton 3-4 1 HVifast 71 102 I* O Atwell 7 Bliinegd. ArcliieAer, LkyRun 78202 Hunfton 3-4 l:14%fast 29 117 3»1 B Hoi va12 Theo. Old Sinner. Rhmegold 77972 .I.-ff-rson 3 4 1 lTmud 12 113 8 7 71 S«G Corey 13 G.St.irr. HI IMeast. Dandybrusli 77841 J-ffeison 51 f 1 09 good 100 115 6 7 5l 5«J W Crump 14 St. Maurice, DyRyan. JolinJosepli j 77709 FCrnds 3-4 1 HHfast 100 107 12 12 12 ll« .1 Heupel 12 Our Flag. John Joseph, Theseus! 75974 Jefferson 61 f 1 10 hvy 30 103 10 10 10 10*: M Girrett 10 Knot tirass. t.oldenFloss. Frotli 75292 Wh ling Ab 3-4 1:24 hvy 11-5 111 l1 R Pauley S Jeal. Woman, Sil.Maid, VirgieK. EUNICE BAILEY, blk. f. 3 M 103 By Dick Finnell— Diamond Grain, by Fowling-piece. Trainer. L. Erb. Owner. L. Erb. Breeder. T. Piatt. 78295 Hunfton 6 S 1 Olfa.-t 61 103 3»1 O Atwell 10 Auntie Millin. Bijrwig, April 78248 Hunfton 51 f 1 :09Hfast 8-5 97 21 O Atwell 8 llardman. Bob, Vehement 77840 .eff.-rs..n 61 f 1 OSgood 15 104 5 7 S1 8SJ A Accardylf. SisterJi sella. Stamp. D.inDolling 77517 FCriids 3-4 1:14faat 20 90 11 8 ll1 l*|Ii Iang l.t DkerDrn. Sis Jostlla, Pal netto 71I2G I.atonla and 8 1 OOHfast 34 115 3 10 10* 9" W Kelsay 12 Delectable, leirigo. Mah Jong OVERSTEP, b. m. 5 111 By Martinet— May Weasmer. by Cunard. Trainer. W. 0. Flowers. Owner. W. 0. Flowers. Breeders. Williams Bros. 75333 Hunton 11:40 fast 4 102 4s R Clifford 10 Fimastle. Dant/.ie. llop-ful 75210 Hunt ton lmTOy 1 5V.inud 7 106 4- J Katon ODiekieDix. W. inland. She IJ«"vil 75144 Hunlg.on 51 f 1:11 slow 17 111 5* W Martin 10 Ixiuie 1/ou. Monsoon. Dicknell 71993 11 tington 1 1 16 1 47 fast 10 108 5»l W Smith I B.Watchll.. 01 News. FgnidZl 71918 Hunton lmTOy 1 47 Vslow 23 103 5 .1 Eaton s Col. Tenn. Horeb. Dumbfounde, •! 74754 Hunfoii lmTOy 1.45 fast 8 108 6" L Mills t TMeO—, B.Watchll.. Fincastl-I PRAIRIE, b. g. 13 111 Br Ogden— Fattan. by Hamburg. Trainer. R. Emmert. Ownar. Frosea North Stable. Breeder. J. E. Madden. 76835 Caiijty 3-4 LMTifabt — 109 g" * Gnwood 6 Horina. Madrono. tleorgcJanu 76166 Tijuana lm70y 1 :46Vifast 58 111 9*J 8 OHonn110 Foa her. Roisterer. Col. Lit 76117 llioenix IMliflifHl 21-10 108 li S ODonnl 5 Tint. Swenson. BillSnarks 75952 lhoenix lm20y 1 ttgood 19-5 111 11-M Milrick 7 BillSpirks. Iiro. YorkshireMaid 75946 lhoenix 11:43 fast 4-5 108 1" B ODonnl I I.aura James. Alfreda. Old Red 75924 lhoenix 3 4 1.14?ifast 21-10 108 3»1 L Creery 7 Lariat, Eddie Fuller, Virgie K. I riL DA PC I tWIItjli Ashland Parse. 4-year-olds and upward. la i min;. Oin nrtUi- ioa;i itM 4 Oct. i:i. — — — io:t. JOU JOU. b. m. 5 113 Bv Von Tromp — Jourdtin, by Watercresa. Trainer. B. A. Jonet. Owner, Jones Stock Farm Stable. Breeder. F. Cebrian. 78252 Hunfton 1 1-8 155 fast 9-5 112 1 C Gross •. Halu. Tingling. Kirklevington 78205 Hunfton I 1-16 1.49«ifast 4 1C5 4*1 C Cross | Biiekhnll.. JohtiMorll. Dumbfr 77893 J-ffers.m 1 1 .6 1 :53Msmud 8 103 3 C 7 5" L IarftonO Normal. Perm:ir.o. Smarty 77819 lefferson 1 1 16 1 43%fast 11 5 107 I 3 3» 51 A Accardy S Our Star. Juno. Three Suuare 77712 1" Cr nds 1 1 16 1 :47*fast 6 5 99 6 1 lilil Parke S Highspeed. Th. Square. Bl.Cklel 77538 I 4 1 HVfcfast 6 99 3 7 f l :;! 1 Parke 12 Kx. Iiange. DillyKl.iir. ThreeSi •■ 77407 lrnls 3-4 1 :13*tfast 10 9i 9 8 7 71 B Brening 9 Translate. Swecpskes, llon.Mau SILENCE, br. g. 6 96 By Celt— Silent Queen, by Forfarshire. Trainer. J. M. Brown. Owner, L. J. Brown. Breeder, A. B. Hancock. 78341 S.-o todays hart. 78273 Hunfton 1 1 42*ifast 3fl 98 3»1 J Eaton 8 Widgeon. Flaxy Mae. Kye Kright 78237 Hunton I 12 f I 0SHfa-»t 26 101 9" J Eaton ISO. Shaw. L. Florence. Fultirctf 77915 Jlffff I 1-16 1.5t *%l vy M Ml 2 1 5» 57 W ThdykelO KUesmr. T Chamberln. Trooixr 77806 Jeff.ison 1 1 M l*4a %CMl M IM li 14 11* 11 • W Tlidvuei:. Attorney, Trooper. Rep 77576 F :rnds 3 4 1 14*iK oJ 30 107 1.1 1 81 9,:G Mang.n.14 R.Itobin. Omnipotent. Antieipate 7U252 .1. if. r.son 1 !-!6 1 33 hvy 20 106 6 8 6» 7;» H Karland 9 Current Bvents. Dr. Joe. Tricks 7 i098 Jeff, rson 1 1 16 1:52 slow 12 lo 6 5 41 4* H Parian 110 lurreiuEvents. Tex. Repeater TINGLING, ch. g. 6 113 By Dalhousie — Tinker, by Handspring. Trainer. J. J. Russell. Owner. J. .T. Russell. Breeder. T. Clyde. 78321 Hunfton 1 1 41Vatt M H5 1« W Duns n 7 FredKiuy. Cratian. Morm Flr 78252 Hunt ton 1 1 S 1 5b fast M-i 117 3i W Dun son 0 Jou Jou. Halo. Kirklevington 78204 Hunfton 1 1 41 ifast 14 119 4 1 W DunsonlO Widg.-on. FredKinney, t;rtl«idy 77893 .I-ff.rson 1 1 16 1.53 Vim ud 8 11" I 8 8* 8» II Stutts 10 Normal. Permarco. Smartv 77521 l ;rnda 1 1 I 1 5IVast 10 113 7 3 61 6" L Morrid 12 S. of Pleasure. CoodNight, Rupee DUtfBFOUNDER. b. g. 5 116 By Ferole— Dona Roca. by Rock Sand. Trainer. C. Houbre. Owner, C. Houbre. Breeder. A. Belmont 78236 Hunfton lml:43=*faMt W Ml 4" R Costello | J. Morrill, Gra! t Maid Calcutta 78205 Hunfton I 1-16 1 . 49=*fast 115 1 S |t R Costello •! Bkhornll.. JohnMorrill. Joii.lou 7T976 Jefferson 1 1 s 1 59Smud 12 111 1 S 21 2: I. McDof. 9 l/ird Wrack. Kent L. Itichel en 77914 J-fferson 1 1-2 2:44Mlvy 1- 9 1 4 5»5«K Thdyke S Lit Ainmie. Crslree. Dud Keau 77872 Jefferson 1 l- 1 56 fast 4 110 1 • 51 3"J 1 .Ione 9 Majority. Vitamin Attorney 77784 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:48*.fa*t 21 1"» 1 4 11 11 D Junes 12 ■■ptWHag. Water Girl, Insulate SIX FENCE, ch. g. 4 109 By Royal II— Fleetabelle. by Handsel. Trainer. A. Luxader. Owner, J. Greene. Breeder, J. B. Bespesa. 78344 See todays chart. 78273 Huntton 1 l:42%faat 3110 112 7M G Dyson 8 Widgeon. Flaxy Mae, Silence 77675 K.Grnds 1 1 16 1 :48V4fast 8 106 6 8 8* 6»| G Fields 10 Durado. Tan Son. Normal 77476 V .Grnda 1 1 16 1:50 slow 7 116 4 1 1| ?■ L MoDott 9 Scare Crow. Rupee. Smarty 77389 P.lirnila 1 1 16 1 :47Hfa»t 6 108 8 9 I* 1*1 V ThdykelO Sands of Pleasure, Bendita. Rork 77084 FGrnds 1 1-16 1 :47fast 21 107 1 2 2l H G Fields 7 Royal Crown. Piedmont. Cash 76969 I.Clrnds 1 1-16 l:50%mud 18 6 110 5 5 «« 5 J Chalmers 9 S.ofPsure. Cur .Events, Grgetta YORICK. gr. g. 4 104 By Meelick— Agnes Dsle, by Hinsdale. Trainer. J. Randolph. Owner, J. Randolph. Breeder. G. L. Blackford. 7834 4 Seo todays chart. 78297 Hunfton 3-4 1:13%fast 32 103 6*1.1 Eaton 8 Old Sinner, C rdonShaw. Jolly 78238 Hunfton 1 1 16 1:51 fast M 113 4-1 G Kenn "dyll F. Kinney. Widgeon. Secretary 78204 Hunfton 1 l:41Vsfast 13 114 6 G KennedvIO Widgeon. FredKinney. GrlLfldy 77714 F.Crnds 1 IS 1:53 fast 9 5 94 4 1 1« 11 D Mrrgler 10 Col.Whallen, T.Chberln. S.Frk 77632 K Crnds 1 1-16 148%good 16-5 100 2 3 21 2 D M-iader 8 T.Krciscan, IladysV.. Unc.Velo 77581 FGrnds 1 1-16 l:51Hmud 7 99 1 2 2» 2" E Blind 9 Tex. TheFeuian. . C.J.Craigunle PIRATE McGEE. ch. g. 7 107 By McGee — Precociout. by Pirate of Penzance. Trainer. B Creech. Owner, B. Creech. Breeder, C. W. Moore. 78344 See todays chart 78273 Hunfton ll:42?tfa9t 13 111 5«1 H Paden I Widgeon. Flaxy Mae. Silence , 75209 Hunfton 1 1 .6 1 S4%amsji 21 110 2" W Martin I Sernps. Black Witch II . Horeb 75176 Hunton lmTOy 1 49 slow 7 111 3« W Martin J JohnMorrill. OsnnlMM. Ililminf. 75054 Hungton 1 1.4CV,hvy 6 106 6 W Martin 1 Frir. John Morrill, Delhimar LITTLE ED, 1 r. g. 8 107 By Norford— Purse Rose, by Ortinl. Trainer, W. S. WUhard. Owner, W. S. Wishard. Breeder. A. Neal. 78294 Hunfton 51 f 1 :08 fast 51 115 41 A Roach 7 Si»m Rvh, Col. Pat. Ilena 78271 Hunfton 3 4 l:14fast 66 116 5»l A Roach 9 Creatl.y. GayBoylL. VirginiaB. 77243 Havana 3 4 1:20 hvy 15 109 7 6 6"* 4:i T Thrailkl 7 C.Encanto. Forewarn, Primitive 77171 Havana 1 IS 2:034hvy 7 107 6 and 41 4* T Thraiiu i 6 MissLiberty, Hercules, Montillo MANOKIN. br. h, 10 06 By Rapid Water— Little Buttercup, by Kingston. Iraner. J. A. Hall. Owner. J. A. Hall. Breeder. J. R. Hcnsley. 78343 See todays chart. 78296 Hunfton 3 4 1:13 fast 14 100 6» A Rodgez 0 Dancer. ArchieAlexder. Hteria 78274 Hunfton 2 4 l:15Vast 56 101 2»» A Rodrigz 9 Dr. Joe. Ringleader. Dallynew 78237 Hunton 5 1 2 f 1 :0S%faat 10f 101 6« A Rodgez12 C. Shaw. L. Florence. Futuretti 76365 Jefferson 1 1-16 1:51 good 7 114 2 4 «P 77| A Abel 13 Dentaria. Juno. Iiu kleberry Finn 76213 J. fferson 1 1-16 lJtWJn 6 102 9 4 8* VI A Rodgezll Deliability. Dovvsprit. M.Orange 76098 Jefferson I 1-16 1:52 slow 7 103 3 6 71 7" A Bodge/10 Current Events. T,x. Repeater 76031 Jefferson 11-16 1:51 good 10 106 1 1 2 3» A Rodgezll Pete Foy. Torsida. Dr. Joe FUTURETTE, b. f, 4 99 By Ormondale — Futurist, by Golden Maxim. Trainer. N. B. Davis. Owner, M. Bruce;. Breeder. Montfort Jones. 78340 See todays chart. 78237 Hunton 5 1 2 f 1 OSfast 26 104 3- O Atwell 12 C, Shaw. Little Florence, S Age 75558 Churchill 1 1 16 1:47 fast 74 105 7 8 84 8:1 E Martin 9 Klias O.. Haiti. Randel 75533 Churchill I l:39Vast 57 107 6 10 9* 9" W Lancet 10 RgMary. Mis Miry. l.C, Brown 75476 Churchill 1 1-16 l:47kfast 368 102 1 9 6l 5» G W Crolll2 Raudel. The Leopard. Halu i j C4U DA PC "-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming:. April SI, lDj:: Oin HAUL tin :;-.- — 5 — 104. COLUMBIA TENN. b. g, 8 113 By Hanbridge— Please Welles, by Dick Welles. Trainer. R. Ferris. Hammat and Davis. Breeder. R. P. Dodson. 78251 Hunfton 51 f 1:07 fast 1-2 112 Is W Dunson S The I Ister, Proceeds. PearlDoots 75300 Hunfton lm70y 1:45 fast 22-10 113 21 W Dunsn ! Dancer. Blossom House. Okaloosa 75176 Hunton lmToy 149 slow 21-10 113 7* W Dkson 7 JohnMorrill. Okaloosa. PirMi«..e 75020 Huntington 1 1:43 slow 1 113 1: W Dunsn ."• St. Paul. Amelia S., Hilluian C. P. T. BARNUM. ch. g. 8 101 By Judge Wright— Dicks Pet. by Batts. Trainer, J. Hizer. Owner. E. E. Major. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 78339 See todays chart. 78293 Hunfton :1 f 1 08 fast 7-10 118 41 N Burger 7 TheFlster. Geo. Starr. Ch. Henry 78250 Hunfton l| f l:07 ifast 37-10 10S 21 NT Burger ■ Theo. Sam Reh. Zorio 76565 Havana 51 f 1:07 fast 2 116 4 1 1» 2» T Broth is S DenFolt. Foul Weatln r. Chile 76447 Havana 5 8 1:00 fast 7 1 115 1111 1«* T Brothers S Iluinoi ist. Sky Man. Col. Pat 76427 Havana 5 f l:t5Vandfast 3 115 2 1 Is 2!1 T Brothers S liayBoyll., FoxTail. BlaekBaby OLD SINNER, b. g. 7 108 Bv Von Tromp — It Sinaloa, by Emperor of Norfolk. Trainer. B. A. Jones. Owner. Jones Stock Farm Stable. Breeder. E. Cebrian. 78297 Hunfton 3 4 1 :1334fast 6 5 104 11 C Gross ■ CyrdonShavv. Jolly. Matineeldol 78247 Hunt ton I 4 1 15 fast 3 5 111 l1 C Gross U A.Alexder, BobBsker, Mai mot 78202 Hunfton 3-4 1 :l4iifast 23-10 122 2J C Cross 12 Theo. BarbaraPalraer. RansscsjtM 77911 .1. ff. rson 5ifl:10Vivy 12 110 5 2 5 4S1 H Zander 15 L.Florence. Ijeut.Fariell. Stamp 77577 FC.rnds 3-4 1 :145fegood 7 102 Left at post. D Mcrgler 12 Doughnut. RoyalDick, Jn.Ioseph 77386 I-Cr nils 3-4 1 :l!%fast 115 li 5 3 3 i* 51 I Parke 1 t Carpenter. St. Maurice. Doughnut 77044 FGrnds 3 4 l:13Vifast 20 105 1 1 l| 2| H Zander 1 1 Kindred, Prince Welles, Fleer THEO. b. m. 5 107 By Theo. Cook— Eddie Eiddis. by Hermit. Trainer. J. McKeon. Owner. W. A. Baumgartner. Breeder. W. Garth. 78250 Hunfton 51 f 1 :07.Sfast 11-10 106 ll L Monfery S P. T. Barnum. Sam Reh. Zorro 73202 Hunfton 1-4 l:14%C* t 43-10f 112 1*1 L Monf rvl2 OldSinr, Barb. Palmer, Rhinegd 7;9.7 Jeff.ison 1 1-16 l:5lhvy 15 106 7 10 12 12" L Monf ry 13 Al Stebler. Kl Jesniar. Smarty 77849 Jefferson I 1-16 l:49%taat 13 97 8 2 71 7i 1 Montgy S Our Star. Juno. Three Square 77801 Jefferson 2-4 lllVfast 25 99 8 7 P 4*f D Merglcr 11 L-idy Dose. Loagboat. Julia M. 77710 F.Cinils 3 1 LllVsfast 30 106 S 9 10 107j J Kederis 12 ElAstro. MissF tune. Svv pstakes FULL 0 FUN. b. g. 4 109 By Jack Atkin— St. Theresa, by Marathon. Trainer. R. J. Howell. Owner. R. J. Howell. Breeder. C. T. Worthinston. 77027 FGrnds 3-4 l:14* sgood M 106 11 11 10 9" B Breningll Poor Sport. Rapid Day. Stamp 77452 W Crnds 3-4 l:15rihvy 15 113 8 7 5h Bl C C»Mneyl3 Colonel Winn. Melnto-h. Stamp 77192 K.Grnds 3-4 l:14a4good 15 110 9 10 61 G" C fiMahy 12 Arrowhead, Doughnut, Venizelos 75298 Hunt gton 3-4 1:14 fast 22-10 112 1 T Wayt B Dif.Eyes. Kinsman, Hap .Duxton 75051 Hungton 3 4 1:17 hvy 13-5 109 : * It McDottll RapidStride. Zorro. Matineeldol 74957 Huntington 3 4 l:137ifast 5| 111 31 W Martin 10 Froth, J. Hoffman, Adventuress ZORRO. b. g, 5 111 By The Turk — Azyiade. by Cactus II. Trainer. W. R. Padgett. Owner. H. Dougherty. Breeder. R. F. Carman. 78250 Hunfton 51 f 3 113 451 W Smith S Theo. P. T. Darnuni. Sam Reh 77638 Havana 51 f 1 :08 -.h y 12 101 5 2 5 71T P Groos 7 C.Encanto. T. American. Perhaps 75207 Hunfgton 3-4 1:16 mud 6-5 104 1" H Click S Mat. Idol. J Hoffman. C.Summy 75051 Hungton 3-4 1:17 hvy 5 113 9 W Smith 11 Hap Stride, Full oFun, Mat Idol 174830 Hunton 31 f 1 :08Vsfast 11 99 4i It Clifford • Pearlltoots Sau. Susie. ieor.May 74751 Hunt on 31 f 1 :0T Vast 2-2 113 1» W Smith 7 Different Eye". Calif.!. Mike OGARITE, b. m. 5 108 By Grinite — Annagh, by Broomstick. Trainer. J. McKeon. Owner. M. J. Beauchamp. Breeder. J. H. Lourhheim. 77888 Jeff, rson 1-4 I :16Vtmud 7 115 2 9 9h 91S J D Mneyir. Medd.Mattie. Melntosh, Isaman 77709 2 4 1 I4*sfast 15 106 6 6 61 4JJ ■ Koehm 12 Our Flag, John Joseph. Theseu9 77321 Ftlrnds 3-4 lUSsloW 12 107 11 11 10* 11" E Ho. hm 11 Venizelos. Sagamore. Hysteria 77192 I.Crnds 2-4 FHsgood 6 107 11 6 5* 5" E Roehm 12 Arrowhead. Doughnut. Venizelos 172410 Ham ton 3-4 1 13Vsfast 3 113 3 1 1| 1" E Roehm 9 Dr.C. Wells, JoellaJ.. Stonewall 72161 Kenilw h 3-4 IJ2%tBsBt 11-10 108 5 4 3l t* G Fields 10 InaKay. Joycelloffman. Ncnetta BLACK MONKEY, br. g, 4 100 By Black Toney— Bit of a Devil, by Helmet. Trainer. E. McCuen. Owner, E. McCuen. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 76090 lhoenix 5-8 1:01 fast 115 Ml V- S B C.F.nriirue, E.Brovvn. J.T.Clark 74219 Omaha 51 f 1 :«8mud 1 105 2 1 V 1" J Singtonll A.Alexder. J.Fndd. L.FIornce 7 1080 o-.naha 3 4 Utttjjfaat 2 113 4 2 21 4« C Cross ■ Honest tieorge. Faber. Alleden 73913 imalia i| t l:10%hvy 12 99 2 1 21 21 W Dean ■ C.Knriiiue, Hon.Ceorge. M.Ware 7.1735 Omaha 3-4 1:16mud 37 10 108.3 3 3» 4J1 H S Jones 9 Recruit. L.KIorencc. Hon.Ceorg* 73484 Hastings lrn70y l:48%good 61 101 6» L Creery 7 D.Corbett. T.Hottentot. Delleers BIG SAPP. ch. c. 4 113 By Boots and Saddle — Bright Stone, by Deutsch- land. Trainer, J. Randolph. Owner, 3. Randolph, Breeder. T. M. Murphy. 78315 Hunfton and1 f 1 : 8 fast 13 112 ll G YearginIO B. Ruler. MissAnieriea. T.Plsmn 78237 Hunton 5 1-2 f l:0SSfa-st 27 113 S7 G Kenndyl2 G. Shaw. L. Florence. Fnturette C2045 Churchill 4i f 53good 16 10T 6 6 6 6" C Dishmoi. tl Sweetheart. MissCerina. Banter J1830 Churchill 4J f 55mud 13 115 3 1 8 8-1 E Pool S Dluo Nose. Triumph, Bustem COL. PAT, ch. g, 4 100 By Pataud— Colle. by Marts Santa. Trainer. S. T. Baxter. Owner. S. T. Baxter. Breeder. E. P. O Meara. 78294 Hunfton 51 f 1 :08 fast 1n-5 110 21 J Eaton 7 Sam Heli, liens. Little Ed 78251 Hunfton l| f 1 :07 fast 51 99 5* J Eaton R Coliim Term, Thell- ter. Proceeds 77029 Havana i| t l:12*»hvy 10 106 1 1 3* 4«1 W McCabe s Ool.l hance. P.. nltolt. F.veltright 76975 Havana H t l:llhvy 8 104 1 1 1 ll J Eaton ■ KIkBaby, Jar.ibean, Mkiarner 70845 Havana 51 f 1:13 hvy 10 103 2 3 3« 3« J Eaton 7 0*4 "Km. Den Bolt, The lister T6755 Havana 5i f FTOtfcsIow 7-5 105 2 1 1» lnk J Eaton 7 Haran. MarieAiigusta. Justin:H. •74.I- nipr 1 1-S Miles. 4-year-oIdi and upward. laiiniiu. April lil, /in nMUC. 192:: — 1:54 ::-5 — :: — iih. SECRETARY, ch. g, 6 106 By Celt — Amanuensis, by The Serin*. Trainer. L. Haymaker. Owner. B. V. Haymaker. Breeder. S. Rots. 78341 BM todays .hart. 78238 Hunfton 1 1 16 1:51 fast 11 112 31 T Bonhamll Fred Kinney. Widgeon. Yorick 77450 F.Crnds 1 1-16 1 :505mud 12 111 9 9 9 9«D Mergler 9 F gnedZ I. KddieJr.. OurD tlidsy 77281 F ;rnds 1 .-16 2:02 fast 5 106 1 3 51 5*1 D M. rgl r 10 Dustproof. ash. Juno 77218 FCrnds 1 1 16 1 7 107 3 6 51 Z~- B Harvey 12 B. f 1 . Home.. I. I.erg r Wawnsmo 76775 FCrnds 1 1 S 1 5S,.good I 107 6 5 5 4*1 F Lee 9 Tom Cassidy. Te. Magician 7G445 Jeffeison 1 l- 1 55Vast 6 M 3 4 41 2» F I e II Baladiii. Hoy.ilMaid. OurDetsy MOCK ORANGE b. g. 7 111 By Lonawand— Orange Lilly, by William ths Third. Trainer. W. Locke. Owner. W. Locke. Breeder. R. T. Wilson. 78298 Hunt t..n 11 1; 1 I9**fast 41 119 4»J J Grunsen 7 Hla.klla.kle. FlavyMae. Faypllt 7R275 Hunfton 1 1-4 1 :57fast 2 113 1 J Cruns n » Tliet hambi rn, Ilanle, Tavvtha 78238 Hunfton 1 1-16 1:51 fast 13 112 Refused. 1 Creisen H F. Kinney. Widge.ui. Se.r.tary 77915 J fferson 1 1 16 1 .5-hv y 7 110 10 S 71 6" J irunsn M KUesuiV. T liau.l.erln. Tro. per 77500 FCrnds 11-16 1:49 good 18-5 102 6 4 51 2« I Parke 12 Wavwass m o |i v Our Hetsy 77326 I.Cfnds lmTOy l:48*isloW 41 108 8 » 81 5" G I-"i- Ids 11 Martha M.nire. Permarco, Tex FLAXY MAE. ch. m. 5 98 By Harngaa— Betty Fuller, by McGee. 1 Trainer. J. A. Hall. Owner, J. A. Hall. Breeder. B. A. Jones. 783 14 Bm to, lavs hart 78298 Hunt ?..n 11 16 1:19fast 61 100 2l A Rodgez 7 Blkllt. kle. Fayelle. MkOrangs 78273 Hunt, ton 1 l:42T,fast 22 99 2 A Bodnz S Widgeon. Silence. Eye Hright 78251 Hunt ton H f 1 "7 fast 28 99 6» A Bodrigz S Coliim. Tenn. TlielNter. Proeeeds 77412 F.Crnda 11:6119 fast 30 93 7 12 12 12= I, Lang 13 Cash. I ostet Kuibry, W.iyvvasmo 71128 Omaha 1 l:W-Wast 31 112 5 5 71 7J B Barbara 9 Torsida. Majtnrilte, W.VourStep 70551 Omaha 1 FllSfast S M 4 1 1» 1»" F Horn 7 Maysv ille. BtCIM, Pl-Jiality G9I58 Hunfton 1 1 II fast 11 102 4l L Gregory 6 Hustler. Fiibb. rlygibbet. J.Feld JOHNNY 0 CONNELL. b. h. 6 106 By Adams Express— Devotion, hy St. Avonicut. Trainer. W. Higginbotham. Owner. C. F. Solomon . Breeder. A. Stafford. 78321 Hunfton 1 l:M%taflt 17 106 71T J Eaton 7 Tingling. Fred Kinney. Gratia* T8273 Hunt ton 1 1 : I2«sfast 29 107 6" W Smith S Widgeon. Flaxy Mae. Silence ;HM Havana 1 l-S 1 ■•.SiS l 6 112 2 1 1« 2IT Brothersl.5 Iknnley. lit .Ha-ch. Fin Rooster 78014 Ilavmi lmTOv I tTfast I 111 5 1 1* I* T Broth. rsl2 Hush. Jap Minna. Mv Frror 77958 Havana 1 1-4 2.1 «kmud 10 9T 3 2 4| 5" J haw.wn 7 Halu. onuiulrum. Hi.n 77H98 Havana 1 1 16 1 ITfast S M 6 3 4 4* T I.rothersl I Neeiiali, Drapery. Jacobean FEIGNED ZEAL. b. m. 5 106 By Lovetie— Fanny Dodge, by Armeath II. Trainer. J. Shields. Owner. C. Deibel. Breeder. Mrs. L. A. Livingston. 78298 Hunt ton 11 M l:44%fava4 15 l»9 61 R Zechini 7 Black Hackle. FlavvMae. Fayella 78250 Hunt ton - S f 1 :07Sfast 43 Ml 8*1 A Kroger h Theo. P. T Harniim. Sam Reh 77588 li.rnds 1 1-4 1 5Tshvy 10 102 4 10 10 9»D Mergler II Soviet. Till. inc. Honolulu Hoy 77450 Fair rids 1 1-16 1 .OSmuil 5 100 5 I 31 1« I Parke 9 Kddie Jr . Our Birthdav, I.obeck 77348 FGrnds 1 1 16 1 ." good 5 100 9 7 91 4» I 1arke 13 Juno. Sv»ord. Morn on Flder 77153 1Grnds 1116 1:48 fast 15 9S 9 10 8 Sl F Thdyk-12 Dr. Whitehst. Widgeon. It. trows ROTAL MAID. blk. f. 4 101 By Transvaal— Broken Promise, by King Jamas. Trainer. M. J. MiDonnoU. Owner. E. Murray. Breeder. Morris and Walden. 78237 Hun ton I 1-2 f ] H4Jjtas4 7 IM 11 • R Zucchin:12 G. Shaw. U Flor.-nce.Futiirettt 77318 1 . 16 1 3. good 25 Ml 12 12 ll1 11 J Heupel 13 Juno. Sword. Moncon Flder 77 105 FGrnds 11 16 1:49 fast 20 1* 3 10 11 9l TG Manganl2 Tom Cassidy. Pete Foy, Yorick 76530 I Grnls 11 II 1 ■UtllS 30 M2 11 10 9 9"L Saucier 1 1 GrassTree. Hylt rown. Warldot ;6445 Jefferson I l-S 1 .iSfast :» 102 7 • 6* 3i I, Saucier 11 Halndin. Secretary. Our Hetsy T6365 J.-ffeison 1 1 16 1 51 good 25 1-17 12 11 10 10" I, Saucier 13 1 entsna. Juno. II kleberry Flasj 75975 Jefferson lmTOy 151ihvy 15 102 9 4 4* 6;i L Saucier 10 Durnhfounder, Manokin. WkMC

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