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BOWIE ENTRIES 1 MONDAY, APRIL 14 Past performances of horsed entered In Mondays races at Bowie will appear in llomlajs edition. The figures under tho heading "Rec." la the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since Ja-uary 1. 1322, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other man a last or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. 76160 IS FIRST INDEX OF 1924. 78128 IS FIRST INDEX OF APRIL. Raring starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30. ®ii|H-rir iiiiiil runner. XGood mu.l runner. ■[■I a.r iiiiki riiinu-r. M Slaidens. •Apprentice allowance, hi: I in Ken. The following abbreviations are used to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made: Aqueduct Aq Aurcra Au Belmont Park BP B.uo Bonnets BB Bo wis Bo Churchill Downs CD Columbus Co Connaug-ht Park CP Conneaut Lake CL Dada Park DP Devonshire De Dorval Do Dufferin Dn Empire Em Fair Grourds FG Fort Erie FE Hamilton Hm Havre do Grace HG Hawthorne Hw Havana Hv Huntington Hu Jamaica J a Jefferson Park. JP j Kenilworth Ke | Kempton Park KP King Edward Ki Latonia La | Laurel Lu Lexington Lx Maple Heights MH Marlboro Mb Mobile Mo ; Mount Royal MR Omaha Om I Pimlico Pm j Reno Re I Saratoga Sa Tanf oran Ta I Thornclif to Th j Tijuana . Ti I Toledo To i Windsor . Wi Woodbine Wo First Race — 1-2 Mile. Purse ,200. 2 year .:1.1s. Maidens. Fillies. Allowances. Track record: April 5, 1121 47;, 2 109. Todays Ind. florse. Wt. Ree. A.Wt .Inn. 78239 Trigger IP 1U M 11.1.. 72". 7S262 Husky lielle . l!o 1*1 £•% 11.1.720 78308 Margar-tta K.lto lit. :51%a 11.1. 71.1 783081 It-mier llarrarl.o 113 :11s 11.1. 71.1 78331 The CTNtC 11.1x710 7S225 Catherine Douglas Mo 108 Mm i l.i. 7o.i ; 78262 K-eneh Iidy ..Mo 113 :.12 111 7i: 78262 Tarrjj.e f. . .Mo 111 :.11 111 .700 Second Rare— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse ,200 I M«Mlws Claiming. Track lerord: .Nov. 21, MM 1:07 2 1011 i 78311 Just I,u 11.1 1 OH.-, 111. .72.1 77781 Comedy Ja 112 1 07-. 111. .720 75775 IMsbili Im 11: 111;-, 111. .71.1 78226 Haughty Ml 112 1 :0s -, 111 .71.1 78309 AllisMino HG 110 1. OSs 110 710 704375 Bonnie .... 111.. 710 78226 Conceal Km 109 10".: 111.710 75775 Thomasin.- . . . It.- 1 10 1 :0* | , 111.710 76563 Mlueiiioii.lale Hw lo7 1 OS . ll-l. 70.1| 74160 i... i Eark ...CPUS 148% in; 70.1 78286 IT. S. Steel 110. 70.1 78226 Sand l:«..-k 110. .71X1 78263 oiiseript lit; . .700 78177 I-onl Kamea 110 7mi 78226 Shine On ..Ml 104 1 07 111 .700 Third Race— 7-8 Mile. Purxe ,200 3-year olds ami upward. Claiming. Traek record: Not. 21. 1910 IH$% — I— 1ML 78286- •llu.-klel.erry Finn Mo 99 1:31 j 4 101 72.1 78286 »Mary Maxim Mil 101 ltW% 5 98x720 78181 bZouave MH10r l:2t 10 108X715 77713 •Hukc John Mo 99 1:28*£ 8 103x71.1 78286 Antilles MH MA IH$% 0 107x71.1 78332 Arendal 4 100x71.1 8265 •Mumbo Jumbo .Mo 110 1:31m 10 107:-;710 77653 Doctor Jim 7 ION y 710 78227 bMiles S | 108x70.1 78228 bDemos Bo 107 1:31m B 108x70.1 78265 Thessaly Bo 103 1:30 4 101.. 70.1 78263 Media bite tM .. 4 101.. 703 78286 lioasiile Ke 10.1 1 :2e .1 112. .700 78227 liveliness Bo 107 1 :32m 0 103x700 71489* Cavendish 0 103 700 78314 Ioedie Ml ...Bo 104 1:32 3 105.700 78263 Belle of Plymouth M 3 SS . . 700 78267 Don Juan Bo 103 1:33m 3 103X700 78287 »ldy Abbott I 90. 700 78178 •Tricks Ke 102 1:28 5 107x700 Fourth Race— 7-8 Mile. Purse ,200. I year-olds and upward. Claiming. Traek record: Nov. 21, WH l*tt% t 115 78309s Fehrah | 87x72.1 78263 Polly LeightonM 3 92 .720 78287 M.Ki rah BB 10.1 1 :30V5 7 102X71.1 78310 bStar Court ci 117 1:27% 7 112X713 78240 •Charles J. Craig- mile MM 107 1:26% 7 103 713 75777 bMoiintain Rose II. Mo 110 131V.mll UfeftrTlS 78313 bRekab Mo 101 1:32% ■ 110x715 78267 guiek Time . . Mo 102J1 29% 3 98. .71.1 77474 Salmon 3 97X710 78287 Warren l.yiiuh .Mo 1051:29% 3 97x710 78287 «A. .1. Muja 3 8S710 78286 Spugs Sa 109 1:29% 5 112x710 77759 •Valcntia 5 102x710 75615 •Vanderburg 4 101X7J0 78263= Belhlehiin Steel Ml 3 98 .70.1 78310 *Marie Maxim ... 7 10.1 70.1 78287 U:itahc 9 110x700 78228 Widow Bedotte.Bo 105 1:31 -imlO 107x700 Fifth Rare— 7-8 Mile. Iurse ,200. 3 year olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Nov. 21. 1910 1:20-., -4 llfi. 74942 I.CLANSMAN . MM 1 12 1 :27 i 5 111x730 78332 1 1st. n Dearie 4 102x740 76G11 Jack lairman K 10fl 1 2.1% 5 100x735 78333 •1.11 dil. m Jew.l.M. 103 l:2s ft S 105X7:50 78241 Top S.ig.ant .Mo 10S 1 31 5 117x72.1 7S288 Att.Iia Mo VH 1:29;; 3 9 . .720 Sixth Race — 1 1-8 Miles. Iurse 200. 4 y.-ar ..Ids and upward. Claiming. Track reeevi: Nov. 27, 1017 1 .50 -3-94. r78245*l.I, nl Wr.i. k ..Wi MS l-:54% 7 11372.1 78314 •Normal ! 110 1:52% i 113.720 78240 *bOur Miiiu.l.iy . . Ft; ill l:M 7 1070715 782G5 Chailie ... 5 112 - 711 78245 VMajoiiiv Cm 98 1:5.1% 4 113.710 78313 Uoval .-own ..K ; 10:1 1.15i 4 107 70.1 78244 ».. apolitan ....IP IM 1:57% I 110x700 78335 •bAllorney Muir.KC. 106 1:54% 9 107 700 Seventh Race — 1 1-8 Miles. Iurse ,210. 4 year olds and upward. Claiming. Tra.k re-or.l: Nov. 27. 1917 1:50 I !M.| 78313 Wavu i-am Mil 102 1 .11--. 4 112 72.1 78291- •Col. Whall-n ,P0 Km; 1.1.1% 4 107. 720 782G5 We s ..- M KK 98 1:55% 5 107715 78S35I •Little .I.u 107 1:53% 5 102 715 77937J *Smarty Hm 114 1:54% 0 107x710 78287 ;-u. Caitorna . Ke 113 1:55% 7 112X705 78314 Hue de Moray 1 1U llrt 1:59% ■ 112X700 , 73198 LSovict P4J 107 1.50 4 110x700 I